The bracelet (A Masky x reade...

By C_D_Creepypasta

18.5K 363 158

Your a museum worker who got transferred to a new location as a security guard, one night while on the job a... More

Chapter two: Strangers
Chapter three: Memories
Chapter 4: Camera
Chapter 5: More Strangers?
Chapter 6: lonely...
Chapter 7: With them
Chapter 8: Far from ok.
Chapter 9: Trapped
Chapter 10: On the road
Chapter 11: A book?
Chapter 12: Repercussions
Chapter 13: The key
Chapter 14: Pride
Chapter 15: Punishment
Chapter 16: Sour lips
Chapter 17: Singed lips
Chapter 18: Severance
Chapter 19: Powerful
Chapter 20: Tendered

Chapter one: Ok, then.

2.7K 49 14
By C_D_Creepypasta

3rd per. POV.

    It was a cold winters morning, (Y/N) had just began driving to work when she got a call from her friend Samuel. "Yellow", She said in a playful manner, "Hey (Y/n)", He said nervously. "What'cha, need?", She asked politely, "Oh, just wanted to know what you were doing later today?", He said shyly. "Oh, I have work later today.

    But, if you want we could hang this weekend!", "That sounds great see you then", he said as she pulled into the museum parking lot hanging up her phone and entering the building. Above her head was a banner that read "New relict found", She Curiously wandered to her bosses room see what was happening. When she entered she saw two other employees there. She walked up to her boss and asked "What's going on?", "Oh, I'm moving you and these two employees to a new museum down town.", He said in a matter of fact tone.

    She was speechless she couldn't believe her boss, was moving her to a new building without her consent. "I didn't agree to this, I've been working in this department for 3 years!" she said trying to keep her calm, "Well, You have been slacking off and I say you would do better in a new building!" he said raising his voice, Y/N froze she couldn't think of anything to say, "You are dismissed!", He said rudely and unmannered .

     She ran out of his office and to her car, She sat in her car and curled up into a ball as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She sat there crying for a bit as she tried to gain her composure, after she felt a little better and stopped crying she took a sip of water from her water bottle, wiped her tears away and went back inside. She stopped when she got a text, she took her phone out her pocket and checked who it was. It was her boss he had given her the new location for the museum down town, She sighed as left the building got back in her car and started driving.

     She stared at the road as she was thinking about the events of the day, In her mind it had all been one big circle. As she pulled into the new parking lot a bad feeling washed over her, She gulped as she got out of her car and walked up to the new museum. She pushed the heavy doors open and walked to what she assumed to be the manager's office.

    As she knocked it seemed to echo through the area she resigned in, She heard footsteps walk up to the door as she held her breath in anticipation. The door opened and she was met with an average sized woman with brown hair and green eyes, the lady smiled and said "You must be (Y/n)!" She said welcoming her in.

   The lady pointed to a chair in front her desk and gestured for (Y/N) to sit, she sat and smiled at the lady as she sat at the desk in front of her I look at her name tag and its reads Charlie dean.

    "So, (y/n) your boss has said all about you!", she was silent, her boss had never liked her. she kind of feared this would happen, she sighed "Was any of it bad?", She asked hesitantly. "No, none bad some weird though.", she said muttering the last part, "Lastly, you are going to be doing the night shift with two others. They haven't shown up yet so you'll meet them tonight" She said smiling, You nodded and left the building getting into your car and contemplating wat all just happened.

    You turned on some music and started to slowly daze off, You started thinking about who the two employees are going to look or act like. After a while the two employees showed up, and they were the one that were in your bosses office. You exited your car and headed towards the building,

Y/N's pov.

    I sighed grabbing my hat, coat, and flashlight, I walked around the museum examining the different artifacts and intriguing art pieces. I walked into the breaker room turning off the lights, and exited the breaker room. I walked into the main part of the museum, I took a look around thinking of what could save me from boredom.

      I sat down in a chair and started reading a random book, after a while I started hearing a shimmering sound from another room. I was struck with confusion, I got up from my seat and started jogging to the room the sound was coming from. I entered the room and saw a mysterious bracelet floating in the air, I started walking up to it when the door slammed behind me. Suddenly the bracelets to flew my wrist, I looked at my wrists and tried taking the bracelet off, I had no such luck with the bracelet.

    After struggling to get the bracelet off I fainted, and was left in a deep sleep.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed!

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