
seventhirty3pm tarafından

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Limelight parts 1,2, will all be included in this book. Part 3 will be separate. All her life Delilah Smith... Daha Fazla

Dear Reader
The Bronx
The Limelight
My Crème De La Crème
Breaking News
People Make The World Go Round
The Joneses' Boy
Addition To Part One Cast
Adventures In The Bronx
The Show
The Papers, The Beginning
Daddy's Word
Exhibit A. Coming Out
There But For The Grace Of God Go I
Arosing Conflicts
When Fate Calls
Road To Glory
Road To Glory Part 2
Next Big Thing
The Bad, The Ugly
Brewing Plans
A Different Route
Killa's Kill
Something Like Resolutions
California Dreaming
Solo Jackson
With Ruin Comes Hope
The Closer We Get
With Hope Comes Ruin
A Night To Remember
There's A Candle For The Darkness
Pleasure & Pain
Portrait Of Havoc
Shades Of Gray
Voyage To Hollywood
Dear Reader
Legally Misguided
Talking Business
Chasing Inspiration
The Start Of The Beginning
He's The Greatest Dancer
Lights, Camera, Action
Time Is Of The Essence
Hollywood Swinging
Boogie Oogie Oogie
The Thrill Of It All
Addition To Part Two Cast
There's A Key For Locked Doors
'Tis The Season
Business Vs Pleasure
Never Can Say Goodbye
Time Waits For No One
Life In Oz
Bees, Buzz, And Honey
City Of Angels, Land Of Demons
Upside Down
All Is Fair In Love And War

Whip Appeal

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seventhirty3pm tarafından

The next day


I laid in the comfort of my bed, allowing Patrice Rushen's Settle For My Love to spin on record for the third time. The soothing melody conjuring endless thoughts of last night like a wondrous fantasy.

Part of me couldn't believe that I took the risk of endangerment, and another part secretly thanked myself for doing so...I'd do it again in a heartbeat to see him again for his memory played through in my mind like a symphony.

There's no way to describe the way he made me feel, the butterflies he planted inside of me. It was his silk-like voice and those big enchanting brown eyes... eyes that glistened like a legion of stars sparking a night sky. Equivalent to his bright smile and the radiating passion I sensed when he allowed his music to consume him under the spotlight.

He... inspired me.

It was no jive that, I, Delilah Smith had become infatuated with a stranger. A beautiful stranger. Familiar by the exchange of names and brief conversation.


The day was early, just around seven a.m and I had no idea why I was woke—when I'd usually be sleeping till around ten a.m or a little over it. Yet here I was, attempting to occupy myself with an old Seventeen Magazine, critiquing the celebrity outfits of the week and quietly singing along to the music.

Moments later there were then three soft knocks on my door and I glanced over to see my mother peeking in with a warming smile.

"Well someone's up early. I knew I heard that beautiful voice." She said queitly once she noticed the sleeping Alyssa. I closed the magazine over my thumb as she sat on the edge beside me. " Mm, you got it smelling good in here...Now I see where all my incense disappeared to."

I smiled guiltily her way before a slight chuckle escaped her lips." So, what got you up all early and singing with the birds?" She questioned with a suspicious eye earning an even brighter smile from me as I claimed that it was nothing, she simply hummed before changing the subject.

" So how was your night? I know it was a trip."

You have no idea. I thought to myself before assuring her that it was alright.

I simply shrugged, telling her how Ms. Betty had me watch reruns of that God awful show with her the entire time, and she laughed immediately, rubbing my shoulder to express her sympathy. " Awn baby I'm so sorry... I could've sworn I told her that she didn't have to come anymore."

" know Betty."

She chuckled. " Yeah you're right... But let me get going. I have to go get Junior and your cousins from your Nana later so brace yourself because they're spending the night." She warned and I would've expressed my irritation then and there if it wasn't for me noticing her white coat folded in her hand.

" I didn't know you were working again today."

" Yeah, unfortunately I am." She shrugged once explaining to me that they needed her to fill in for some sick co-worker today. " You know, you should go to Barbra's with Lyssa, I don't want you to be bored alone in here all day."

