Earth Trials


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"Let me protect you." "I don't even know if you can." s1; under construction s2; on hold b.blake x oc Еще

1:01 pilot
1:02 earth skills
1:03 earth kills
1:04 murphy's law
1:05 twilights last gleaming
1:06 his sister's keeper
1:07 contents under pressure
1:08 day trip
1:10 i am become death
1:11 the calm
1:12 we are grounders i
1:13 we are grounders ii

1:09 unity day

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For the first time in a while the mood around camp is buzzing with excitement.

Even on the ground Unity Day means celebrations and this year, a much more relaxed celebration.

"Elle!" Luca calls running up. "Montys making moonshine!"

"Awesome." She says. "Because getting high worked out so well."

"Come on, gorgeous." Bellamy smirks. "The first exodus ship comes down in a couple days, let them have their fun while they can."

"Does they mean me too?" Luca asks hopefully.

"No." They reply together.

"Hey." Finn says approaching quickly. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, course, just give me a minute - okay and we're leaving." Ella shoots Bellamy a questioning glance when Finn grabs her arm and begins pulling her. He shrugs before placing his hands on Luca's shoulders and directing him away from the alcohol. "What's going on?" She asks once they've made it to a less populated area of camp.

"How do you feel about Bellamy and Clarke bringing guns back?" He asks forcefully. Ella knows her brother, so she can tell something is brewing in his head. Something dangerous.

"Good." She replies without missing a beat. "The more protection we have the better."

"You sound just like him." He looks at her bewildered. "Ella, this isn't the ark, this isn't practice. Guns are used for violence."

"They're used for self defense." She argues narrowing her eyes. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing." He retorts. "I just think maybe we should be talking to the grounders and trying to make peace instead of arming ourselves."

"Well, that's great in theory, Finn, but did you miss the time a grounder attacked me in cold blood?" She asks, arms crossed like her brothers and expression matching. From where Bellamy stands he can definitely tell they're twins. "If I had had a gun with me I promise you I wouldn't have almost died."

"Ella." Finn deflates. "We can't keep going on like this. We're heading down a dangerous road here."

"We're already on a dangerous road." She says slowly. "But Finn - peace was never made peacefully. There's always violence."

"There doesn't have to be this time."


"Ella, we could talk to them, work things out." He tries, wanting desperately to tell her about his plan. "There doesn't have to be any violence."

"There already was." She says coldly. "They speared Jasper for crossing a river. They killed our people when you guys were looking for Octavia. They tired to kill me. I'm your sister Finn, they tried to kill your sister."

"I know!" He admits, shaking his head. "And I won't give them more reason to take you from me."

She lets out a long breath and closes her eyes, tilting her head to the sky momentarily. The lost look on his face when he mentions her possibly being attacked again nearly breaks her. "Finn." She begins before looking back at her brother. "I'm not saying we go out and start a war. I'm just saying that having a few guns around camp to protect us is a good idea."

"Okay." He says backing up. "I guess it's clear we aren't going to agree on this."

"I guess it is." She mumbles pulling her jacket closer feeling the internal chill at the very thin layer of ice seemingly settling between them. He nods, stuffing his hands in his pockets before leaving.

"What was that about?" Bellamy asks when she makes her way to him again.

"Nothing. Just Finn being - Finn." She replies looking around. "Where's Luke?"

He looks behind her with a nod. She turns around to see the young boy approach with a cup in his hands and looks at him incredulously. "Whatcha got there?"

His eyes go wide, looking between her and Bellamy. "Water."

"Mhm." She says taking it from his hands. "Thank you."

"Awe, come on." He whines. "Can't I at least try it."

Bellamy holds in a laugh, looking at Ella and nodding towards the cup. "Why not, beautiful. One drink won't kill him right?"

Ella rolls her eyes and hands Luca the cup knowing full well what Bellamy is anticipating. "I knew you were the cool parent." Luca says taking the moonshine. He bring it to his mouth and takes a drink, immediately spitting it out behind him. "Ew, is that what it all tastes like?"

Bellamy cannot contain his laugh but Ella tries her best to keep her amusement down. "Pretty much." She says accepting the cup the boy is holding out to her. She tilts it back, feeling the alcohol burn it's way down her throat and coughing at its intensity. "Ugh, what did Monty make this from rocket fuel?"

Bellamy smirks when she hands it to him. "Probably." He says looking it over and downing the rest, seemingly unaffected except furrowing his brows. "Yeah, I better make sure none of the gunners take a shot of this."

"You're really just going to keep watch all night?" She pouts making him smile.

"Someone's got to make sure he stays out of Monty's supply." He jokes and Luca shakes his head furiously.

"Don't worry about me." He says. "I'll be in my tent. I'm not going near that stuff again."

