Chapter 3

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Vic's POV

I finished packing Noah's backpack as he looked through one of his little picture books. Noah loved to read and he carried a book with him wherever he went. Sure, at the moment he could only really read small chapter books and Dr. Seuss but whenever Alan or I read to him, he loved it. He was completely and totally engrossed in every story and it was my favorite thing ever. The old librarian in me loved seeing him in love with books, it made me happier than anything.

"Hey buddy pick out a book to pack and Uncle Kellin will read it to you tonight, okay?" I said.

Noah nodded and set his current book down before going to his little bookshelf and looking it over, "I don't know."

I sat down cross-legged in front of his bookshelf and pulled him onto my lap and looked over his shoulder. "What are we in the mood for tonight?" I asked, looking through the books. "Do you want The Cat in the Hat or maybe Horrible Harry?"

"No," He said shrugging, "Green Eggs and Ham!"

"Okay," I said and grabbed the book. "Do you want more than one?"

Noah nodded and grabbed another one and I let out a gasp.

"You're going to have Uncle Kellin read you our favorite book!" I said, looking at the book in his hands.

"Yeah. I like this one."

"But it's our book," I said, ticking his sides.

He laughed a little, "I know that."

"And you're going to let Kellin read it to you," I said.

"If he reads it, it will make me not miss home as much," he said.

"Fine," I laughed. "I guess you can take The Giving Tree. But when you get home tomorrow you know what we should start reading?"


"We're going to start reading this one, can you read the title to me?" I asked, pulling a new book off of the shelf.

Noah was quiet for a second. "James and the Giant Peach?"

"That's it! We're gonna start it and you're probably going to love it."

"I can't wait, Papa. It looks cool."

"It is cool."

Noah climbed off of my lap and took the two books and slowly pushed them into his backpack before he put it on his shoulders. "Promise Uncle Kellin will read them in silly voices?"

"Promise and if he doesn't you tell him to call me and I'll yell at him."

"Okay," he said, nodding his head and left his bedroom. I smiled and got off of the floor and followed him out of the room and looked at Emma.

"Did Mama dress you?" I asked, looking at her bright pink tutu.

She beamed and shook her head. "No I did it."

"I love it. We should let you dress yourself more often."

Emma spun around for me. "You like it? Noah said I look silly."

"I do, you look very cute."

"Thank you Papa," she said and ran over to Alan. "Mama, is Uncle Kellin here yet?"

"He should be here any minute," Alan said picking her up, "And then you get to hang out with him all night."

"He told me he was going to give me a lot of candy, I can't wait," she said, twisting her fingers in Alan's hair. I smiled and leaned against the wall as I watched Noah sit on the couch and kick his little shoes as he grabbed a magazine off of the table and flipped through it.

Our Fairytale Ending (Valan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz