Healing Hands and Tedious Fin...

By XFantasyXLoverX

31.1K 785 24

Naomi is a leaf village medical shinobi who works part time at the hospital with her cousin Sakura. Her life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

1.8K 48 1
By XFantasyXLoverX

(NPOV) Back in the leaf village, I sat at the vanity in my room. I pulled my long black hair into a bun, and stared at my reflection. It was no lie that I had become a strikingly beautiful young shinobi.

My light green eyes matched those of my cousin. We got that trait from our mothers. I was just an inch or 2 shorter than Sakura, which only fed her ego, however my body was way better than hers in my opinion. My hips were curvier, my legs were long, and my breasts and butt were way bigger than hers. Another better trait of mine was my kind heart, and gentle touch. Sakura is a hot headed ego maniac; I am a quiet, nice girl who keeps to herself for the most part.

To be honest, I wasn't the only one who thought that I was better girlfriend material. I constantly had male suitors carefully watching me, waiting for their chance to get me alone. Men are pigs. I couldn't even go to the bath house without them trying to spy on me and my friends. Not that Sakura isn't beautiful because she is as beautiful as a cherry blossom, but her attitude and brute strength kept men at bay. She only has eyes for one man anyways, her beloved Sauske.

Its beyond me why she had eyes for him so badly; she always had though since day 1. Im not exactly looking for a man, but I do have to admit to myself that Im a bit lonely. There are a few suitors after me that I had thought about giving my heart to, but still they always seemed to find a reason to make me not want them.

Naruto is cute but also super obnoxious, not to mention he is Hinata's. Even if he didn't know it yet. Neji failed to even notice I existed, plus he is so serious all the time. I couldn't handle the bug thing with Shino. Shikamaru is a close friend of mine, and only I know about his feeling for a beautiful sand shinobi named Temari. Choji is nice and all, but Im not attracted to him, nor him to me I think. A sand village ninja once tried to hit on me when I went to watch the chonin exams for Sakura. Then there is Kiba, oh Kiba.. He is as wild as the dog he runs with.

He was my first love, and I would have followed him anywhere. In fact I did follow him secretly, not that he didn't know I was there. He was my first kiss at the age of 14, and just a few years ago on my 16th birthday he took my virginity. The problem was that I wasn't the only girl Kiba was seeing. He was a very popular man, and the ladies loved him. He never would have settled down for me, no matter how much I loved him. We tried dating a few times, but it never worked out right. The last time we dated was for a few months, just after I turned 18. I cut ties with him after I found him behind the bath house (Thanks to a tip from Sakura) with a younger girl. He had her bent over a rock and was giving her all that he had. That night he lost me for good.

Even though he knows my feelings were burned, he still comes on to me all the time, only to be met with the bitter side of me that had taken over my heart. I hope he knows what he is missing.. but I highly doubt it, seeing that he is still a dog humping anything with legs and a vagina.

I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes. Thinking about the past was depressing. "Tomorrow is a new day" I said to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

(KPOV) I was up way before dawn, putting Crow back together. I had to make sure my puppets were ready before setting out for a mission. I cracked Temari's door, she was still sound asleep in her bed.

"Sister," I said gently shaking her shoulder, and then I dodged a punch coming straight for my face.

"Good, you're up," I laughed out loud. "It's time to get ready to leave."

I ripped her blankets off, tossing them across the room just to piss her off even more, then headed for Gaara's room. Ever since Gaara had lost the monster inside of him to the Akatski, he slept like a rock, which was way better than before when he would only sleep every few days.

I grabbed the mission scroll and the note that he had left for us, and quietly closed the door behind me.

I read the note as I went to the front room to wait for Temari.

*Kankuro, be careful and watch over Temari.
Give me a call when you get there,
And remember, when you piss your sister off,
She has my permission to do as she pleases.
I expect to see you in a week,
No later than that. ' KAZEKAGE '*

I stood as Temari walked in the room with her bag over her shoulder.

I sighed. "Well, I guess it's time to go." She smiled as she grabbed the water bottles and bundle of food that I had left out for her while grabbing mine.

"Yeah, I guess it is." She packed her bag and turned to face me. "Let's go!" she smiled big, tilting her head to the side and giving me thumbs up.

"Oh brother." I smirked as I held the door for her, and off we went.

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