Naruto: Soldier of earth and...

By mickol93

108K 1.3K 514

Naruto has been neglected by his parents and godparents over his twin sisters, Mito and Naruko. He couldn't t... More

Chapter 1: F.N.G.
Chapter 2: Crew expendable
Chapter 3: Blackout
Chapter 4: Hunted
Chapter 6: Safehouse
Chapter 7: Alien vs. Predator
Chapter 8: Alien vs Predator part 2
Chapter 9: Alien vs Predator part 3
Chapter 10: Alien vs Predator part 4
Chapter 11: Alien Vs Predator part 5
Harem 2
Chapter 12: Alien Vs. Predator part 6
Chapter 13: Alien Vs. Predator part 7
Chapter 14: Alien Vs. Predator part 8
Harem 3
Chapter 15: Alien Vs. Predator part 9
Chapter 16: Alien Vs. Predator final part
Chapter 17: Heat
Chapter 18: The sins of the father

Chapter 5: Regret

7.9K 84 6
By mickol93

Meanwhile, in the land of Konoha, former home of Naruto, his family still live in the village. Even since he left, the family changed. His mother locked herself in his old room, refusing to come out. She cries herself to sleep, having nightmares of her son, and begging to Kami to let her see him again. His sisters really took it hard. They both train hard, so they can find their brother and be a family again. After training, they both go home and go to their rooms and think about Naruto. Tsunade has drank every day, regretting her stupid decision of neglecting Naruto. They all blame Jiraiya for this mess. He got beaten real good. He too blames himself for what has happened. In his office, Minato sits on his desk, working. He looks at his family picture. He sees Naruto on the picture with a sad frown on his face. 

Minato: (Sighs) Naruto...(Looks outside) I hope you're okay, my son. I know you won't forgive us for what we did, but we still love you and we'll be better parents. Please be safe out there. 

Meanwhile in the village, some girls are sitting together by a swing. Their names are Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Tenten, and Hanabi. They're Naruto's friends. They all stayed by his side while his parents neglected him. And when he left the village, they're all saddened at that. He left them letters and last gifts to them. He told them he will come back for them. They haven't dated anyone since. They all promise to each other to marry Naruto together. Back with Naruto, he and the team have made it to the extraction point and now they're on a chopper heading back to base. As they do, Naruto looks at his journal. He flips the pages and finds a picture. He takes it out and looks at it. It's a picture of himself, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Tenten, and Hanabi. They all smile at the camera that has taken the picture. He smiles at the picture. He misses them so much. He hopes that after this whole thing is over, he will go see them again. He looks at his team and friends. Yumi and Aelita look at him and smile. He smiles back. He closes his eyes to rest. They both get up from their chairs and walk to him. They both sit by him. Price looks at them and sees they're sitting by Naruto, who is resting and holding his journal. He wonders if he ever thinks about his former family. The chopper continues flying through the air, heading back to base.   

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