The 13 Gods

By TheSnakesStartToSing

696 4 18

Skyla and her 5 other best friends just died, but in their afterlife, they become goddesses. Each of them wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

44 0 1
By TheSnakesStartToSing

 Chapter 12

Sky’s POV

“I welcome you all to our first god meeting to talk about the angels that will be living in this realm today. Each group of angels, which will consists of a range of 500-10,000, will be living in 6 regions. Each region will have 2 gods each, leading and taking care of the angels.” I say loudly. “I will now assign your partners.”

I read the list of partners Hera wrote. The first name I said was ‘Storm’ and ‘Shadow’. When I said that, that’s where all the chaos started.

Storm stands up. He looked angry. “I will not be fucking living in the same region with that guy!” He yelled.

Shadow stood up too. “Well I don’t want to be fucking living with you either, so shut the fuck up!”

{ Play song on the side to make the guy fight better and longer in your imagination lol }

“Don’t tell me what to do, you motherfucker!” Before I knew it, Storm sent a lightning bolt towards Shadow. Shadow barely dodges it and leaps towards the table before charging and Storm. Storm did the same and he threw the first punch at Shadow. Everyone was shocked. I wanted to go but Hera held me down.

“It’s dangerous if you go and try to stop them.” She says to me.

Shadow punches Storm as well but he returns it back at Shadow. He gets knocked down on his feet and Storm straddles him while punching his head continuously. I saw Damon run towards Storm and he managed to get him off by kicking his ribcage. Storm clutched onto his ribs in pain. I was guessing that Damon was Shadow’s ally. Damon throws a few punches in his face before Blaze comes in and threw some balls of flame at him. He gets burned a few times. Then, Rave comes in and tackles Blaze in a headlock, choking him. Storm was going to help him only to be kicked in the ribcage again by Shadow. They got in their own fight. Damon summoned a sword and was about to stab Blaze but then Clay came into the fight and ripped Rave off of Blaze and punched him in the air.

Blaze summoned a sword made of fire and battled Damon. I stared at the 6 men in horror. I didn’t know they could hate each other so much. I saw lightning bolts flashing around and undead people, probably summoned by Shadow. I saw fire and a bunch of shadows moving around. I felt the emotions of everybody. Most of the things I felt were rage, anger, and hatred.

I noticed that everybody was getting hurt and I knew I had to stop them. Maybe I needed to change who was getting partnered up with?

I called the girls up here somehow without screaming. I also got Nate up. He was the only guy who wasn’t fighting.

“Well,” Megan says, “What the hell do we do?”

I shrug. “We have to try to stop them somehow. How do you stop 6 raging men who have no self-control and could hurt you in a blink of an eye if you got in their way?”

I saw Peyton contemplating before she yelled, “HEY YOU GUYS! LOOK AT THE HOT, NAKED SWIMSUIT MODEL!”

That caught everybody’s attention and they looked around. It’s official. Every guy loves naked girls, I guess. “Well, that worked.” I said. Peyton ran towards them and separated two groups on each side. Storm, Blaze, and Clay on one and Shadow, Damon, and Rave on the other. They weren’t attacking each other so I assume they were allies. How did Peyton separate them? Well, she used her godly strength and threw each and every one of them roughly onto one side.

“If any of you move, I’m going to kick you in the freaking balls until you can’t move again.” Peyton threatens. They all cower back a little.

“What are you going to do now?” Dana asks me. “You definitely can’t group Shadow and Storm together.”

“I know.” I say. “I’ll think of something.” I go back to my table and get a piece of notebook paper. I guess I have to group them my selves. But how should I group them? I should pair them up with their allies but who knows what would happen. They could plot out revenge or maybe go against us if they’re allied. It was quiet and the only thing people could hear is the soft writing of my marker. Megan comes and looks at my paper.

“Why did you draw a moustache, mouse, and cat on your paper?” She asks loudly.

Some people chuckled and I flushed. “I had trouble thinking of who to pair up with whom so i needed to draw.” She laughs and plays with her iPhone. But wait, if there are only 6 groups of 2, where was the 13th person going to stay?

I sighed when I though of something and finally stood up. I looked at the boys who were glaring at each other and Peyton watching them. Damon was sending Peyton flirty winks only to be getting flipped off by her. When I stood up, everybody’s eyes looked at me. Okay, I was feeling awkward now. I cleared my throat before speaking. “I have created new partners because it is really clear that some of you don’t like each other. So, I think the best thing to do would be to partner you guy’s up in order of your elements.

Region #1 would have the elements of Fire and Water, which would be Blaze and Monica. This region must be separated in half with the angels who can control fire and the angels who can control water.

Region #2 would have the elements Weather/Wind and Earth, which are Storm and Clay. Again, separated into halves with the angels who could control wind/weather and earth.

Region #3 would have light and darkness, Nate and Rave. The same with you guys.

Region #4 would have Dana and Shadow, Life and Death. You guys, though, must live in the same mansion. I will explain why later.

