By CreativelySOCIAL

97.1K 4.6K 2.7K

Zayne Sanchez isn't the average "lady's man", he classifies himself as the most honest of them all: a DAWG. H... More

Author's Note!
A Man's Public Announcement
Mama's Maybe, Daddy's Baby
Another Piece of Me?
Fourteen (Part II)
Eyes, Wide SHUT
All Or Nothing
A Motherless Child
Introducing... US


2.5K 66 16
By CreativelySOCIAL

Zayne sat motionless perched on the bleachers with his head back and his eyes closed. He'd completely drowned out his surroundings, choosing to relish in his nonexistent thoughts. He pressed his elbows into the sleek surface as he allowed a small sigh to pass his lips. He felt at ease, no tension present at all in his demeanor. "Daddy!"His son's voice suddenly pierced his ears. His eyes flew open at the sound of his tiny voice. His son's smiling face quickly came into view, which made his expression mirror his. Zayvion was standing in the middle of the basketball court with a ball in his hands. "Daddy look!"He exclaimed excitedly as though his father weren't already watching him.

Zayne nodded his head at him, "I see you, "He chuckled, "Shoot the ball son." Zayvion's cheeks caved in to reveal his identical dimples. He obeyed his father's command and tried shooting the ball into the net that towered above his head. "Brick!"Major suddenly shouted, easing up behind the toddler and startling him. The small pout on his face mirrored his father's as he quickly chased after Major for purposely scaring him. Zayne began to shake his head at the two before casting his gaze elsewhere. Today had been one of their annual basketball games and they had already played a long game of twenty-one. They'd chosen to take a small intermission before starting up another game later on.

Brian sauntered into the gym with his Nike bag pulled over his shoulder and a water bottle in his free hand. He leaned down and pulled Zayne into one of their usual handshakes. "What's up?"Brian questioned coolly. He moved to the right of Zayne and sat his bag on the floor. He jogged up the bleachers before deciding to sit on the third one. "I'm good," Zayne answered, his eyes trailing over his son who had chosen to occupy himself with another ball. Major trudged over wearing his infamous smirk as he joined the two, seating himself next to Zayne. "Yeah, we all know you're good."There was a hint of laughter in Brian's voice. Zayne already knew they were going to get on his case as they usually did. He didn't care though. He was in too good of a mood to let it phase him.

"You want me to tell you how we know you're really good, bro?"Major queried, his eyes boring into his side profile. Zayne couldn't help it when his lips suddenly contorted into a grin. He knew they were about to bring up what had taken place only just last night. "Go ahead."Zayne shrugged nonchalantly. He then leaned forward and retrieved his half-empty water bottle that had been sitting in between his feet. He quickly turned the bottle up and began to leak the contents into his mouth. "I wondered why everyone was gathered around the stairs when I got home yesterday," Brian said, which in turn made Zayne turn and take a quick glance at him. His face held a suggestive smirk. "Hell yeah, I wondered too so being the curious person I am, I walked up the stairs and all I hear is this girl screaming like God himself just condemned her to hell or something," Major announced, his small bouts of laughter making itself known.

Zayne quickly swiveled the top back onto his water and began to chuckle underneath his breath. He didn't know they were that loud. He sat the bottle down with his laughter still surging through his frame. He made no moves to speak because there was nothing to say about it. "I'm just standing there like get it my nigga! I couldn't do nothing, but stand there and laugh my ass off."Brian began to shake his head with chortles spilling past his lips. Major tossed a loose arm over Zayne's shoulders, "No one had to see it to know what was going on behind your door though. I damn near called one of my girls up after witnessing that." Zayne laughed and shrugged his arm off of his shoulder. His ego just grew a little more after hearing his friends revelations. "I mean what can I say? She's a screamer."He shrugged again with a devious grin forming on his full lips. He wouldn't have minded reliving the previous night over again.

Brian and Major both began to laugh even harder at that. He was sure the look on his face was easy to read because they only seemed to get that much louder. Zayne began to shake his head before reclaiming his normal height. He was just stretching his arms when his ears picked up on the echo of a familiar sultry voice. He watched the entrance of the gym looking for that beautiful face. He hadn't even seen her yet, but it was just the sound of her voice that had him already on edge.

