For Forever: Dear Evan Hansen...

By Sincerely_treebros

3.3K 101 35

Tree bros one shots! I'll be posting once a week with extra updates if I'm not lazy There will be a lot of Tr... More

The Setup
I'm Sorry
Tree Nerd
Summer Camp
Guitar Gal
Mended Relationships (Guitar Gal pt. 2)
European Vacation
I don't Like Kids
Tickle Wars
Jared in the Bathroom
Another masterful attempt ends in disaster
Substitute Breakup
Connor finished the Milk
Goin' Viral
Going Viral pt. 2
Heathers AU pt.1
Heathers AU Pt. 2
Caught in the Storm
Mashed Potatoes
Environment one shot
Birthday Surprise
Chinese Takeout
Stop hurting the Fucking Door!
Medieval day Pt. 1
Medieval day Pt. 2
Not a chapter sorry but I need some advice

Hello, My name is Elder... Evan?

339 5 1
By Sincerely_treebros

(A/n: Hi! This is my new one shot book, Ill be posting once a week, but if you're lucky, there will be double updates ;)

Connor and Evan had been dating since the start of senior year when Connor had finally confessed his feelings to Evan. The year started off as a slow, lonely one, but by their final exam, Connor and Evan were dating, they had a tight knit group of friends and memories they wouldn't trade for the world. But as high school came to an end and everyone went their different ways to their own colleges, they slowly began to drift apart.

Connor was studying art at NYU while Evan decided to take the year off so he could earn a bit of money before starting his degree. The two were living together in a small apartment just off Broadway.

'Connor, I'm going to work, I'll be home around 9:30!' Evan said, walking into the living room and giving Connor a quick peck on the cheek.

'I swear they over work you, hon. Starting your shift at 10 and finishing around 9:30? I don't get to see you often enough!' Connor pouted. Evan chuckled as he walked out the door.

'Don't worry, I have Saturday morning off. I only have to go in at 5:30. Bye!' Evan closed the door and walked down 4 floors before heading off to the local library where he was the janitor.


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and... 1! Yes! It was 5pm! His shift at the library was over. He changed out of his janitor uniformand headed to times square. He didn't exactly lie to Connor. Yes, his library shift did end at 5, but he actually got off work at 9 and would be back by 9:30, just not the work Connor thought he was doing.

Evan heard his phone go off with a text message alert.

A_Beck to: Cool Kidz 🛀🌳🚬🎸📚

Hey Connor and Evan, I'm gonna be in NY this week and I wanted to know if we could catch up? I haven't seen you guys in 4 months!

Evan unlocked his phone and opened his messages.

AcornHansen: Hi Alana, Connor and I would love to have you over. You could stay at our place if you want, there's a pull-out couch. You don't have to though if you don't want to.

A_Beck: That's alright, my college is paying for a hotel and I wouldn't want to intrude.

AcornHansen: You wouldn't be intruding at all! But if you want to stay in a hotel, that's fine.

HighImConnor: How bout dinner?

HighImConnor: There's a new Japanese place Ev wants to try

A_Beck: That sounds great! How about Saturday?

HighImConnor: Ev has to be at work by 5:30 on Saturday. Why don't we do lunch?

A_Beck: Ok sure, that works for me

BathBombsareBae: Whaddup losers the insanely cool Jared Kleinman is in the house!

HighImConnor: Shut up Jared

HighImConnor: You are a walking meme

HighImConnor: Your initials literally are JK

HighImConnor: Just Kidding?

BathBombsareBae: Why thank sir Connor and I accept your invite for lunch on Saturday

HighImConnor: I didn't invite you

JazzGal: Connor, be nice!

A_Beck: Oh hey Zo!

HighImConnor: Fine you can come Jared.

A_Beck: I'll make a reservation for five people. Is 12:30 a good time for everyone?

JazzGal: Yep! can't wait to see you lana!

BathBombsareBae: Gay!

BathBombsareBae: But 12:30 works for me yeet!

