Beast of me | Yoonmin

By iGYSmetahuman

115K 7.2K 1.4K

A desperate broke student faces a heartless beast and applies to be his personal slave. Started: 06/01/18 End... More

Beast one
Beast two
Beast three
Beast four
Beast five
Beast six
Beast seven
Beast eight
Beast nine
Beast ten
Beast eleven
Beast twelve
Beast thirteen
Beast fourteen
Beast fifteen
Beast sixteen
Beast eighteen
Beast nineteen
Beast twenty

Beast seventeen

4.4K 311 54
By iGYSmetahuman

A few days passed by after Yoongi defeatedly admitted his inevitable feelings for Jimin. Sure he was a little embarrassed and flustered at first but he doesn't regret anything, in fact he feels entirely relieved that he finally spoke out his feelings. It was hard hiding it from everyone.

Yoongi sighed and closed his laptop seeming that he can't find any of his work worthy to give to Jimin. It was 10 in the evening and he was still trying to make a book for him. He wants to make a story so he can read it over and over again and whenever he does, he'll remember the person who made it for him. Min Yoongi.

He has been working for the story for three days straight, but still he hasn't come up with anything special! He tried making a cute romance story but when he reread it, he cringed back to his small intestine from its sappiness. Ugh! Truthfully, he just put random words together to form one paragraph, so it's safe to say that his book is just nothing but a crappy shitful of words complied together.

He ruffled his brown blonde locks frustratedly. He pushed his chair backwards and decided to go down and grab a drink before going back to making the book. Descending from the stairs, he could hear the faint voice of someone singing ever so delicately at the living room. Yoongi exactly knew who it was. He tiptoed to spot where the male was and sure enough, Jimin was there sitting on the carpet while making some kind of scrapbook on the low-legged table.

"I'm tired of being careful, gentle, try'na keep the water warm, let me under your skin... Uh-oh, there goes, I said too much it overflowed, why do I always spill?"

Yoongi smiled at how warm and soothing his voice sounded. It made him want to hear his voice forever. Jimin soon realize a presence behind him when he slightly turned his head. He flinched and almost screamed his lungs out. "AHH you scared me! Geez beast, I swear you're gonna be the death of me one of these days."

"But I didn't want to disturb your song, it's was great by the way." Yoongi marched forward and sat beside him on the floor.

"Thanks, I know my voice sounds awesom—"

"I meant the song was great, not your voice." The older teasingly joked earning a swift slap on the chest.

"Not cool!"

"I was kidding!" Yoongi lifted up the scrapbook that Jimin was making. "So what is this garbage anyway? Looks so shitty."

"If you're gonna be a jerk then I don't need you here!" The latter tried snatching back his work but Yoongi extended his arm out of his reach before he could. "Give that back!"

"At least let me see it first."

"It's a project for my arts class, now give it back! I'm still not finished with it yet!"

Yoongi ignored his retort and flipped through the scrap pages, a lot of designs here and there made out of recycled newspaper, washi tapes and box shaped colored papers. It's content was about friendship and their great memories together. He saw pictures of Jimin's face smiling at the camera with Taehyung, lots with Jungkook, another with Hoseok, then with Jin, then Nabi and even Namjoon from their swimming pool event. He frowned when he didn't see his face on one of the pages.

"Where am I here?"

Jimin suppress a laugh looking at him with a teasing stare. "You think I acknowledge you as my friend?"

Yoongi didn't reply and placed his project back on the table. He wanted to slap himself but reality already did that for him. Jimin doesn't even see him a friend, what more as his boyfriend? Of course Jimin doesn't! Why should he? So he really doesn't have a chance with him after all.

"Good because I don't either."

There was a short silence enveloped between them until Jimin decided to speak. "I've been meaning to talk to you by the way,"

"What about?"

"When I went to my parent's death anniversary with Jungkook one day since you didn't allow me to." Yoongi gulped. "The guy on the black hoodie... it was you wasn't it?"

