Bella Vita Excerpt

By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

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The sequel to Bella Notte More

Bella Vita Excerpt
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

18.5K 436 354
By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

The problem with ancient rituals that no one really practiced anymore was that no one knew the side effects of such things. Mike and I had no idea about what would happen to us after the ritual. No one warned us about anything.

We both changed back into our street clothes. We had decided earlier that we would spend the night together at his place in the city. The ride home was not a joyous occasion. Silence fell on us like a thick fog.

I really hope we did the right thing. Mike's thought broke through my empty mind, I looked over at him.

Mike? I continued to stare out the window in hopes that I was just making things up in my mind.

Em? I turned to see his confused expression.

I didn't start this one. I think it's a result of the ritual. My mind hummed with questions.

“Well, crap. I wonder what else will happen to us. When are you leaving for Italy?” I listened to his words and tried to ignore his internal dialogue that was also escaping.

“Um, in a couple of days. It's all I can spare. I'm supposed to start teaching and screening the school as soon as I get back. I think that you'll need lessons in shielding now, Mike.” I tried not to sound like a parent to him about this.

“You're probably right. We don't have a need to shield our thoughts, but I don't think that it'll work between us. Remember, nothing is a secret anymore. Things are about to change seriously. I guess whatever I know about you then the other wolves will learn too, unless I learn how to protect my thoughts. Same with you too, huh?” He was trying to figure out everything.

“Actually, I've not met a vampire who can break through one of my shields. I'm unique in the vampire world, not just with my ability to transform into a wolf. But you'll learn it all soon enough I'm sure.” I knew his secrets would be safe with me, but I wasn't sure if mine would be with him.

“So, any idea as to where I might learn how to do that?” Mike was giving me the chance to say no to him.

“Well, if you can be taught like a vampire I could try... I could also see inside you, to see if you have any other form of magic at your use. If you'd like that?” I shrugged to make it seem like nothing.

“Can you really see what people are made of, I mean potentially? Isn't that kinda weird? Is it like the touching thing?” Mike hadn't realized exactly what my touching thing was, but he knew it was one of my special things.

“Yes, I really can. I'll show you later... maybe because of our bond you'll be able to experience what I do. It isn't weird to me, it's just part of me. It's sorta like that touching thing.” I smiled at him.

“Kay, sounds cool, I guess.” His uncertainty was present in his thoughts, but I could feel it rolling off him like waves of chilly water.

The drive back turned into complete silence after that.

His apartment was tinted with early morning gray as we walked in. The world seemed so very different from before, now that Mike and I had bonded. I felt a bubble of panic rising in my body. I tried to stop it but it was circulating through my system quickly.

“Emma, what's wrong?” Mike's voice was concerned.

“Nothing. My mind is merely trying to adjust. It's good to know that you feel my emotions as well. What else will be affected by all of this?” I threw out my arms, trying to encompass everything that was happening to us.

“Don't fret so much. We'll figure it out together. And then, well, we'll see once we get to that point.” His smile was relaxed but his emotions weren't- they were as confused and worried as mine.

“Maybe we should get some rest before I try to figure you out more.” I smiled at him.

“Sounds like a brilliant idea. Do you want anything to eat first, because I'm gonna grab something?” He walked toward his small little kitchen.

“Nah. I'll eat later. I'm just gonna lie down.” I went to the futon and laid down, sleep took me instantly.

When consciousness found me again, Mike was sitting next to me absently stroking my hair. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, but I could tell he hadn't gone to sleep and was thinking things over- serious things by the look on his face.

“What's cookin' good lookin'?” I smiled up at him.

He blinked a few times, as though my voice had brought him back to this place and time, “sleep well?”

“Yep, but you obviously didn't, so spill.” I knew if I tried I could read all of his thoughts.

“Just thinking is all. Worrying after the fact.” He looked away from me.

I knew my face showed my hurt. Was I a mistake? I couldn't put the words out into the world, making them more real.

“Aw, Em. Don't even think like that. I would never... you're... you're the most important thing.” His face was pained.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

You know how important you are. I was lost in a pity party. Lost in thoughts about how to handle the fallout of our choice. Mike's warm hand reached out and took mine.

“Yeah. Well, you aren't the only one that's in this boat. But you're the only one that seems to have doubts.” A tear streaked down my cheek.

“Emma Mary Hutchinson, don't even think that I could have doubts about you.” He knelt in front of me, trying to get me to see the truth in his words.

Mike, we need to have a solid front. Our choices will always be under observation and questioned. But we have to be solid! I desperately wanted him to understand.

“I know, Em. I realize that now. I'm sorry that it wasn't apparent.” His head hung in shame.

“Hey, this is going to be a rough road. No one will make the right choices or say the right things all the time.” I smiled at him.

He nodded.

“Now, let's see if you have anything deep inside you that might serve to help you.” I took his hands.

“Do I need to do anything?” He looked from his hands to me.

“Just relax. I don't know if you're wired different, but hopefully you won't feel anything- just don't try to force me out. If something happens, talk to me.” I tried to remain calm- but the unknown was frightening.

“Okay. You'll be okay though, right?” His eyes were clouded with concern.

“Yep.” I pushed down all my feelings and thoughts to ensure it seemed like I believed that.

Mike nodded and sat in front of me- his hands securely in mine.

I took a deep steadying breath. I turned my full attention to Mike. His scent was woodsy, strong, vibrant, and welcoming- like home. Locking onto what was Mike was extremely easy- our bond created an easy bridge for me into Mike's subconscious.

At first I was worried that because he was a werewolf I wouldn't be able to read him as I did the others- but this wasn't the case. Mike was an open book for me. Everything that was Mike was suddenly a part of me. I gasped for breath at the overwhelming flood of information.

I shut myself off from the flow of information- blocking out all the sensations that I was being assaulted with. A few minutes later I was ready to press forward- this time I knew what to expect. I probed his mind as deep as I knew I could safely go. His shape-shifting abilities were tangible at this point. It was almost as though I could feel the fur springing from my own body.

Something caught my attention. It was like a singular piece of glitter floating in the wind. It was trace elements of magic, not the kind I knew but like the kind that allowed people to throw crackling balls of energy around. Wow, I've never encountered that before. What else is here?

I quickly found the source of the energy and realized it had been locked away- or should I say spelled away. The magic was a darkness that tried to black out the glow of the magic within Mike.

It took me a few minutes of contemplating to decide that nothing should be locked away from someone without their knowledge and I knew Mike didn't know he had such gifts.

Unlike most things that I could heal, this spell didn't like me undoing it. For every step I moved forward in removing it, I could feel it trying to fight back- tooth and nail. As I didn't know what would happen when the spell was removed, I left a weakened version on so I could finish trying to see if Mike had anything else hidden.

I mentally sent out a search to reveal what was hidden and another to see if he had any mental abilities that would allow him to guard his new bond from the other wolves. So many things danced behind me, that I thought I'd never see what was important. Then I saw that he could be taught to shield his mind- but I also found spells upon spells. Each one was tied to the master spell that had been placed on his energy. By weakening that spell, it left all the others in a similar state. For once I didn't know what to do. Why is this hidden from him and so tightly spelled away?

This only lasted a few seconds as I realized that if I were in his place, I would be pissed if someone did that to me.

I shifted back to the spelled energy, took a deep breath, and broke the spell- releasing the harnessed energy into Mike. The sheer force of the power violently pushed me out of Mike's mind.

My body jerked off the table as I gasped for breath from the pain in my chest.

Mike's face was alit with the new glow of his hidden power. His mouth hung open as he stared down at me on the floor- my body still jerked from the shock of the mental blow I had received.

Emma? Mike's voice was full of energy as it filled my mind.

Yep. I wasn't going to give anything away until asked.

What did you do? It wasn't an accusation- merely an inquiry.

I fixed something. Part of your potential had been spelled away from you. You are a crafter as well as a werewolf. You can also learn how to shield your mind. I figured it was best to get it all out at once.

Wait, I'm a what? What do you mean spelled? Can you teach me to shield? The questions flowed to me as soon as they formed in his mind.

Let's answer the easiest one first. Yes, I can teach you- although I think you can just absorb the information from me. Now, a crafter is like the witches we see in the movies chanting spells and throwing witch energy balls. You have the spells in your mind already and you can throw witch fire or energy balls- whatever you wanna call it. You are going to be upset about what I have to say about the spell. I took a breath and moved to sit next to him on the couch- intertwining my fingers with his.

Someone, I don't know who as I didn't think to trace it, placed dark complex magic on your energy and the knowledge of your spells- anything that was associated with the magic. I held his hand as waves of anger rolled off him.

“Why would anyone do that?!” Mike stood up so quickly he pulled me up after him.

“I don't know. I wish I had more answers. You're unique like me.” I smiled as warmly as I could.

“Eh. Yeah, unique. So special that someone had to try and pass me off as normal.” He scoffed at it all.

“Maybe they were afraid of the unknown. I get that a lot.” My sympathy did nothing for him.

“It was probably someone close to me!” I watched as his fist clenched and unclenched.

“Um, maybe we need to go outside.” I quickly realized if he hit anything in here, it would break- unless he wanted to spar with me.

“Yeah.” His body shuddered.

“I know you're not going to want to hear this- but you can't shift right now.” I pushed at his mind with my words as I said them to ensure they got through.

“What?” His rage lashed out at me like a whip.

“You haven't learned to shield. If you shift, they will know about everything!” My temper was beginning to rise; I didn't like being an innocent bystander that had things taken out on them.

“Em, I don't know if I can stop it.” For a second his anger cooled and panic filled his eyes.

“I've got an idea, but you won't like it.” I weakly smiled up at him.

“What is it?” He asked through clinched teeth- clearly struggling to stop his change.

“Well, I don't think I could teach you how to shield right now- not with the way your mind is raging. But I can offer to fight you.” I beamed my best smile.

He stared at me in shock.

“If you don't use some physical force your emotions will keep you close to shifting and stop me from helping you learn to shield. Therefore, we need to release some of that- it's either fight or have sex.” I shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You... want me... to hit you?” His words broke like he wasn't understanding.

“Yes. I promise I can defend myself. Do you have a place for sparring?” Clearly I needed to take the helm.

“Yeah, upstairs.” He gestured to a side door I hadn't noticed before.

I pulled him to the door, but found it locked.

“Let me get that.” He retrieved his keys and unlocked it. “But Em, before you go up... you need to know that I'm not the only wolf that uses it... and, eh, we... learn how to... eh, you know.” He mimed staking me.

I tried to swallow down my disgust, but I could feel my face drain of color. I merely nodded.

His eyes were pained, nonetheless he waved me ahead.

I walked up the narrow dark steps and my heart began to race. Why did he warn me? What is up here?

The room was black when I got into it- that didn't stop the scent of old blood from assaulting me. There was a subtle smell of leather as well. Mike flicked on harsh florescent overhead lights and my heart stopped and dropped into my stomach.

The floor was padded, but the walls held racks and racks of weapons. There was a small amount of gym equipment- it was clustered together in a small corner. This room was obviously a training room. Could it be a vampire killing training room?

I looked from the room to Mike. The answer was written on his face.

You've been training to kill vampires? I couldn't keep the hurt out of my voice or off my face.

“Em, I don't have a choice. Once I have more influence I'm going to push for our balance. But right now, there nothing I can do.” He looked away from me as he confirmed what I feared.

A rage like no other raised from deep within me. I wanted to break the room and even break him for his weakness. You think I have any power? No! But I still refused to be a spy for the vampires. I would never... The anger took me and I mentally slapped Mike.

A small trickle of blood oozed out of his nose. His eyes brightened with shock. “You hit me.”

Believe me, if I had hit you, you'd be a lot worse for wear- physically and mentally. I had a desire for blood now.

I crouched low to the ground- my fangs slid down in defense. Mike stepped back. He shook his head.

I don't want to hurt you. His words filled my mind.

I sent a jolt to his system as I kicked out at his legs. He hit the ground hard- clearly stunned.

Do not underestimate me, Michael. I growled at him and this seemed to snap him back.

A low growl escaped from him- had I been any other person, it would have scared me. He rolled over into a similar crouch. His movements were controlled as he began to circle me. It took everything I had not to send more mental energy at him- I didn't want to be scorched by his witch fire in response.

In a flash of motion, he went in for a strike, but I came to realize that wolves were not as fast as vampires. I clipped him on his arm with my nails as he tried to retreat from the fumbled attack. Every ounce of my vampire attack skills and training were in check to ensure that I didn't seriously hurt him.

Mike didn't even check the wound that now slowly seeped his warm blood down his arm. The more that came out, the easier it was for me to be distracted. I wanted his blood- the scent lured me in. I darted toward him, as he shifted out of my way, I licked his arm. His blood smeared across my face.

His eyes lit with knowledge. He knew my current weakness, he turned his injured arm toward me and watched my movements. I tried to keep my focus on the attack, but having tasted his blood my mind had shifted to pleasure. I was no longer stalking my prey for the physical violence- now the hunt was one of want.

I inched toward the throwing knives on the right wall and grabbed a few. Mike watched with interest- fear never crossed his face. I quickly threw two and they grazed the side of his other arm. His eyes blazed with anger, not realizing that I never intended to hurt him.

I felt the air crackle around me with energy and knew what was coming before it hit the wall next to me. The ball burned a small hole in the padded part of the wall- but nothing too noticeable. I lurched at him with all my strength and speed.

We fell to the floor with a thud.

“You threw a ball of freaking energy at me?!” I felt my temper rise again as I pinned him to the floor.

“You threw knives at me!” He shifted under me to try and show me the wounds.

“Not in a way that would hurt you... merely to provide more licking area.” I licked my fangs, the smell of his blood so near was maddening.

“The energy wouldn't have hit you.” He smiled up at me, I could feel his pulse quicken.

I bent and kissed him, my fangs nicked his bottom lip. I suckled at the small amount of blood that pooled on the small pricks.

“Someone has a craving.” He teased and wiggled out from under me, pushing me to the side as he did it.

“Always, my love.” I bit my bottom lip, accidentally causing a small cut on my own lip.

“Me too... must be the vampire blood in me.” He grabbed my hair and pulled me to him, taking my lips and blood into his.

My mind spun with passion and want. I ripped at his tank and it tore away from his well-sculpted chest. I scratched my nails slightly down his back, and he gasped- his hot breath invading my mouth. He tugged my dress off over my head, it pooled by the door. I turned my head and licked at the small knife cuts on his arm- they were almost healed.

Bite me, Emma. His words were thick in my mind.

I took my nail and sliced a small cut by my collarbone and pressed his lips toward it. Then I bit him- like every vampire movie has ever shown. His blood flooded my mouth and my senses went blind to the pleasure and desire of him. I could feel him sucking the blood from me as I took it from him. Our moans mixed in harmony.

I pulled back and trailed kisses along his neck to his waiting mouth.

“Em...” He sighed out my name.

My breathing slowed and he stroked my hair. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat calm. “I love you, Michael O'Shanold.” I whispered into his warm skin, filling my nostrils with his scent.

“And I, you, Emma Hutchinson.” He fell silent for a minute and then added, “thank you. You knew just what to do to help.”

“The pleasure was all mine.” I giggled.

My body hummed with his blood, as I could feel his doing the same. I felt calm and at peace with the world and my choices. I tentatively probed Mike to find out if he was calm enough to learn to shield- he was.

“Mike, I think it's time for you to learn to shield. I don't think I can stay in Ireland much longer.” I tried to sound relaxed about it all, but the thought of leaving him and this life was more than I wanted to bare.

“I know. How do I learn it?” He stroked my hair affectionately.

“I wanna see if I can just transfer the information to you. I could always teach you the way I learned, but I think that might not work as well.” I smiled at the memory of Betty teaching me about my abilities.

“Okay.” His body tensed slightly.

“Don't worry, this shouldn't feel like anything. I'm not probing or undoing anything, just feeding your mind info.” It was hard not to laugh at his reaction.

I thought about what it was like to shield, how I went about doing it, and what the process was like. After I was sure that I had deconstructed the process enough, I sent the information to Mike in a stream of images and steps. I could feel his mind absorb the information. I wasn't sure if he would be able to do it the same way I did, but it was the only way that I knew how to do it.

“Do you think it'll work?” His words weren't confident.

“I hope so. We can try and test it. I could try to block out our bond, and not push as hard as I could through whatever shield you're able to construct. I don't think the wolves will know that you're shielding, but I would be leery of everyone because we don't know who the caster was.” I frowned.

“It's worth a shot. Okay, let's see if I can make one.” He closed his eyes and concentrated.

After I felt his mind draw a wall between us, I tried to gently push against it- it held. I pushed a little harder, I wanted to test its strength. I knew I could break through it if I went at it with everything, but I was happy that it withstood my small tests.

“Good, you should be okay to shift now. You just have to remember to be able to allow some information through, otherwise you'll be blank to them and they will know something is wrong.” I shrugged at him.

“Right, I had forgotten that I couldn't just be silent. I'll figure it out.” He smiled at me.

I stood and went to get my dress. I was really going to miss how my life had been in Ireland, even if it had been only a small amount of time. I slipped my dress back on.

“Mike, I think it's time for me to go back. I've some final papers to go over with Moira, but then I need to get back.” I looked down at my bare feet.

“Yeah, I understand.” He sat up off the floor.

“You know I wish I could stay... but... I can't, no matter how much I want to, it's not what I need to do. You get that right?” My voice pleaded for him to understand.

“Em, of course I do. You know I would spend forever with you, if I could. But we have to take our places. Our bond will keep us together no matter what... hey, maybe they'll both get so upset that they throw us out.” He smirked at me

“I doubt that.” But a small seed of hope wedged itself in.

He walked toward me and took my hand- touching the Claddagh ring. “No matter what Em, we will always be a part of each other.” His warm fingers touched my face and traced a line down my cheek.

“Always and forever.” I kissed his lips gently.

The small inn that had looked so welcoming, suddenly was foreboding. My steps felt heavy as I walked toward the place I loved. I knew that tonight I would be on my way back to Italy. I swallowed down my self-pity, set my shoulders and walked through the small door.

“So, there yah are. I was startin' to worry, Emma.” Moira sounded every bit of the mother that she would be.

“I'm sorry, Tá brón orm.” I felt bad for making Moira worry.

“Ah, Dún do chlab, shut it, and come give me a hug.” Her laughter was musical and filled the room with a sense of cheer.

Moira surrounded me in her warmth and smiles as she hugged me as close as she could with her well-grown belly.

“Yer mate from Italy called. He said a plane would land fer yah around six.” She said as she let go of me.

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Emma Hutchinson, we don't curse folks fer no reason... especially ones involving the devil and cats. Yah do know what yah just said, right?” Moira's cheeks were flushed a gentle pink as she reprimanded me.

“Yes. May the cat eat you and may the cat be eaten by the devil.” I opened my eyes back up and saw her with her hands on her hips. “I'm sorry, Moira.”

“No harm, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear yah say anyhing.” She patted my arm.

“Thank you. It looks like we better sign those papers.” I followed her to the dining room, and found the papers on the table just waiting for my signature.

“I took the liberty of signing my line while yah were gone. I didn't change anything, just signed. I figured yah might be a little rushed here at the end. If there's anything we need to be going over, yah can come back or we can do it over the phone.” Moira always seemed to be thinking ahead.

“Aw. Thanks, Moira.” I hugged her- feeling her pregnant belly press against me.

“There, there, honey. I think yah should be getting yerself ready and yer stuff packed up.” She shooed me out of the room.

My steps echoed up the stairs. The walk to my room was solemn. The thought of going back to Italy circled around my head. I could still feel my connection to Mike. It was like a dull buzz in the back of my mind. I realized that it would always be there and that if I focused on it, I would be fully connected to him- mind, body, and soul.

As I shoved things into my bags, my thoughts drifted back to all the tasks that were ahead of me. My wedding was approaching so quickly and instead of being a blushing bride- I had blood bonded and slept with my supposed arch-enemy. Sigh.

I needed to get back to school, start my classes, and shift through all the people that still needed to know if they were gifted. How am I supposed to teach, learn, mentally shift through people, and get married all in something near two weeks?

My mind was chaotic and the sheer act of getting my junk together was exhausting. Once my bag was packed, I laid down on the bed and let the cheery room take me from my misery.

I dreamt of the conversation I would have with Dominic. Various scenarios danced behind my closed eyelids- none of them were pleasant. Time passed slow enough for me to remember every detail, every pained expression that crossed his face as I told him of my latest betrayal. I watched as his body language grew cold and distant to me and my touch. I could feel my heart break through each dream. You did this to yourself, and for your people. The thought raced through my mind at the close of each dream. It didn't stop the next one from starting.

“Emma, lass.” I felt my mind being shaken from the land of the dreaming.

“Hmm.” My eyes weren't quite ready to let go of the torment I was putting myself through.

“Miss Emma, lass, yah gotta waken up now. Yer plane will be landin' soon.” The voice was male and familiar.

“What?” I shook my head. Why is there a guy in my room? I sat straight up.

“Sorry, lass. It's time. Yer plane will be landin' soon.” Moira's husband smiled at me, and held out a glass- I could smell the blood in it. “Moira said to bring this up to ya and waken ya.”

“Thanks. I'll be down in just a minute.” I took the glass from him and smiled.

I sipped on the spiked drink. The blood cleared my mind from my day terrors. I walked over to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face. I shook my head one more time- clearing it completely- and picked up my bags. I looked one more time around the room, feeling my stomach tighten with sorrow for leaving this wonderful place. Before I headed down, I let my link to Mike come to the front of my mind.

I'm about to leave. I just wanted you to know. I'll miss you, Mike. Please take care of yourself. I knew even my mental voice trembled.

Em, don't go. Stay. We'll figure it all out. Stay with me. His voice pleaded with me mentally.

You know I can't do that. I have to do what's right for my people, just as you must for yours. I sent warm thoughts to him.

When will you be back? I felt the trepidation behind his words and his fear that I wouldn't return.

I don't know. I've got a lot waiting for me when I return. I'll try my best to come back- I'm starting a business here that I'll have to check on. I tried to sound positive.

I can only imagine the things you're going back to. Mike's voice took on a coolness.

