Moving Forward ~1

By Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... More

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
Doppelgรคnger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Another Funeral

6.4K 150 38
By Vampirediaries1996

I can't wait for season 2!!! Klaus!!!

Matt is still mortified by his mother's actions on our double date. He keeps saying sorry but there's nothing for him to be sorry for. Kelly has always been this way. She looks for a good time to avoid responsibilities in her life. To top off an already interesting night Stefan and Damon were attacked by tomb vampires. I was devastated finding out that this happened. It made what happened to Sheila that more painful. Elena didn't want me to call but I had to call and tell Bonnie what happened. She wouldn't answer my call but she did text appreciating me keeping her up to date, but that doesn't change that Bonnie's grandmother died for nothing. The vampires still got out of the tomb and now they're out for revenge. I wish more than anything I had an inkling of what my powers were or how to control them. I wish Bonnie was here to help me think through things and understand more about this supernatural world, but she's still avoiding everyone. She hasn't been back to school and it's making me worry if she'll ever come back. Bonnie is this glue that brings us all together in times of distress. I wish I could change the outcomes of what happened to her grandmother but I can't. No one can. The only thing we can do is move forward and learn from our mistakes in the best way possible.

Damon keeps calling and I eventually block him. I don't need to speak to him since he tormented Alaric about Isobel and for making out with Matt's mom. I'm also feeling lonely. Elena doesn't feel the guilt I have. I was the reason Sheila even agreed to let the vail down. I was the one who kept her from protecting this town. I will carry the guilt of her death for all my life and I wish I could find some way to ease the pain. The only way I can find some seclusion and piece is doing homework at the Grill. I can get some good food and when Matt has a break I can talk him up and ease both our minds.

Elena's name pops up on my screen and she normally texts me first so this makes me feel it's an emergency. "Hey, Lenny I'm..."

"Sofia, the tomb vampires took Stefan." She tries to sound as calm as possible but I know she's freaking out

"They took him. When?"

"Earlier today. Damon and I already went to the house and the won't let him go."

"Okay, how are we going to get him back?"

"Damon and I have an idea. Can you meet us at the school?' Matt is busy clearing tables and I know Elena needs me.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few." I pack up my things and as I head for the door I bumped into Tyler and his dad. "Mayor Lockwood it's nice to see you." I greet him and Tyler even hugs me.

"It's been so long since we've seen you. Carole does miss your weekly dinners."

"She always had the best roast beef."

"You should come by one time for old time sakes." Tyler suggests.

"That sounds wonderful. It was nice seeing you two." I move towards the door but Mayor Lockwood stops me.

"Are you going out in that weather?"

"Just back home nowhere too far." 

"Good, be safe. See you around Sofia." He smiles back and I bolt to my car trying to get the school as fast and safe as I can.

I come in missing the rain to Alaric laying out all his vampire-slaying tools for us. I'm still in awe that he's my history teacher and a vampire hunter. Along with dating my aunt Jenna and being the husband of my dead mother. So many connections with a man who I once thought of as a stranger. I immediately envelop Elena in a hug knowing she needs some comfort. If this were Matt I would be losing my mind. She's holding up good for the possibility Stefan could die. "Teacher by day, vampire hunter by night."

"Damon." I warn him. There is no need for his bitchiness.

"I have you to think for that." Alaric responds with no emotion to Damon.

"What are these?" Elena points to some metal tool.

"Those are tranquilizer darts filled with vervain."

"Just get me in. I'll get Stefan out."

"Are the tomb vampires older than you? Which means stronger." I point out and Damon shrugs his shoulders. He's being too calm for this serious of a situation.

"Sofia's right. Don't you have another plan? You're not just gonna take them on all by yourself."

"Have more faith than that girls. I'll be a little stealthier than that. Hopefully."

"Damon this is no time for hopefully. We cannot gamble with Stefan's life based on your ability to possibly not kick some ass." I exclaim.