Yoongi chuckled nervously soon after he finished his statement. "N-No, I wasn't. Why would I follow you around to Busan like that? It's a big waste of my t—"

"If it wasn't you then why do you know my parents were buried in Busan and not here in Seoul?"

Oh shit. Now the skeleton was out from the closet.

"Tch, so what? Yeah I was the guy in the hoodie, but I just followed you because I didn't trust that Jungkook fellow! Who knows what he could've done to you and I would be the one responsible if you got yourself into trouble." Yoongi tried to play it cool while crossing his arms, averting his gaze away.

Jimin smiled and wrapped his arms around the older with his head resting on top of his shoulder. "That was so creepy of you but thanks, I really appreciate it... I feel at ease knowing that you care even just the tiniest bit."

The blonde male flushed at how close they were and turned his head further to prevent Jimin from seeing his red face. "D-Don't read into it, I just did what it felt right."

"Still... you deserve my gratitude. And don't think I didn't see the jacket you bought for me that day we went to the mall."

"Wha— How did you...?" Yoongi twisted his head to look at the grinning younger in shock.

"I was cleaning your room when I saw the paper bag you were holding the whole day. I saw the card inside saying it was for me, I was wondering why you didn't just give it to me straight away." Jimin giggled.

"It was supposed to be a peace offering! But stupid Jungkook ruined our date."

The younger once again chuckled hearing what he grumbled under his breath before planting a quick peck on the beast's cheek that caught the male off guard. "Thank you for everything. I mean it," He spoke before yawning, his eye lids slowly getting heavy. "You're... not just a friend. You're someone... who's special to m—" And he dozed off mid-sentence.

Yoongi was slightly taken aback, he let Jimin sleep comfortably on his shoulder. He smiled after mentally processing what he said. He planted a soft peck on his smooth brown hair, "You're special to me too Jiminie."

He stared at Jimin's scrapbook again and decided to go through it every detail. When he reached the back part, he witnessed a page that had only the words 'Beast of M.Y.G.' displayed on the whole sheet. He curiously flipped to the next page and his heart almost melted at the sight.

It was full of pictures of him and Jimin together. Jimin was smiling as he was holding the camera while he was on candid not aware that he was being captured on a photo. His look made him half snort and half chuckled.

On a school trip with Mr. Beastly... I had to carry the rest of his stuffs and I couldn't even enjoy the day.

Beast have been resting since yesterday when he saved me from a bunch of goons... He's starting to change and I'm starting to think he's more of a Prince Charming now than a beast.

Beast acting all cute ugh! Doesn't he know that those looks doesn't work on me? ...Okay maybe a little.

He's not that bad after all... I've come to realize his true self. Whenever I think of him, my heart races and my stomach curls up. What's wrong with me?

'Min Yoongi, beast, or whatever. I can't really say this to you in person and I won't because I'll literally shrink to the ground. This'll probably sound cheesy and cliché too but whatever! The first time we met was bizarre, the moment you laid eyes on me you immediately fumed in hatred and the feeling was mutual (at first).

You were a jerk and an asshole for treating me and others like shit. You literally order me around all the time and make my already hell of a life more miserable. Even the mention of your name makes everyone have goosebumps and be pissing their pants off. And I hated you for that. For making us feel like we're beneath you.

I never understood why you were so against to the world... Then you told me everything. My perception with you changed and began to understood why you were like that, like a beast. I never should've judge you because the way you acted towards everyone and those I hear from them, I should've been considerate of what you felt instead of hating on you too. I realize I was wrong and I regret that, you're so much more.

You're not a beast nor a prince charming... You're Min Yoongi and that's what matters. I'm so glad I found the best of you.'

Yoongi didn't realize how wide his smile was and how his eyes got a little watery. How does Jimin manage to make him fall for him more? He never felt this way before, not even from Suran. And it's not like he's comparing but Jimin is entirely different from anybody else. He's... He's the one. Now Yoongi knows exactly what to do.

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