None of that. We both knew what we were getting into... Dominic and Acacia are part of that. They aren't something that can be sidestepped. I love you, Mike. I have to go now. Please, take care of yourself. I knew I wouldn't hold out much longer if he asked me again to stay.

Be safe, Em. I love you, and I always will. Know that, deep in your heart. And know I'm ALWAYS here. I felt him push our connection to the back of his mind.

I sighed. I had not planned to feel such pain with that goodbye, but I knew it would hurt. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs.

Moira caught me stepping off the last step. My breath escaped in a squeeze.

“Imma gonna miss yah so much. Yah best not forget about us.” Tears coursed down her redden cheeks.

“Oh. I could never forget you. You're so wonderful, both of you're. And I love this place. Not to mention the fact that we're now business partners.” I smiled at her, and my eyes got all glassy.

“Pish, none of that now. Yah've got a plane to catch. Yer bike is in the front.” She kissed my cheek and pulled away from the hug.

“Thank you, for everything.” I hoisted my bags up to my shoulder and grabbed the door. “ I'll be back before you know it.”

They smiled at me and I walked out the door.

The ride back to the landing spot was a lonely one. I stopped when I was just a little bit away and wiped away the tears. That was when I saw the wolf- running along the hill on the far left. When it noticed I had stopped, it did. It sat down and the loneliest howl I've ever heard ripped from the creature. I knew it was Mike. I waved to the wolf- my bond mate- and then revved the motorcycle back up and headed to the rendezvous point.

After I was there, I sat on my bike. I knew Mike was there, watching and waiting for me to get on the plane. I didn't try to bring the bond between us up- we didn't know how the link would work with the other wolves. Well, that, and I couldn't feel his pain any more than the dull throb I was already feeling from the dampened link. I heard the plane before I saw it. It circled and did a perfect short run landing. A cargo door was opened for my bike, and I walked it in. I stepped back out and bowed my head ever so slightly in the direction where I knew Mike was. The link pulsed with more pain. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders and walked around to the passenger door.

I stepped inside and heard another howl echo all around me. It took all of my strength not to rush back to the door. Instead, I walked calmly back to my seat- only then did I realize I was not alone.

“Grandpa?” Shock flooded my words.

“I thought maybe you could use some company of a particular sort, my dear.” He patted the chair next to him.

“Oh, Grandpa!” I ran to his embrace and the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.

“Some choices are the hardest, even when they're right.” He stroked my hair gently as my shoulders shook with my sobs.

“I know, I know... but it's so hard.” I wailed at him.

“Ssh, ssh. It will be okay, Emma. Calm yourself.” He pulled me back far enough to look me straight in the eyes.

I took a deep breath and Grandpa handed me his hanky. “Thank you.”

“Now, I think it's time that you start to tell me your story. I have a feeling you're going to need practice if you'll be talking to Dominic when we get back to Italy.” Grandpa's face was relaxed.

“I think you're right.” I took another deep calming breath and began to tell him my story and what I had done.

By the time I was done, we were almost home. Grandpa's face never changed, he listened as I got everything out of my system. Once I finished I felt a sense of relief. I knew I had done the right thing by talking to him.

“Now, I know you feel better. I now have a better understanding of a blood fasting ritual, quite fascinating.” He smiled at me.

“Yeah, you find it fascinating, Dominic isn't going to think so.” I shuddered as I recalled some of my more vivid dreams.

“You don't give him enough credit. I think he'll understand some of this, not all of this- that is for certain. I don't think that he'll like any of it. The fact that you drank from Michael will both worry him and upset him. But, as with all this, in time even that will pass. Dominic understands the importance of you two coming together- both you and him and you and Michael. I think that poor Michael will probably have a bit of a harder time with his mate- although I'm sure she too will come around.” He smiled knowingly at me.

“I'm sure you're right, for some strange reason you always are.” I smiled at him.

“Not strange Emma, it's my gift. You know that.” His smile brightened.

“I've never actually tried to find out, Grandpa. You're one of the few people that I certain knows his gift, inside and out.” I shrugged at him.

“You are right, my dear.” He laughed. “I do think that you should rest your mind during this last half hour though, he'll be waiting for you when we land- just as the other had to see you off in his own way.”

“Okay, Grandpa.” I rested my head against his shoulder- feeling his naturally comforting air take hold of me and drag me into a pleasant light sleep.

I felt his presence before he woke me.

Dom? My sleepy mind called out to him.

Cara mia. It is time, you need to awaken. His words caressed my mind.

Mmm, this is a nice dream. I responded.

Not a dream, Emma. His arms picked me up from my seat.

“Oh. What... hey!” I smiled sleepily at him.

“Hello to you too.” He smiled down at me. “Did you have a nice flight?”

“Yes, did you send Grandpa to join me or was it his own cunning that made him come?” I laughed as Dom carried me out of the plane.

“I wish I could take the credit for that, but that was his own doing.” He kissed my cheek.

“I bet he would've let you take it too.” I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

“I think we should be heading home. Your grandpa is about to leave if you would like tosay bye to him.” He gestured to the black town car- where he got such a big car in Europe the world would never know.

“Oh, right. Thanks.” I rushed over to Grandpa. “Thank you, thank you for everything. Give Grandma my love too.”

“No need for thanks. We all need someone sometime, Emma dear. I'll tell her. I think perhaps dinner at our house soon would be good for you as well.” He smiled at me.

“Indeed.” I kissed his cheek and waved to him as I walked back over to Dominic.

“Are you ready to return to our world?” His eyes twinkled in a way that told me to have caution.

“Of course, how are we getting there?” I didn't see a car for us.

“The bike.” My bike had been pulled out of cargo and was waiting with my bags strapped onto the back.

“Duh. Silly me.” I waited for him to get on first, and then I climbed on behind him.

We rode in silence. I could feel him gently trying to probe my mind for anything that I didn't already have under lock and key. I knew this evening would be when the world shifted out from under me as I told the truth. I mentally gently shocked him in a way that told him I didn't like him poking around in my thoughts. He withdrew immediately. I turned my head so it rested against his back. I felt very alone- a single tear rolled down my cheek.

The house looked just as beautiful as the first time I saw it. But my worry sat heavy on my mind. Will I still be here in the morning? I feared that Dom wouldn't take this as well as Grandpa hoped. I stood on the steps as he walked the bike over to the garage overhang. I knew someone else would see it to it later- if I didn't end up on it again headed for my grandparents villa.

“Shall we?” He took my bags and carried them up the steps and held the door for me.

“Thank you kindly, sir” I tried my best curtsy at him, and he smiled- just slightly.

“How about you just put that down right there by the stairs. I figure we best get to talking so you don't try and go traipsing around in my mind while I sleep later.” I crossed my arms across my chest- trying to look strong when all I really wanted to do was attempt to hold myself together.

“As you wish.” He walked to the library.

I watched his body and realized he was tense, very tense, and nervous. I thought of trying to read him deeper through his thoughts, but I knew that wouldn't be right when I had just told him to stay out of mine. He was still the beautiful blonde boy, but he wore a long black shirt, black jeans, and heavy black boots- a sign he had been to Bella Notte or he was feeling dark. I hoped it was the former. He took a seat at the head of the long table in the room. I was tempted to sit at the other end, I didn't want to show him fear. So I sat on his left- hoping he would recognize the gesture as my devotion to our relationship, as I sat closest to his heart, as cheesy as that sounds.

“Okay, Emma. Where do we begin?” His bright green eyes bore into me.

“I suppose, like all things, we must begin where it starts. However, before I begin, I want your word that you'll listen to everything I have to say first, you can ask questions at the end- if you still want to. I also want you to try and listen with an open heart and mind, Dominic- don't just shut down.” I stared at him.