I nodded although I had plans of going there anyway. It was a normal routine for me to go there after choir rehearsals and since it was canceled– I definitely had to be there. I'm surprised she didn't catch on by now.

" Oh I almost forgot why I came in here...Dorthy decided she's cooking Sunday dinner tomorrow and of course we're invited so tell them I don't wanna hear no lip about it." She said earning an internal groan from me as the back of my head hit my wooden bed board.

God, I ask you to please guide me as I walk through the valley of death...

Aunt Dorthy and cooking dinner in the same sentence should be a crime. I mean honestly. I didn't understand why she couldn't just break it to her, we shouldn't have to suffer.

" Look..." She thought. "I'll make your father bring Chinese food after okay...lots of it. Just cooperate and keep a smile on your face."

" Ma, I never not cooperate–now Junior on the other hand, he's the problem. He gagged at least seven times last time when she cooked that–"

" Pot roast I know."

" Wait...that was supposed to be Pot roast? " I gasped in disgust earning laughter from her as she stood, announcing through her laughter that she had to leave.


Laughter erupted from the girls and I as we sat cooped inside the salon, reminiscing about last night. Barbra's was always empty in the morning during the first hour of opening. It was the perfect time for us to sit and talk about any and everything.

Barbra had given Alyssa the duty of opening up the place—since all the other workers had specific days they worked at the salon.

I currently sat in Alyssa's chair as she curled my hair once again, and Valentina just laid near us across three waiting chairs as she flipped through a hair magazine, popping her gum in the process. " Aye Marco's party can't hold a candle to that shit last night." Valentina clapped throughout her laughter as Alyssa and I nodded.

For some reason, I felt a sense of relief in me, as if I was proud of myself for going. For the first time I felt no guilt inside me.

Last night...I was free.

" And since we all agree, I was thinking. Who down to go again, ey?" She smirked deviously towards us.

" Okay Tina now you're pushing it." I heard Alyssa blurt from behind me and without thinking I butted in.

" I'm down." I blurted and suddenly the heat from the irons merely burnt my scalp earning a loud outburst from the both of us.

" Delilah!"

" Alyssa! " I spat back, leaning as far away from her and the flat irons as possible.

" You down? As in down in the dumps because I know damn well you ain't tryna go back there. Remember all those complaints you was making?" Alyssa stated as I twisted my lips. " What makes you wanna go back off all of a sudden?"

My eyes rolled in thought of how she completely disregarded that she stung me and I shrugged. " I enjoyed myself...You know besides the shootout, my broken heel, and my snagged dress."

" Honey...are you hearing yourself right now? Like seriously hearing your self? You don't even sound! Since when did you ever willingly agree on a crazy ass plan from Tina?" Alyssa questioned, proceeding to do my hair more carefully this time.

" Since she got a glimpse of how fun life could be." Valentina partly squealed, reaching over to tap my knee.

" Yeah and also how dangerous shit can get when we go somewhere we have no business. Honey what if something happened to us last night? Huh? One. We could've got seriously hurt and Two. If we made it out alive moms and dad would've found out. Look we got away with it once, it's no guarantee that we'll make it again."

I bit the inside of my mouth before my attention went to Valentina who rolled her eyes. " You know who you sound like right now? Raheem's ass. " She popped her gum, tossing the magazine off to the side as she sat up.

It was as if Alyssa was an angel on my right shoulder and Valentina was a devil on my left both trying to persuade me.

Alyssa smacked her teeth. " Delilah...give me one good reason why you wanna go back? Correct me if I'm wrong but you weren't having that good of a time." She stated, turning me towards the mirror, so I could see my hair.

I ignored her mentions as I first checked for any red spots due to her grazing me with the iron- I was satisfied to see that there wasn't any causing me to admire myself in the mirror. Bouncing my curls as I smiled.

"Oh shit..." She gasped suddenly as she flopped next to Valentina. " I can read your ass like a book girl and your chapters tell me that you just wanna go back to see Red Hot again." Alyssa announced with a loud cackle causing my jaw to clench in embarrassment.

Valentina dramatically turned around to hide hers once she caught on, then she glanced back to me.

