King of Sunset Drive {BWWM}

By HeteroLlama

335K 13.6K 6.4K

There was no light within him. From the midnight curls to his charcoal eyes that stalked prey. He was the dar... More

Her name is Dawn
Jacobe The Killer
Cut the Wings, keep the girl
Little mouse
Rabid Wolf
Notice Me
The space betwen us
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Rise of a Leader
Baby, I'm dangerous
I wont do it
Turning Point
There's something wrong with Jacobe
To Make a Monster
The Barn
Back Like I Never Left
Dying star
Dawn of a New Day

The Kāne's and The Vladkov's

19.2K 627 474
By HeteroLlama

God I know I should be doing homework but..its whatever bc i know y'all are supposed to be doing homework too but here y'all are! This is Phoebe, yes she's a real life doll baby

Grab some chips, a sip sip and enjoyy

Live life!


THERE was no way they could keep me away from The Barn.

It was second home, I was main resident. News had quickly spread about me being back to Delaware Beach and it made the miscreants pool with anxiety or blood thirst. Usually both.

I couldn't go too far with my probation anklet. As much as I wished to rip it off and I probably could if I put enough energy into it. But I didn't want to go back to jail for something stupid like that. Probation for a killer, life sentence for breaking probation, you know how the system is.

But what wasn't a waste of time?

It was past normal hours, a little after 2 am. My favorite hour.

I didn't sleep at all. Throughout the school day I was zombie, waiting to be let out of the gorged pit of hell that was high school. The bastards I ran with were expelled in my absence leaving me with the goody goodies and it bothered the hell out of me. I sat in the back of every class yet I wouldn't miss the occasional look back of some girl.

I shake my head lacing up the leather boots and the only girl I wanted to look back never did.

I huff irritably. That girl set fire in veins. Those eyes were calculating chocolate opals that unnerved me slightly..She knew I watched her, I felt it. She wasn't an oblivious idiot. But she chose to always keep her distance..While it annoyed me, it was smart to do so. I had discovered her name was Dawn that was it. Friends with Phoebe, no doubt the cheerleader spilled information on not only why she despised me but why the girl shouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole. I didn't care. Phoebe is pointlessly upset at me. I never told her boyfriend to get in the ring. No one forced him.

I scoff taking my jacket and heading downstairs quietly, only not disturb Ekaterina while she slept. I care not of what the other two discovered. If I was grown enough to go to Prison I was grown enough to leave my house whenever the fuck I pleased. But making my way to the entrance, a light from the dining room comes on.

"Where are you going so late Jacobe.." she questions, hair frazzled and eyes set in stone with concern. Slight disappointment but I couldn't seem to are about her disappointment.

"Out" I respond without a second glance and open the door but Masha is on my fucking tail. Grabbing my jacket making me growl lowly. "Jacobe you are on probation how you try sneaking out of home!" she cries but I release her grip on me easily

"I wasn't sneaking out, you just witnessed me leaving" The tears were flowing now from the smaller woman but those eyes didn't tear from mine. Masha readjusted her grip. What the hell. I could fling her across the room yet she still does this bullshit. Finally I sigh "Ya idu mama.{I am going mama}" Her tears overflow and spill on her aged cheeks. I firmly remove her for the last time but lean over to kiss her forehead coldly. "Ya delayu eto dlya nas, eto yedinstvennoye, chto ya znayu, kak eto sdelat{Im doing this for us, this is the only thing I know how to do right}" I drop mamas arms to the side and head out the door. I have no car. My feet will guide me through the night.

I would go to see an old friend. A friend that owed me a favor.


A sudden knock as the door had startled Rainbow.

She looked amongst her group of chatty stay at home moms and silently counted. Was there someone that was late? she was sure she had targeting every woman who lived on the block. With a polite smile and stealthy tactics that her husband would call crazy, It was quite a full house, Rainbow didn't anticipate all of the women to show up but it was a pleasant surprise and called for ordering Chinese instead of the tiny snacks she'd prepared. The Sunset Drive women gathered there for her special beginning of Spiritual enlightening, a two hour yoga/Pilates session she saw fit to put together.

Rainbow posted fliers around the area yes but she was positive she met all of the women

But when she opens the door a newer face greets her.