His woman.

"Speaking of the devil...here come the girlfriends now," Major spoke, breaking the quietude that consumed them. Just as soon as he said that Promise sauntered into his view. Zayne's eyes glided over her and began to drink her all in. She wore her usually unruly golden curls in a bun atop her head. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, hinting at a light blush, probably a result of him being all over her just a couple hours prior. She donned a simple t-shirt and a pair of hot pink Nike workout shorts. She focused in on their son as he ran towards her and wrapped himself around her legs. She smiled down at him lovingly and Zayne took that as his cue to divert his stare. He knew everyone was just watching the two of them, waiting to see what they were going to do.

Ashley, Brian's girlfriend, nudged his side, "What up ese?" He purposely jumped at her which resulted in her laughing. She knew how he couldn't stand for her to tease him about that part of his heritage. She quickly ran away from him and wrapped her arms around Brian's waist. "Keep on!"Zayne teased her, slightly mushing her forehead with his finger. She swatted him away playfully before turning and giving all of her attention to her boyfriend. He smirked a bit before reaching downwards and mushing Nikita's forehead as well. She lunged at him and quickly slapped him in his arm. "Well damn."Zayne chortled, rubbing at the stinging sensation. She laughed with a roll of her brown eyes, "That's what your ass gets."

"I swear you hit like a dude though Kita."Zayne implied, moving to flick her again. She moved away quickly and attempted to hit him in the same spot. He wasn't quick enough to dodge her attack so her hand made contact with his arm once more. "What are you over here doing?" Promise's voice sounded muffled as she nestled her face into the crook of his back. His skin instantly grew hotter at the feel of her pressed up against his frame. She allowed her fingers to dance up and down his abs before slowly sliding her hands down to his waist and holding him there.

Suddenly no one else mattered.

He couldn't see anyone else.

Zayne gripped her hands in his and pulled her around so that she was facing him. Her heart-shaped lips were smiling and so were her eyes. She quirked an eyebrow, obviously awaiting his answer. "Nothing babe."He muttered quietly, a grin present on his face too. He rubbed his thumb over her cheek and then along her jawline."Mhm. Doesn't look like just nothing Zayne."She said his name as though she were looking for something more than just to be in his arms. It turned him on. He knew his stare faltered a bit as he leaned down to capture her lips with his. She quickly reacted to the feel of his mouth against hers, matching his greedy movements. He rubbed his lips softly over hers before reluctantly pulling himself away from her mouth. He was addicted to those lips and he knew if he didn't stop then their friends would get another show. She surprised him when she leaned upwards and pecked his lips two more times.

Zayne couldn't do anything but smile at her. She was evidently enticed with his lips as well. Neither of them could get enough of one another. He figured it was just the honeymoon stage because everything was new – everything except the love they had for one another. "Shit, this is too much...I really need you to get away from me, "Zayne mumbled, his lips coated with a devious smirk. Promise looked surprised before she caught onto what he was getting at. Her cheeks seemed to grow darker at that moment. "Tried. Never works."She replied. Zayne pulled her closer to him and held her waist that much tighter, "Apparently you're not trying hard enough hermosa."

"If you really meant that you'd have let me go by now."

"If you would just keep your distance then I wouldn't be tempted to be all over you."

Promise giggled with a shake of her head, "Sure just blame it all on me." He chuckled along with her and loosened his grip although he still hadn't let her go yet. It wasn't until they heard Nikita clearing her throat did they even think to pay attention to their surroundings again. Their friends were indeed watching them with knowing smiles."Since y'all can't seem to separate yourselves. I'll do it for you."Nikita pried the two of them apart, moving to stand in front of Promise. Zayne furrowed an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest. They couldn't contain their laughter. There was nothing that could keep him away from Promise. They were like magnets and the connection that they shared was stronger than ever now – almost like a gravitational pull. There was no way that either of them could continue fighting it. It wasn't even a battle worth pursuing anymore. "All that damn flirting. I wasn't sure how much more I could take."Major fussed jovially, dribbling a basketball in his hands.