"Wow, what are you doing?" Alaric asks and I look to what he's talking about. Elena has taken one of the tranquilizers in her hand.

"I'm going with you." Damn treated like a child. Just as she says she's going with them, Alaric is taking the tranquilizer away from her.

"No, no way." Damon rolls his eyes at her.

"You need me. I'll get in. You can distract them, and then I'll get Stefan out." Damon ignores her.

"You need us, Damon. Let us help in some form." I suggest.

"No." Damon responds. Before turning to Alaric like Elena and I aren't even here.

"I'm going." Elena states firmly.

"So, when you get me in, get out as quickly as you can." Damon ignores her again and talks directly to Ric. "I know how to sneak around where they can't hear me. You'll basically be in the way."

"Damon, as bad as it is to have Elena and me there, it's even a worse idea for you to go in there on your own. You need backup." I state.

"She's right it's not time to be the Lone Ranger." Elena is pissed and is not going to back down on saving Stefan.

"Fine, Elena you can drive the getaway car. And Sofia you can ride in the back."

"Why can't I drive?"

"Not in my car. You had a car totaled."

"Because a vampire purposely crashed into my car!" I remind him.

"You're in the back. And neither one of you is going in the house.

"You can't stop us." Elena points between her and me. "It's Stefan we're talking about here. You don't understand..."

"Oh, I understand. I understand. He's the reason you live. His love lifts you up where you belong."

"Damon don't be a dick. We just want to help and forcing us to stay home will do nothing!"

"No, what you two don't understand is I can't protect the both of you." Damon's voice gets all serious. "I don't know how many vampires are in there." He snaps his fingers causing me to flinch a little. "That's how long it takes for you to get your head ripped off. I have to be able to get in and out. I can't be distracted with both of your safety. Or this will end up a bloodbath that none of us walk away from. Including Stefan." Elena and I hang our heads low. Damon hasn't shown this amount of for Stefan all the time we've known him. It's always been laced with hatred every time he spoke. "I get it. I understand." We say nothing feeling likes pieces of shit for making him feel like he had to worry about his brother and us in this life and death situation.

"If we're gonna go, let's go." Alaric packs up his tools and we head for the car.

The plan is Alaric is going to play the clueless human asking to use the phone to gain entry to the home. All in hopes to convince the owner of the house to let Damon in. Elena and I are benched in the car. Instructed to do nothing but wait for them to come back out. Elena is getting antsy. "We're going in there." I state and she nods. Alaric didn't take his bag of tools so Elena reaches in and take two tranquilizers out and hands me one.

"We're going in there and we're going to free Stefan." She says.

"Let's go." We carefully and quickly exit the car and make it to the house. I try and remember to control my breathing so they don't hear us but it's hard with the freezing cold rain.

We crouch by the outside wall listening for any vampires. We hide ourselves hearing someone barking orders. I tap Elena's shoulder and point to the entrance to the cellar. We check to make sure the coast is clear and make our way down. We push through an already open gate and get stopped by a locked door. We both check to see if someone was coming and Elena slams her clothed elbow on the glass breaking it so we can open it. We creep until we come to the end of the hallway where one vampire is sitting listening to music. We clutch our tranquilizers close to us as we prepare for what is about to happen. Elena peers out and quickly comes back meaning he saw her. We ready our tranquilizers. But before we're even able to do anything someone else jabs something into his neck We gasp as Damon comes from around the corner with the most pissed off expression on his face. "Are you two insane?" We don't have time to answer as we follow Damon to the room where they're holding Stefan.

The room was cold and damp from the rainstorm and reeked of burned flesh. Stefan is hanging from his restraints exhausted from the torture he's endured. "Elena." He mutters. Elena quickly runs to his side. "You two shouldn't be here."

"They were supposed to stay in the car." Damon pushes past us. Damn ready's a stake to kill a guy who is bound and has two knives jammed into his legs.

"No, no, no not him." Stefan cries out.