The tiny woman had romantically cute features and midnight black hair had been curled. But what Rainbow noticed most were the iced blue eyes owned by the woman, they were definitely not a North American trait. Rainbow had traveled enough to know. Inspecting further she sees the woman holding a one of the decorative flyers she had littered through the area

"Ah- Good morning I um..are you having stretch class right now?" Her accent is strong but voice small.

Rainbow smiled intently

"Yes! Please come in we were about to begin Ms.."

"Masha..or Maria if you'd like, I live right next door to you and I saw flier and I think I would like lesson." The woman sped through her words as Rainbow pushed her into the home with a laugh. A new neighbor, Rainbow wasn't aware but she would make sure the funny woman was included properly to the group.

"Everyone! This is Masha and she will be joining us today!" The fun laughs and feminine giddy had ceased upon the the two women entering. "Masha since you're new to the neighborhood, everyone should introduced themselves, say their star sign and favorite wine" Rainbow said encouragingly.

"Were already too familiar with Masha Vladkov.." Therese, a woman who live the next home opposite says. Masha doesn't visibly flinch, she tries to keep her head held high. But as an outsider to the upscale Sunset Drive it was very hard to retain her confidence that she was not Willow Creak trash. But ignoring the distaste for the young mom, Rainbow continues. "Well that's good too, why don't you roll out a mat next to me and we could get started?

"Mat?" of course a mat, Masha was foolish and just came here completely under prepared.

"Yes Masha how else would we do the positions? They sell some back alley ones at the unimart don't they?" another house wife teases an the all chuckle while the woman's blush intensifies

"Hey enough. Here, I always have a spare" Rainbow pulls a peach colored yoga mat from the living room closet

"It's yours now. Yoga mats aren't cheap, you'll need it if you want another lesson" Rainbow winks

Masha shook her head "Oh no it is too much..I couldn't repay"

"Then take it as a house warming gift neighbor" Rainbow smiles gently before sitting on her own fuschia yoga mat and patting on the empty space.

Reserved for the shy Vladkov woman that Rainbow could not understand why the women in the group despised so visibly.


Friday, 1:18 am

"I'm very nervous about this Phoebe.."

"You should be, but- you also begged so take what you get and don't get upset" she scolded as she continued to flat iron the already limp hair. Bone straight was what she wanted but she could easily have done that without killing my follicles.

I know that I asked for this but something in me tugged at me to tell Phoebe that I was just teasing and that we should just call a quits on going to whatever miscellaneous location I had strangled out of her. That we should be nice girls and stay inside.

But she was too far gone and in some ways she seemed eager to go the this.. Barn

She didn't detail too much but that it wasn't in this town. Not anymore after the last exposing which she didn't tell me too much about. And I felt like I would be breaking some sort of girl code if I went to ask Drew..would he know about this? I mean if everyone knew about Jacobe..certainly everyone was aware of this Barn.

I was being a good girl, staying away from Jacobe even though my eyes longed to follow his as I know they stared at me much lengthier than what would make me comfortable. But I ignored it, I couldn't even focus on asking Drew out on a date when..he was constantly clouding my thoughts with that aura of enigma. He stalked alone. Phoebe had mentioned that there were friends of his that were infamous at the school but either the were transferred of kicked out completely..which terrified me to think about the kind of beast Jacobe Vladkov really was.

"Annnd done." Phoebe swiviles the makeup chair to face her luxe vanity mirror and I couldn't believe who the girl had transformed me into.

"From homely girl to bad bitch. Cosmetology school is calling my name" Phoebe hovers around me more than impressed with her own work. The makeup was utterly dramatic yet complimentary to my features, brown smoky eye and nude lips seemed perfect for a sneak out. "And let me be the first one to send in your application Phoebe, you're like freaking face Picasso!" I bask in delight with the outcome. The halter top dress she picked for me was tight and left little to imagination with my body was necessary. Yes I was anxious, but my excitement seemed to tip the scale now that I had seen myself and processed what we were about to do.  "Shhh!" she puts her finger to her lips and I cover my own mouth

"I don't need my dad waking up and asking what the hell were doing playing princess slut dress up after midnight" she whispers and I nod concealing my laughter

Phoebe looked stunning also, it was no wonder she always had love notes in her locker that reached the roof. She kept her kinks and coils prominent but let them out of the school pony down to a wild mane. Her dress was black as well but it was barely reached her thigh and held silver straps.