Region #5 is Megan and Kylie, Time and Music/Art. You can choose how you want your region to be like.

Region #6, lastly, would be Peyton and Damon, Order and Chaos. You two must live in the same mansion. I do not need to explain.

And as for me, I have no clue.” I stated. All of this just came randomly at me. It seemed like a pretty good idea I hope. I glanced at Hera and she gave me a looks of proudness. I smiled. Was this what a leader was like? I’m not really good with it. I’ll get used to it soon. Nobody opposed to my ordering so I guess I was done. Now, all I need to worry about was where I was staying. We had a lot of renovating to do now. The boys went back to their normal seats and everybody went back to engaging a conversation with their mentors, probably talking about the new pairing and how the region will be like.

“You know the angels that you saw earlier?” She asks. I nod. “They don’t have that power of emotions. They actually have different elements and are there to serve you. Since you changed things up a bit, they will be staying at their original element’s god. I think it’s best if you move around monthly into everybody’s regions to make sure that everything is okay and everybody is treated correctly. You could bring a few angels who have the same element as you but an angel who has it is rare.”

“Well then who has it now?”

“Angel and Cain so far.” She replies. Great, the bitch has to follow me around? I nod. I guess I had to. I wondered why my element was so left out.

Cain stands next to me and smiles. “You make a great leader, Mistress Sky.”

“You don’t have to call me ‘mistress’.”

“I have to. It’s a sign of respect.”

I was about to deny back when suddenly Shadow came. “Can I talk with you for a second, Sky?” He asks.

“Okay.”  I say and we exit out of the room.

“How about you stay with Dana and me?” He asks. “Since I overheard Hera say that you didn’t have that many angels who have the same element as you?” Oh no, no, no. If I live with Shadow, Angel will be rubbing all over him and I won’t risk that. “Dana agreed as well, since you are one of her best’s friends. I don’t mind either.”

I smiled politely and told him about what Hera told me. He thought it was pretty fair and monthly would be good as well. We went back inside and I tell everybody about what I was doing. I wasn’t going to have a large region all to myself with only three people living in it. Wait, were we even still alive?

After hours of talking and discussing, everybody finally agreed and we all went outside. When we went outside, we saw Angel again. That girl heals pretty fast. But this time, her target was Nate and boy, Megan did not look happy.

Megan’s POV

Sky was definitely a good leader and we’ve always looked up to her. I was in a good mood that Kylie and I get to do anything we want with our region. My mentor said that the angels who have the element of time can’t do much and aren’t as strong. Heck, I haven’t even mastered any skills yet but the basics a god can do and it’s been nearly two months.

I was a weakling. I thought and sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Nate asked when he heard me sigh.

“Nothing.” I replied. “Just thinking about stuff.”

He gave me a warm smile and we talked for a while about random stuff before Angel interrupted us.

“You two aren’t dating are you?” Angel asks. I shook my head, wanting to say ‘not yet’. She smirks at me before kissing Nate. I gawk. What the hell was she doing?! Nate pushes her off and wipes his mouth.

I glared at her and she noticed this. “What you like him?” She says and gave me the bitchiest smirk ever.

I didn’t reply and just kept glaring at her.

“Don’t at me like that, bitch. I know you want to be me.” She flipped her hair and stuck the middle finger at me. Then she slapped me. “By the way, that was for earlier when you stick up the middle finger at me.”

Then, I lost all my control and just punched her face in as hard as I could. I rolled my eyes when she started fake crying. “Aren’t you going to comfort me?!” She yelled at Nate.

“Nope.” I answered for him. “He doesn’t go for fake girls like you. I’m sorry.” I said the last part, fake sympathetically. I still felt the pain stinging my cheek.

“Well, I bet he doesn’t even go for bitchy girls like you!” She screamed at me. I think I nearly went death. I saw Kylie cover her ears when she heard that. What’s up with her? Before I could say anything back, she punched my nose. I covered my nose and groaned. I saw blood coming out. Everybody was silent and just stared at me and Angel. She smirked smugly.

I was pissed off now. Nate comes near me and hands me a tissue but before he reaches me, Angel pulls him back and kisses him again. I saw her nails digging in his shoulder so that he couldn’t move and she sloppily kissed him. I clenched my hand and finally had enough. I yanked her hair back and banged her head against the concrete ground. I then lay next to her and locked her head in my arm, choking her, while repeatedly punching her fake face in, copying what Rave did to Blaze in the earlier fight. She thrashed around but I didn’t budge.

I heard Nate chuckle and gently pulled me off of her. She was bleeding and struggling to get more air. I grinned at the sight of that before she used her angel healing and everything looked back to normal.

She charged at me and was about to throw a punch at me when suddenly I blurted out the word ‘freeze’ for no reason and everything froze. I looked confusingly around. Nobody was moving. Not even the gods. I’ve never learned this before. Heck, I didn’t even know how I did this. Whatever that triggered my mind to do it, thank you.

