
بواسطة ShelbyWinds

60.6K 3.5K 831

Lucius doesn't like other supernaturals in his territory. All supernaturals either work for him or ask for h... المزيد



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بواسطة ShelbyWinds

Lucius knows the general direction of the pack Faline came from. He looks for and finds her scent. Smiling to himself he follows it back to the pack. The smile comes out into full force as he enters pack land. He silently goes about killing the sentries. The only ones he'll let live are the females and children.

He works as quickly as he dares, methodically taking out all the male wolves he finds. He wrinkles his nose in disgust as he realizes that they've kidnapped not just female wolves but humans as well.

They are dangerously close to betraying the supernatural to the humans. This extermination is more than justified.

Finally after more than an hour he finds himself at the pack house. He'd made sure that none of the wolves outside of the house survived.

Breaking the door in since it was locked, very likely due to not wanting to lose any more female slaves, Lucius enters the house.

He can smell the females and the sex. He wrinkles his nose in disgust. He goes to each room and makes sure to take the males out. He whispers warnings tell of instant death if they make any noise. He takes them down to where the cells are and locks them up. Once he's satisfied that he's either killed or locked up all the males of the pack he wakes the females.

He angers as he sees them in various stages of recovery after being beaten. The only ones not covered in bruises are the ones pregnant. But he can see the marks made from whippings and beatings done to them before.

He brings them down to the cells, "Is the alpha in there?" He demands.

The females shocked at finding not just a stranger and not a wolf there stare at him and then at the males that have hurt them so much. Some of them smile happily to see those that hurt them now being punished. Some are just shocked.

Finally one of the females gathers herself enough to look them over. "He is, but I don't see his beta."

"Beta had patrol tonight, I heard the alpha tell him." Another female more than a little scared admits.

"Then he's already dead." Lucius sounds pleased. He ushers the females upstairs once more.

The females look at their liberator more than a little terrified. One person took out this whole pack. What is he going to do with them?

"Are any of you part of the pack of the slave that managed to escape?" Lucius asks gently. He wants answers and Faline can't give them to him.

All the girls shake their heads no. "She's been here the longest. I think the last of her pack died before I was brought in. Even the girls that were here before me are all dead except her. The alpha has plans for her and was more than a little upset that she managed to get away. Is she alright?"

"She's safe and those that were sent to go after her won't be coming back. What kind of plans, do you know?"

"He said that she's strong. That she managed to survive what the older girls couldn't. He was going to use her to father his bastards on her. He's just waiting for her to be old enough to survive the rape."

Lucius is furious with those words. His little Faline, he isn't about to let that bastard anywhere near her.

"What do you girls want done? I personally can't take you home, but I have contacts that can."

"Most of us, when they took us they took out our pack. We think that's what happened with the girl that escaped. We don't have any homes to go back to."

Lucius turns to the two human females, "You understand once you leave here you can't mention anything about the werewolves or other supernaturals?"

"There are other supernaturals?" The two humans look at him with wide eyed fear.

"Yes, I'm not a wolf, I'm a vampire." With those words one of the females collapses. Lucius smirks.

The females all look at Lucius, "You're Lucius, I mean Lord Lucius, aren't you?"

"Yes." The females are now just as scared of Lucius as they ever were of the wolves. "Oh, come on, the girl that came to me isn't anywhere near as afraid of me and she watched me kill. What about your children?"

The females shake their heads, "We don't know where they are. They are taken from us at birth and we never see them again."

Lucius narrows his lips in anger. "Gather what you want and wait in the meeting room. I'm calling my contact and he'll send people out to get you. He'll help you find new places or help you set up as independents." The girls nod their heads more then happy to get away from Lucius.

Lucius makes his way to the office of the alpha.

He looks for any records he can find on the attacks and kidnappings of the females. He takes any records he finds. He doesn't have much time, already he's been gone longer than he wants to be. He runs across the record of the children. He becomes extremely angered. Those children were also beaten and are now all dead as well.

"I have a present for you." Lucius says when his call is answered.

"Lucius, do you have any idea what time it is?" The voice says irritatedly.

"I do, but this couldn't wait. That rogue pack that's been plaguing your people is no more. I liberated the girls they made slaves, what survive anyway. They need a place to live and they'll need help. I'd suggest keeping them with the gentlest and most loving of your pack until they are able to deal with everything that's happened."