" Girl– Oh helllll no. And here I am thinking you were down to have fun with me but-" She stopped mid-sentence to let out another chuckle. " Damn... Yo I can't believe my girl is straight sprung. Dicknotized without even getting the dick!" She teased as her and Alyssa slapped hands.

" Oh my God, Look I don't have time for y'all  right now." I scoffed causing their laughter to die down as they glared at each other, to only laugh again.

" Umm, I don't understand the joke here. First me and Raheem and now this?" I continued. I refused to back down now, the way they teased me with Raheem was one thing because we're just good friends. But Michael...I nearly died inside when Alyssa pulled that stunt last night, telling him that I thought he was ' the bee's knees' ... Embarrassment at its finest.

They continued to dismiss my words by rebutting that I wasn't fooling no one. " Girl please...Now with Raheem we know the deal it's just fun to fuck around with y'all, but Michael...You looked at him like a fat kid looked at cake."

"More like she wanted to jump his bones." Valentina added, My eyes widening as she then straddled her seat, grinding and bouncing in her playful manner.

I chuckled a bit at their ridiculousness.

" Oh and while we on the topic of jumping bones." Alyssa's eyes converted over to Valentina." You ran off with Troy all night... I thought he was one of your playboys?"

" Psh...girl we were just having fun." She claimed and my eyes converted to Alyssa with perked lips to see her glaring at Valentina with narrowed eyes.

" Yeah a little too much fun, I thought he had to do a little more than buy you some expensive dress to get the cookie?"

My eyes widened as I looked over to my blushing best friend. " Valentina!"

" Girl what? I- A little head won't hurt nobody." She waved me off and I couldn't help but think back on the wad of money Troy had on him yesterday. No one living in this neighborhood legally had that much money. If he did, he surely wouldn't live here in the Valley. He'd live downtown somewhere or even the Pines.

Troy...was obviously affiliated in some kind of business.

" But since we're calling people out-let's throw Lyssa under the bus." Valentina smiled promptly. It was my turn to perk my lips towards Alyssa before I spoke.

" Yeah you right...Mr. Randy Jackson I believe? You was a smiling fool every time he said something to you so how dare you come for me?" I questioned as her mouth opened to protest, only able to stutter a few I's and but's before my eyes randomly glanced at the clock to see that it was 10:59 am and immediately I gasped.

" Aye! Yo turn on the TV, Soul Train is on! " I exclaimed causing Alyssa to drop her excuses as she sprinted towards the chair in the corner of the room to grab the remote.

I smiled as the theme song played and the train danced across the screen.

Alyssa sighed. "I know I say this every time but it must be so much fun on there."

" Right, If I was there they wouldn't know what to do with my moves." I joked as I broke into a playful Hustle, until the all too familiar voice of Don Cornelius, the host of Soul Train, began to speak.

" Welcome aboard my soul brothers and sistas, I can guarantee that you'll be kool with this ride. So people get up it's time to get down with the only kool gang around. Give it up for our co-stars, Kool and the Gang everyone...Kool and the Gang."

The camera hovered over the scenery full of dancers and towards the stage where Kool And the Gang began to perform Get Down On It with bright smiles on each of their faces...Almost as bright as the one plastered across Alyssa's face while she bobbed her head to the beat.

" Man just imagine being on that stage." I exhaled, glancing over to Valentina who nodded before our attention went back to the screen.

The dancers now had their screen time, couples showcasing their moves down the line. Nothing intrigued me more on here than the dancers. Some humorous to me and others just down right amazing.

Alyssa and I would come up to Barbra's just to watch it for our father banned us from it due to his beliefs. Just another one of his many restrictions.

During the episode, the girls and I occasionally sang along and danced with the performers until the customers began to show, and Alyssa's shift began.


The place was now full on both the barber and beautician sides. The men having rowdy debates about sports and the women gossiping on the words said around the neighborhood as always.

Delilah and Valentina occasionally listening in on it whenever they strayed away from their own conversations.

