Living as Cinderella

By trackrunner14

1.6M 42.3K 6.4K

Hi my name is Faith Leah Lee I was named that because of my parents endless faith in me. My parents died in... More

Living as Cinderella
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Special Chapter!)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not a Chapter NEED FEEDBACK!!!

Chapter 1

104K 2.6K 488
By trackrunner14

hey guys thanks for all the amazing comments on my preview!(: i hope i get more like that! I was like the happiest person in the WORLD! :D Anyways  here is the first chapter! i hope you like it.

Sorry if it's not that interesting TRUST ME it gets better!(: 

The skating routine she does is to the right (No doesnt belong to me and its not really the girl in my story i just liked the routine and thought that if you wanted to see the routine i pictured her doing!)



I glided around the ice gracefully, leaping into the air with the song. The crowd was screaming my name while I went into my last turn executing it flawlessly. Standing there in the middle of the rink I gazed up at the crowd and waved before making my way back over to my parents. They sat there holding hands and smiling at me with proudness in their eyes. This was the best moment of my life.

As I grew closer my parents seemed to fade away. Making myself go faster they only vanished the same moment I reached out for them. I let out a shriek, sadness edging into my voice as the crowd’s cheering voices began to fade away like my parents. Seconds later I was standing in the middle of nowhere, crying out for no one. A black hole appeared beneath making me fall into the blackness.

Waking up I realized it was all a dream… a terrible dream that I happen to have every night of my life. I looked into the small mirror on the opposite side of the room and saw the dark bags that were lying underneath my light green eyes. My hair look like a tornado went through it and I was sweating like no tomorrow. No doubt from my tossing and turning…

“Faith would you shut up down there!” My evil cousin screamed from overtop of me, making sure to stomp on the ground really hard. “You are making my morning routine for the first day of school impossible to finish!”

“YEAH!” her equally as evil twin sister yelled in agreement.

I let out a long tired sigh and slowly peeled myself from my bed. Today was the first day of school and like always I was dreading it. I am a nerd as most put it and at the bottom of the popularity chain, great huh?

Walking out of the room I made my way into the kitchen and began breakfast. As the bacon in the pan sizzled I waited for the toast to pop out, while pouring juice into three glasses. I always made breakfast for my aunt and cousins; it wasn’t like I had a choice in the matter. I was even at the bottom in the house too, thrift store clothing and toast for breakfast every morning. My cousins got designer clothing, bags, and shoes then also got to eat wonderful meals that included bacon.

Minutes later my aunt made her way down the stairs with the twins following her. “Ew toast has carbs! That’s the reason your fat,” Danielle called out poking her head out from behind my aunt who was on the phone. “Eating it burnt is gross too you know.”

My eyes widened in realization of what she said and I ran over to the toaster, popping out my burnt toast. Slumping my shoulders I grabbed my toast and made my way back to my room to get changed. I grabbed my clothes and makeup before dragging myself into the bathroom. I took a long shower letting the water try and wash away the remainders of my horrible dream. Getting out I threw on my shorts and tank top before brushing my hair and throwing it into a ponytail.

“Let’s get this day over with…” I muttered to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t understand why I grabbed my makeup when I didn’t even put any on. Shrugging I walked back into my room to grab my bags and stopped by my parents picture to blow it a kiss. “I will try and have a good day for you.”

I left the room and walked out the front door just in time to see my cousins leaving in their convertibles. I rolled my eyes and began my walk to the bus stop were my best friend sat there waiting for me and the bus. Her name was Jessie and super pretty; she never wanted others to believe that so she always had her hair in a messy bun and wore baggy clothes. She was the greatest friend someone could ask for too.

She raised an eyebrow at my appearance and gave me a once over. “Good morning sunshine! Don’t you look amazing.” Grabbing my hand she began to drag me to the bench and began working with my hair.

“Noo, leave it alone.” I grabbed her hands and pried them from my hair that was now hanging in my face. “I don’t care what others think about my appearance.”

“Well you should,” she muttered while crossing her arms over her chest. Grumbling about something I couldn’t quite make out she watched people ride by in their cars. “I wish I had a car…”

I snorted, “You and me both.” The sun was beating down on my back as I waited for the bus to finally make its way down the street. From what it looked like the freshmen were running up and down the aisle and throwing things at each other. Yay…

“So how are you doing with skating?” Jessie ventured to ask, knowing I didn’t like the topic. She stood up and made her way to the bus, not looking eye contact with a freshman who was staring her down. Getting onto the bus she growled at him and he shrunk back in his seat, not daring to look at her again.