"We look fucking hot dude! we have to take a pic right now" She giggled pulling my into the phone camera where I quickly smiled with a simple peace sign where as Phoebe decide to duck face it. "Wait! Surely we can't just suffice with one" and of course that one picture we were supposed to take turned into 12, that multiplied to 36 with a few flicks, silly faces and sexy facades. "Aw man that's too cute I only wish we could post them" she says sadly but her face doesn't show it

"Well why not? It's not like you have your mom or family adults on social media right?" As much as I loved my ma and papa they were exiled from my social media completely after an incident in Bora Bora where I semi dated this cute island guy and it was a lesson learned

"Oh yeah way ahead of you there, but..posting something like this is too incriminating. Doesn't look good on us and leaves room for suspicion." I hike in a breathe and stand in the borrowed heels

"Is this place..the Barn I mean. Is this place where he died?" The flicker of confusion only lasted a few seconds in my friends dark eyes. Her lips parted and I believed that I would finally understand the odd behavior of students, the atmosphere change of the school and why Jacobe was gone a year.

But I wasn't so lucky, Phoebe's phone buzzed erratically and we both let out exasperated sighs

"Our ride is here, lets go"

Phoebe lived in the more metropolitan area of the town with brownstones and corner stores on every block, so making a quiet run for it was easy through her fire escape. I was scared half to death walking down the thing in heels but Phoebe had made strong emphasis on how strict her father was on her ever since Jacobe Vladkov went to jail for his mystery crime no one dared to speak. It was like taboo. I thought about if I would see him tonight. I secretly wish I did, maybe then I would get proper closure along with Phoebe's explanation.

"I thought our ride was here, there's no one around?" I bounced off of the last step, trying to balance myself on the foreign heels but saw no unfamiliar parked cars.

Phoebe chuckled "I need to get you out more often Kāne, there's no way we could leave the street if they're parked directly outside." Phoebe starts walking the opposite way with ease and I try to quickly keep up with her. Wearing sandals or no shoes almost all of my life was staring to catch up with me.

Soon we had reached a dark ford explorer, Phebes had gracefully knocked on the window and rolled down revealing the handsomely scared man. The harsh marking glided down his features effortlessly and his prominent Native American features made him enticing for the eyes.

"Get in." The smooth voice directed

"Yes Sir" Phoebe purred almost and I shot her a quick look of surprise as she hopped in the front seat with the handsome yet dangerous looking guy. I didn't get my seat belt on quick enough before he dashed down the road forcing me to snap it on with haste. The last thing I need is to be flying out a window shield.

"Dawn, this is Spirit He'll drive us to the place and back home." Phoebe gushed and I smirked, it was obvious she had the greatest crush on the guy. But who wouldn't fall for the long haired and masculine man, I wouldn't lie he was a sight for sore eyes.

He looked in the back view mirror to me with with a subtle nod and I smile small not sure what to say

"And Spirit, this is Dawn. New girl and very curious about the Barn and Jacobe Vladkov." Phoebe mentions his name with the upmost malice. I was getting used to her hate but I couldn't seems why. Spirit whistles. "I remember when I was curious about the Barn too. And then I got this scar once I went." He sounds extremely amused by looking at the fright in in my face but not a smile comes around. Phoebe chuckles once she notices my face.

"Don't lie to her Spirit, you know you got that weeks into your trial."

"Yes, but it makes a good horror story for the kiddies."

My brows furrow, and my fists clench with a new found source of bravery. "I may be new but I'm not that innocent, you can tell me what you do there. I'm not gonna puke or anything." I wont let them make fun of me.

Their banter stops and Spirit looks at me again

"We fight until one gives up. But that's not too common because giving up is shameful. So either you fight till you can't fight no more or.."

"Or?" I demand getting a little hostile with this lack of information

"You die" Phoebe finishes now looking ahead.

I couldn't help but look at the sign reading 'NOW LEAVING DELAWARE BEACH'

Friday 2:30 am

The name suited the ill lit place perfectly. A shack really but it resembled an old warehouse that was probably in a fire so many years ago.