"We're not that bad."Promise chuckled, waving their friends off. "Well, I don't give a damn what y'all think anymore. So if you can't stand it then you got a personal problem."Zayne responded. He was no longer ashamed of his feelings and he wanted everyone to know. One had to be blind if they couldn't see the way that he and Promise felt for one another. "You done Zay?"Major asked, staring at him with a face void of any emotion. Everyone chortled and Zayne tossed the ball at his head. Major glared at him after barely being able to catch the ball that had been inches away from his face. Zayne laughed at his expense prior to treading over to Promise.

He rubbed a thumb over her jawline and then leaned down to kiss her cheek,"I'll see you later." She nodded and gave him one last smile. Promise stumbled a bit as she felt the impact of their son colliding with her legs. She knelt before him and ruffled the mass of curls atop his head. "Besos (kisses) mommy!"He kissed his hands and held them out towards her. He had been so excited to learn Spanish lately and he'd been picking up on it quickly. Promise laughed and kissed their son's forehead. "Well, I've got a workout to get to so I'll see you boys later."She added as though she weren't going to be in another part of the facility.


Their final game ended with Brian taking the win for that match. He celebrated boisterously, his voice echoing off the gym walls. Zayne only rolled his eyes at his friend and sauntered back towards the bleachers to retrieve a towel. He rummaged around in his bag and grasped it once feeling the soft material. He quickly dabbed his forehead and then wrapped it around his neck, leaving it to dangle aimlessly. "Shut up Bry. It was a lucky win."Zayne uttered, tired of his miniature cheering session. "Whatever, I still won."Brian shrugged with a never-ending smile present on his visage. "Keep an eye on Zay for a few minutes. I need to go and..."His voice tapered off. He knew he was probably giving himself away because he couldn't come up with a logical excuse. Brian's arms were folded across his chest as a grin melted into his facial features "You need to what?"He queried, smiling at him knowingly.

"I left something in my car...that I need to get..."Zayne rubbed at his neck with the towel, avoiding Brian's smiling hazel eyes. He glanced around the gym and attempted to look like he wasn't trying to come up with an excuse to dismiss himself. He knew that he could have easily said he was going to check on Promise but he was sure they would only make fun of him for doing so. Ever since he'd seen her earlier he intended to come up with an excuse so they could have their own version of Love and Basketball. Brian chuckled with a shake of his head, "Yeah, okay." Zayne's lips soon contorted into a smile as he patted his friend on the shoulder and started to make his way past him.

He and Promise were going to have themselves a little one on one.

Zayne quickly pushed past the glass door of the gym and trudged out into the hallway. There were various exercise stations and equipment set up throughout the facility. His eyes scanned each and every station as he maneuvered passed them. There were numerous pairs of eyes watching him as he made his way around. The female population was still obviously taken with his presence, but for once he didn't care. He thoroughly searched the area, but still, there were no signs of his girl.

Zayne wondered around, taking in the many people that chose to work out that morning. A lot of them appeared to be in a daze with their eyes staring into the many televisions scattered around the room and their headphones planted into their ears. The constant whirling of different machines was all that sounded. He quietly trudged around for a few more seconds before setting his gaze on a sign that resembled a treadmill. He followed the signs, figuring he didn't have much to lose since he hadn't located Promise yet.

When he tread around the last corner, his eyes automatically focused in on his lover's face. She was running and singing underneath her breath to whatever her phone was playing at the moment. His lips curved and he was fully aware of the grin creeping onto his face. He watched the movement of her lips and then his eyes floated teasingly slow over the rest of her body. His eyes caressed her like his hands wanted to. When his gaze finally made it back up to her face, he realized that she was watching him. Promise peered at him through thin slits. He waved her over to him but she began to shake her head. She mouthed at him no and made to wave him off with her hands. He shrugged at her and leaned up against the nearest wall. He remained watching her for all of five minutes before she finally gave in. She grabbed his hands and pulled him out into the hallway.

"What earned me this little visit?"She inquired, her hands planted on her hips. He made no moves to speak as he grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her along with him. She questioned him the whole time that he led them to another part of the facility. He had long found another small secluded gym. He was going to have his way with her and she didn't even know it yet. "Zayne."She called once their short journey came to its end. He opened the door for her and gently pushed her in by the small of her back. "I feel like you're up to something babe."There was a hint of a giggle in her voice.