"Good." Bellamy says handing him something he pulls from his pocket. "Here's that knife you were looking for, might make carving that rock easier."

"Awesome, thanks Bell!" He says before taking off through camp.

"Kids gonna cut his hand again." Ella says watching him go.

"Probably." Bellamy agrees, looking back at her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "You know I would rather be with you tonight but almost everyone is going to be drunk. We'll be too vulnerable."

"I know." She sighs tugging on the end of his jacket. "But you deserve a night off too, Bell. You're so stressed, especially with the ark coming down. Being pardoned helped a little but you're still overworking yourself."

"When the ark comes down and the council takes power back," He says rolling his eyes at the thought, "then I promise I will spend a week doing nothing."

"I don't believe you." She begins before placing a kiss to his lips. "But I'll take it."


It is impossible to sleep tonight.

The drums outside are so loud I can practically feel my skull vibrating. Every now and then some drunk kid will yell for no reason making me jump.

And I'm cold.

I'll admit I've taken a couple shots to try and warm up; and it almost worked but I refuse to go higher than a number that will just give me a buzz.

Bellamy's been on guard duty all damn day and hasn't taken a break once. I figure I might as well try to get him to at least sit for a little while, hence why I'm roaming camp in search of him now.

When I finally find him he's standing with Clarke. I half watch the exchange but focus more on the way his lips move when he talks to her. The way his jaw tightens. I can feel a new warmth in my stomach and try to blame it on the alcohol. Finally breaking myself from my daze I head over to the pair, realizing exactly how the rest of this night needs to go.

"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." He says to Clarke before she nods and leaves.

"Or." I say moving in-front of him, running my hands up his chest and into his hair. "We could have fun now."

He smiles the second his eyes are on me and grips my waist. "I'm on watch." He tries to argue but his voice falters when I begin placing soft kisses to his jaw I was admiring not even a minute ago.

"Take a break." I suggest making it to his neck. His hands tighten on my hips.

"You're making it really hard to say no." He whines, sucking in a breath when I begin leaving a mark on his skin.

"That's the point." I mumble moving closer to him so we're chest to chest. He closes his eyes for a second then suddenly takes my hand and begins pulling me through camp. He rips the gun off his shoulder as we walk and hands it to the kid manning the weapons as we pass.

We barely make it inside our tent before his lips are on mine. Our jackets come off first as I take in everything he gives me. Every touch, every moan, every single move he makes. I know I taste like alcohol, but I've never been more sober.

"How much did you drink?" He asks in between kisses.

"Barely anything." I say, leaning back to tug at the bottom of his shirt. He gets the hint and pulls it off his body quickly, reattaching his lips to mine the second it's on the ground.

"Good." He pulls me against him and I place my hands on his chest to steady myself; my knees already weak. "I need you." He whispers, biting the skin of my neck to create a pleasurable pain.

"I need you more."

"Not possible." He says into my shoulder before pushing me back towards the bed. When my legs hit it I let him lay me down. His eyes scan my body the entire time he unlaces my boots and then still while he reaches for the button on my pants. My chest is still heaving as he begins pulling them down. I watch him until I see the scar on my lower leg and the bruises that litter the rest of it. I've refused to look at them. The skin is still slightly red like it's trapped a little of the fire beneath the skin. I bite my lip in frustration.

Bellamy notices. He moves up my body then kisses me deeply. I lean back, taking him with me and tangling my fingers in his hair. "You're perfect." He says pulling back slightly and beginning to ghost his lips down my body. I freeze when he makes it to the scar, his lips just above it. Slowly, he places a very soft kiss to the skin and I relax.

He continues doing this with every bruise he finds, making his way up my leg and suddenly I don't feel insecure at all.


The noise from outside slowly sets back in as Bellamy reaches for his pants.

Dressed from the waist down he falls back in bed beside Ella, propping himself on his side to see her face. "Do you have to go?" She asks reaching up to brush his messy hair from his forehead.

"I've been gone way too long, baby." He smirks, leaning into her hand as she begins tracing his features.

"Fine." She pouts. "I'll just stay here all alone then."

"You do that." He teases glancing down at the blanket covering her body. "You going to get dressed first?"

"Nope." She muses moving the fabric down slightly. Bellamy groans.

"You're impossible."

"I'm amazing." She says pulling on his arm so he moves above her, the weight of his body making her feel secure.

"You are." He agrees dipping down to place kisses along the line of marks he left on her neck and shoulder. "You're also mine."

She lets her eyes fall closed in complete bliss. "I love you."

"I love you more." He mumbles, his lips moving against her jaw.

"Not possible."

He curses himself for letting her consume every thought he has. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knows he needs to get back out in camp and keep watch, but he deepens the kiss instead; losing it when she tugs on his hair.