"Whatever." Damon stops and moves to help get Stefan down. He moans and retracts his hand.

"There's vervain on the ropes." Stefan mutters.

"Elena, Sofia pull that." Damon orders. We do what he says and Stefan comes down from his restrains. "Come on. Let's go. Put some clothes on."

"Wait." Stefan calls out.

"What? Guys come on. We have to get out of here." Elena helps Stefan reach down and pull the daggers out of the guy who's tied to the chair. "Come on we have to go." Damon is getting pissed by the second.

"The other one." Stefan points for Elena and she does what he says. The other guy lets out a pained sigh.

"Can you two get him in the car?" I take over Stefan's other side while Elena and I prop him on both of our shoulders leading him out.

"Yeah." We respond.

"All right, go." Damon goes off down another hall.

"What about you?" I ask him.

"You two rescue and I'll distract. Go."

"Here." I hand him my tranquilizer and he nods his head and runs off. Elena calls after me and I catch up.

You would think it would take only two people to take Stefan back to the car but with him so weakened from the torture he's endured he's become dead weight and he's extremely heavy. It's a struggle getting him out of the house and towards the car, it's gotten dark since we've last been outside and it's becoming hard to see where we're going.

"Can you make it?" Elena asks him again concerned he will pass out any second.

"Uhh." Stefan groans and takes us down with him as he collapses to the floor. "Ohh, you okay?" He asks Elena. I look over seeing she cut her hand a little.

"Come on we have to get him to the car." I say getting up and grabbing Stefan's arm. Elena helps me grab his other arm and we struggle our way to the car. We both have a smile on our faces as we see the car and we walk a little faster. We finally make it and I open the door while Elena steady's Stefan. Once he's in I jump in the back and she jumps into the driver's seat.

"Elena start the car." I order worried someone will come after us. She moves to the key and I see only wires. "You left the keys in the car!" I yell.

"Stefan." Elena says worriedly and then there's crash and I scream as glass is shattered all around me. Stefan is pulled through the window and thrown on the ground. I check to make sure there are no major glass shards on me before I join Elena running out of the car to see what's going on. We see Fredrick stabbing Stefan with a stick and about to go in for the kill.

"No!" Elena screams as she plunges her tranquilizer into his back. He drops Stefan and falls to the ground immobile from the vervain. "Stefan." We lean down to see the stick still pultruding from his chest. Elena grabs onto it and pulls it out. He groans in pain and then he goes silent. Elena can't stop repeating his name like that is going to do something.

"Elena." I point to where Fredrick is waking up.

"Where's your tranquilizer?" She asks me.

"I gave it to Damon."

"Why did you do that?"

"He seemed to need it more than me. I guess I was wrong." I scoot closer to my sister. I clutch the stick in my hand ready to do what I can to defend us.

"Stefan, please get up. Get up, Stefan." Elena looks down at her still bleeding hand.

"Elena." I warn her but she ignores me as she shoves her hand to his mouth. He licks the blood on his lips.

"Elena, Sofia run."

"Please Stefan, my wrists." She pulls up her sleeve and I'm still looking at Fredrick who is ready to kill us at any second. I could try and stake him but I've never done that before and he could easily turn it against me and kill me. I'm not strong enough to go against a vampire as old as Fredrick. "Here, take my wrist you need more blood." She encourages him.

"Go, Elena, take Sofia and run."

"No. I trust you." Elena shoves her wrist into his mouth and he begins to feed.

"Elena!" I scream as Fredrick gets up. He's baring his fangs and all.

"He needs more blood!" She calls. I take the stick and stand up. So, she gets to feed her vampire boyfriend and I'm supposed to deal with the psychopathic vampire hell-bent on killing us. Great just great.

"Oh, I'll get to you and your sister soon enough. I want him through first." He advances.

"I will kill you if you take another step."

"You can't kill me."

"Wanna bet?" Fredrick takes a running charge at me and I ready my stance I somehow duck as he lunges at me and he's pissed. He comes for me again but I whip the stick in front scratches his face causing him to hiss in pain.