He couldn't hide the mischievousness in his eyes as he allowed her hand to finally slip from his. He traipsed away backward on his heels, still watching her. He found a basketball that had been left idly on the floor. His shoes screeched against the sleek wooden floors as he dribbled the ball between his legs. Promise wore a smirk as she watched him shoot the ball into the net, the vibrations from his movement bouncing off the walls. "How about a little game of love and basketball?"He questioned, twirling the ball on his index finger. She laughed quietly,"Hm? Love and basketball, Zayne?" He walked around her body slowly before placing himself directly behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and then allowed her to take the ball out of his hold. Promise dribbled it and then shot it into the basket. It made a swishing sound just as Zayne kissed the side of her neck.

"Well damn."He chuckled lowly, "I never knew you could shoot."Promise nudged him away from her with her backside before letting out a chortle of her own. "You wanna play or are you gonna stand there and look at me?"She questioned with an arched eyebrow. He smirked as he moved across the floor and retrieved the ball. "So let's make this interesting then, love. If I win then me and you are gonna have to get in a little quickie, if you lose then..."He rubbed his hand across the bottom of his chin, flaunting a teasing grin. Promise laughed aloud and folded her arms across her chest. "If you lose then you're watching Zay for the rest of the week." Zayne scoffed and tossed her the basketball, "That's lame."

She shrugged her shoulders and attempted to dribble the basketball like he had been doing. He watched her with his amusement apparent in his face. "No, if you lose then I'm still getting inside you after this is over."He said. Promise laughed and stared at him, her eyes darkening more each second. He knew what that look meant – lust. The idea was definitely tempting to her. "Hell no. You're damn near insatiable man."She replied, still playing around with the ball. Zayne's tongue slithered across his bottom lip, "Aight, bet. First one to five wins, but like I said I'm still getting my way." He picked up his stride as he neared her. She yelped and attempted to get past him with the ball in her hands. He quickly smacked the ball out of her hands and she pouted. He shot the ball from the free throw line and it went right in as expected. "That's one."He taunted her as he turned on his heels. He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. "Okay, so that's how you wanna play?"She had the ball in her hold again.

Zayne moved towards her and within a few seconds, he'd almost acquired the ball once more. Promise surprised him when she grabbed a hold of his manhood which easily made him let go of the ball. The lower half of him instantly came to life at her touch. She laughed at the obvious shock on his face and tossed the ball into the net. "That was dirty baby girl." He chuckled, finally coming back to his senses after the ball collided against the floor. He adjusted his shorts around his waist as her eyes trailed over his frame with a heated stare. "That's one."She grinned at him, her eyes having finally made it back up to meet his.

They continued to play around with one another for the next couple of minutes. Zayne only had 2 to her 3 then. She'd smoothly taken the lead with the constant way that she had been teasing him. She would always find some kind of way to throw him off his game so that he would be too taken with her to pay any attention. She used the effect she had on him to an advantage. He pressed himself up against her body with one of his arms curled around her waist and the other palming the ball. He went for her neck, grazing the side of it with his teeth. She shuddered up against him and he swore he could feel her heat up. He'd ignited that other side of her. He kissed on her neck, licking and sucking hungrily on the softness of her skin. He couldn't get enough of her, and the fact that she still smelled so good wasn't helping any. "Stop Zay."She ordered quietly, sighing while leaning further into him. The vibrations of his laughter rocked her body and she shivered up against him again.

He hurriedly grabbed the ball and made another shot into the basket. His smile was beaming as he turned around to face a flustered Promise. "You better come on before I win this game, girl."He smirked. She rolled her eyes and charged at him again. Zayne ran from her and attempted to make another basket. He missed that time and her laughter flooded the room. "That's why you missed!"She shouted as she neared him. He'd already gotten the ball from where it had rolled off the side of the rim. Promise grabbed onto the back of his shirt and pulled it against his frame as she tried to smack the ball out of his hands. "Nahhh you fouling."Zayne laughed, backing up against her. She continued to laugh with her hold on him never faltering. She nearly wrapped herself around him with her head peeking from the side of his arm and her legs planted inside of his longer ones. "Let go Promise."He smiled, moving along the court with her hanging all over him.