“ I'll try my best, Emma. I doubt that it will be easy, but I'll try.” He shrugged.

“I guess that is the best I can ask for.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, this was going to be a long night.

I watched the fury and hurt dance across his face as I revealed more and more of my tale. By the end, his hands were clinched into fist. I wasn't afraid he would strike me but I did fear for the furniture. When I finished I looked him straight in the eyes, and waited.

“I don't know what to say.” His jaw was clinched; I could see his muscles tightening and grinding.

“Say anything, tell me what you're thinking. Something.” I didn't want to have to beg to have his wrath released.

“Emma. How could you?” His eyes were cold with pain.

“I tried to explain to you, I had to. It was the right path to blood fast with him. I don't regret what I know is right.” I held my head high. I wouldn't be made to question things I had already done.

“Not that. How could you sleep with him and drink from him and let that beast drink from you.” His cold fury was colored by the disgust on his face.

“Dominic, I don't think you'll understand this, but I love you and I love Michael. Period. There are two halves to me, pulled against each other in an endless battle. Part of me is his, just as part of me is yours. I can't shut one off just to please the other. It wouldn't work, this is who I am. I need you to understand this. I've told you everything- just as I always said I would. I wanted you to know everything before our wedding. I'm not ashamed of my actions, because they were right for the person I am there. My blood fasting bound me to him and him to me, that can never be broken. Understand that as well. I'm here now, I'm here to be with you. And I'm still willing to bind myself to you as well.” I let my words fill the air around us, I knew I had not softened anything, but I was honest.

“How can you just say that? Do you even realize that makes you out to be whore? Even worse when you let something like that drink your blood!” His temper was rising.

“I see, well, since you feel that way I'll be going to my grandparents. I'll send for my things in a few days. Thank you for listening patiently.” I rose and turned away from him- heading to the door.

His hands grabbed my wrists in tight vice grips. I could see his internal struggle as he battled whatever was going on inside him. “Emma, please don't go. It is just hard and a lot to take in.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“I realize that, Dom. I felt I needed to tell you. A full disclosure kind of thing. I didn't want you to marry me under false ideals. I am what I am. You can call me all the foul names you can think of but it will not change how I feel or the role I will play in saving our people. I love you, Dominic DeDominico, but I will not rip one part of me away that is just as important to this battle because you don't like it.” My back was straight and I stood tall as I told him I wouldn't choose.

“What the hell am I supposed to say, Em? I mean, seriously, you tell me that you basically married Michael, slept with him, drank his blood, let him drink your blood, and that you love him... but that you love me too? How does that even make sense?” His hands tightened around my wrists.

“You didn't ask me to make sense, and I didn't say it would be as straightforward as most things. I merely told you I was going to be honest with you.” I pulled my arms back- breaking his fierce grip- and stepped out into the hall.

“Look, don't go. We can work this out.” He took a few deep breaths.

“Dom, I've worked out my side. My guilt left me when I realized I couldn't try to be something false for the prophecy to succeed. I needed to embrace both sides of who I am. Yes, I've hurt you, I didn't want to, but it couldn't be spared. I'm sorry you're hurt. And more importantly, that I'm not the person you want me to be. But I can't be someone I'm not, and I can't change the past- nor would I want to for this.” I walked to the stairs and grabbed my bags.

“Please stay. I need a drink or something. Give me some time to think, Em. I need to clear my thoughts. I knew it would be something I wouldn't like, but I didn't expect this or so much. Please?” His anger had burned out, it was replaced by fear- fear that I would leave him and return to Ireland for good.

“I'll stay then. But I'm going up to my room. Take all the time you need, and if you want to talk you know where to find me.” I turned and climbed the stairs.

I threw my bags on the floor, grabbed out some sweats from my closet and went to my beautiful bathroom. The water poured down on me just as my tears broke free. I knew he wouldn't take it well, but I had hoped that things would've gone more smoothly. I hugged myself as my body was wrecked with sobs. How could I've been so stupid? What was I thinking? I shook my head at myself. I let the water wash away all my tears and calm me. I knew tomorrow I would be back at school. I started earlier than most because of the screening I would be starting the day with. I pulled myself out of the shower and slowly toweled off. My sweats were comforting and familiar. When I put them on it was like pulling a security blanket on. I sighed again and headed back into my room- Dom was sitting on the bed.

He held up his hand in surrender. “Look, I'm sorry. I didn't handle that well. I realize that must have been hard for you to tell me. But it still hurts, Emma. I don't like the idea of sharing you with a werewolf. I really don't understand exactly what has happened between you two, part of me really does not want to. But I figure that is something we can discuss at a later time. You shouldn't have been so reckless- what if the stories about werewolf blood were true? You would've died, regardless of your healing abilities. I would have lost you, completely.” His eyes were tinged with tears.

“I understand your reaction, you don't have to be sorry. I'm sure I would've been worse if you had told me something like that. I'm sorry that I couldn't think of a better way of talking about this. I figured that telling you in one go and bluntly would make it over quicker- thus making it hurt less. And just so you know, yes, I did think of the consequences to my actions- but I knew, deep down, that I was making the right choices.” I went and sat next to him.

“Will it always be like this?” I could see his mind trying to accept things.

“For as long as necessary, yes, it'll. If you can't accept that, I'll and do understand, Dom. It is a lot to ask of anyone. I know this better than most would. Remember, what I've done to you, I've also done to him and he has done to me. It is a bitter place we're stuck in, but it's what's necessary. It is something that is accepted or rejected- I accepted my fate as I knew rejection would only hurt my people.” I took his hand.

“Emma, I accept you. I accept that you're torn between two worlds, and two parts of yourself. I also realize that you can't choose between us even if you wanted to- it's not how our cards have been played. But I can honestly tell you, that I'll never do this to you. You should always know that. I can be your rock in all this chaos.” His smile was tentative but warm- the hurt was still there, but it was slowly retreating to the dark corners of his mind.

“Thank you, Dominic. I really do love you, you know.” I kissed his cheek.

“As I you, and I always will.” He pulled my lips to his into a deep kiss.

I breathed in his scent and realized that he was as much a part of me as Mike, and that I could never lose one without it breaking a part of me. It was a harsh realization, but something else that I needed to know about myself.

“Now, you sleep. You will need your rest for tomorrow.” He smiled at me.

“Stay. Please. I don't want the night terrors to come. Not tonight.” I knew if he left my mind would pull me into the dark void of how things could turn out very poorly from here on; I didn't want to have to deal with it, not tonight.

“As you wish.” He pulled down the blanket and ushered me into the bed and then he laid down next to me holding me ever so delicately.

“Thank you, Dominic. Night.” I curled against him and felt some of the stress that had taken root in my very soul leave my body and drifted off to sleep.

Morning came too soon. I hadn't set my alarm, but Dom woke me. I rolled back over and grumbled at him.

“Uh-huh. Your butt is getting out of that bed, Emma Mary Hutchinson. Or I'm going to drag you from it.” Something in his voice caused me to look up at him.

“Excuse me, caveman. But civilized people don't drag their beloved from their nice warm beds so early in the damn morning!” I chucked a pillow at him and hit him square in the head.

“Oh yeah?” He grabbed my ankle.

“You wouldn't?” My eyes slitted at him.

“I wouldn't?” The challenge had been accepted and he pulled- not hard enough to pull me out all the way but my leg was off the bed up to my knee.

“You beast! Let go!” I laughed as I flailed my legs about and grabbed hold of the mattress.