"You little bitch!" He comes for me again and somehow out of nowhere branches and other twigs float in the air and aim themselves at Fredrick. I'm in awe just like him and before I know it he's being thrown into a tree and the branches and twigs follow. They pin him to the tree keeping him from moving. "What the hell are you?" He is seething mad and before I can answer Stefan jumps up and takes the stick I dropped and lunges for Fredrick. He stabs him profusely to the point of overkill.

"Stefan, he's dead. Stop he's dead!" Elena calls out she runs over to stop him and he bares his fangs at her. She steps back and into my arms as I hold her protectively. His face softens as he realizes what he's done. The branches pinning Fredrick's dead body fall immediately to the ground. I don't know why but I instantly got this feeling flowing through me. It feels like something dark and extremely dangerous to everyone I know and love is coming and no one will be able to stop it.

Elena was still getting over what happened with Stefan but she wanted to spend time with him to make sure he's okay. Damon and Alaric made it out of the house safe and sound Pearl, Anna's mother came back early enough to stop them from getting killed. Everything was good until I got a gut-wrenching call from Caroline informing me that when she was driving to visit the road she got stuck in an abandoned road and stumbled upon Vicki Donovan's dead body. I dropped to the floor clutching my phone as I let Caroline explain what happened. My heart is broken not just because another person I've known has died but how Matt must be handling it. I dropped everything and made my way over to his place. I was a sobbing mess as I knocked on the door. Jeremy answered it and I hugged him and he lets out a few tears on my shirt. Vicki meant too much to him and I look over his shoulder and I see Matt and I detach myself from my brother and run to Matt. He waits for me with open arms and pulls me close and that's all it takes for him to break down in tears. I hold him tight as I let him let it all out.

"There's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but I'm here for you." I whisper to him.

"She's gone Sofia. She's gone." He sobs and I rub his back trying to soothe him. I let him vent and do whatever he needs to get over the pain. Nothing anyone can say will ever make losing someone okay. No food or I'm sorries will ease the void of a loved one. All I can do is be there for Matt and his mom whenever they need.

I helped Matt and his mom with Vicki's funeral and a memorial in her honor trying to ease the burden off them. I played at both ceremonies and everyone was brought to tears for someone they talked trash about and barely even liked. That's what happens when living in such a small town. We can always talk shit about one another but when something tragic happens it's like none of that happens. It makes you question who is really there for you or is just playing their part as a grieving neighbor. Kelly hasn't been taking the loss of her daughter well, she's barely said anything when people give their condolences. Matt says it's her way of protecting her heart. She's trying not to feel so much so she can get over the loss of her child.

Like Mystic Falls fashion when someone dies it is chance for a celebration of the life loss and the Mayor and the rest of the council have been setting up a part of sorts in honor of Matt and his mom. Which just means another reason to exploit their tragedy for the benefit of the town.

"Come on Jeremey. Going to school."

"We're walking out now!" I call out to him as Elena power walk it to the door.

"You forgot this." Jenna places a folder into Elena's bag.

"Thank you." I smile and open the door.

"Shit." Is all I can say. There standing in our doorway is our ever so jackass of an uncle John about to knock on the door we opened.

"Such a wonderful way to greet me Sofia. Charming as always." He smiles at me but I'm not buying it. He's always been annoying and I've never liked him. "Elena." He greets with enthusiasm.

"Uncle John. Hi."

"Jenna." He greets.

"You made it." Jenna dislikes John even more than us.

"Said I'd be in by noon." He pushes his way through and we step aside to let his majesty through.

"Oh, what you say and what you do are typically two different things."

"Uncle John, what's up?" Jeremy greets him as he finally comes downstairs.

"Hey." Jeremy walks past him. "I had some business in town. I thought a visit was in order."

"Wonderful." I say under my breath and Elena jabs me in the side.

"How long are you staying?" She's always been better at faking enthusiasm than me.