"Hey." Clarke's voice breaks them apart abruptly. Bellamy moves in front of Ella who tugs the blanket up again seeing as it fell more. "Good, you're both here. You need to hear this too, Ella."

"What, Clarke?" Bellamy looks back at her with heavy annoyance.

"Finn set up a meeting with the grounders." She continues, clearly not fazed by what she walked in on.

"What?" Bellamy asks again, standing up next to the bed. Ella rolls over to look around him.


"He wants to stop the violence." Clarke says. "We're leaving to go talk to them."

"Because you figure impaling people on spears is code for lets be friends." He says crossing his arms. "Have you lost your damn mind?"

"I think it might be worth a shot." Clarke argues. "We do have to live with these people."

"When did he set up this meeting?"

"He came to me this morning asking me how I felt about the guns." Ella recalls. "He said he wanted peace."

"Of course he did." Bellamy runs a hand through his hair before addressing Clarke again. "They'll probably gut you and string you up as a warning."

"That's why I'm here." She explains looking between them. "I need you guys to follow us. Be our backup."

"Does Finn know?" He asks hesitantly. Ella notices the way Clarke looks down.

"He doesn't need to know." She says. "We'll follow you in ten. Mark your path."

"Bring guns." Clarke adds before ducking out of the tent.

Bellamy groans before throwing himself on the bed, landing on his stomach like a child. Ella smiles and presses a kiss to his bare shoulder. "I'm reconsidering taking that day off." He says turning his head out of the pillow to look at her. For some reason he notices how the cut on her forehead is barely visible now. "Is there any way I can convince you to stay?"

"Are you kidding me?" She asks humorously. "My brother and my boyfriend are heading out to meet with savage killers and you think I'm going to stay behind?" She watches the expression that forms on his face. "What?"

"You used the word boyfriend." He says moving on his side. She matches his smile.

"I did."

"I like it." He says leaning over to kiss her slowly. "You should use it more if we survive the next twelve hours."

She pushes him. "Get up."

He smirks and stands to grab his shirt, jacket following. "Get dressed and meet me at the gate in five. I'm going to grab Jasper and another gun for you." She groans, laying back in the bed to embrace its warmth for another minute. "You have to get up though."

After letting out an exaggerated sigh, she pulls him back down to meet her lips again. "Fine, but tomorrow I'm doing nothing."

He smiles before forcing himself away from her. "Me too."


The stars are dim in the sky now.

Dawn is creeping up slowly as Bellamy, Jasper, Raven and I follow the trail Clarke leaves us. I've noticed the tension practically radiating off of Raven but know it's not the time to ask.

Instead, I look out at the endless rows of trees that surround us. The first light of morning shines through the branches, and the ankles of my pants are wet from stepping through dew covered grass before hitting dirt.

I stop when we clear a hill and I'm able to see the mountains in the distance if I look just past the dense forest.

"We have to keep moving, beautiful." Bellamy says next to me, tugging gently on my arm.

"I wonder if the grounders know how amazing earth is." I say aloud. Bellamy smiles to himself and threads his fingers with mine.

"They're too busy stabbing people to notice." Raven says with a hostility that resonates through the group. "And then those same people try to make peace with them."

Bellamy and I share a look, fully aware of what's really bothering her. I've been catching the way Raven watches Finn watching Clarke. It pisses me off. From day one my brother has been pining over someone who wasn't his girlfriend, his girlfriend who is a very close friend of mine. Ever since she came down I've regretted not saying anything.

Unlike us though, Jasper doesn't have the good sense to keep his mouth shut, god love him. "Sorry about bringing up Clarke earlier, that was awkward." He says as Bellamy stops to grab more of the tainted rations Clarke's been leaving as a trail.

"Shut up." Raven shoots back, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Both of you shut up." Bellamy orders standing. "Keep your eyes open."

I leave the tension behind me and stay in step with Bell instead, also making a mental note to talk to Raven later. "We have a lot of very important people in one place, Bell." I say lowly. "You, Clarke, Raven. If things go south-"

"That's why you're staying back." He says though he sounds unconvinced. "We need someone watching our backs and if things do go south, you get back to camp and get everyone armed. They'll listen to you."

"Bell, I'm not just going to leave you." I reprimand him.

"Please, Elle." He says looking over at me. "I need to know you'll be safe."

I nod despite the hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. He take my hand again and lets his eyes scan back over the trees. "It is beautiful." He admits, his serious expression fading for a moment. "It suits you."

"We both know I was made for the stars, Bell." I smile at his words. "But it is incredible down here."


Bellamy decided with a heavy heart that the high ridge above the meeting place was where Ella would stay. That was thirty-eight minutes ago.

She hates herself for it but every time he leaves she's a nervous wreck. Taking a deep breath she leans against the tree and sits on the ground to rest her leg. The forest that felt serene earlier now feels ominous and she pulls her knife from her pocket.