I stared at Angel and moved her arm. Surprisingly, it was easier to move. I smiled mischievously and walked towards Sky and Peyton. They were frozen as well. I wondered if I could unfreeze certain people. How do you do that? I poked Sky and thought in my head ‘unfreeze’ and she just unfreezes I guess. So I did the same for Peyton. Hey, this power isn’t as bad.

They looked around confusingly and said simultaneously, “What the heck?”

“I can freeze time.” I say. They both nod, not surprised that I can control time. “Want to help me do stuff to the bitch?”

They grin at me. I had no idea what they were going to do since Peyton was the master of all pranks. Sky summoned a bucket of glue and dumped it everywhere all over Angel’s body and Peyton poured feathers all over it. So they were going to make her a chicken? They put a beak on her. Once everything was dry, Peyton carried her and took a rope and hanged her on the building by her feet. For a finally touch, I put an embarrassing old woman bra and panties over her since you can’t see her clothes and somehow, Sky managed to spray paint her hair rainbow colored. I told her to make her hair into a Mohawk and she agreed. She shaved some hair, took out the glue and feathers from it, and made it into a Mohawk.

All of us were laughing and we took pictures of her before I managed to unfreeze time. Everybody looked confused as to where Angel went when they suddenly see her. When they saw her, everybody was laughing. Even Storm was and he was the serious one. Angel was confused first when she suddenly saw her arms covered in feathers and she started screaming and thrashing around.

She couldn’t escape because Peyton ties ropes really good.

“How did that happen?” Nate asked me, laughing.

“I discovered a new power.” I say, grinning cheekily at Angel.

He raised an eyebrow and smiled a dazzling one at me. “I better not mess with you then.”

“You better not.” I warned jokingly. He laughed. “But I have to give credit for Sky on the Mohawk, though, I thought of the idea.”

“That’s real?!” He says, surprised. “Holy shit, the bitch going to be so pissed.” He laughed and I joined.

“I know and when Sky and her angels will be staying at my mansion, I’ll make sure to be pranking Angel A LOT more.”

“I’ll help you out, okay?” He says winking.

I tried my best not to blush but failed. “Okay.” I smiled and poked him.

“Why’d you just poke me?” He laughed.

I shrugged and grinned. “I don’t know. I felt like it?”

He chuckled before grabbing my hand, interlocking my fingers with his. I blushed at the sudden action but I did hold his hand back. “Did you take any pictures when you did your freezing time thing?”

I nod. “It’s close up too and a better view. I’ll send you some on your phone.”

He nods and drags us over to Sky and Shadow who were talking. Shadow and Sky were talking about how good she is at hair styling and like being how she was, she denied. When we got there, Nate hasn’t even let go of my hand. Not that I’m not enjoying it but, why was he holding my hand?

Sky wiggles her eyebrows at me before mouthing ‘he likes you’ when Shadow and Nate were in their own conversation. Nate’s hand tightened around mines. She winked at me. I glared at her back and blushed. Then she mouthed ‘be bold if you want him’.

So, I tried to be bold and gave his hand a little squeeze. I don’t know why I did that or what it even means.

He turns his head towards me questioningly before blushing himself. While Shadow was telling him a story, I saw him tune out and thought of something. He surprised me when all of the sudden, he kissed my cheek. I could tell I was blushing furiously. Shadow stopped telling the story and knew that we were having a moment so he grabs Sky’s hand and lead her somewhere. He sent me a smirk and mouthed 'good luck'. Yeah, he was meant for Sky.

I bite my lips when Nate and I entered an awkward moment of silence. We were now facing each other but his hand still held mines. He was staring at my lips. Moni said if a guy stares at your lips, he wants to kiss you or there is something on there. I wiped my mouth and he still kept staring. Does that mean that he wanted to kiss me? Okay, Megan. You need to be bold, just as how Sky said. Jeez, I can’t believe I was going to do this.

I tippy-toed and quickly pecked his lips. Nate looked surprised and then hesitant but he leaned down and softly put his lips against mine. I was surprised now and it took me a while to have the guts to kiss back. It was a short kiss, but it felt amazing.

We pulled apart. “Hey,” He whispers softly.

“Yeah?” I whisper back.

“Do you want to go to Earth and have a karaoke night? You know just me, you, Sky, and Shadow?” He asks.

“Yeah, we would love to.” I smiled. “Like, on a double date?”

“Do you want it to be a double date?”

I thought for a moment before answering, “Yes.”



Might as well add a cute scene there. ;)

Sorry, I suck at describing fighting scenes and that other stuff. Things turn out better looking in my head.

I love this song.>>>

I didn't really make the fighting scene long enough for this song to match it but still lol. It's an awesome song. I think I failed at the guy's fighting scene. You may know how Blaze hates Shadow but you don't know how Storm hates him and how Shadow hates him.

Picture of Blaze ;)

Anyways, Enjoy. :)

~ Larry o3o

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