“Nope. You're getting out of that bed.” He laughed and pulled again, and I lost my grip, sliding so my butt now rested on the edge of the bed.

“Dominic, if you pull one more time I'm so going to whomp you from here to China!” I snarled at him as I tried to sit up.

“I always wanted to see the Great Wall with you.” His laughter burst from him and he pulled one last time and I went tumbling from the bed; I would've landed right on the floor if he hadn't caught me.

“Oh, you're soooo lucky you caught me.” I pulled him into a kiss.

“Apparently, I'm.” His eyes smiled down at me, and I was thankful that he had let something go.

“Put me down so I can get ready and get the devil out of here.” I mumbled.

“Hmm, that isn't a very good attitude to have for your first day.” He nuzzled into my hair.

“Mmm.” My mind felt fuzzy warm.

“We could see about waking you up more.” There was a sly glint to his eyes.

All of sudden pain flashed through my body. “Oh my GOD!” I clutched my face.

“What's wrong?” He stopped playing and set me down on the bed.

“I don't know. Is... is there something on my face?” I winced as I pulled my hand away.

“Emma, I don't know if you're gonna believe me, but you have a flaming red hand print on your face, um, even a little claw mark that is starting to bleed. I don't understand.” He gulped.

“I think I do. Can you get me an ice pack and the first aid kit?” I asked.

“Yeah, I'll be right back.” He looked back one more time and then rushed out of the room.

“Damn, Acacia.” I went straight to our link and I knew Mike had told her.

Hey, you okay?I didn't know if I should tell him about my matching mark.

I've been better, but hey, I told her. Are you okay? I felt you last night, I knew you told him. His words were soothing.

Yeah, I'm fine. Dom didn't react quite as strongly as she did. I've got something to tell you. I decided he should know that we had a physical bond as well.

I'm listening. Concern colored his words.

It's about our connection, we, eh, share more than mind and spirit. We share a physical bond as well. When she slapped you, she slapped me too. I've got a nice little mark to prove it. I tried to sound like it didn't matter.

What?! Oh, shit, Em. I didn't know. Is that all you got? Mike seemed worried.

Well, I haven't been in front of a mirror or anything, but that was all I felt. I just got up. Why? What else did she do? I suddenly was worried for his well-being.

Oh, her temper is, eh, pretty snarly. I have a black eye, the slap print, and an almost dislocated shoulder. He listed his injuries like they didn't matter.

Hmm, maybe we're only physically linked when we're awake? I just don't know. Are you okay? Do you want me to call Moira so you can stay there? I wasn't sure I liked the idea of him staying around her.

Yeah, I'm fine. I don't want my kind walking about over there. She's calmed down a bit. I'm giving her more time before I try to talk to her again. He sighed.

Yeah, probably for the best. I laughed. I've got to go get ready, first day as a screener. Let me know if you need anything. I love you.

Love you too, and don't worry I'll be fine.Good luck today. I know you'll do awesome. He sent me warm thoughts.

Thanks, bye. I let the link fade.

Dom walked in the room holding an ice pack and the first aid kit. I took the ice pack and placed it to my cheek.

“Okay, I understand the ice pack, but why the first aid kit when you can heal the wound away? And are you going to explain this to me?” His curiosity colored his concern.

“Well, the ice pack is to numb it before I start trying to heal myself first thing in the morning. The first aid kit's for just in case. And this is a result of the bond I share with Mike. He, um, told Acacia this morning. She didn't take things quite as well as you did. But I only got the tail end of it.” I held the pack gently to my cheek as the ice froze the swelling.

“Wait, what?! How is that even possible? And what do you mean the end?” His eyes looked like they might bug out of his head.

“Well, I don't know. We're still learning about the bond. Apparently, if one of us is asleep and the other gets hurt only our mental and spiritual connections are effected. I was only awake for the slap, therefore that is all I got on my end.” I put the ice pack down and concentrated on healing the claw marks and throbbing hand print- I felt them slowly vanish.

“Damn, Em. Do you know what this means? If he dies or anything, you might die too! That goes against the prophecy!” He shouted the words I had already thought about.

“Well, then it looks like I'll have to be asleep anytime he gets hurts then, doesn't it.” I smiled up at him.

“Emma, this isn't a joking matter.” Dom's voice was stern.

“Look, I realize this creates some obvious issues, but as for the prophecy, we don't know how it'll effect it. Now I've to get ready. Can you go make me some cocoa to take with me?” I batted my lashes at him.

“Fine. Go get ready, but please let me know if you need me.” I think he was concerned that I might end up with another injury.

“Scout's honor.” I held up three fingers and crossed my heart with my other hand.

He shook his head as he walked out the door.

I let out a long breath and walked into the bathroom. The mirror shows no other visible damage. I rotated my shoulders and found one to be stiff and sore but not painful. This caught my attention. I leaned into the mirror and realized that my left eye had some light bruising. I sighed. Damn. I healed my eye and took the stiffness out of my shoulder.

I walked back into the room and grabbed my clothes- today I would be dressed in the part of a professor. The student vest was no longer required of me, and whenever I was in my classes I would be allowed to wear my new status marking attire. Part of me hated how I would just be drawing more attention to myself.

I got dressed and did my makeup lightly. This day was already proving to be on the difficult side of life. I pulled my Doc Martens on over my fishnets. I had refused to give up some of my signature fashion pieces.

My messenger bag was loaded with the files of the people I would be screening today, all staff. It also held my new course schedule and my teaching schedule. The classes I had excelled in would now be the ones I taught, with the difference of how I understood them. I still had the two classes about my people and the history and learning to live like a vampire, but my healing class was gone, as was my mental training class. I was given the option of taking a different class than tracking, but I decided to stay in it- it would be more of an independent study class for me. I let out a long breath and picked up the bag and headed downstairs.

Dom was pouring the hot chocolate into a travel mug for me and had, what smelled like chocolate croissants, wrapped up ready to go as well.

“Mmm, smells good. What about you?” I realized there was one set.

“I think I'm going to go back to bed for a bit. I'll be by later to see you. I promise.” He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.

“Ugh, sleep whore. I wanna go back to bed... but oh, no, someone dragged me out of my bed just so I could be on time. Ugh, that's what I've to say about that.” I grimaced at him.

“You are going to end up loving today, especially once you get to teach your two classes with your handpicked kids.” He smiled at me again and walked me to the door.

My Jeep was waiting for me, with the top pulled up as it looked like it would probably rain.

“Aw. You pulled it out for me and got it all ready. Thank you. But that still doesn't make up for the extra sleep you're stealing.” I pouted and walked to my car.

“I'm sure the tasty treats I packed for you will.” He laughed and blew me a kiss.

“Go back to bed, slacker.” I laughed and climbed into my car, ready to start on my newest adventure.

My morning flashed by as I mentally waded through all the people on staff. I found several more healers, two people that had some of my mental abilities, a tracker that had never transformed before, and a handful of other talents that hadn't been seen before. I suggested that some of these people join in my classes- it was up to them whether or not they wanted to unlock their true potential. For the others that I didn't have the abilities to teach, I wrote out my suggestions for each one and submitted them to the school head, Mr. Spawling. Many of the staff were relieved to find that they had no special talents that had been overlooked. However, all of them had secrets; some were pretty dark. I tried not to think about any of this as I rushed from the main building over to the secondary greenhouse.