She tries everything to stay awake, and honestly, she thinks she does until the sound of gunshots wakes her up. She stands quickly, stashing her knife and hovering her hand over the gun. Two minutes. Thats what he had said; if she hears gun fire she waits two minutes and then runs. But it's more like five before Clarke comes barreling through the trees.

"What happened?" Ella asks searching the faces of the others who follow. Two very important ones missing. "Clarke!"

"There were grounders in the trees." Jasper says running past her.

"Ella!" Finn calls, ignoring the pain in his chest at the sight of her. "Go."

But she doesn't, not until Bellamy follows last and pulls her with him. "So much for two minutes."


I nearly collapse at the gates.

Running is not my friend, especially with my leg still healing. I don't know how, but Bellamy manages to talk after only a short minute. "You got something to say?" He asks Finn noticing the glare he wears.

"Yeah." He yells then looking to Clarke. "I told you no guns!"

"I told you we couldn't trust the grounders, I was right." She defends.

"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asks leaving me in awe still at how they can all yell when I can't even feel my throat.

"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your guns!"

"You're lucky she brought that." Bellamy interjects. "They came there to kill you, Finn."

"You don't know that!" He shouts back, throwing his arm out. "Jasper fired the first shot."

"You ruined everything." Octavia says to him before storming away.

"I saved you!" He calls after her, then following inside the camp. "You're welcome."

"Young love." I mumble still breathless.

"What the hell were you doing there?" Finn asks turning on me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Really, you want to go there?" I turn the questions on him and he nods. "Okay, fine. Why didn't you just tell me what you were planning this morning instead of being all cryptic?"

"Because you're always listening to him." He retorts pointing at Bellamy.

"I'm a big girl, Finn." I say slowly narrowing my eyes. "I can make my own choices."

"Hardly." He scoffs making my expression turn to something like anger mixed with disbelief.

"We're supposed to be a team!"

"Clearly, we aren't anymore!"

"Yeah, clearly since you're so far up Clarke's ass that you go to her with this idea instead of me!" I yell ignoring the hurt his words are inflicting and not noticing the look on Raven's face. I can't help it though.

"Ella, you wouldn't even listen to me this morning." He accuses.

"I did and I told you I thought the guns were good for self defense in case we needed them." I argue. "Just because I think we should keep guns around doesn't mean I want a goddamn war!"

"Well, we're sure as hell at war now!" He yells throwing his arms out. We both stare at each other letting the weigh of our fight set in and remembering we're not alone.

"You could've told me." I say with finality, my voice level again. He looks at me, telling me he's sorry without saying the words; noticing the hurt that reads very clearly on my face.

He chooses to look away instead of at that pain. "You didn't have to trust the grounders." He says addressing Clarke. "You just had to trust me."

Raven follows him when he leaves. Silence hangs in the air as Bellamy moves beside me, turning my face towards him. "Are you okay?"

"I just want to go to sleep, Bell." I admit and he nods. Just as he's about to say departing words to Clarke and light in the sky draws our attention.

"Exodus ship?" Clarke asks hopefully.

"Your parents are early." Bellamy says reminding me I haven't told him my dad isn't coming down first.

"Wait." Clarke says, her face dropping. "Too fast. No parachute?"

The flash of the explosion reaches us before the sound does and I watch as the cloud of smoke clears the mountains in the distance. I can't take anymore today.

"Clarke." I say, my voice still raw from my screaming match with my brother. When I go to reach for her she falls to the ground, tears begin streaming down her face. Nothing I could say would make this okay for her.

I let her cry.


Ella literally collapses on the bed out of exhaustion.

Bellamy takes off her boots, then his own, before climbing in beside her. "Elle-"

"I know what you're going to say." She cuts him off, moving closer to him. "But my dad wasn't on that ship."

"What?" He asks brushing her hair back from her tired face.

"When I talked to him the other day he told me he wasn't going to be on the first drop ship." She explains closing her eyes at his soft touch. "He said he was staying behind a bit to help the others."

"So he's still alive."

"Yeah." She whispers, forcing her eyes open one more time. "Please, don't tell Clarke."

Bellamy nods before pulling her against him and continuing to run his hand over her back. She's already out by the time Luca enters the tent. "Yeah, Luke?" Bellamy asks noticing how he holds his pillow and blanket.

"Jasper's upset." He explains. "And I'm tired. Can I stay in here tonight?"

"Of course." He says watching the boy walk to the end of the bed and climb up the side, settling in next to Ella. Bellamy notices the way he cuddles into her back like a child. He is still a child. Despite the weapons and everything he's seen, everything he's endured. He is still a child. "What did you do all day?"

"Don't tell, Miller." He begins yawning. "But I broke his knife on the rock."

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