"Fuck, where are they?" The man demands and Lucius gives them directions.

"You'll know it when you see the flames. Make sure you hurry, they'll need to be gone before the humans get here."

"Why would humans get there?"

"They'll be putting out the fire."

The man's eyes widen in horror. "Lucius, don't, the last thing we need is questions about us arising."

"Then I suggest you hurry up. The bastards also took a couple of humans that will need to be taken care of and no need to kill them."


"I also have a young freed slave that I'll be taking care of. Since I don't know much about wolves I'll need you to talk to the local pack about that. You might also want to find out why they never told you about the rogue pack that is sharing the valley with them."

With that news the man becomes angry. "Oh I will. We've been hunting that pack for years. How did you find it and why did you care?"

"The girl I'll be taking care of ran from them and to me. I don't like other supernaturals, as you are aware, but I like abusers even less. She came to me looking for freedom, expecting death. Instead I'm giving her life. That pack sent four of their wolves to retrieve her so I decided to deal with the pack myself. Now it's dealt with."

"Thank you Lucius," the man manages to get out. He's not happy about owing Lucius, but that's one huge weight off his shoulders. His people haven't been happy about the attacks and kidnappings of their people.

Lucius hangs up and after finding everything he can takes his stolen papers and leaves the room.

He goes to the cells and smiles at them. "You are a fool. Did you really think that you'd get away with this indefinitely? Just think, one little girl brought it all down around your asses."

Lucius grabs one male and takes him to a different room. Locking him in he works off some of his anger.

The wolf dies before his anger is done. He goes to get another wolf and repeats. This goes on for hours. He loses himself in the joy of the torture.

Finally it's just the alpha left and he smiles. "You I've decided to do something different." Lucius doesn't bother moving him he just dumps gasoline all over the floor. He makes sure that the alpha doesn't have an escape.

Then stepping out of the cell he starts the gasoline on fire. "Enjoy burning in hell. I'm sure this is just the beginning for all you've done."

"Who the fuck are you?" The alpha demands as Lucius turns his back and goes to leave.

"You know me as Lord Lucius." Lucius loves the look of horror that takes over the wolf's face. He laughs as he walks upstairs.

The last of the females are being helped into vehicles as he leaves. "Good just in time. Take care of them, they've been through enough. Once they are ready to know, if they ever are, let them know their pups are dead. That bastard abused and beat them just like he had their mothers."

"I will. Thank you Lucius. The local pack will help you with any needs you have for your young ward."

"Good. Because if I find out they were in any way privy to what happened and didn't do anything to stop it, I'll destroy them as well." Lucius says cheerily.

Then he looks and realizes that he spent far too much time here. Without further ado he takes off to return home.

He walks into his home and finds the man he ordered to make his papers. "What are you doing here?" Lucius demands.

"You seemed in a hurry to have these." The man hands over the papers. Lucius holds back his temper and gives the man his money. He'd forgotten all about the papers. He'll need to turn these into his lawyer to get Faline legally his.

"Thank you." The man takes that as his cue to leave and does so. He had felt the irritation coming off Lucius. Lucius in a good mood, rarely happens, is bad enough. Lucius irritated is dangerous.

Lucius climbs the stairs and just hopes that Faline is still asleep. If she isn't he's afraid that she'll be upset.

He isn't expecting her to try to run out or the smell of her terror. He catches her to him and his heart breaks at her words, "Don't hurt me!" He took far too long with the rogues, he should have come back hours ago.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Before the sunrise, I heard noises downstairs and thought they'd found me. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do." Lucius curses himself for not being here earlier.

"They will never hurt you again. I already took care of them." Lucius tells her. He thinks the truth is far better then a lie at this point.

"You killed them all?" The awe in Faline's voice makes him chuckle.

"Yes, Faline, I killed them all. I also made sure that the other slaves found a safe place to live."

Faline throws her arms around him, "I love you Lucius."

Lucius stiffens, he's never had anyone tell him that before. Especially a child, they usually run and hide from him. Even the humans that don't know what he his are terrified of him.

Hesitantly he replies, "I love you too, Faline."

Lucius finds that those words are true and he hopes that he never has to let Faline go.

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