Sex Ain't Better Than Love ?

By NooFakeIshh

333K 5.3K 583


Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Character Info
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? One
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Two
Sεx Ain't Better Than Love ? 3
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? 4
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Six ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Seven ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Eight ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Nine ✘
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Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 21 ✘

7.7K 165 19
By NooFakeIshh


We all spent the last night of me being here outside roasting marshmallows by the bonfire, Tremaine and Asia were feeding each other marshmallows as Forrest and I sat wrapped in a blanket together . This would have been a somber goodbye but we've made plans that Forrest and Asia are coming back with me to Virginia while Trey is out traveling to promote his album . After that I can't help what's to come next .

This would have been a really good night if I didn't have to see the mad expression on Forrest face, I did everything I could to focus him on me, but I knew he didn't want to be here right now .

After the fire burnt out Asia and Tremaine hung out in the living room as Forrest and I went for a walk .

"I feel like instead of Asia being the one to show me around New York you've been more of the damn host then she has ." I said as we walked side by side

"At least you had fun while you were here, I guess you just came at the wrong time ."

"Thanks to you I had a great time here, no one has ever filled me with so much life . You're really special and some day you'll make somebody else feel the same way ."

He smiled "You just know all the right things to say don't you ."

"Maybe one day, at the right time, there can be us ."

"I sure hope so ." he said holding my hand as we walked back to the house

We left the house to board the plane at noon, Forrest and I fell asleep together cuddled up the whole ride while Asia sat isolated trying to keep calm as possible . Once we landed down in Virginia we all hung out one last time before saying goodbye to each other .


We weren't going to be spending a lot of time down here, three days the max . It felt good to see my Moms face again, I love her to death but I don't want to tell her about everything that's going on with me in New York . I already know she damn sure wouldn't be happy and I don't feel like going through her criticism this time .

The first day of us being here I spent the whole day with my mom and alone in my room to gather my thoughts, I started to think about everything I wanted and all the things wrong with what I'm doing . The second day my mother and I went over Forrest mother's house for dinner, we didn't speak much while I was there . But on the last day Forrest and I spent the whole day together .

"Damn I miss it out here, ain't nothing like being home ." I said as we sat in my bedroom

"I know it's too bad we leave tomorrow, I'm going to miss my momma

I teased "You're such a momma's boy ."

"Like you ain't thinking the same thing ."

"When I moved out of it here it was to get away from my Mom not to keep coming back, but I've actually been thinking about staying ."

"Why would you do that ?"

"Nothing is the way I thought it would be, I don't feel the same anymore this doesn't feel right to me anymore, I don't want this anymore ."

"You don't want what anymore . . . Trey ?" he asked but I didn't answer "What happen between you two ?"

"Nothing happen between us, I just don't feel it anymore . Truthfully I feel like we rushed into things, I always felt something for Trey I love him to death but I don't LOVE him . So I think that I'll go back with you tomorrow, get my things, tell him I how feel, and then I'm out ."

"You're not leaving because of him or because you don't feel the same anymore . You leaving because of me ."

"No, that's dumb . Forrest, I was suppose to take up my career on Photography . I haven't even picked up my camera since I been down there ."

"Bullshit, admit it Asia . Tremaine tried to give you that life -- ." he shouted

"But I don't want it if it's that easy ." I interjected

"So what, somebody tries to give you something and a couple of damn doors open for you and you turned it down like a fool, that was your fault . But this situation has nothing to do with that though, you leaving because you can't handle the fact that for once in your life you can't control things to go your damn way ." he shouted

"That has nothing to do with it ." I shouted back

"Then what is it ." he shouted in my face

"I love you too much to hurt you anymore !"

Forrest roughly grabbed me tight into his arms, but he didn't kiss me he just looked at me liked he wanted to but then let me go and walked away from me . I grabbed on to his hand and pulled him back to me .

"Don't go ." I said softly holding on to his hand

Forrest stepped towards me cupping my face into the palm of his hands looking into my eyes, he leaned forwards causing our lips to meet . I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, suddenly picking up my leg to place me onto his waist . He walked over to the bed laying me down as he stretched himself on top of me . Roaming his feelings on my body causing my skin to jump, it was wrong doing this but like he said before, it was the inevitable .

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