Step Into the Sun ||Treebros||

By pandanekolove

140K 5.5K 24.6K

Connor is an interesting guy. No friends, and everyone basically hates him. One day, he meets someone who wil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter (insert correct number)
chapter (...I forgot oops) do I never remember
chapter... 9 I think
chapter 10
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter..... 18?
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter ...23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

(i blanked at "title your story part")

5.1K 255 472
By pandanekolove

A/n: ?!!!! HOW?!! 200 READS AND 20 VOTES?!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! I'm surprised that people this, because my writing is terrible...

T/w: slight mention of self harm

Connor's POV
I brushed my teeth while in the shower. Yeah. Don't judge me. It saves time! I borrowed Heidi's conditioner, and let's hope she doesn't find out. The directions said to leave it for two minutes, which was a really long time. So would I just stand there, waiting for two minutes? No. I was "efficient" so after I put on the conditioner, I started brushing my teeth with one hand and the other I used to apply body soap. And when the conditioner is ready to be washed off, I'm done brushing my teeth and the rest of my shower as soon as I rinse off.

I got out and dried myself off with the towel I got. Then I realized something awful. I forgot to bring my borrowed clothes.

Should I just go out in a towel? Or should I ask Evan to bring me the clothes? Asking Evan would make me seem irresponsible, but going out in only a towel would be embarrassing, especially in front of Evan. And if I wanted to hide my scars on my arm too, then I would basically have to hold the whole towel in front of me. Yeah, no im not doing that.

I peeked out the door. Evan was on his phone, bouncing on his bed. I smiled to myself at how adorable he looked. (A/n: I'm at a school right now and this guy around my age who I think is doing his homework just glanced at my phone screen because I was smiling at it..hope he didn't read what was on it....) I raised my hand to call out to him but it got caught on the door knob.

"FFFFF-!" I hissed in pain, wringing my hand as Evan flinched so badly that he fell off his bed. I didn't want to curse, since I wanted to a decent person to Heidi so I could still be around Evan and not be a "bad influence" as my parents called me.

I scurried over and crouched down next to Evan, who was lying on the floor. "Evan! You okay?!"

Evan groaned and winced as he rubbed his back. "I-I'm fine, I just scraped my back against the edge of the bed holding thing." He looked at me before shoving clothes in my face and turning away. "Connor! C-clothes!"

I blushed from embarrassment and snatched the clothes from Evan before racing into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

I sunk down against the door. I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST RAN OUT THERE LIKE THAT!! AND IN FRONT OF EVAN! I got changed, but now what? Should I go out like nothing happened? Or should I go out and be super sorry and embarrassed? I sighed. This is why I don't socially interact with people.

I just walked out into the room. Evan was peacefully sleeping, curled up on his bed. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him and casually set it as my home screen. Then I laid down beside him and took a selfie with him, making my "double chin-peace sign combo" pose. I swapped my only seconds old home screen for the one I just took and grinned.

Now that is a great home screen.

I turned to evan and just started admiring his face, taking in all the little features.

Suddenly, Evan sat up, scaring me half to death as I immediately pretended to "wake up because of him". I blinked and stared at him. "Hey, Hansen. You still have to brush your teeth."

Evan smiled. "Yeah, yeah," He said, going into the bathroom.

As soon as he went in, I grabbed the extra blankets and pillows and flopped onto the floor and got into a comfortable position. Then i remembered. Mr. Fluffy! I sat up and started digging aeound my backpack. I pulled out my oldest friend, who was a honey brown stuffed bear. I could never abandon this guy. He was my last birthday gift from my parents, which was given to me about ten years ago. He had been with me through a ton of hard times. I laughed, wondering what the kids at school would say if they saw the "possible school shooter" sleeping with a teddy bear. I rolled my eyes, mentally flilped those kids off, and started to drift off.

Evan's POV
I got out of the bathroom after I finished getting ready for bed. I noticed Connor curled up within blankets on the floor, sleeping. I stepped closer to him and saw a bear plush snuggled between his arms.

I took a picture of him with my phone and giggled. He was so precious, honestly.

I got up on my bed and started to sleep.

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