" Oh yo I forgot to fill you in on the crazy shit I seen when I snuck back in last night. " Tina started after their previous topic subsided." So here I am...I'm walking down my hallway and I hear Stony practically yelling to the top of her lungs from her apartment...Knowing how nosy I am, I decided to slow down my walking to see why the hell she was yelling at nearly two in the morning—"

" Wait pause you came home at two? We left the club at eleven." Delilah's eyes narrowed at Valentina.

" Lilah could you please just let me finish the fucking story." She groaned causing Delilah to smirk in amusement. "Jees, anyways. Her apartment door flew open and out came her boyfriend and this white woman when I say butt ass naked and everything."

" Naked? He sleeping around on her again?" Exclaimed Delilah with widened eyes.

" Yes again girl you know it's always something with those two, but I think this last situation was the final straw— She literally chased them down with her pistol... didn't even give them a chance to grab the sheets or anything."

" Girl you making this up."

" I swear to you ! I ain't that damn good at making up stories. I'm just glad she didn't wake my grams before I got in." Valentina swore, placing her right hand over her heart.

Delilah shook her head." Well I hope this was the last straw...She deserves better than him anyway." She stated and Tina agreed immediately before Alyssa approached them in the waiting area, her hands full of product as she made sure not to touch anything.

" Aye Honey, can you please do me a solid and go get my golden tube shampoo from the house?"

" The house? " Delilah glanced up to her strangely. To her one simple block seemed like ten and even the thought of it caused the heavy weight of laziness to take over her body as she groaned at her begging sister.

" Please, I'll pay for your Frank's all next week."

Delilah thought for a minute and although she had no will to stand from her seat, she couldn't pass Alyssa's offer. And within a few minutes, she was out the door along with Valentina who decided to go with.


The streets were busy like everyday. There was rarely traffic around the area, most traffic was downtown but as usual there were a lot of people on the sidewalks, Business people selling food or accessories at stands, and people strolling along or chasing after buses and taxis.

On the street a Black Oldsmobile had just proceeded down the street after a red light flashed green.

" So you stayed with Randy last night?" Marlon changed their previous subject as he glanced over to Michael in the back of the black vehicle.

" Yeah, I didn't wanna risk leaving him there alone. You know he has no self control when he's somewhere by his self." He shook his head as Marlon did the same yet with a slight smirk on his face.

" I know exactly how he can get, remember in Chicago couple months ago at Pepper's Hideout? "

Michael groaned at the memory. He would never forget the drunken mess Randy had been that night. Dancing on the bar and touching on women that were spoken for. That night was a complete disaster, only ending with Randy in the back of a police car for assaulting a woman's husband upside his head with a glass bottle.

" Well I'm taking everything went smoothly last night after we left."

Michael nodded as many thoughts came to mind. Yet he refused to mention the shooting, he knew Joseph wouldn't let them step foot in
that place if he knew. Or maybe he'd make them go anyway and shame Michael for being a 'coward'.

Plus after the meeting with Mr.Coleman today, he wouldn't dare jeopardize the opportunity of them getting that record deal. And just when Michael thought they were getting nowhere– He realized how close they were, the feeling was so tangible that he could almost reach out and touch it.

Yet he couldn't help but think about the people he met last night, in hopes that they were safe.

Marlon then smirked over to him. " So Randy told me y'all met some bunnies last night."

" Wow, Of course he did...but I thought you two weren't on good terms? Didn't he have to sleep in the lobby?" Michael added as Marlon dismissively waved him off.

" Man don't dodge the point. Was he over exaggerating like always or what?" His question caused Michael to shift where he sat.

" No, actually he was right for once."

This caused Marlon to smirk even wider before interrogating his little brother. Their one year difference made them extremely close along with Michael's twin sister, Janet. Their mother Katherine loved to call them The Three Musketeers.

Michael ignored his brother with a shaking head before converting his gaze out the window to see their destination, the driver nearly passed it.

" Um sir, this is it."

The car slowed down immediately and parked on the curb. " Man, we haven't been here since we were like this big." Marlon stated, creating a small space between his fingers to indicate their size. " What made you want to come visit Nana B and Papa D anyway?"

Michael shrugged as he glanced at the medium sized space. He had been looking at old pictures and decided to visit, his mind had been so focused on the future that he merely forgot about the past. He couldn't help but feel guilty for not keeping in contact with the two people that were practically family.


