Arranged | P.JM FF

By KookieMonsterForTae

482K 17.3K 4.3K

"Look, you have to marry me. It won't be that bad. You're someone I used to know and you're honestly not that... More

- Final - 41


14.1K 501 178
By KookieMonsterForTae

  Viewing his beautiful face in the early morning was the definition of a perfect start to the day to you.
Though the room was mainly dark with the curtains shut, there was a peep of sunlight through the sides of the window.
Waking up, you had never felt this calm before; with your head leaning on his chest you felt relaxed, wanted to stay in this position forever.
Your fingertips lightly traced his bare chest playfully as you felt your vision go black as your eyes were near to closing again.

  "How long have you been awake for?" Jimin's husky morning voice petrified you.
"H-huh?" You tilted your head up at him as he looked down into your eyes admiringly.
"You're blushing" He smirked.
"S-shut up"
"Well a good morning to you too" He chuckled and you joined in.


↑ ↑
  ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

       ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
   1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

  The day went by slowly, but you didn't mind as you had Jimin with you the entire time.
As it was your last day and dinner was already finished and done with, he had no work today, so you spent this time talking to one another and enjoying each other's presence finally.

  While at the gaming area, Jimin brought up a question you weren't quite expecting.
His chuckle died down and his tone turned unexpectedly serious.

"Hm?" You turned to him after taking a bite out of your cotton candy.
"Can I ask you something?"
Swallowing the extreme amount of cloudy pink sugar you nodded your head at him, feeling a little unnerved by his sudden change of attitude.

  "Ok, so," he took a breath in, "I just want to know, once and for all, why did you hate me as a kid?"
"You remember, don't you when we went to that place our parents planned for us"
"Yeah.." you urged him to continue, still not knowing where he was going with this.
"And when I pulled you aside, you said that I was a bitch to you when you were little"
"Oh.." you recalled the event now, vaguely, but the repeated phrase embarrassed you, seeing how far you and Jimin have come now.

  "Why do you bring this up kinda..out of the blue?" You clutched the huge teddy bear Jimin won for you. Corny, I know but cute.

  "I guess..maybe now is the time to ask you"
"Well.." you glanced to the ground and back up to him, "I mean you were a bully to me when we were little. You would always steal my things, break them and pretend as if you never did anything when the grownups came."
"I did?.."
"And you also called me names"
"Names? Like what?"
"Poopy head." (Idek)
"P-poopy head?" He pursed his lips to hold in a chortle and you stared at him, a stern yet also amused look on your face.
"Ok, ok sorry." He held his hand out in defence.
"I just wanted to apologise. I mean, I would've never thought we would come to this stage in our relationship, really."
"Relationship?" You smirked.
"We are engaged aren't we?"
"Yeah, we are" You have him a comforting smile and he returned it.

~ ▌▌~

  You sat, watching TV peacefully when there was an unexpected knock at the door.
And even more of a surprise came to you when just a second after the knock, you received a text from Jimin saying; Answer the door, love.

Jimin had excused himself probably 15 minutes ago, saying that he unfortunately had to go and sign some papers finalising some agreement he left very vague.
Though a little disheartened, he assured you that he would be quick and make it back to see you again so that you have some time alone on your last day here. So, you shrugged it off because you would spend the rest of the day with him anyway.
And therefore, this text was suspicious to you. How in the world would Jimin know about someone knocking on the door?

You were in the middle of texting Jimin back when he already sent something.
Are you going to keep him waiting all day sweetie? Go ahead.
With a final tut and crease of your eyebrow, you turned the TV off, picked up your phone and walked over to the door where a man in a suit stood with a name tag reading 'Jin'

"Hello, I'm supposed to give you this" he smiled politely, handing you an envelope straight away. "Clue number one" he stated finally and left.
You watched him in confusion that he would be so hasty, barely explaining anything to you, and just leave.

Remembering the envelope in your hands, you looked down at it, cracking a small smile at the simple beauty of it; It was plain white but was decoratively sealed with wax trapping a small white flower.

Turning it to the front, in big writing read, "Clue 1".
With a tilt of your head, you opened the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.
In neat handwriting, it read;

Hotel Room
So, this may all seem pretty weird at first.
But don't worry.
I've set up a romantic surprise for you, hiding letters around the hotel, of which you need to find on your scavenger hunt!
As you can tell, this is clue number 1. There are 4 clues which will lead you to me. Along the way you may have to do a few things like..well, you'll see.
For your first location, you need to go to the Botanical Garden.
Clue number 2 will be waiting for you there in your favourite flower.
Good luck sweetie!
From your one and only, Park Jimin. ;)

You chuckled, warmed by this stunning gesture and the little winky face at the end of the letter.
Going into the corridor, you shut the door behind you, making sure it was locked, and travelled to your first location.