I was nervous once we left town, but Phoebe assured me that we weren't on a trail to be viciously murdered. Just that the location of the Barn, that had originally been by the navy yard of Willow Creak- the seaside backs of Delaware Beach had changed since the last shut down of the place.

"A fight club.." I say loosely when Spirit parks in the dark patch of grass along with numerous other dark vehicles set to hide their cars. "Yes. But it's a little more stricter than that."

"Only boxing, no weapons or anything like that. To keep the death rates down." I nodded hesitantly and got out with the two the the abandoned looking warehouse building that didn't even look like much was happening inside.

"Are you guys sure it's here? It looks pretty dead despite the cars..maybe it more blocks over and everyone placed their cars here to not be caught?" Phoebe smiles before wrapping her arm around me. Spirit walks in front of us. "I like the way you're starting to think girlfriend, but no- it's here. We keep it dead looking for a reason." I didn't ask anymore because my nerves were already showing. I didn't want Phoebe or Spirit to think I was so much of a coward. But what new person wouldn't be anxious stepping in as fresh blood in a fight club

We reached the entrance which was a single metal door. Spirit knocks exactly ten times

I smiled a bit, just like the movies with those secret club and weird passwords. A small opening slid and unlatched a slit of metal revealing dainty blue eyes but a bulking figure was evident.


"Men hunt. Beasts kill." Smoothly was said from Spirit. "Passwords change every month." Phoebe starts to whisper to me as the man on the inside closes the latch and begins to unhinged a world of locks on the other side of the door. "So there is no way non members would ever get inside. A real Barn member would know every time" We step inside, it was a darkly compressed hallway. I looked to the guard of the door. Piercings all throughout his mug. He have a crooked smile and I instinctively held on tighter to Phoebe.

"Are you..a member Phoebe?" She didn't look like the fighting type at all. Phoebe was too pretty to fight and I couldn't imagine the cheerleader roughing it out way down here.

Phoebe gives her famously sad smile. "I used to date one, I'm just a veterans widow now though."

..Phoebe..her boyfriend used to fight here. He died here too.

The end of the short hall ended in a elevator shaft. "It only goes down from here lady" Spirit tells me but I'm ready.

He opens the door for Phoebe and I then closes the sketchy door. The single button on the dark shaft is pressed and we make our hellish descend. It was quiet before but now going further and further below the thumping of music and voices could be heard. They were only getting louder and louder. Till we reached the bottom of the shaft. The lighting was better and was actually pretty advanced for a cave dwelling.

Two more bulky men stood at another door.

"Cyrus, Quincy." The both nodded in acknowledgment of Spirit and opened the large door to entire enclave of a hellion paradise. The music was loud and punk rock themed. With some hip hop vibes occasionally. The roughest of the rough came here, they looked like the savages you hear about in stories. Both men and women played their parts in looking like if you even bumped their shoulder, you'd be in trouble. But there were the women who were scantily dressed like Phoebe and I, the giggly girls and flirted their eyes at the random men who slapped their asses. I cringed hoping such wouldn't happen to me. But I couldn't shake the feeling of other eyes on my despite being in close proximity with Phoebe.

The was booze being passed around

Thick cigarette smoke was being inhaled by all parties

And drugs were no doubt a mixture in between

In the center of it all stood a large ring where I could only guess the death matches took place.

"His name was Prince, he was my Prince." Phoebe yelled to me as we walked through the crowded sectors. I had to admit this place was freaking huge and definitely looked more modernized than the outside. But I listened close

"He was a regular here but we met at school..I couldn't stand him or this fighting bullshit at first but, you know you like who you like. Can't undo what your heart wants. Soon he was fucking my brains out, taking me on fancy dates and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world." Prince, so that was Phoebe's boyfriend.

"How did he.." I tried to think of more considerate wording. Prince was a death fighter, he may have been Prince Charming to Phoebe but he was a man of the Barn before they were lovers.

"He fought with Jacobe Vladkov. Jacobe ended his career and his life. That's not the reason he got done in for loves blood was not the damn reason for his sentencing and it burns me everyday."

This was a long ass chapter but I this y'all deserve just that

Don't forget to vote and comment my darlings <3

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