Falling for my Boss

By bellablue1410

781K 22.3K 2.7K

Addison Jordan 20 has never had a proper family to grow up with. Her mother died while in labour with her and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Ideas :)

Chapter 16

20.7K 690 19
By bellablue1410

Addison's Pov

I dropped my stuff into my office before walking into Brax's office. We had a meeting this morning with a company who were looking to expand their business. The meeting with Olivia's parents was after lunch which I was not looking forward to.

"I need you to write everything down beautiful especially the key points about what they want to do to expand." Brax said as he was gathering his laptop and some files from the company. I nodded in response while in search of a spare pencil on Brax's desk, finding one we headed to the meeting room on our floor. We got everything ready for the meeting.

"I'm going to get a bottle of water. Do you want anything?" I asked him.

"Water please Adds." He smiled.

I left the meeting room and came back with two bottles of water for us. "Thank you beautiful." He said as I handed him a bottle. He tugged on my hand and held me close to his chest, my arms banded around his waist. "Stop stressing about the meeting with Olivia's parents. It's going to be fine." He said into my hair.

I pulled my head back looking up at him. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I just.... I feel like there going to rip into me saying that I'm not good enough for you."

"Baby you are good enough for me. In fact you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and whatever their opinion is of you, if it's not great, it isn't the same opinion as mine. We will be together and I will have your back beautiful." He said kissing my lips. Just as the kiss was deepening there was a soft knock on the door.

With a quick kiss to my lips Brax went to open the door and I sat down at the huge table in the room. A man and a woman walked in after being greeted by Brax. Introductions were made and the meeting commenced. I wrote down all of the important things that were being said and put my input in as well. I couldn't let Brax do all the work and to be honest we made a great team, sharing our ideas. It was like we had the same vision for their expanding company but both of us had a few extra twists that everyone was happy about. Three hours and five written pages later, the meeting came to an end. The four of us were extremely happy with the outcome.

"You did amazing beautiful girl." Brax smiled as he sat down next to me grabbing my hand and kissing my palm.

"So did you. We were so in sync with our ideas." I said smiling back.

"Yeah it's quite scary how in sync we were." He laughed. I laughed along with him. "Anyway that meeting has made me hungry. How about you?" He asked brushing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Starving." I sang.

We packed up the meeting room and took everything back to our offices before heading towards the cafe for some lunch. As we walked there hand in hand I had a strong feeling we were being watched, I felt uneasy. Making our way into the cafe that feeling left me and I tried to forget about it for now. If I had that feeling on the way back to work I will tell Brax.

We dug into our lunches. I had a jacket potato with cheese, beans, coleslaw and a side salad and Brax had a jacket potato with chilli.

"I need to get my stuff from my apartment if you still want me to move in." I said hoping he hadn't changed his mind about me moving in.

"Of course I still want you to move in Adds. Have you got enough clothes to last till the weekend?" He asked.

"Yes I have enough clothes till then." I smiled.

"Good. We will clear out your apartment the weekend then." He said with a huge grin on his face.

Once we had finished lunch and Brax had paid even though I said I would pay, we headed out of the cafe. Walking back to Carter Inc. I had the same feeling of someone watching us. I shuddered as I held Brax's hand tighter. He noticed something was up. "What's the matter beautiful?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I feel like we're being watched. I had the same feeling when we walked to the cafe." I said as I looked around.

"If he is watching us, that's all he will be able to do. I won't let him hurt you anymore Addy." He said brushing his lips along my knuckles that he brought up to his mouth. I nodded not trusting my voice. He wrapped his arm around me and we carried on walking back to work.

Once back at work we had an hour and a half till the meeting with Olivia's parents. I got on with typing up the notes I took in this mornings meeting in a file on the laptop. I had just finished typing them up when there was a knock on my door, it opened slightly and Brax walked in. "Olivia's parents have just got here, there in the meeting room already." He mumbled.

"Ok, is Olivia with them?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him.

"I don't know. Stef settled them in the meeting room then phoned me to say they were in there but there was no mention of Olivia."

I saved the work I had completed to the file and shut my laptop. Getting up from my chair I walked towards Brax standing by the door. He cupped my cheek and leaned in, his lips on mine in a deep, passionate, searing kiss. "I'm with you." He said leaning his forehead on mine.

The kiss was different to the ones we have had and we have had many kisses. To me this kiss seemed like a goodbye kiss, I don't know.