  You stood in the garden, looking around with excitement for your next clue, however you actually didn't know where to look.
Bringing up the letter again, your eyes scanned over each line before you found your tip-off: Clue number 2 will be waiting for you there in your favourite flower.

  Favourite thought.
Does he mean rose?
You looked up at the flower, and there was a small field of roses. Walking over there, you didn't have to look anymore, because there another envelope lay upon one of the middle roses.

  Impressed by the on-going flower wax seal theme, you took the envelope and opened it for your next location.

The Botanical Garden
So, you've found clue number 2!
For your next location, I want you to go to the place we went on the third day of our stay.
If you need a hint, it's somewhere where I taught you how to ____ because you were so bad.
When you get there, the man in the suit with a name tag will tell you what to do next.
Good luck!

The third day of our stay..
Somewhere where I taught you how to..GOLF!
Because I was so bad?! You scoffed, but turned your lips into a sheepy smile.


You hummed, trying to find the labelled, 'man in a suit with a name tag', and there he stood by one of the hardest courses.
You made your way over to him, and he let out a small 'op' seeing you.

"Hello" you waved lightly.
"Hello, now you must pot this ball," and it was only now you realised he was holding a ball and putter, one in each hand, "and go to retrieve it, as well as the next clue which is stuck to the flag over there" he pointed to the hole where a small white flag blowed in the gentle breeze.

"Oh god" you sighed, taking your equipment.
You stood at the line before the green turf, and readied yourself, placing the ball down and swinging your putter back and forth in very small motions as preparation.

"Here, hold it like this" Jimin's voice spoke in your head as you recalled that short, but blush inducing moment when he taught you how to golf. You remembered the way his hands grazed yours, placing them in the correct position on the putter.
"And stand like this" It was almost as if you felt him behind you.
"And now the hardest part. Swing back and hit the ball lightly"

The ball rolled and made it just a centimetre away from the hole.
The man behind you clapped with a big smile on his face and you chuckled, surprising yourself.

Now at the ball, you hit it gently one more time before it fell in the hole. Going round to pick it up, you remembered you had to take the next clue, and sure enough, it was stuck with tape onto the back of the flag.

The Golf Course
Did you actually just get that?
I'm proud of you sweetie. But, I mean you had a great teacher.
Ok, destination number 3 (I hope I'm not tiring you out), the place we first almost kissed.
Do you remember? ;)
Either way this instruction is a big hint.
There will be an envelope in a box in the water, of which you need to fish out using a net on the side.
Good luck!
(Oh btw, I still need to see you in that bathing suit again)

You rolled your eyes playfully.


You let out a breath, calmed by the surprising peacefulness of the swimming pool.
Nobody was here except you, searching for a piece of paper.

You looked up saw the fishing net Jimin was talking about, leaned up against the farthest wall.
Taking the net in your hands, you halted altogether. am I going to see the box in all this water?
The swimming pool was about 16' by 30, and quite deep, and you have to spot a little box that may be the same colour as the swimming pool tiles so it can camouflage?

Staring hard, and pacing around, you were thinking of just swooping the net around anywhere until you hit something, but right next to the wall where Jimin had you pushed up against that day you spotted a clear box.
You smirked and went over down to the closest spot on the tiles and reached the net to catch the box.

When you did, you brought it back up to the surface and opened it as water droplets dripped down, finding your next, and last clue.

The Swimming Pool
Ah, what a wonderful time we had here ;)
Ok, for your last (well, actually, second last) location, I want you to go to where we went yesterday.
If you need a hint, it's an activity I'm not very good at (I can't believe you made me say that)
There, again, will be a man in a suit with a name tag who will give you activities on your task.
Good luck!


  You huffed, finally making it to the bowling alley with people occupying almost every lane, but one with the man in the suit.

  You dragged your feet over to him with an exhausted smile and he chuckled, "Ok, for your last task, you must bowl a perfect strike before you get your next clue from me"

  "Agh, a perfect strike?! He's so salty that he can't bowl" you muttered, going to somehow make a strike in your first go.