I requested that all the herbs and medicinal plants be moved into the other greenhouse, as we wouldn't have need for them. I wanted the light and warmth. I had managed to get floor cushions brought in, as well as a few desks. In the back of the room I installed a small waterfall to help the atmosphere. I knew that the class would be a mix of young and old, and that it would continue to grow as I discovered more people. Dom had managed to get the thick drapes I had asked him to get put up, and they even managed to make the room entirely black if needed. Yes, this semester is going to be interesting.

I sat on a green overstuffed, squashy cushion and pulled out my tentative roster. Charlie, Leland, and Daniel were all registered to be in my class. I wasn't sure which of the people I told this morning would come to class, but I had put it out there. I knew that the other healing students from Lily's class that I felt might do well with my type of healing might be transferred over to me if I screened them- something else that would take part on one of these earlier morning days. The other names on my list I didn't know, or were surprised to see. Lily had wanted into the class, but I knew I couldn't teach her to do things like I did- we just healed differently. I had made sure to have this class at the same time as her class to ensure I wouldn't have to make an example of a professor. I took a calm steadying breath.

The door opened gently and Charlie, Leland, and Daniel walked in together. I smiled warmly at them.

“Welcome. Sit wherever you'll feel most comfortable.” I gestured to all pillows on the floor.

“Thanks.” Charlie said as he sat right in front of me.

“Ditto.” Leland took the pillow to his left.

“I'm very excited and thankful that you allowed me into your class. I'm also a little disappointed that you won't be in my class anymore, Emma.” Daniel's words were warm.

“I think that you and I learned things very differently, Daniel, and as such, I would be of better use teaching students and others that I've found to hone their natural gifts that aren't really recognized or brought out in other classes.” I smiled at him.

“Very true, and wise.” He nodded his head in agreement.

“Charlie, have you been feeling better lately?” I looked at the student in the room that I knew for certain could master his ability to heal like I had.

“Yes, thank you so much. I feel like a new person. I've also been practicing focusing my energy.” He beamed at me.

“That will be very useful in this class. And I'm glad that you decided to listen to me. Don't ever worry about getting ahead, I can always tailor individual lessons for each student as I only have two classes. But I'll make that announcement to the entire class when we start.” I glanced up at the clock- ten more minutes.

“Leland, you sure you're up to the challenge?” I winked at him.

“Darl, if I survived you slicing me open like a tomato then I can survive this.” He laughed.

“Getting cut open and learning how to focus your living energy- your life force as it were- to heal another are entirely different things.” I raised an eyebrow at him,

“Hey, hey, I never said I couldn't do that either. It's all a matter of practice. I had the other form of healing down, I'll get this one too.” His voice told me he was ready for the challenge and his hazel eyes glinted with excitement.

“Good. I'll expect that kind of attitude from everyone. If they'd show up.” I turned to the door.

“They will. I think some of the people are nervous about discovering that they didn't know a part of themselves for so long and the students are awed by you. They will all come around.” Daniel's voice was comforting and I had a feeling he was trying to compel my feelings in that direction.

I fell into silence. The boys began talking amongst themselves. At about two minutes until the class was supposed to start, I saw them in a large group walking toward the room. I let out a sigh of relief. The five people I had screened this morning walked with several of the students I had screened from Daniel's class. I also saw some of the students from Lily's class coming this way. Uh-oh.

I let everyone into the room before I started talking.

“If you haven't been screened by me and want to take this class, please come to the front of the room.” As I said this, five of Lily's students came forward.

I realized that there were still three people that I had not screened and hadn't come forward. “Could you three tell me why you're here if you don't want to take the class?”

A tall mahogany colored man stepped forward, “ We're here to observe, nothing more- nothing less.”

“Can you clarify?” I wasn't sure why I was being observed.

“When a new professor position is created, as this one has been, observers are sent out to watch. We will be here for this first week, after which we will make our report on your progress with your students, your teaching abilities, and how we feel you have done overall. You will have three others in your next class as well.” The man stepped back, his voice was flat with minimal inflections.

“If you'd like, I can screen you for these abilities as well to find out if you might find any of this information of use for you.” I decided to be polite and offer it to these people.

The woman of the group stepped forward. Her skin was pale pink. “Thank you for your gesture, but the observers are not permitted to interact with the observed. If at a later time the offer is made again, then it would be acceptable for one of us to partake.” She nodded her head at me and stepped back- again her voice held very little feeling.

“As you wish.” I turned my attention to the five students standing before me. “Does Lily know you've come to my class instead of hers?”

“Yes, Mistress Hutchinson. We asked permission before we came over. She said that if you accepted us then we could stay.” The girl was a little on the rounder side of life, but she held confidence that many didn't, her deep chocolate eyes looked deeply into mine.

“If the rest of the class agrees, I can take a few minutes to screen each of you. But this is their time, so they'll have to agree first.” I gestured to the students standing in the front, “do you mind if I screen them?”

The room was silent, but I realized that everyone had sent me mental 'okays' for the screenings.

I stood in front of the confident girl. “It has been agreed upon, you'll have your screenings now. I'll start with you, what's your name?”

“My name is Sarah Whiteflower. Thank you, Mistress Hutchinson.” I had a feeling that one of Sarah's gifts was to emit strong emotions- like confidence.

This will not hurt, but please don't try and force me from your mind. It will feel uncomfortable if you do. Just relax and it should take a moment or two. I sent the words to her.

She nodded.

I took her hand and closed my eyes. A sudden hushed silence fell over the room as my new students watched me. I pushed all thoughts out of the classroom. I found Sarah's power source and I followed it. I instantly found her gift for healing, both traditional and through energy, and I also found her gift of confidence, as well as a talent for blending into the background- of allowing viewers to mentally pass over her, as though she was invisible. I pulled out of her mind.

You can stay, Sarah Whiteflower, I would also recommend you enroll in my other class. I smiled at her. She stepped back and I moved on to the next student.

“The same goes for you, as did for Sarah. What is your name?” I asked a boy with neon green hair and ivory skin.

“The name's Kip. Kip Steerling, Mistress Hutchinson.” As he smiled at me his lip ring glinted in the light.

Kip, please try and relax. This will not hurt, but don't force me from your mind- that would be uncomfortable. I mentally told him.

He stared straightforward.

I gently took his hand. I slipped into his consciousness easily and found the information I needed. Kip was a healer, he could compel very strongly, and he had the talent of turning into a howler monkey.

You, too, are welcome to stay, Kip Steerling. I also recommend you enroll in my other class. I smiled at him. He stepped beside Sarah and I moved on to the next boy.

“I'm Alexander Brunswick the Third, at your service, Mistress Hutchinson.” The short boy bowed to me.

Should you stay in my classroom, Master Brunswick, I expect some of this formality left at the door. Now try to relax and this should be over quickly. I took his hand as I told him to be calm.

I quickly discovered that Alexander could become quite adept at this form of healing, but also he had an unnoticed gift for tracking people. I decided I should send him to Leland after class.

You're welcome to stay. I'd suggest that you speak with Master Aldridge about developing your gift for tracking. I smiled at him, and he nodded at me and stepped back.

“I'm Emmaline Stone, Mistress Hutchinson.” The girl with kind hazel eyes stood.

This shouldn't hurt, Emmaline Stone. Just try and relax. Do not force me from your mind, that would create a certain level of discomfort for both of us. I reached for her hand.

The girl was covered with freckles, her strawberry blonde hair told me it was part of being a reddish head. Her entire personage told me of her kindness. I was not surprised when I discovered that she had only one talent- healing, but it was in all forms. I realized that she would need both this class and Lily's class, as she had not finished that one.