Was it his way of saying goodbye?!

We walked silently to the meeting room, Brax opened the door and held it open for me. Walking into the room, Olivia was in there with an older man and an older woman.

Fucking wonderful!

"Who's she?" Olivia's mother sneered with a scowl on her face.

"I'm Addison, Brax's personal assistant." I replied.

"Brax you don't need a babysitter. She can go." Olivia said.

"This is a meeting so Addison is staying. What did you want to talk about?" He asked as we sat down opposite Olivia and her parents.

"We want to know why you broke it off with Olivia. You know this wasn't part of our agreement Brax." Maureen, Olivia's mother snarled not happy that Brax didn't want to be with Olivia.

"There was no agreement to begin with Maureen. Olivia and I.... it's not going to work. We were never in a relationship to begin with." He said with confidence.

"What do you mean Brax? You and Olivia are perfect for each other." Dave, Olivia's father said.

"I mean that me and Olivia will never work. I don't want to be with in a relationship with her." He replied to Dave. Olivia's face dropped and her scowl was evident on her face.

"You're fucking your assistant!" Olivia snarled.

"Excuse me?" Brax said.

"You heard me." Olivia said angrily.

"I'm not fucking my assistant. However I am in a relationship with Addison." Brax said as he held my hand in his under the table.

Olivia slammed her hand down on the table in anger. "Why her? It should be me. She's nothing compared to me Brax."

"She's everything compared to you but I don't have to justify my relationship with Addison to you. You just need to know that, you and I, isn't going to happen and will never happen." He said squeezing my hand slightly.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Brax. Mixing business with pleasure. You know this won't last." Maureen said gesturing between Brax and I. "She's probably using you for money."

"Typical poor girls." Dave murmured.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm in a well paid job so money is not an issue here. Brax's money did not attract me to him, he, himself did. If you don't believe that then that's your own problem. Brax and I know how we feel about each other and that's all that matters." I said my temper flaring.

"You don't love him and he don't love you. The cheap whore will bleed you dry of your fortune and you're just going to let her. Once that happens what will you do Brax?" Olivia snarled.

After hearing that, I was in a flashback of my father calling me a whore, I tried my hardest to breath. I had to get out of the room. I couldn't stay here any longer. Letting go of Brax's hand I got up and walked out of the room and locked myself in the disabled toilet we had on our floor. I slid down the door, shaking uncontrollably as sobs wracked my body.

"Addison, it's Stef. Are you ok?" Came the worried voice of Stef through the door.

I got up on shaky limbs, opened the door and asked Stef to take me home. She agreed. As I walked past the meeting room I could hear Brax laying into them about there rudeness and cruel words. My heart fluttered at that, he was sticking up for me. Not many people had stuck up for me in my twenty years of being on this earth but I still had to get out of here. I grabbed my stuff from my office and left with Stef.

Once I was home I sent a message to Brax letting him know that Stef had taken me home to my apartment. He replied back saying he was on his way. Stef had to go back to work so she dropped me off, made sure I was ok and then left. As soon as I shut the door behind Stef I slid down it and held my knees to my chest and cried into them. I dragged my body up and walked to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a broken girl with red puffy eyes. I washed the tear stains off my face, walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my door. My heart jumped in my chest. What if it's my father? I clearly didn't think about this at all. Walking to my door I looked through the spy hole and saw Brax. Letting out a breath I opened the door. Brax looked a mess, he's hair was sticking up in all directions like he had constantly ran his hands through it. As soon as he saw me he pulled me into his arms where I crumbled.

"I'm so sorry baby." He whispered into my hair as I shook with sobs clinging to him like a life buoy. He shut the door and guided me to the sofa. He sat down and pulled me into his lap apologising repeatedly. We sat there for a while till I calmed down. Wiping my eyes I looked up at Brax. "Feeling better." He asked.

"I don't know how I feel." I shrugged.

"You have to know that you are not what Olivia or your father called you. You are far from it baby." He said genuinely, running his fingers along my jaw.

I know I wasn't what they called me but after hearing people call you it constantly it makes your start to believe it. I just had to believe that I wasn't and with the help of Brax I knew I would overcome it and my self-esteem would get better.

"I have to believe it myself that I'm not but when someone constantly calls you it, you start to believe it." I mumbled brokenly.

"What can I do to help you believe that you're not?" He asked sadly.

"Just being there and loving me is enough." I whispered.

