Not Strong Enough

By imdbadass

686 47 20

I couldn't be able to freely even lift my eyes, scared that his eyes would meet mine and the bond would form... More

Not Strong Enough
Past remembrances
Waiting for the end
Shocking revelations
Twilight Saves the Day
Advanced Combat

Disaster Strikes

42 3 2
By imdbadass

I woke up the next, like I wake up every day. Nothing special and I mean it. I wasn’t excited and I wasn’t terrified. Maybe a little bit glad to be going away from all the limelight- into the shadows- where I really belong.

I dressed casually, putting on a tank top and capris with shoes. I didn’t want to wear girly clothes so that there would be no chance I would be mistaken for a slut- or somebody to be hit on. I preferred the cool, sporty image. I tied my hair in a ponytail, letting a few strands fall haphazardly on my face- just to make the impression I didn’t care about my looks one bit. And it was right, I didn’t. I was making every effort to prevent advances from the opposite sex. I just wanted to have a good time.

 I went down, had breakfast while watching TV. I hate breakfasting alone, but my parents weren’t in. So I made it a point to switch on the radio or the tv while I breakfasted, just to make myself believe that I wasn't all alone.

So I just skipped along and slung my bag over a shoulder.

And then I was on my way.


Zelman’s High School

That’s what the board outside say in large letters. As I turned into the parking lot, I had my first view of the place. It was huge. I mean really, really big. Almost three times the size of my older school. But it was nice. There was something about the place that made me like it instinctively. I was half an hour early- it being the first day and all. A few people were standing in the parking lot. I found an empty spot and parked my car. And then got out.

I didn’t know my way around the place, so I just sort of looked around trying to figure out the general direction the crowd was moving so that I could follow. A few people were standing and chatting. Some nerds were reading in the corner. A couple or two was even making out. Ugh. Right in the morning. It made me sick. I am definitely not a morning person. Usually, I am considered a very active person. But doing anything in the morning totally puts me off. That is the one time I like to laze around and do…. nothing.

But looking around didn’t solve my current problem. I could gather no idea whatsoever of where I was supposed to be. So, I just walked up to the guy standing a few steps away from me.

“Hey, could you please tell me where the office is?”

The guy took off his ear phones and said moodily “what do you want?”

I didn’t like the way he talked to me. Like he wasn’t even interested and made me feel like I was totally wasting his time. But then I remembered it was the image I had gone to great lengths to create. I gave myself a mental fist pump. Yes! It worked!

“I’m new here,” I told him, “so I’d like to collect my schedule and things.”

“Oh, right.” He said and pointed right behind me. “See the red brick building right behind Gabriel? That’s the one.”

I looked around; all the buildings I could see were red. And I had no idea who the hell Gabriel was.

“Umm….Who’s Gabriel?”

The guy was about to go back to his I pod but then looked at me with wide eyes.

“You are really new, aren’t you?” he said.

What? Of course I was new, why would I lie to him. I gave him a confused expression, unsure of what to say. “Excuse me?”

“Who doesn’t know Gabriel?”

“Me.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“He is the alpha of the Blue Bloods. That one- in the black jacket, see? That’s him.”

I looked in the direction where he was pointing. The guy had his back to me. But as soon as I set my eyes on him, he had my interest. He had broad, well-built shoulders. And the way he stood with his lega apart was just……hot. It made me really want to see his face. I saw his back straighten under my hungry and watchful gaze, suddenly aware of my scrutiny. And he started turning around.

Two things happened right then.

1.       The guy in front of me said. “Stop boring holes into his back. It’s no use. You are not the first and definitely won’t be the last. But he’s booked.”

 I didn’t like the second part of his sentence. Fury ignited within me, red hot anger and I felt like slapping the guy, hard. It was like he had practically insulted me, and the alpha in me could not- would not tolerate it. It was ridiculous. But then the rational me spoke up.

The guy was booked, so what? Good for him. I did not care, and neither did it matter to me what went on in his love life. Hell, I hadn’t even seen his face. He must be some hottie, to make my wolf react in such an impulsive and thoughtless, possessive way. Weird.

2.       Coming back, the guy turned to look at me but suddenly another girl came out of nowhere and threw herself at him. He hugged her back, burying his face in her neck. I stiffened. They broke apart, the guy intently talking to her, grinning. And then I saw his face. That was when I understood, everything.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Things really couldn’t get any worse for me.

The guy was the guy from the club THAT night. My hero, my wolf said to me. But I gave an intense deathly internal stare and she immediately receded in the shadows. Dare she say that again!