As we walked into the room there was staring, gasps, and a few conversations subsided. Then suddenly a familiar voice blurted our names gleefully from beside us.

" Michael? Marlon? Is that you?"

I smiled extending my arms to hug her. " In the flesh Nana B."

Barbra's might have changed physically but the feelings were still there, so many memories came with this place.

A deep voice then spoke from the barber's side around the corner. " Did I hear what I think I heard?" And soon a tall, slim man nearly my complexion turned the corner. His facial hair a little over a lot. It was Darius, Papa D.

" My boys, long time no see. What dragged you here superstars?" He dabbed us up.

I smiled at his statement. " Well we're not there yet Pop."

" Well you could've fooled me. I've seen The Jacksons in the papers for the past month. My nephew, Troy said he heard around that y'all performed at the new club downtown."

" Yeah, last night's audience was the best so far. We performed there twice."

" And we just had a meeting with thee Bobby Coleman... This might be our shot." Marlon added on excitedly and I felt a smile creep onto my lips at the sight of Barbra and Darius's proud expressions.

" That's great news, I'm so proud of you boys. How's Ms. Lady doing?" Barbra asked.

" She's doing great, being her same self. You want the home number? I'm sure she'd love to catch up with you on a few things."

They were the of best friends, my mother mentioned her numerous times every time she'd tell us about her life stories. Her and Barbra met in kindergarten, they became best friends when my mother offered her some of her cookies during snack time.

I loved that story, I could just imagine her as a child. The memory always put a smile on my face.

" Of course, I had the number before but I think it changed. You know how life is when you're a busy person."

I nodded in agreement as I found something to write the number on.

" So you boys just came to visit or are y'all gonna let me trim these bad boys?" Papa D questioned earning laughter from Marlon and I as he patted our fros.

" Ugh, Yeah actually we are."

" We are?" Marlon repeated with furrowed brows and I nodded.

" Come on, for old time sakes. It won't take long... For me at least." I smiled, playfully wrapping my arm around his neck as I dragged him to the barber side.


On the way back Raheem so happened to be sitting on his stoop across the street. He didn't notice us at first for his eyes were focused somewhere else, but when we were close enough to where he could see us– he quickly wiped his face. He had been crying.

Yet when I asked him about it, he dismissed the topic off playfully.

We were currently walking like always, Tina and I leading in the front and Raheem silently trailing in the background.

The door chimes jingled as we entered, I smiled immediately, holding the shampoo in the air once Alyssa glanced to me. But her facial expression caused my smile to be replaced with a look of confusion as I sat the shampoo on her station.

" won't believe who just walked through this door." Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

" Who?" I began to say until she grabbed ahold of Tina and I, leading us towards the opening of the barber area.

" Yeah Michael used to sing and dance allll around this place after he got his hair cut. Singing and shouting that he was super fly!" The voice of Mr. D was heard and I glanced towards him just as he spun his styling chair around.

It was him. My brain alerted my heart, that began to strike at my chest. I couldn't believe that he was here– not that the thought was impossible, but I spent nearly every day here and not once did I ever see him. I surely would've noticed.

The very presence of him made my hands clammy, my stomach churn, and as soon as I turned on the balls of my feet–

" Honey. Come here girl I didn't even know you were here today." Mr.D proclaimed causing me to halt, groaning internally. I was already a nervous wreck before, but now my heart was frequently beating at a fast rate as I reluctantly turned around.


Michael had already been looking Delilah's way due to Darius's random outburst in the middle of their conversation. And the moment her face came to his sight he quickly, but discreetly lifted in the seat.

His mind came across her quite a few times after the incident. Not only was he glad to see her again, he was glad to see that she was safe.

He watched as she approached them. He found himself staring at her, to him sceneries like this was where you could see someone in their most natural state, unlike at clubs.

At clubs, people were there to impress and flaunt their best acts to be someone they're usually not, but during everyday life you could see that someone in a different light instead of a filtered one.