“Jessie I don’t want to talk about it,” I said through my yawning. Pressing my head against the window I saw Trent ride by in his mustang, not even bothering to look at the bus. Why would he… he would just see a pathetic low life girl who lost her famous parents and is now at the bottom of everything. He was so amazingly hot and a really nice guy. How do I know this because he helps out anyone in trouble, he just so happens to be at the very top of the chain as well. So he wouldn’t even give me a glance…

“Earth to Faith! We are going to talk about it sooner or later because I know you have your skates with you right now.” She motioned to the blade sticking out of my bag.

I quickly covered it back up and glanced around to see if anyone saw. Turning back to glare at her she simply just rolled her eyes at me. “I just can’t stop skating it’s my life. It’s in my blood Jessie, it’s all I have left to enjoy.”

“You are taking a risk every time you go out onto that ice you know that right? One day the coach or the principle will walk in a see you and then your toast,” she mumbled.

“Well what else am I supposed to do huh? I can’t afford to go to the ice rink in town and even if I did have money I still wouldn’t be able to because of my aunt.”

“I know but I am just sa-“ She began.

“Just drop it.” I got up from me seat and moved to the front of the bus to get off first. Once the doors opened I jumped off and quickly made my way to the front door. I kept my eyes down avoiding the stares of everyone and ran into someone. “Sorry.”

“It’s ok,” Trent said reaching out to steady me. “You alright?”

My heart beat quickened as I kept my eyes down and moved passed him, “um yeah.” I got into the building and searched the lists for my homeroom. I smiled when I found Jessie’s name undermine.  Once in homeroom I took my seat in the very back and waited for the bell to ring. A couple of hours I would be able to go to the rink.

I relaxed in my chair and thought about me on the ice and how amazing it was. Twirling and sliding, sometimes even falling but hey that came with skating. It’s not like it was ever easy, I had cuts and bruises from all the falling I have done in my life. I thought about a jump I have been trying to perfect for a while now and mentally cheered when I thought about me landing it to perfection.

A tap on my shoulder jerked me out of my thoughts as I looked up to see who it was. My breath hitched in my throat as I stared into the brown eyes of Trent. “May I sit here?” he asked pointing to the seat next to me.

“Uhh, sure…” I shyly replied.

A smile stretched across his face as he sat down. “Hi I am Trent.”

“I know,” I said while staring at my hands. They seemed very interesting at the moment. “I mean uh everyone knows you… I mean…. You’re popular who wouldn’t.” I wanted to slap myself at my babbling, but he found it amusing.

“What’s your name?”

I had to think for a second before replying, “Faith.” I glanced over at him and saw him just staring at me. I blushed slightly and began to twirl my thumbs avoiding eye contact. That was the best plan for me, can’t let him get his reputation ruined can we.

“Why are you acting so shy, you don’t have to you know. I don’t bite; I mean we are friends now right?”

“I guess so; I don’t know why you would want to be my friend though I am a nerd.” At this very moment the bell seemed like it was never going to ring. My heart was pounding inside my chest and I am pretty sure he could hear it. This was the most I have ever talked to a guy in my life.

He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. When he was about to reply the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat and darted out the door. I didn’t want the conversation to get anymore awkward so I didn’t even bother to look back.

The next five classes seemed to pass by quickly as I walked to lunch with Jessie. She kept glancing over at me which made me a little suspicious. “Can I help you?” I asked, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

“Oh nothing… nothing besides the fact that when I walked into homeroom this morning your over there chatting with the hottest guy in school! So what’s it like talking to Trent? Does his voice make you go weak in the knees like everyone says?” She pretended to swoon causing me to giggle.

“We just talked for a few seconds; it doesn’t count as a conversation Jess.” Hugging my books tighter to me I walked into the cafeteria and looked around. All the tables were the same, popular in the middle nerds by the trash cans and people who weren’t really in groups scattered at other tables. I smiled when I saw our table by the windows open and empty. “Hey go grab our table. I will get your food.”

With a nod she walked off passing the popular table and glancing at Trent. He didn’t seem to notice as he chatted with the ice-skating captain and other football jocks. My evil twins were at that table to of course because they were ice-skaters and best friends with the captain.

I walked into the line and began to grab food when a jock came up and got in front of me. Smirking at my shocked expression he turned to pay for his food. I rolled my eyes at the cliché scene and waited patiently for him to finish. Of course though he brought his ice-skating girl friend to get in front of him and she brought her friends with her which pushed me to the very back on the line. Sighing, I finally made it to the front and paid for our food and walked over to our table.

“What took you so long, I am starving!” Jess exclaimed grabbing her hamburger from the tray. She began to munch down and watched me, waiting for me to reply.

“Oh you know the jocks bringing friends and more friends to the front of the line.”

“You should have said something.” A chunk of food few out of her mouth while she continued to talk. I gave her a disgusted look and she only shrugged her shoulders and continued to devour the hamburger.

