Dark of the Moon

By BubblySoccer

85.6K 2.5K 283

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile ft. Sergio... More

Chapter One: Kept in the Dark
Chapter Two: The Truth is Out
Chapter Three: The Gathering
Chapter Four: The Ceremony
Chapter Five: Adjusting to a New Life
Chapter Six: The Honeymoon
Chapter Seven: Enjoying the Sun
Chapter Eight: Breaking Promises
Chapter Nine: This is Your Role
Chapter Ten: The First Signs
Chapter Eleven: Falling in Love
Chapter Twelve: Learning the Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Back to Andorra
Chapter Fourteen: Expected Confrontations
Chapter Fifteen: More than One
Chapter Sixteen: A Parent's Plot
Chapter Seventeen: Eliza's Parents Plan
Chapter Eighteen: The Confrontation
Chapter Nineteen: Back in Andalusia
Chapter Twenty-One: Dealing with Parenthood
Chapter Twenty-Two: Evan Copas Trejo
Chapter Twenty-Three: Human at Last
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Challenge
Chapter Twenty-Five: Recovering
Chapter Twenty-Six: Evan's Trial
Epilogue: Happy Anniversary

Chapter Twenty: Becoming Parents

2.8K 83 31
By BubblySoccer

Waking up the morning of the 31st of October, Sergio frowned when he heard a soft panting, he blinked the sleep out of his eyes as he tried to figure out what the noise was; it was only when he looked at Eliza that he figured out what it was.

The blonde panted as she flinched at the contraction that ripped through her body, she closed her eyes as she tried to remain calm about what was happening.

“Eliza, why didn't you wake me?” Sergio asked as he carefully moved closer to his wife, he couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed that she was in labour; he carefully sat next to the blonde as she panted, he knew that right now she would likely snap at him.

“You haven’t been sleeping well recently; I didn't want to wake you,” Eliza said softly as she looked at her husband, she was aware that he couldn't really help her right now; she had wanted to do this alone but now she just wanted someone to comfort her.

Sergio sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he watched her closely as her body tensed as another contraction ripped through her body; it was clear that she had been in labour for some time and that the twins would be with them at any moment.

“Are you doing okay?” Sergio asked as he took her hand in comfort, she squeezed it as she offered him a small smile; her body would burn through any pain medication that she was given, so she would have to go without any pain management.

“I don’t think I can do this,” Eliza said making Sergio move closer to her, his instincts were starting to take hold and he wanted to protect her as best he could; no one would be able to come near her now that she was this far gone in her labour.


Slowly treading his way towards the den’s entrance, Sergio sniffed hopefully only to retreat at the sound of his mate’s warning; Eliza had kicked him out of the den and he wouldn’t be able to return to her side until she’d had the pups.

Sergio whimpered softly as he resumed his post near the bed, his dark brown eyes scanning the bedroom for any sign of danger; he was struggling to remain in his human form knowing that if something went wrong then Eliza would need him.

The werewolf’s entire body was tight with tension, he was prepared to attack anyone that posed a threat to his mate and pups; no one would bring any harm to his family.

Eliza panted as she shifted her position again, she pushed as another contraction moved through her body; she had snapped at Sergio earlier and now he was guarding the den while she gave birth.

“Oh my God,” Eliza groaned as she closed her eyes, she remembered everything that she had been told about having werewolf pups; she cried out in pain as she continued to push their first born into the world.

Sergio sighed as he waited patiently, he knew better than to look into the den, Eliza wouldn’t be happy if he did and he had made sure that everything was ready for when the pups had been born.

Eliza groaned as she felt the first tiny body leave her, she closed her eyes exhausted as she moved to check on her firstborn, she paused for a moment taking note that the baby wasn’t human but held the body of a wolf pup.

The blonde was quickly to check her firstborn over; she knew she’d only get a short rest bite before she pushed her second born into the world.

Sergio perked slightly as the smell that filled the air, his brown eyes snapping towards the den knowing that he had just become a father; he tilted his head as he heard the soft noises of his firstborn while Eliza went back into labour.


It seemed like hours before the unholy noises ended, Sergio’s eyes focused on the den as he listened carefully; he could immediately detected the scent of blood but not death that lingered slightly.

Pushing himself to his feet, Sergio moved cautiously to the den as he moved to check on his mate, he was concerned slightly about how her body had coped with the birth however Eliza smiled up at him tiredly.

Curled gently against their mother’s warm bare stomach lay two brown balls of fur, they seemed content to feed while Eliza rested; she closed her eyes exhausted as Sergio moved to check her over.

His hands were careful as they moved along her body, they checked her over to ensure that there was no serious damage from when she had given birth; he sighed relieved as he realised that apart from a little tiring which was starting to slowly heal, Eliza had walked away in perfect shape.

“You okay?” Sergio asked softly as he looked at his mate, she nodded her head tiredly as she felt the pups cuddled into her stomach; she glanced at Sergio as he moved to check on the pups.

The female pup was a darker brown colour than her brother, who had slight blonde streaks to his fur; they seemed to be in perfect health as they feed on their mother’s milk.

“What will we call them?” Eliza asked softly making Sergio glance at her as he pulled his shirt from his body to lay it over his wife, he didn't want to move her too much and he wanted to ensure that she was warm enough since he could see that her body temperature had dropped.

“Sofia Valentina and Santiago Matías Ramos Copas,” Sergio murmured as he looked at his wife, she nodded her head after a few moments as if remembering that they had chosen the names the day before.

Sergio smiled softly as he watched his pups, he knew that they wouldn’t change into their human forms until they were about two months old, it would take time for them to adjust to their new lives.

“Sleep Eliza… I’m here,” Sergio said softly as he realised that the blonde was struggling to stay awake, he nuzzled his head against hers softly as he settled down against his back; the blonde nodded as she finally allowed herself to fall asleep.

Sergio watched her contently for a moment before he turned his attention back to the twins; he smiled softly as he carefully moved to run his fingers over his pups.

For the first few months of their lives, they would only know their parents and would remain with their mother until they were old enough to be moved into the nursery.

Sergio knew that things were going to be delicate for a while, Eliza and the pups would rely on him for everything; he would have to step up his game to look after them, he wasn’t about to allow anything to happen to them.

“I promise no matter what happens, I will be here for you,” Sergio said softly as he settled down next to Eliza, his arm carefully wrapped around her waist as he pressed himself against her back so that she could stay warm.

Closing his eyes after making sure that the pups were warm enough, Sergio allowed himself to settle down next to his wife; he knew that he had to rest when he could. 

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