In Love With A Psychopath (Bo...

By AndyKillsCats

97.5K 3.2K 660

[>contains SMUT. Sexual or pervy content (BxB) .<] I watched as he swung the blade across the woman's neck... More

In Love With A Psychopath
Psychotic Roomate
Maria's Visit
Scared for life
All Alone
Longing For Love
Love *explicit content* o.o
Miss me? ;~;
Killer Instinct
Part 2?!?!??!

An Unexpected Visitor

4.6K 177 15
By AndyKillsCats

Akki's POV:

I gently pull away from Vincent as I get up. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I watch as the warm water cascades down my back. It felt so nice to take a hot shower. Ever since I left, I haven't felt warm water. An hour or so passed before I finally got out. I wrap a towel around my waist before opening the bathroom door. I grinned as I saw Vincent standing in front of me, still naked and beautiful. "Move lover boy." He said as he slid past me and into the bathroom. I chuckled as I closed the door for his privacy. Walking into his closet I looked around. Grinning, I pulled out a black leather coat, a plain black shirt, a black jacket, boxers and skinny jeans. I smiled once I had everything on. "I see you found your old clothes." Vincent's voice called from the bathroom.

"Yup! And damn do I look like my regular self." I say looking into the mirror next to his bed.

  "Yeah, your murderous and psychotic self." He joked. I watched him change. I snickered when he put on a black Invader Zim shirt that had Gir yelling "CUPCAKES" on it and some dark purple skinny jeans. "So, where were you and how did you survive?" He asked sitting on my lap. I contemplated whether telling him or not. I let out a heavy sigh, knowing my other self may come out during my story. "Vincent, do you really want to know?" I say in a creepy way. They way that I speak to my victims. He hesitated for a moment before nodding his head. 

"When I ran, I didn't stop running till I made it to the edge of your town. I didn't know where to go. So from there I took trains, hid under cars, and other means of transportation. While I was alone, I grew more animalistic. I began to crave blood and flesh more. I killed at least 5 people a day to satisfy my hunger. I became more insane. At one point I thought you were one of my victims. Thinking I had killed you I didn't eat for weeks. As soon as I was on the verge of death I began to eat again. Slowly, my body regained strength. I sharpened my teeth and nails more and more. My sense heightened to the point where I rely more on my smell and hearing than my eyesight. I hate how my eyes change colour with the emotion I am feeling. I stayed up every night, unable to get a hour of sleep. Then one day as I had a victim tied to a chair, I had a close call with the police. Might I add, getting shot in the arm hurts like a bitch. Funny how that's the only pain I've felt in a long time." I look at Vincent as I hold him close to me. He was about to say something before getting cut off by a loud knock at the front door. I let him go to answer the door. Staying in his room, I listen just in case it's the police. I hear him open the door just before I hear him scream.

Vincent's POV:

I scream as loud as I can. In front of me stood my worst nightmare. HIM. He looked like any other man, blonde medium cut hair, bright blue eyes and perfect white teeth. He smirked as I fall back, not taking my eyes off of him. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He asks, laughing. I hear Akki running downstairs."Who's this?" He asks, sounding confused.

"I'm Vincent's boyfriend, Jake." He says, lying. I shook my head "no" knowing Akki would get angry. "You're not my boyfriend!" I yelled getting up and running to Akki. I held him tightly as he protected me. "Stop lying. Now....Tell me the truth." He said in that voice. I guess Jake recognized the voice because he seemed to go pale. "Y-you're Akki Von Scult. " Jake said, sounding like a frail baby. I heard Akki growl lowly. "Don't call me by that name." He said lunging at Jake. I watched from the top stair as Akki drug Jake into the house by his hair. "Vincent! Don't let him do that to me! Call the cops!" Jake yelled. I grinned. "Why would I call the cops on my brother." I say sounding like Akki near the end. I felt happy as I watched Akki tape Jake's mouth shut.

Akki POV:

I taped the bastards hands together and shoved him onto a chair, taping his body to it. "Now, tell me how you know Vincent!" I screamed in his face. He just flinched and started crying. I maniacally laughed as I danced around him. "Vincent! Bring my knife sweetie!" I yelled sweetly. He giggled as he brought it to me. I grabbed him gently and kissed him hard. I smirked as I ripped the tape from his mouth harshly. "Y-you kissed your brother you sick fuck!" He yelled. "You raped me and tried to do it again today!" Vincent yelled. I stood stiff. "Y-You raped my sweet?! You're the sick fuck! I'm glad you came!" I yell, my hunger rising inside of me. "Vincent, my sweet, please get out." I say, gently pushing him out of the basement. I locked the door, turning back to Jake. "Now, our fun can begin." I say pulling out my knife.

Vincent's POV:

That night Akki didn't come to bed. Oddly enough, I slept peacefully on the couch. My nightmare ceased to exist. I felt happy knowing the man that haunted my dreams ceased to exist as well. I could barely hear the muffled screams as Akki toyed with Jake.

[hope this is good ;~; I feel really bad for being absent for so long.]

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