 And, oh yeah, he was my goddamn mate.

I saw his eyes moving away from her face, about to look at me. If he did look at me, he would know. And that would make it all the more complicated. Two mates, their wolves and their raging hormones. But I wasn’t about to let that happen. I turned immediately and headed for the office.


The office was warm and cosy, its temperature was the first thing I noticed when I got in. but it didn’t comfort me. I was hot enough as it was. I was so angry you could practically feel the heat radiating from me in waves. Angry at myself for running away to this place, at Gabriel, for being alive and being my mate, for being so incredibly appealing, angry at mother destiny for……….everything. It was all totally her fault. Why? Why did she have to do this to me? Had I offended her in some way? What had I ever done wrong? Was independence such a huge thing to ask for?

I knew I was babbling. But I needed a vent to take out the heat. I was mad. This was the worst disaster that could happen to me. I was still a child. Why me? There were people who cried and died to meet their mates. But she didn’t listen to them. Ugh. I HATED my luck. And my life.  And my mate.

“Aaarrrrgh….” I shouted out, hoping it would come out. It did help. A bit.

I went into the office and it had all started up again. I went up to the desk and the receptionist looked at me, smiling.

“Can I go back to my old school?” I huffed out. Even to me, it sounded rather rude.

The lady looked at me taken aback. Then smiled again and said, “Feel homesick already, do you? Well, Zelman’s High isn’t so bad; you’ll come to love it eventually. We have-“

My temper was wearing out. It must be the alpha blood. It had given me quite a temper, and no means to control it.

“I need to transfer back.” I growled at her, authority leaking in my tone, and I could see she was intimidated by it. “Is that possible?”

She shook her head. “I am afraid not. This is the end of the shifting process. You will have to stay here till the end of the year at least. By then, if you want to go back-“

“Can I have my schedule?” I said, cutting her. Great, just great. Now I would have to stay in this hellhole place for a whole year. Obviously, I wanted to beat the crap out of something, so I was definitely not in a mood to chit chat and exchange pleasantries.

“Uh…sure. What’s your name?”

“Claire.” I said shorty.

“Here it is.” She said producing a packet. “Everything that you will need at Zelman’s High is in it. Feel free to-“

By then I had already muttered thanks and was out. When I looked around, the surroundings were deserted. Great, I was late. I looked in the packet she had given me and there was a map of the school. I looked carefully, and made my way to the locker. I dumped my things there, and picked my books for the first period, English. It was all the way on the third floor. I practically ran all the way, I really didn’t want the scolding. Huffing and puffing, I stood in front of the class, it didn’t really tire me physically- being an alpha wolf- but I guess, it was the mental and the emotional stress coming out. I took in a deep breath, and adjusted my clothes, though there was nothing worth adjusting. But just for the heck of it.

I knocked and held my breath, and heard, “enter.”

I stepped in, and the smell hit my nostrils. It was a delicious aroma- of chocolate and earth, and had a strangely intoxicating quality to it. It was his scent. I was momentarily paralyzed, and I felt him stiffen. He didn’t know about us. Did he? I just hoped not. 

“……….to walk in at any time you want.” The professor said.

“I’m sorry.” I said, hanging my head.

“I’ll spare you the detention seeing you are new, but next time, beware. I do not tolerate indiscipline of any kind.” He said.

I looked at the floor. Ashamed. This was the first time in my life I had gotten in trouble with a teacher. And the last, I silently vowed to myself.

I took the seat at the last row of the class, wary of attention. I sat alone trying to pay attention but doodling in my notebook most of the time. The professor too, thankfully left me alone. When the class got over, I picked up my books and read the map. I kept reading till I was sure he was out and then slipped out towards the lockers. God, this was going to be pathetic. I couldn’t be able to freely even lift my eyes, scared that his eyes would meet mine and the bond would form. Once it did, one thing would lead to another and Crash! Boom! Bang! we would be mated, doomed to spend our existence in holy matrimony.

I couldn’t afford a mate. I had no time or the patience to have one. Besides, I was now alpha. I had duties and responsibilities towards my pack. I couldn’t just get married and run away and say I fell in love- and abandon my pack. It was a pathetic and lame excuse. Also, I couldn’t surrender my pack to anyone, even if the guy turned out to be my mate, and no way I was giving it back to Dan. Every leader has to make sacrifices, and I was more than willing to make mine. As for Gabriel, well, he would never have to make the choice. He would never find I am his mate and die thinking he never found her.

That’s that.


Life was simple.

As long as I stayed away from my mate.

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