"You're not making another shot."

"Watch me."

Zayne lifted his hands towards the rim, struggling with the way she gripped his forearm. He couldn't get his arms up far enough so he freed one of his hands to push her smaller ones away. She finally let go, but only for a second. It was then that she attached herself to his front sending them both tumbling to the floor. They were both laughing as the ball slipped out his possession and rolled away. Promise now sat on top of him, straddling his waist. A couple strands of her hair dangled freely and Zayne moved his hand up to push them away from her face. Her eyes lowered as she peered down at him. She rubbed up and down his abs with her bottom lip tucked underneath her teeth. He watched her, awaiting her next move.

She lowered her face down towards his and pressed her lips against his. His hands captured her hips and began to stroke her. The kiss grew more intense as Promise invaded his mouth with her tongue, tasting him. He could think of nothing else as he allowed her to take complete control of him with her kiss. She moved to pull back, with his lip still caught in between her teeth. Zayne softly yanked back, suckling on her lips. "You're everything to me."He rendered once they were able to separate themselves. She blushed and buried her face into the crook of his neck. "Stop hiding from me."He chuckled lowly, raking his fingers up and down her back.

She sighed into his neck and the heat of her breath settled on him. He closed his eyes in anticipation of the feel of her up against him. "Who are you?"She asked, lifting herself from the home she'd made against his neck. Zayne found himself chortling again as he opened his eyes again to look up at her. She was hovering over him with her face mere inches away from his. "I'm your man."He answered, watching her as he did so. Her lips contorted into a smirk as she leaned down and pressed her lips into the front of his neck and then over his collarbone. "I like the sound of that."She confessed breathlessly while gradually moving her center against his growing erection. His basketball shorts did nothing to conceal his heat and he was sure she could feel him just as good as he could her. She rocked against him – creating friction – setting them both ablaze. He groaned at the way she felt and the obvious pleasure that she was trying to conceal.

Zayne fastened his hands to her hips and ceased the alluring motion of her hips. She whimpered and he lost his patience with her. He thrust upwards and she gasped at the sudden impact. He held her close to him as he pulled himself up with her in his lap. Her knees collided with the floor as she rested her thighs against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and glanced down at him with heavy lids. Her eyes had darkened, almost making them a navy blue, the flecks of green nonexistent. He was about to take her right there on the floor – completely ravish her. She made a hunger flare up inside of him that could only be satisfied when the warmness of her cavern surrounded him.

"Tú eres mío (You are mine)."He implied, his baritone thick and husky. He knew that she had no idea what he had said, but she would soon find out after he reclaimed her body again. She smiled at him and he could only give her a lazy one in return. She moved against him and began to back away from him on her hands. "Where you going?"He asked, his gaze following her as she stood to her feet. "Game's not over yet."Her grin was teasing as it spread across her lips. Zayne chuckled and began to stand to his feet.

"So you just played me?"

"Something like that."She gave him an innocent smile while moving around him to get to the ball. She kneeled down to pick it up before sauntering towards the net. He continued watching her as she got into her stance as though she hadn't just started something with him. Zayne had himself pressed up against her before she could even move to shoot. He grabbed her hand, causing her to drop the ball where she stood. "You feel that?"He whispered, his teeth grazing her earlobe. He felt her body melt into his and he knew he had her where he wanted her. "Game over."He said while pressing her into the nearest wall. Promise didn't protest as he attacked her neck. Her moans and sighs were effortless as she shifted her head to the left to give him more of her.

Her hands were scorching against his skin as she tugged at his t-shirt, running her fingers over his stomach. He bit at the soft flesh of her throat, marking her – leaving traces of his love. She whimpered louder as he feasted on her. His lips trailed up her throat to her chin and then he greedily captured her lips with his. Their kiss was every bit of powerful and hungry. Their tongues moved like paintbrushes, stroking as if they were one others canvas. They were creating a permanent blueprint, something that only they would be able to master because they made it together.

He still wanted more of her.

He needed more of her.

Zayne reluctantly detached himself from their kiss so that he could catch his breath. Promise panted underneath his hard gaze. He surveyed her swollen pouty lips and in an instant, he wanted to attach himself to her again. She pulled at the lining of his shorts and he obeyed her silent request to be closer. He watched as she freed him from the restraint of his shorts. Her small hand gripped him and he hissed.