“Yea what would I say? Get out of my way you big muscle bunched jerk!” I slammed my fist down on the table to help myself out. Few people started to stare at us and I laid my head down to cover up my red face. “I just want this day to be over with so I can go to the ice rink.”

It was like they knew me so well because that same moment the bell rang and I silently thanked God.  I went into study hall and sat down to read. Smiling at the book that I chose I noticed it was an ice-skating book. Flipping through the pages I turned to the page my parents were on. The page was about my parent’s life and what they did, even how they died. I was also mentioned in there and they even had a picture of us all smiling at the camera. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye and I felt a soft pat on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Trent looking at me and mentally groaned to myself.

“Hey,” his deep voice rang out making butterflies of nervousness float around my stomach. He had concerned written all over his face as he took the seat next to me. “What’s wrong?”

I glanced down at the page and back up at him, debating if I should tell him about my parents. I decided not to and closed the book, “nothing.”

He didn’t believe me of course by the way he was looking at me but didn’t push the subject any further. He got up and walked over to the other side of the room were the ice-skaters were sitting and sat next the captain. I rolled my eyes and went back to the book avoiding my parent’s page.

*** *

School was finally over which made me happy because I got to go to the rink. Walking into the room I was met by a breeze of cold air, making me shiver. I walked to the back of the bleachers and sat down, waiting for the girls to begin practice. Amazed at their unique skills I didn’t even realize that practice was now coming to an end and the girls were heading out.

Making sure to wait a few minutes I checked the locker rooms and offices to make sure no one was there before walking back to the rink. Setting up my iPod on the dock I brought I threw my jacket on and began to tie up my skates.

Once I was done I turned on my music and entered the rink. Making sure my hood was up I gracefully jumped and glided around just like in my dream. I imagined the bleachers filled fans cheering me on along with my parents. I smiled and began to pull into my last twist when something blurry caught my eye. I stopped and looked over, making sure to keep my hood down. Trent stood there watching me in awe at the back of the bleachers.

I felt my stomach twist and butterflies enter as I stood there eyes locked with Trent’s. I backed away slowly and skated to the other side of the rink. I slipped off my skates and tossed them into my open bag along with my iPod and dock. Looking over my shoulder I noticed Trent quickly making his way over to me. Panicking I jumped up and left out the back door making sure I didn’t slow down to check and see if he was coming.

I began to pant by the time I reached the end of the road. Stopping to see if I was being followed I readjusted my book bag on my bag and began my walk home. It was a good thing we didn’t live that far from the school.

Finally I reached home and walked into the house to hear nothing but dead silence. I couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief and happiness at the thought of being alone. I entered my bedroom and opened my bag to grab my skates. Reaching around I didn’t feel them in my bag and started to panic all over again. They weren’t in my bag with means they fell out at the rink… which means… Trent has them.

I groaned and fell over on my bed, grabbing my phone in the process. Dialing Jessie’s number it rang a couple of times before she answered. “Jessie I have a problem.”

There was a silence on the other end for a moment. “Did the coach see you?!” She squealed, causing me to yank the phone away from my ear. “Oh my goodness are you in jail?! I told you to be careful and now look at you!”

I rolled me eyes at how over dramatic she was. “No I am not in jail and no I was not get seen by the coach. I was seen by-“ I began before I was cut off by another squeal.

“The principal saw you!”

“Jessie would you please let me finish!” I exclaimed, tossing my hands in air. “I was seen by Trent…”

“That is a problem how?” She sounded bored of the conversation like this was nothing new. This was a major problem for me…

“He has my skates and I don’t want him to find out it was me because he could tell the principle.” I thought of all the horrible things that could and would happen if the principle found out. No one was aloud on the rink besides the ice-skaters. I could get kicked out of school, that’s something I couldn’t have happen!

“Well then you just lost a pair of skates,” she simply replied.

“Those were my mom’s skates!” I whined while tearing up a little. I couldn’t believe I lost the one thing that I held dear to me. I felt so empty inside, so lost and now I couldn’t even skate. Something I had to do, it was something to help me remember my parents.

“I am sorry but this will blow over in a few and hey maybe you will get your skates back. He might not care and toss them in the lost and found.”

I thought about it and agreed; yeah this should blow over in a few. Saying my goodbyes I headed off to bed ready for tomorrow to come. I might be able to get my skates back! Getting ready for bed I jumped in and fell asleep instantly.

The next day the same morning routine happened, got up, made breakfast, and went to school. Thinking it was going to be the same as usual I walked in the front doors and was met by something horrible. I looked over at Jessie and saw she had the same expression as I did. Oh no this wasn’t good, not at all.


what did you think? i hope you liked it i went ahead of what i was planning on uploading it just for you guys!(: please tell me what you thought about this chapter!


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