"I don't know yet."

"Hmm. Okay, well we're gonna go to school." I say jumping in.

"See you later." Elena and we head for the car. Elena and I share a what the hell look with Jenna who is forced to be tortured with John all on his own.  

Matt is handling things pretty well. He's not locking himself away from his friends. He's embracing the help from the town and everyone wanting to offer their condolences to him and Kelly. Even allowing me to make them dinner constantly and Kelly wanted to kick me out one time because I was making too much food. But it's the same thing I did when our parents died. Cooking distracted me from the pain I was feeling and the comfort it brought to those who ate it eased the sadness in my heart. Kelly would rather just suffer alone with her alcohol than have me a stranger to her hover over her life. I understand we all mourn in different ways but I was happy I was able to relieve some burden from their lives.

"He just shows up out of nowhere and drops the whole my trip is open-ended crap." I lean against Matt's neighboring locker informing him all about my uncle John drama.

"Uncle John, I never really liked that guy."

"Does anyone? He rarely comes around but when he does everything revolves around him being a total dick."

"I'm here for moral support if you need me."

"You're too kind. And I'm sorry again if my overcooking was annoying you and your mom." I pout at him. He kisses my cheek.

"It wasn't annoying. My mom was just having a bad day."

"Really?" I didn't buy it.

"Yeah, I found her later that day scarfing down your shrimp scampi. She was loving it."

"Wonderful." I clap my hands in appreciation. "I didn't want to overstep my boundaries or anything. I just wanted to make sure you two were taken care of."

"Babe, you did more than enough. And thanks to you and Elena my mom and I were able to remember some amazing times of Vicki's life. You made us appreciate the short time we had with her."

"I know my history with her wasn't the best, but she was a good person. She had a kind heart. She made questionable choices but we all do that. She just didn't get to live past hers." Matt brings me into a hug.

"Thank you Sof, I can never say enough how appreciative I am for what you've done."

"Matt, I will always be here for you." Uncle John coming into town put a kink into my already crazy life but I've ignored him before and I can do it again.


Matt and his mom needed a night to themselves forcing me to enjoy a wonderful dinner with my favorite uncle. Thank God, we ordered enough take out that I can just focus on my amazing food and just ignore John. He is so self-righteous when it comes to the Gilbert name. He always lectures us on how important our family is and everything they've done for Mystic Falls. He acts like our ancestors invented electricity or something.

Tonight's dinner consisted of John reminding Jeremy and me about the upcoming Founder's Day events. It feels like all we do in this town is celebrate our founders. It's a never-ending cycle of parties, fundraisers, and Carole Lockwood barking orders at us. Elena ate dinner early and is currently holing away in her room secretly with Stefan. "I have no interest in the Founder's Day kick-off party." Jeremy declares and I just wait for the incoming lecture.

"Sure, you do, it's tradition." John states to him.

"Far be it for us to break from tradition." Jenna is eating her dinner at the counter not wanting to be near John.

"The Gilbert's have been a part of this town for 150 years. One of the founding families."

"Not like we can forget that. You and everyone else always reminds us of it." I fire back and John raises his brow at me.

"And by now Sofia, you and Jeremy should know with that distinction comes certain obligations. Including going to the party."

"Because one cannot miss another lavish party." I state.

"One day you two can appreciate the significance. I'll tell you all about your heritage." John looks more to Jeremy than me and I find it out. He's always been a firm believer that the man makes all of the decisions and the woman takes care of the house. Very much stuck in old ways of looking at life.

"Hmm, the Gilbert family legacy." Jenna chimes in. We all turn to look at her. "I forgot how sacred it was. I'm not a Gilbert, so I was never cool enough to hear it." She is on fire tonight and honestly my favorite person. John is shaking his head.

"Why does she hate you?" Jeremy leans over to ask him.

"We used to sleep together." I choked on my noodles.

"God, can we not talk about anyone's sex lives at the table." Jenna throws the take-out bag at John causing Jeremy to laugh.