He couldn't take it.

His body was already telling him where he needed to be – inside her.

He quickly rid her of her shorts and panties, allowing them to become a puddle at their feet.

He entered her without warning as he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Promise yelped at the invasion on her body. She latched onto him and buried her face into his shoulder, biting down on him to keep her screams to a minimum. He thrust into her as though he were trying to find where she began and ended. "Zay..."That was all she could manage as he pounded into her. Her body locked onto him, causing him to let out a frenzy of moans. Her nails grazed him as he sped up his pace, gently knocking her into the wall.

Her whimper quickly turned into a scream as Zayne collided with her g-spot. He showed her no mercy with the way he continuously drove himself into her. He drained her of everything that she was worth with the evidence of her honey coating him. He slid out of her only to trap her in another one of his heated kisses. Promise gave in to him and in the mist of their mouths entanglement did he find himself nestled deep between her folds again. He began to tease her, sliding in and out of her and then stopping himself at her entrance. "Stop teasing Zay."She ordered, her frustration obvious in her voice. He couldn't deny himself of the opportunity to watch what he did to her.

"This is payback for earlier."He informed her, plunging himself back into her, deeper than he had been before. She gasped and bit at her already swollen bottom lip harder. She screamed when he wouldn't allow her body the chance to loosen its grip on him. Her body's reaction only made him want to fill her up that much more. The sounds that she made were like a seductive melody – alluring and captivating. It made him want to please her more. Zayne grabbed a handful of her golden curls and pulled and began to nip at her neck again.

"You love me?"He asked, gripping her hair tighter. She whimpered and he could feel her need to come down from this high they'd both put themselves on. Promise wrapped her arms around his neck and brought the two of them even closer together. "Yes!"She yelled. Her nails scratched into his back as he drew himself more into her, hitting at a spot that she didn't even know that she had. "Oh God! Yes, Zayne!"Her declaration of her love filled the atmosphere of their session of passion. He grunted he could feel himself about to reach his peak with the way her love held him hostage. Their bodies trembled together as their orgasms washed over them.

Eyes glazed over and low.

Cheeks flushed with a semi permanent blush.

Lips that were painted with an easy content smile.

Promise unraveled her legs from his waist and meshed her forehead into his chest. "I feel like you just took advantage of me."She said. Zayne smiled and gently grabbed a hold of her face. He pressed his lips against hers, "I did not." She giggled once he allowed her to be free of his embrace. "You did too Zay."She pushed him away from her and leaned down to pick up her things so that she could get herself back together. He did the same and began pulling his shorts back up. "You wanted it."He chuckled, surveying her as she shook her hair out. She gathered her golden curls and fixed them into a messy bun. She wrapped an arm around his waist after getting herself together the best that she could.

"Guess that means I won after all."He uttered as he held the door open for her. She rolled her eyes at him and purposely pushed passed him. Zayne quickly grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her waist. They hobbled together with Promise trying to keep up with his long legs. "Can't even keep your hands off me anymore."She implied with her hands holding onto his. He could hear the slight giggle in her voice. His hands faltered as he took a couple of steps back to give her the space she claimed to want.

Zayne fell into step with her with his hands dangling at his sides. It wasn't long before she grabbed his hand and held it. "Thought you didn't want me all over you..."He chuckled, peering down at her with a grin. She gave his hand a light squeeze and then intertwined their fingers together. "All I've ever wanted is to be this close to you Zayne."She replied, staring at him. He didn't think it was possible to love Promise anymore than he did, but again she proved him wrong. She always showed him another side and opened up another place in his heart, engraving herself deeper within his being. He pulled her against him and pressed his lips into her forehead, "It took me a while, but I finally realized that you're everything that I've always needed."


The student union was in an uproarious state as Zayne and Promise entered the building. There were students scattered aimlessly, conversing amongst themselves. It was a little after noon so it was apparent as to why it was so lively. The two of them had just left the gym after Promise got herself situated. She'd had to clean herself up after her and Zayne's one on one time. Her gym clothes were long gone and she'd settled for a pair of light washed skinny jeans and a cropped top.