As Delilah hugged the smiling Darius, the two tried their best to avoid eye contact in such a close distance. Yet Michael couldn't help but glance over to her once or twice. He even watched her walk away until she disappeared around the corner, giving him a sudden urge to go after her.

" Don't worry pop it's perfect."

" You sure? I can trim a little more-"

" No its perfect just the way it is." He rushed to pay his money before telling his confused brother that he'd be right back.

Delilah approached the seating area near Alyssa's station where her and Valentina sat. Alyssa was eating a quick snack while her client now sat under the dryer. " So what happened? Spill." Valentina tapped Delilah's leg as she stood over them.

" Nothing, Where's Raheem?"

Alyssa shrugged. " He literally just stormed out for some reason."

Delilah's head snapped towards the glass to see him across the street but as soon as she rushed out of the door to go after him, a certain someone had came after her.

" Hey! " The unfamiliar voice yelled from behind her and immediately she stopped her running and turned around.

He was dressed in a sky blue silky button up shirt, denim jeans designed on the side with a few white dots and brown stripes, and around his torso– a stylish matching belt. The sight of his shirt halfway unbuttoned caused Delilah to suddenly feel flushed with heated fever.

He smiled at her as he slowed down his running and began to walk towards her. " I'm sorry for yelling like that. You're just fast girl." He chortled earning a simple smile from her in return.

Valentina, Alyssa, and nearly everyone inside the salon made sure to watch the encounter take place.

" Um I just- I remembered you from last night and didn't want to miss this opportunity to check up on you. You know, after the incident and everything." He paused before extending his hand out. " Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Michael. Your name is Honey?"

She chuckled promptly as she gave his large hand a gentle shake, they were unexpectedly smooth and soft. " Actually it's Delilah. Honey is just a family nickname."

He nodded in understanding. " Delilah...I like it." He said more to himself earning a slight smile from her.

" So you come here often?"

" Yeah, actually my sister, Alyssa's been working here for a minute now. The one your brother had the hots for last night." 

" Ah, I see." He chuckled as they migrated towards the nearby bench.

They talked about their relations with the Wrights, Barbra and Darius, for a while. Delilah had learned that Barbra and Michael's mother were good friends and he learned that Delilah's mother decided to move back to the Bronx from North Dakota.

Michael was always intrigued when he met someone who didn't live in the Bronx all their life. He always asked a million questions about the persons' old life. Yet Delilah didn't mind one bit.

She felt more comfortable with him now, although she'd still blush and become a bit shy whenever Michael said something funny or complimented anything in relations to her.

" So, The Jacksons." Delilah clamped her hands together causing Michael to look her way. " I heard you were on top of the world at some point... and by what I saw last night. Man, y'all are gonna be even bigger than before." Delilah stated with a passion, watching his teeth show on full display as he thanked her.

Then things fell silent for the first time.

" Do you mind telling me how it was? You know... the show business." Her voice grew even softer than before.

He smiled in remembrance as he glanced off in the distance. " It was amazing...even those moments when we were chased and pulled like rag dolls by fans. I still enjoyed every second of it. Music is me. I can't see myself without it–"

" Yo Mike! Joseph said be back in an hour, it's been nearly two!" Marlon burst through the door in a panicked state causing both Delilah and Michael to jot up from the bench like two sneaky children.

Delilah glanced up to Michael in confusion as he quickly turned to her. " I'm so sorry I have to go." He told her, opening his mouth to speak again but Marlon's shouts snapped him out of it as they ran for the awaiting car.

" He's gonna have our heads, our heads man." Marlon gritted as they hastily opened the car doors.

Delilah stood there until the car drove off and although she was still confused, a smile still crept on her lips as she entered Barbra's. And once doing so everyone that had been looking quickly went back to their conversations in attempts to play their nosiness off.

The girls squealed her way as the both of them insisted that she tell what they were talking about. Yet once Delilah assured them that it was just friendly conversation, They, of course, waved her off.

" Yeah fucking right. Girl I saw the way he chased after you, Hell we all did! " Valentina smirked. " He wants you girl." She stuck her tongue out in excitement.

" Right and don't even try to deny it girl. My little sis got that whip appeal y'all!" Alyssa teased earning laughter from everyone throughout the busy salon.

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