The Son Of Poseidon and The D...

By Pearl-Heart

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Cressa O'Reily is the daughter of Apollo, the sun god. When Camp Half-Blood comes calling, she leaves to find... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two


215 9 0
By Pearl-Heart

There's something wrong. I tried to breathe but instead, I got a mouthful of water. I shot awake and looked around but saw the lake and a cement block tied to my wrist, holding me to the bottom of the lake. I saw water nymphs coming at me with sharp rocks then they cut the rope holding me and someone grabbed my waist. I looked up and saw Percy then hugged his neck as he kicked off the bottom of the lake and swam upwards. I held his neck tightly then he broke the surface of the lake and I saw many different campers with the gods.

"Percy, Cressa!" I coughed up water then Percy used his power to make the water put us on the dock.

"Cressa?!" He held me as I puked the contents of my stomach but he didn't seem very happy.

"What happened?!" Chiron asked as dad grabbed me and held me to his body.

"I'm okay, dad." I whispered as he brushed my hair from my face then Percy stood.

"They tried to kill Cressa! I watched them throw her into the lake with a cement block tied to her arm!" He growled and I looked at the group of campers then the Ares campers grabbed the group.

"Why? Why would we try and kill her? Because she's a freak? A monster child? She's going to kill us all and you know it!" The girl yelled but I still felt like I couldn't breathe.

"It's alright, Cressa. Just breathe." Poseidon said and forced more water out of my lungs. When I could breathe right, Percy helped me stand then he lifted me. I hugged his neck as he silently carried me away from the docks but I smiled at him as we went towards the Apollo cabin.

"Thank you, Percy. You saved my life." He smiled at me then shrugged, bouncing me as well.

"No one else was around to do it. And besides, it was that or just let you die." I laughed and laid against his shoulder as he went into the cabin then he set me down and got me new clothes.

"Here, change into these. I'll get the water out of your clothes."

"Thank you." I whispered and he left as I changed into the new pajamas he had handed me.

When I was dressed, I called Percy and he came in then grabbed my wet clothes.

"I'll give these back in a bit." I nodded and messed with the hem of my shirt as he left. A few minutes later, Will came in and gave me a soft smile.

"The gods wanna see you." I nodded and went with him, not bothering with shoes, then we got to the dining pavilion and I saw Percy coming over with his brother.

"Cressa, come here." I went to dad and he hugged me then held me close.

"I'm so sorry, this is my fault." He whispered in my ear but I shook my head.

"No, it's not." I said and he smiled then Zeus gave me a smile as Percy came over.

"What's up?"

"Because you're the only one to have taken action and rescued Cressa-"

"Some water nymphs helped too." He said and Zeus gave him a look.

"Not relevant, gotcha." He said and I snorted as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"We have decided that she will stay with you in your cabin. You're her protector, Percy. You've risked more to save her than any of these other campers have." Zeus said and I eyed him shocked.

"Wait, I'll be in cabin three now?!" He nodded and I looked at Percy then risked looking at the other campers.

"They're going to cross the cabins like this?"

"All because she was attacked?"

"This girl is so messed up, she's changing everything." I ignored the comments then Tyson hugged both Percy and I.

"Seems we got a new bunkmate, huh?!" He said and I couldn't help but smile at the half-cyclops boy.

"Yeah, guess so." Percy said and I noticed Annabeth glaring at me.

"Thank you, Zeus." I said and he smiled when they left but Chiron cleared his throat.

"You heard him, you're now apart of Cabin Three. This means you eat at their table, help with their chores, do the same activities as them, and so on." I nodded and Chiron had some sayters move my things for me. When I was settled in the cabin, Percy came over and sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry, Cressa-"

"Don't be, it's alright." I smiled and he nodded then went to his bed as I laid down and slowly fell asleep for the second time that night.

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