Relatively Unknown Writers

By JadeHero330

291 15 1

This is a book to promote writers who don't have a ton of readers or the recognition I think that they deserv... More

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Interview with the Twinchesters

31 2 0
By JadeHero330

Real Name/Pen Name?

Jane and Francis Winchester, but we usually just go by Janie and Frankie. We're twins; collectively the Twinchesters.

J: But, please, don't be afraid to call her Frankie Doodle.

F: *whines* Janie!

How long have you been writing?

F: Well, we've been writing since elementary school, but it's only been a couple years on Wattpad.

What made you want to be writers?

F: I think it was really our love of fanfiction and mystery. We were always making up stories in our heads or playing imaginary games outside. It just made sense to put it all down on paper.

J: It's also nice to be able to write about things the way we want them to happen. It gives us a bit of control that we don't normally have in real life.

Favorite book? On or off Wattpad, or both.

F: Well, I love a lot of Supernatural fanfictions and mystery stories. I think my favorite story on Wattpad is "A Day in the Life" by JDWesson. My favorite books off Wattpad at the moment is "The Goddess Test" Series by Aimee Carter.

J: Probably "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" By Ken Kesey.

How did you discover Wattpad?

J: We just happened upon it one day. We actually didn't start writing either of our stories until we discovered Wattpad.

What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

J: We're kind of internet hermits.

F: Haha. Yeah. I mean, we obviously take care of things our parents ask us to do, but every waking moment is either spent goofing around, watching Supernatural, or hanging around on Youtube or Wattpad.

Where do you draw your inspirations from when writing? Favorite authors, music, film etc.

F: Movies and Television. We only have two stories up right now and one of them is a Supernatural fanfiction. The other is a action/comedy about a really smart guy who constantly messes things up.

J: A lot of it also comes from our imaginations. We have very overactive imaginations. 

Who encourages you to write?

F: We encourage each other, I think.

J: Yeah. Our family is pretty supportive as well.

F: And lots of people on Wattpad who comment on our stories encourage us to keep going. But mostly it's each other because you have to write because you love writing, not just to please readers.

How do you think writing impacts your life?

J: Well, it's a really great outlet for things we are feeling. I think it keeps our imaginations working and makes us more fun to be around. Life can get pretty stressful so it's nice to have a place to run away to for a little while, even if it's only in our imaginations.

How many stories do you have?


List your stories:

The Family Business

A Long Life of Bad Luck

What do you want readers to know about your stories or writing style?

F: Um...We do a lot of fact checking, mostly for our Supernatural fanfic. We want it to be entertaining, but we also want our timeline to make sense and for the storyline to actually be plausible. It's easy to slap a character into an already created storyline, but we wanted to take more time to blend the characters into that storyline with a storyline of their own as well.

What do you write about most?

F: Supernatural. That and guys with guns. <3

How do you pick your character names?

F: We really just brainstorm names we like or fit together a name from a couple different names we've heard. For Example: Lincoln Hardy was formed from Tom Hardy's last name and Link's full name from Rhett and Link.

J: Some of them have made up meaning like our names (Jane and Francis) in "The Family Business." In the story, the names were chosen based on names John Winchester liked or knew of. It really depends on the importance of the character.

What's your favorite genre to write? To read?

F: Probably action when we're writing because there's so much you can do with it.

J: We both like to read a lot of mysteries, thrillers, horrors, and stories on the supernatural as well.

What do you do to get over writer's block?

F: Usually we just go around fact checking our story or watching funny youtube videos.

J: Developing our characters more usually helps, especially for "The Family Business." It's just a matter of finding something fun to do to get your mind off the block and then we let ideas flow in as they come.

What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

J+F: Probably the people. It's fun to meet other Writers and to get wonderful comments from our readers. It just reminds us why we started writing in the first place.

What is the nicest comment you've ever received?

F: Probably just people commenting on how real our story seems. It's always nice to hear that we're doing a great job and doing justice with the material we have.

The Hunger Games or Divergent? Why?

J: Hm...Don't know...How about Harry Potter? :3

Any advice for other writers out there?

F: Readers and followers are nice to have, but in the end, you have to love what you're doing. If you don't love what you're writing, then don't write it. Writing is supposed to be fun.

J: It can take a lot of courage to post that first time. Just know that you aren't alone. Everyone had to post that first chapter of that first story. Criticism with come and go, but like Frankie said, writing is supposed to be about the author. Write what you want; write for yourself.

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