Healing Hands and Tedious Fin...

By XFantasyXLoverX

31.1K 785 24

Naomi is a leaf village medical shinobi who works part time at the hospital with her cousin Sakura. Her life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

1.6K 45 0
By XFantasyXLoverX

(KPOV) Temari swiftly lead the way through the trees to the Hidden leaf village.

"Can't we go any slower?" I complained. "We have a week, if we slow down we can still spend 2 days in the village before we leave!" I tried to reason with her. It was no use though, she just ignored me and kept going.

"Were halfway there." She called to me, stopping just a few yards ahead on a tree branch. I stopped on the same branch and dropped down to my butt instantly, panting and sweating. I glared at her as she stood there with her hands on her hips, smiling down at me.

"Stop bragging." I winced. She hadn't even broken a sweat. I laughed a bit and pulled out my water.

"Your just in a hurry to see him." I smiled sideways at her.

She rolled her eyes, joining me to sit down. "I just want to get there." She said denying it.

"If you say so." I said looking through my bag for a snack.

"The sun is setting." She said "I say we sleep for a few hours."

I nodded in agreement.

"Right," she said as she pulled out a blanket. "I'll sleep first." she curled into a ball on the large tree branch. I sighed and looked away. "No surprise there." I smiled to myself. I sat there thinking for a while, looking at the moon again. Temari had been asleep for a few hours now, it was pretty late.

I thought about that guy Shikamaru, he wasn't all that bad of a choice for my sister. Sakura was cool too, it would be nice to ask her how she was doing, and how her cousin Naomi had been, was she still seeing that dog boy?

(NPOV) I paced back and forth through the hospital halls, bored out of my mind. Its early, and like usual, I had finished my work. I sat at the front desk, and started reading over my notes. Its going to be a long day, I could tell.

(KPOV) I followed behind Temari, Keeping a close distance, when suddenly she stopped. I jumped down to the branch she was on and knelt down on one knee, listening. I caught on to her drift soon enough, it was too quiet here. That means someone is nearby.

She nodded in a direction ahead of us, and motioned for us to move silently. Suddenly, 3 kunai flew through the air, and landed in a row on the tree, we both drew back and prepared for a fight.

"Kankuro!." She said, pointing to an area again. "You go that way, I'll go this way." She leaped forward, leaving me behind.

I jumped a few trees ahead and ducked down into some low branches as I unwrapped Crow. I trailed the area until I spotted my enemy. It was a young male shinobi, he had looked like an easy kill. I unscrewed one of crows fingers, inside was a poison dart. I lifted Crow up with the chakra strings flowing from my fingers, and flew him around to my opponent. The poor kid fell right for my trap and threw another kunai, this time at Crow. Giving me a clear shot so I aimed with one eye, and my thumb and blew hard on the wooden finger, sending the dart right into his neck.

He cried out, as threw another kunai, this time in my direction. It was fast, and I just barely made it, until it sliced through my shirt, then the skin on my upper right arm. I winced as I held my arm, and jumped down next to him. He twitched a bit from the poison, but he was defiantly dead.

The bastard wasn't wearing a headband or markings of anything I could recognize, so I had no leads on who they were. I kicked his body to the side, collecting his weapons pouch and his small backpack

I jumped back to the trees to find Temari, I could hear a commotion just ahead. I landed next to her, with a kunai in hand. Holding it chest level.

"One down, one to go." I said with an evil smile.

"Kankuro!" she yelled pointing behind me. "Duck!" she screamed, and I did exactly what she asked. With one big swoosh of her fan knocked a spear out of the way.

I turned my head to the direction the spear came from, to see a kunai with a paper bomb coming right at Temari. All I remember is jumping in front of my sister before the bomb hit her.

"Kankuro." She cried out, I faded away though.

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