  You exhaled, walking up to the lane with a ball in hand, and when you threw it, the ball decided to give you a hard time and gravitate it's way over to the gutter.

  You hesitated and turned back to the man, "that didn't happen"
He pouted, looking around as if he never saw and you laughed.

"Attempt two", you said as you collected another - this time lighter - ball, and before throwing the ball you hesitated, lecturing yourself in your head that you had to get this to wipe off that smug grin of Jimin - even though he wasn't even here you thought he'd find out somehow some time - and knocked down all the pins.

You swivelled back to the guy, hopeful, "does that count?"
He replied by holding out the final clue.

  This time, there was a heart shaped stamp wax seal. (So corney but still it's really cute)

Eager, you took it and opened - what you were relieved - was your last task.

The Bowling Alley
Did you bowl a strike on your first go?!
Of course you didn't (I'm just kidding I love you)
Now, I want you to go to the elevator and come all the way up to the roof of the hotel because you have finished your scavenger hunt.
See you soon sweetie!


The elevator doors slid open smoothly, and when you took a step forward, you held your hand up to your mouth as a gasp escaped, as before you your eyes admired a beautiful, utterly romantic scenery; Candles were lit upon a round table for two, chairs at either end, and two plates were placed atop the table, holding your favourite dish. And behind all of this, the stars gleamed in the slowly darkening blue-purple summer sky.
There was no one else around, just you, amazed, and Jimin who stood next to the table, a small but warm smile on his face.

"How was your scavenger hunt?" Jimin smirked.
You let out a short laugh, "It was, eventful I can say that."
"Glad to hear" he joked.
You pursed your lips, "Jimin, what is all this?"

He walked towards you and took your hand in his, "Dinner" he bowed, pecking the top of your hand, "is served"
"You did all of this?"
"Who else?" He chuckled, bringing himself back up.
"Why?" You smiled.
"I just wanted to treat you sweetie"

You grinned tenderly as he led you to your seat.
"You even brought him?" Your eyebrows creased with a smile still plastered on your face, pointing down at the teddy bear you won at the arcade which sat some way away from your seat.
"The more the merrier" Jimin shrugged, pulling back your chair, allowing you to sit down before he tucked it in again.

"This's amazing," You exasperated as Jimin took his seat, "How did you possibly get a reserved place here?!" The view down below the glass balcony was one you just had to experience with your own eyes to understand; the many shades of electrical light in buildings looked like small stars, the large lakes you could just barely see, the peacefulness of being so high up with just your fiancé opposite you.
"Mh," he grinned wide, "you don't need to worry about that. Now, what would you like to eat sweetheart?" He motioned to the menu placed on the table.
You smiled.

~let's skip to the good part ~

"Mh" You hummed, still drinking your water.
"I want to ask you something. Something serious."
"What is it?" You gulped, anxious by the sudden change in conversation.

Your eyes were fixed on him as he pushed back his chair, and got down on one knee in front of you. Both your hands found their way up to your mouth quickly.

He brought his head up to face you and your glistening eyes, "When I first met you, Y/n
Y/l/n, we both had a hate for each other no one could explain the extent of. With even just the mention of my name, you'd turn away, and vice versa. However, over the time we've spent together, even before this trip, I had began falling in love with you. I never wanted to admit it, because I was afraid of rejection and a bad twist between our growing relationship. But while on this business trip, I've found I can't keep denying my feelings. And now, I'm one hundred percent sure, if I had to marry anyone in the world, I'm glad it was you. I love you, Y/n," he pulled out a velvet blue box, opening it to reveal a gorgeous ring, "will you marry me?" He stared longingly into your eyes as they continued to water faster by the second.
"Jimin.." You whimpered, hurrying out of your seat to embrace him in a tight, loving hug, at which he stumbled back a little from with a light chuckle.

You were on cloud 9.
Never knowing this was a feeling hidden from you for so long, tears spilled out, heart raced, mind could focus on nothing but the sweet, romantic man before you.

"I'm sorry. I never got to propose properly to you" he apologised, chin on your head while his hands ran up and down your shoulder.
"No, no don't apologise. This was perfect" you pulled away, staring at your future husband.

He gently held your hand, placing the ring on your finger which fit perfectly

"It's beautiful"
"I love you, Park Y/n" he smirked, lifting your chin to face him.
You chuckled, "I love you too, Park Jimin" Your hand went up to the nape of his neck as he leaned down to share a loving, passionate kiss.


                                                             𝟚𝟠𝟟𝟙 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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