"You are my life now beautiful and I'll never stop showing you and telling you how much you mean to me. I love you Addison." He smiled leaning his forehead against mine.

He's words made my heart flutter and beat wildly in my chest, I cupped his cheeks. "I love you too Brax." I confessed slamming my lips against his. Within seconds our kiss became heated, the need to breath pulled us apart as his arms wrapped tighter around me pulling me closer to him.

"I want you." He whispered. "Not all the way because I know you're not ready but I want to explore with you. Please?" I nodded in response. He stood up with me in his arms, walked to my bedroom and placed me on the centre of the bed. He crawled over me and met his lips with mine, moving insistently against my mouth. My hands were buried in his hair, tugging lightly on his strands. He was resting between my legs, his hardness was pressing against the fabric of his dress pants and rubbing against my dress pants.

He pulled my top off my body and tossed it on the floor, my bra soon following. His mouth covered my lips and he balanced on one hand as he tenderly ran his hand down my chest to palm my breast. His fingers expertly kneaded my flesh. He rolled my nipple with his thumb as he fondled my breast. I groaned into his mouth as he continued to play with my breast. Brax's mouth moved away from mine as he kissed down my neck. "God, baby, you are exquisite." He mumbled against my collarbone moving down further to my breast. He looked up at me and with a seductive smirk, he licked my nipple as he's other hand played with my other breast.

He kissed across my chest, he licked, sucked, nipped and bit my other nipple like he did with the first one. "Addy, I want to feel how wet you are." He growled lowly. He rolled his hips and his cock grazed my clit through both our materials, earning a whimper from me. "I'll keep your panties on but I need to feel you, baby."

I nodded, wanting him to feel me. I wanted him to feel what he did to me with his sensual touches, hot tongue and loving kisses. He smiled, tugged off my dress pants, his t-shirt and laid down to the side of me. His body was pressed against me as he traced light circles on my belly. My hand snaked up to his hair, gently pulling on it. Soon the circles he was drawing on my belly moved closer to my waist and my panties. He's lips moved to mine in a deep, heated kiss as his hand slipped into my panties, his fingertip grazed my clit and I bucked my hips.

"I love you beautiful." He said with a smile as his fingers made tight circles around my clit, spreading my dampness along my folds. "God, you feel amazing, Addy." Brax grunted. "So wet and hot, baby." His lips brushed against mine as his finger toyed with my entrance. "Can I?" He asked. Not able to form any words, I nodded. His finger easily slipped inside due to my arousal. It felt amazing. He slowly moved his finger in and out of my body. He stared at me, watching as I shifted against his body, trying to pull his finger deeper inside. "You're so tight Addy." He said, his voice filled with awe.

I spread my legs to allow him more access as I kissed his soft lips. His thumb found my clit and he circled it around my swollen nub. He also added a second finger, curling them inside of my body. I could feel something build inside me, I wasn't sure what it was but it felt amazing. I had no control over the lower part of my body.

"Adds." Brax choked out. "Come for me beautiful girl." I moaned against his lips. My hips were moving with his fingers. Our eyes were locked in on each other as I started to unravel and shatter around him. I could feel my muscles around his fingers begin to tighten. "That's it baby. Let it go." His hand moved faster inside of me.

"Brax." I whimpered. I was panting and clinging to him as my body exploded with my very first orgasm. I slowly returned to earth as Brax languidly removed his hand from my body. His lips were gliding along my temple as he still circled around my clit and eventually as my twitching stopped, he removed his hand from my panties. He's lips descended on mine, kissing me hungrily, my hand moved to his waist band of his dress pants ready to give him the same pleasure I had just received.

He stopped my hand, "tonight was about you baby." He said as he guided my hand to his lips and kissed my palm. "You can explore another time beautiful." He smirked. I jutted out my bottom lip which made Brax giggle. "None of this." He said kissing my bottom lip. "I promise you will get your turn but right now we need to sleep." He said getting up and removing his dress pants and getting back into bed.

Safely snuggled into his warm embrace, he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight my beautiful girl."

"Goodnight Brax." I said moving closer to him and within seconds I was in the land of nod.

Chapter 16 done :)

So a few things have happened in this chapter! Brax and Addy are moving forward in their relationship, they have been watched and Olivia made an appearance with her parents. I'm proud that Addy stood up to them!

Anyway thank you so much for 23k reads so far and nearly 1k votes. I truly appreciate it so much 😘

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