"I'm standing right here." She is pissed and John is amused.

"Dinner is a sacred place and I did not have to know that." I go back to eating.

"I've been told that your still quite the musician." John says to me.

"Yeah, when I have the time I practice my violin, but things have been really busy lately."

"Are you going to compete in Miss Mystic this year?" I shake my head.

"Not really my thing, but I've already been asked by Mrs. Lockwood to perform."

"You need to keep performing in public settings it will prepare you for college and other auditions."

"Why the sudden interest in my life?" Jeremy stiffens. John and I have been known to get into some arguments. My dad always said it wasn't good for us to fight and I told him it wasn't good to have a brother who was such an ass.

"You're family Sofia. I care about you and everything that you do." John has never shown an interest in us. He only comes into town to be an ass and remind everyone of how important he sees himself. Sure, he's shown up for some of Elena and my cheerleading events or when Jeremy won an art contest but for the most part Uncle John is a mystery. He's not spoken about at dinner and no one brings him up unless he does one of his surprise visits. Mom and dad always told us to be nice to him and respect him but he does things that annoy and disgust me. He talks down to people he sees beneath him in life and treats people like shit. He's rarely a kind person and overall was my first introduction into what an asshole is like.

Elena has been having hard times with Stefan. Since drinking her blood he's been having a hard time controlling his urge to feed. He freaked out in her room when he started to transform and almost bite her that he crashed himself into her wall. Breaking a few things in the process. Damon has nothing to offer than Stefan not being strong enough to control his urges. Stating that he's spent so much time not giving into the basic nature of a vampire that it's now biting him in the ass. Now with all of this new stress, Elena thinks it's the best time to tell Jeremy that she and I are adopted. I forgot with everything that's happened that we didn't discuss this revelation with Jeremy. He deserves to know what we know about family. A walk by the lake was a perfect way to open up to him. No interruptions and everyone feels at ease.

"I just can't believe mon and dad never told you two about being adopted." Jeremy is shocked but he's taking the news rather well.

"I'm sure they would have eventually." Elena smiles at him.

"Why were you two worried about what I thought?" Elena and I don't know how to exactly answer that. There was no issue on either of our ends with nothing on our ends with not being blood-related to Jeremy. He's still and will always be our little brother no matter what our genetics say.

"Because..." Elena looks at me. "I don't know. It's...It's weird going your whole life thinking you're related to by blood to someone."

"Does it bug you that I'm not."

"Not in the slightest." I grab his hand and he doesn't pull away. "All that matters is to us you're our brother." Jeremy smiles at us and I feel better that this whole secret isn't changing our relationship.

"So, Mr. Saltzman said you've been doing great in history now." Why is Elena changing the subject?

"Yeah, he's really been helping me out. He gave me some extra credit and stuff."

"He loved your vampire paper." What? My face is full of shock no one ever mentioned to me that Jeremy knew or was interested in knowing about Vampires. Jeremy seemed to think her statement was odd because he paused for a while before answering.

"Yeah, he thought it was a clever angle."

"What made you interested in the topic? Because you wouldn't watch Twilight with me." I jump in not liking being the odd man out. Elena is keeping something from me and Jeremy is hiding something from both of us.

"Uh, I don't know. Um, boredom. And Sofia you know that movie wasn't my type of movie."

"But writing a paper on the subject matter was?"

"It was possibly out of boredom. Or maybe I'm just as nuts as the long line of Gilbert crazies."

"The Gilbert's aren't crazy." Elena says in defense.

"Easy for you to say, you two aren't one."

"Low blow Jer. Low blow." I joke with him as I let that finally sink in. Elena and I aren't actually Gilbert's and every time people grill us or mention our family we've taken pride in the long line of history that we come from but none of it matters because we're not related to them. We have no idea besides Isobel who comes to a dead. We have no idea where we come from or who our family is.

How will Sofia take seeing Isobel?

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