HighImConnor: I'm leaving now. Bi

Evan was excited for Saturday. After all, it had been months since they were all together. But Saturday wasn't exactly a great day. He had to be at work by 5:30, so if they decided to do something after lunch, he would have to make up some excuse as to why he couldn't go.

(Time Skip to Saturday lunch)

The lunch started off with Zoe squealing and running up to Evan and Connor as they arrived at the restaurant, hugging them both and saying how much she missed them. Then Alana arrived with an awkward smile and wave before Zoe wrapped her in a bear hug, accidentally knocking the smaller girls glasses off. Jared arrived with a mysterious bag which, after Connor's nose inspected it, was deemed to be full of bath bombs.

'In case I get hungry... Or need a bath.' was Jared's excuse when questioned. The group sat down and caught up on life while eating delicious food from the Japanese restaurant.

4 o'clock rolled around and the group had payed for their meal and were casually walking around time square.

'You know what, while we are here, we should go see a Broadway show!' Zoe suggested. 'I know this guy who works at Book of Mormon and can get us cheap tickets.'

'Yes! I've always wanted to see Book of Mormon! I have to leave tomorrow though. Could we get tickets for tonight?' Alana asked. Zoe pulled out her phone and started texting this friend.

'Um, actually guys, I... I can't come t-tonight. I'm... working.' Evan managed to stutter out. His stutter was getting better but sometimes when he got really nervous it would come back.

'Just call in and say you're sick,' Jared replied in a whiny voice.

'But there's a... a big event! Yeah! At the library. And I need to... clean it up. Thats it.' Evan lied. He couldn't come to see Book of Mormon tonight. He really couldn't.

'Well, my friend can only give us 4 tickets anyway so if you really don't want to go Evan?'

'No, I'll stay home and you can go Evan. Don't you really love musicals?' Connor asked Evan

'Yeah, but... work! Remember. And I'm suuuper busy d-doing... other things. You can go Connor.'


'No, I want you to see the show. Please?'

'Fine. But I'm bootlegging it so you and I can watch it later!' Alana gave Connor a glare but didn't argue.

'O-ok. I should head off now anyway. Bye!' Evan ran off before anyone else could ask further questions.


'It's a shame Evan couldn't make it tonight.' Alana said as the group took their front row seats. Zoe's friend had managed to get them the best seats in the house.

'Well, he does take his job very seriously. And besides, we will watch the bootleg together later. He might like it better that way, less noise...' Connor replied thoughtfully.

The house lights turned down and music began to play. Evan made an entrance. Wait, Evan?

'Holy shit, is that Evan up there?!' Jared whisper yelled.

Connor's eyes widened in surprise, but it all made sense. That's why Evan had to work such strange hours. That's why Evan was always making excuses. That's why he would avoid going to Broadway shows. That's why that one girl a few weeks ago had asked to take Evans picture. Connor just thought it was because Evan was so cute in that new top.

At the intermission, they all crowded around Zoe who was frantically leafing through her playbill until finally she saw the cast. And long behold, it was Evan!

Evan sang every note perfectly spot on. He did not make a single mistake. He was an amazing actor and was so confident on stage, very contrasted to how he was in normal everyday life.

The show ended and Zoe, Alana, Jared and Connor all gave Evan standing ovations and cheered him as he came out for a bow. He smiled shyly down at them, out of character now.

At the stage door, the group pushed to the front and screamed when Evan came out.

'I'm sorry I kept this from you guys, I was embarrassed and thought you would tease me.' Evan said, directing the last part to Jared.

'You were fucking amazing Ev! I'm so proud of you!' Connor wrapped him in a hug and kissed him on the head. The friends all agreed with Connor.

'And I would never make fun of you for being that amazing! Like, how the crap are you that good?!' Jarred added in.

Evan spent the next 15 minutes signing autographs before he let his friends lead him away. It was the best time any of them had had in a while.


A few weeks later, Connor was casted as Morris Delancey in Newsies. Both Evan and Connor went on to be big Broadway stars, and were also in a few movies. They lived a perfect life, singing love duets to each other on the daily. 

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