Zayne was aware of the many pairs of eyes openly scrutinizing them as Promise guided them through the sea of bodies. He had his arm dangling over her chest and his hand in hers. She still had a tight grip on his hand, but he didn't mind. "You see them?"She asked, referring to their friends who had agreed to meet them for lunch a little while ago. He glanced around as he maneuvered them through the crowd. "No, not yet babe."He answered, finally settling his gaze on her again.

"I see them over there."Promise pointed, near a series of tables aligned up against two large open windows. She pulled him through the mass of people as he followed behind her petite frame. It didn't take long before they reached the table. "Oh look it's the nasties."Nikita snickered underneath her breath. Zayne smirked while Promise rolled her eyes at her friend. "I just know y'all were up to something," Brian added, tossing his arm loosely over Ashely's chair. "People just don't know how to mind their own business these days."He shrugged while picking up their excited son. He grinned at his parents happy because it had been at least forty five minutes since he'd last seen them.

"Looks like y'all have drawn quite the audience."Major suddenly voiced. He nodded his head at all of the onlookers they were receiving. "There's nothing to see over here though."Promise chuckled with a wave of her hand. Clearly, she wasn't worried at all. "I'm about to go get some lunch. You want me to bring you back anything Promise?"He queried while handing their son over to her.

Zayne peered around the student union, awaiting her answer. He felt like he was being watched as he stood with his hands nestled into the pockets of his basketball shorts. His suspicions were confirmed when eyes collided with someone he wasn't trying to remember. He'd know that sultry gaze anywhere. He quickly diverted his stare when he heard Promise speaking to him. "Just bring me back whatever you get and don't worry about Zay he has something to eat already."She said, her eyes scanning his face. He smiled down at her and nodded his head.

He tread through the thick crowd, avoiding as many people as he could. He had no intention of stopping to speak to anyone. He just wanted to order his food and get back to his seat. That dream became a short-lived one when Isa herself found her way over to him. Zayne sighed aloud and attempted to get into the small growing line that had started at the small Subway counter. He could feel her presence as she hovered behind him, standing close enough to just about invade his personal space. He moved up a bit to rid himself of her.

"So Zayne..."Her voice fell from her lips like the smoothest of silk. He didn't bother to turn around because he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing he'd noticed her. "You have a girlfriend now?"Isa inquired with a sense of uncertainty. It was obvious that she wasn't sure. He didn't have any intentions of confirming anything for her. His business was his and it didn't have anything to do with the many that vied for his attention on a daily. He moved up quietly in the line, deliberately ignoring her. "Is it true?"She asked. Zayne licked his lips and heaved a deep sigh.

"Does it matter?"It's like he didn't have control of his mouth at the moment. He mentally scolded himself for allowing himself to speak to her. "Yes, because then there's no more fun for us...or well, you'll tell yourself that."She giggled and grabbed a hold of his forearm rubbing her dainty hands up and down it. He peeled her fingers off of him and moved up in the line. "Go on about your business Isa."He rendered, placing his hands into his pockets. He tilted his head up to get a good look at the small menu that hung just above his head.

"You were my business at one point Zayne."

"We both know it was never that serious."

She chuckled and took a step forward so that she was standing right beside him. He didn't even turn his head to address her properly. He had quite a view of her in his peripheral anyway. She looked the same as she always did and even though she was a beauty – she wasn't Promise – and she never would be. "You know Zay, a lot of men say that once they're taken. They all say it was never that serious when they have girlfriends, but then there's always women like me..."Her voice tapered off. He could feel her dark eyes boring into his side profile. "And how would you classify a woman such as yourself Isa?"He questioned, deciding that he would humor himself for the moment.

"I use the term woman loosely by the way."He added in. Isa surprised him when she continued to chuckle as though he hadn't just downgraded her. "I was everything when you were fucking me Zayne."She rendered lowly. He couldn't help himself when he began to laugh at that himself. Who did this girl think she was? She had been a tally mark on his list just like the rest of them. He'd crossed her out and now he had no use for her. "I thought you were going to be good about this Isa. You were one of the ones that I thought was smart. I thought we both had an understanding that it was no more than sex. You don't get attached, remember?"He told her after his chuckles subsided.

