peter parker x starks daughter

By maysbooksssss

294K 5.1K 7.5K

peter parker had a special life he was your neighborhood Spider-Man who worked with tony stark and the avenge... More

Monday at Midtown High
the new avenger
broken rules
Broken Rules #2
i don't like this
so what now
pool party
"fake dating"
How do you know when your in love?
Big announcement
Night Time
1:30 AM
The Escape
Bad Dreams
Peter, I'm scared...
Peter's great idea
The Date
New mission
Future Plans
How could you ?
Prove It
Never in a million years
Night Night Sweetie
Sunshine State
Florida Beaches
Street Race
Car Crash
The First Time
Is this what's best for her?
The party after the party
Morning sickness
Test Time
Why is it always me
Coffee Sale
Are you trying to flirt with me kiddo?
The princess has arrived
Kitten. Chair. Now.
Kitten we need to talk
Fresh Starts
All Alone
Where is he
Peter's gone
Crazy Theory
I know where Peter is
Peter, Oh my god!
Don't be weird
Only one way to know
Drinking contest with Thor

Coffee Shop

6.3K 124 320
By maysbooksssss

I woke up the next morning to loud talking. I was still snuggled into Peter's chest. I was warm and happy I never wanted to move. Peter pulled me really close and i laughed a little. 

"Morning Angel." He said in his morning voice. I smiled into his chest and looked up at him. He gave me a small smile and I pushed away from him. 

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" Peter asked. 

"To make breakfast oh and sorry about taking your shirt it's just a lot from comfortable." I said and Peter's eyes widened. 

"I didn't realize but you do have shorts on right?" Peter asked. I nodded and he lied back down. I walked out of my room and put my hair in a messy bun. Everybody was sitting on the couch watching the news. I walked into the kitchen and started making some pancakes. As I was cracking a egg a felt Peter's arm wrap around my waist he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck, his hot breath made me happy knowing he was finally mine. I poured some batter into the pan and continued to cook. The radio was playing a slow song and Peter and I started to sway at the music. His arms squeezing my waist a little more whenever I moved. 

"Hey lovebirds when will breakfast be done?" Thor yelled. I felt Peter smile into my neck and broke free of me. I dished out food and everybody sat at the big table. I sat next to Peter and my dad across from us. My father looked so proud. 

"So any plans for today?" Nat asked. 

"Actually yes I have some military friends coming over and all the avengers will be in a meeting we them and me till the end of the day." My dad said and turned to me and Peter.

"However their kids are coming too and Peter and Y/N will be with them all day." my dad said. 

"Sir you know what happened last time you had friends over." Peter said. 

"Yes I know that is why I will check in every hour." My dad said. Then there was a knock at the door. Bucky got up and got the door. In walked 3 professional looking people and 4 kids all boys great. I wasn't expecting people this early or I would have changed. Everybody stood up from the table and greeted the adults while me and Peter greeted the kids. They all look older then me and I felt a little embarrassed because of my attire. 

"Hello I am Peter and this is Y/N stark." Peter said and I gave a small wave. 

"I am Nick" A tall blond boy said and smiled back. He seemed polite.

"I'm Harry" A slightly shorter boy with brown curls said. 

"Sup I'm Sam" A tall boy with brown hair said. He had a big smirk spreading from ear to ear and his eyes looked me up and down. This boy was going to be trouble. Peter sensed my uneasiness and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"Why don't you go get dressed babe." Peter said and I smiled up at him. 

"Ok." I said and gave him a quick kiss before leaving to get dressed. 

Peter's Pov

I think I did a pretty good job in showing Y/N was taken. She walked away and I turned to the guys standing in front of me. Nick and Harry seemed happy that Y/N was dating somebody like me. However Sam looked mad. 

"So once Y/N gets down here what would you guys like to do today?" I asked. 

"How about we go to a coffee shop?" Nick asked and we all agreed. 

Your Pov 

This was your outfit you chose. 

I walked down stairs and sat by the boys in the living room. I slipped on my vans. As I was tying them Peter started talking. 

"Ok so Y/N we are going to a coffee shop are you ready?" He asked. I nodded and stood up and everybody followed. Nick decided to drive so we all piled into his car. Nick and Harry in the front Sam to my left and Tom to my right. The first few minutes of the ride were quiet. Sam asked Nick if he could use the cord to play his playlist and Nick agreed. Sam put his phone up in front and moved back but left his hand on my knee. I shifted a little to try and get his hand off but it didn't work. I moved a little and he smirked and slid his hand up a little and squeezed. I sharply inhaled and Peter glanced over. 

"Angel what's w..." Peter saw Sam's hand. "Would you mind getting your hand of my girl!" Peter shouted. Nick and Harry spun their heads around once we parked. Sam just smirked and didn't move. Peter picked me up and put me on his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist protectively. 

"Whatever." Sam mumbled but something about his smile told me he wasn't finished. A few minutes later we arrived at the coffee shop. We got out of the car and I jumped onto Peter's back. We were all laughing even Sam. Once we got in we ordered our drinks and found a booth. I slid by the window Peter was next to me and Harry was at the end. Then on the other side Sam sat across from me and Nick next to Sam. Our drinks came and we all talked about random things. But things got weirder. 

"Ok never have I ever kissed somebody?" Nick asked. Everybody raised their hands, we went around saying who it was and what it was like. Then it reached me. 

"Who did you have your first kiss with Y/N?" Harry asked. I blushed a little and looked at Peter who hade a wide grin on his face. 

"Mr. Parker right here." I said and laughed a little. Everybody's jaw dropped and I calmly took a sip of my drink. 

"How was it?" Harry asked. I smiled a bit at the faint memory. 

"Well it was amazing. We weren't really to be with each other back then so it was bad but it just felt right like something lit up in me when we kissed." I said and smiled. Peter's arm wrapped around my waist and gave a tight squeeze. We finished our drinks and went back to the car. This time Peter sat in the middle and I sat by the window. I lied my head on Peter shoulder and fell asleep. I woke up as we were pulling into the avenger's tower parking lot. We got inside and decided on playing harmless games for the remainder of the time. 

"Ok Y/N who would you date other then Peter?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes and thought long and hard. We were all sitting in a circle I was on Peter's lap and his hands rested on my hips and he squeezed a lit hard when the question came out. 

"Tom Holland seems pretty good looking." I said trying to tease Peter. When I finished saying that my dad walked in with the official people and we waved goodbye to everyone. Me and Peter went up to my room to find a board game. We got in and Peter slammed the door. I jumped and spun around to see what was wrong.

"Peter what the heck?" I said. Peter's eyes seemed to have a hint of anger in them or jealousy. He stepped closer and pushed me against the wall and held me by the hips. 

"What was that about Tom Holland?" He asked. I smiled my plan worked I loved it when he was jealous. 

"Oh you mean my boyfriend Tom Holland yeah I love him so much he owns my heart." I say in a innocent voice. squeezed my hips leaving bruises for sure. 

"Do you want to change your answer baby girl?" Peter asked. I shook my head no. Peter shoved his lips onto mine and I smiled into the kiss. Full of passion like always he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Out of nowhere Peter put me down and walked away.

"Hey what the heck?" I said crossing my arms. Peter smiled and turned around.

"Maybe you should have changed your answer." Peter said then walked out. All I thought was


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