You're welcome to stay, but know this. Your talent is for all forms of healing. Both my class and Lily's class will benefit you. You can choose to stay in my class and request private study with Lily or the other way around. The choice is yours. I smiled at her, she smiled at me and stepped back.

When the next girl stepped before me, I finally saw the spark of a warrior. When Dominic had told me that some people would have a gift for combat, I didn't really believe him- especially after going through so many screenings and not finding one, but this girl provided the proof. She was tall, lean, but also built. Her tight small black braids were pulled back into a ponytail. Although her deep black eyes smiled at me, I knew that they would be cold in battle.

Merry Meet, Mistress Hutchinson. I'm Tammy Jones. I'm mute. Her words danced in my mind.

A moment of shock passed through me. Merry Met, Tammy Jones. I sense a great warrior within you. It's an honor to have such a rare talent before me. I smiled at her.

The pleasure is all mine. When she smiled back at me, her teeth shone white against her caramel skin.

I'm going to screen you now. Just relax and try not to push me from you mind as it'll cause discomfort to both of us. I took her hand.

When I stepped into her mind, it was like walking into another world. The order of her thoughts and organization was aimed more toward battle tactics than anything else. It took me a minute to find her power source. I saw her gift for combat, I wasn't really sure where to guide her for it, but I would find out. But I also found the same energy healing that each of these student possessed. It was warming to see such a balance for one person.

You're most welcome in this room, Tammy Jones. I don't know where to send you for your special combat gift, but I'll find the right person for you. I smiled at her.

There is no need for that. I've surpassed all the professors here in combat at this point. She met my eyes.

Then I'll see if I can find someone outside of these walls with a similar talent. No talent is truly alone, I'm coming to discover. I gestured for the rest of the new students to step forward.

“These five students all have the gift for healing. It's their choice to stay with this class.” I turned to them. “Please, each of you must now make this choice.” I stepped to the side.

Tammy went and sat by Leland. Alexander and Kip sat together in the middle, surrounded by females. Sarah went to stand near the adults in the back. Emmaline seemed to have a brief debate within her mind and then went and sat next to Tammy.

“Okay, now that's all sorted. Let's establish some rules. First and foremost, I'm Emma, not Mistress Hutchinson. If you wish to show me respect, then pay attention and work hard in my class. Secondly, everyone in this room is and will be at different levels as we progress. Do not feel that you're lacking in any way should you be toward the slower folks to get something. Also, don't get cocky if you find yourself flying through some sections. Energy healing and wielding, in general, will come in different forms to each person and in different levels of complexity. If you feel that you're having a hard time with something, ask me or one of your classmates. Never be afraid to ask. If you don't come to class, let me know why. This class isn't one of your core classes, you're here because you possess a rare talent. You are unique. But if you want to learn how to use this talent you'll need to get some training. So please come to class.” I smiled at them.

“You will be expected to practice what you learn in here. I want to see improvements, I don't care if it's perfect, I just want to see that you're trying. Today might feel slow for many of you, or really fast for some. But rest assured that no one will be left in the dust, and everyone will feel one way or the other at some point. I promise. Are there any questions before we start today's lesson?” I paused briefly. “Okay, then let's begin.”

The class flew by. I went through the basic forms of mediation and tried to pair people together with someone below their current level and at about the same. Towards the end I began to introduce the idea of pulling energy to oneself to use. I had a lot of blank stares. But I asked them to try and practice this for our next class.

There was about a twenty minute break for me between my two classes. I took that time to breathe. I was allowed to use the same room, so I didn't need to go anywhere. Some of the people that were in that class stayed near the room as well. I sat outside on a small picnic table. Leland came and joined me

“Nice class. And thanks for the tracker. I figure that you saw that Kip was able to change as well.” He leaned against the table.

“Yep. But I figured you knew about him. Howler monkey, though?” I laughed as I imagined Kip with his green hair becoming a monkey.

“This coming from the knocker that turns into a wolf, I see that as funny.” His Aussie accent colored his words.

“Alright, what the devil is a knocker?” I sighed.

“Aw, come on, you yanks know nothing. A knocker, ya know, is someone that is critical, they criticize people.” I could tell he was worried I might fly off the handle again.

“Go figure. You know I don't actually criticize people, I just found howler monkey to be an odd predator choice. But hey, I didn't say there was anything wrong with it.” I rolled my shoulders as more tension seemed to pile on.

“It wasn't meant in harm. Just teasing, is all.” He smiled a lazy smile at me.

“I'm sure it wasn't, Leland. I guess it's time to head back in and get ready for round two.” I shrugged.

“You'll do ripper. You're welcome to use me as a demonstration again.. that worked last time.” He held out his arm for me.

“Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.” I laughed and headed back inside.

I did end up using Leland as an example, but since it was for mental training I had no need to slice him open. I helped him realize the full potential of his ability to compel, something he found out wouldn't work on me.

The class went by more quickly. In this one, I had them work on mediation to try and learn to listen to their inner selves- a task I knew was harder than it sounded. It ended up being their homework. As I walked off for a small break before I went and tried to learn more about my people and our history I realized that today could have gone much worse. I drifted in this content state through the rest of the day.

When I finally got home, Dom was waiting for me. He had dinner set out.

“So how was it?” He beamed at me.

“I survived, obviously.” I laughed.

“I'm sorry I didn't get to see any of it. They put me in meetings before and after my classes. I left right after my last one so I could get all this ready.” He smiled up at me.

“Oh, you made me a celebration meal.” It seemed like such a little thing but it brought tears to my eyes, “thank you.”

“Come here, I know today must've been hard on you.” His strong arms wrapped around me.

“It was just so tiring. I mean, on top of the studying about vampires, I'm also screening them out, and teaching them, all in one day.” I sighed.

“Perhaps your classes could be kicked down from every day?” It was a nice suggestion.

“I currently have two classes which I have to teach three times a week. I don't think I could survive daily classes with them. It gives me more time to screen on the odd days.” I let Dom guide me out to the patio area he had built for me.

“Well, I made yummy food. So stop thinking about it and enjoy it.” He laughed as he pulled out my chair.

“Will do, Master DeDominico.” I giggled.

“How long did the 'Mistress Hutchinson' last?” He cocked his golden brow at me.

“Only in the first class, and only before I had a chance to talk to them as a whole.” I shrugged as way of explaining myself.

“I can only imagine. Eat.” He put a plate down in front of me with buttered grilled artichokes.

“Yes, sir.” I stopped thinking about school and teaching and finally just enjoyed my evening.

It wasn't hard to find my groove. By Thursday I had everything down. I even had my lessons planned for Friday. I had just finished my screenings and was waiting for my classes to start when a strange wave of panic rushed through my body. I knew it wasn't Mike, but something else. It was almost like a compulsion, only it was done in the same way- even if it didn't really affect me.

It rolled through me again, feeling stronger this time. I stood up and looked around. I tried to latch onto the energy to try and trace it, but it wasn't done with something I was familiar with.

Dom? I sent him a silent message.

Emma? What's wrong? I'm teaching right now. Concern colored his thoughts.

Something is, eh, I'm not even sure what it's doing. I wasn't sure how to explain what I was going through.

What do you mean? Dom knew there was little that I couldn't explain. Do you need me to come to you?

I don't think so. I'm just... That was as far as I got before it rolled through me once more. This time it poured pain into my body. I screamed out in pain and fell to the floor. The pain rolled through me on a continuous loop. My body bucked in response trying to rid myself of the harm that couldn't be pinpointed. Dom... I called out in one last attempt for him to hear me, my inner voice was fading.

EMMA! I heard Dom and Mike in my mind, before everything turned black.


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