"I never said I was attached. I was in it for the sex."

"Find someone else. I'm sure you'll have no problems since you're in a league of your own."His tone was a sarcastic one. He took a step forward as the line began to gradually move again. She seemed taken aback as her perfectly arched eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. "And this is how it always starts Zayne. You're faithful for one minute and then the next you're on to the next. You can't teach someone like you new tricks."Isa quickly schooled her features to appear to be her normal carefree self. It was of no use because Zayne had already noticed her small frown. "And what should that mean to me, Isa?"He questioned her, enjoying beating her at her own little game.

"You can't change."

He laughed again, "I already have." What she failed to realize was that his transformation had begun a long time ago. He hadn't even been aware of it at first, but then when it became more prominent he could no longer pretend that he was someone that he wasn't. She seemed to be speechless as she moved her mouth to speak and she came up with nothing. Zayne turned his gaze back towards the front of the line as his feet automatically moved to take the next spot.

"You know Zayne..."

"Yes..."He turned towards her, looking down into Isa's emotionless visage. Her darkened tresses framed her flawless mocha colored face as she peered up at him, obviously trying to read him. He knew that she couldn't decipher the real him. It was then that he felt a warm touch to his forearm and his skin instantly grew hotter. There was only one person that could set him off like that – Promise. He glanced between the two women, waiting for either of them to notice the other.

"Get me... Wait, is there a problem?"Promise started, but her eyes quickly shot over towards Isa. She looked between the two of them with an arched eyebrow. Zayne was tempted to lean over and push her brow down but decided against it. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. "Oh no baby, there's no problem."His voice was smooth as he gave her one of his deep dimpled smiles. He then leaned down to peck her lips. She kissed him back and then wrapped herself around his middle. He chuckled at her need to be possessive and show Isa that he belonged to her. "So I'm guessing this is her."Isa finally spoke up. Her tone gave away that she was just a bit bothered by Promise's presence. Promise fixed her mouth to say something, but Zayne shook his head no. It wasn't worth any confrontation.

"Have a good day Isa."He gave her a friendly nod and wrapped his arms around Promise's waist. He walked them upwards. There had been a space where someone decided to get out of the line."And who would she be again?"Promise queried when they'd left her further back. Zayne chuckled at the peeved expression on her face. She'd tilted her head back so that she could look up at him as he guided them. "Isa."He answered shortly. "I remember her from that day we got into it."She replied as she recalled the memory of them arguing in front of everyone at the frat house.

"Your old hoes might be an issue, huh?"She questioned, still wearing that hard expression on her face. It amused him that she was so annoyed by it. Zayne cupped her face and brought her closer to him. "They're no longer a problem, love."His words fanned over her lips. She tried to fight off a small smile as he watched her lips twitch to keep her mouth straight. He rubbed along her jawline and then kissed her forehead before pecking her lips. "Good, because you're mine, Mr. Sanchez."That time she couldn't hide her beaming grin. He began to shake his head at her with a smirk of his own, "And I wouldn't have it any other way." 


Well, long time no see my babies! Here's a well deserved a truly long-awaited chapter lol. My goodness, that add was a cuteness overload, right? It almost made me sick while editing it. Anywho, so there's not much left on this darlings, 2 chapters and an epilogue... BUT before you get sad about this ending, I've come bearing gifts of not one but TWO brand NEW stories! 

There's 'Ruin Me' which will probably just be posted up with an intro and a first chapter, as sort of a preview. I won't be continuing that right off though, but it'll be there for the future. It will be featuring Kofi Siriboe though. 


There's my other new one that's titled 'SCORPIO' (yes, it's a Chris Brown feature!). Yeah, that one is probably what I'll be focusing on next besides my other CB featuring one, Crazy Beautiful (check that out, if you haven't already!). I cannot WAIT for y'all to read this one, cause oh boy,  it might snatch more than a few wigs lmao. When I say y'all just might not be ready! Ooh, chile! Well, let me not hold you up! Just go read the introduction, RIGHT NOW, cause you don't wanna miss it!

Also thanks for the overflowing of votes, comments, and support (even though I've been gone forever and a day, sorry :()! I can't believe this story has 56K reads! Wow, I'm honored lol. I love y'all!


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