Chapter Four: The Ceremony

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Tears filled Eliza stared at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe that after today that she would be bound to a werewolf; she licked her lips as she tried to fight the sadness of what was meant to be the happiest day of her life.

"Eliza... you look beautiful," her mother gushed as she admired the dress that had been picked out by Lord Ramos' sister; she didn't even seem to notice the sadness that radiated from her daughter.

The blonde was dressed in a white elegant A-line strapless tea-length wedding dress paired with white pointed high heels with T-bar; however she didn't feel beautiful, she felt like she was being forced to do something that she didn't want.

A knock at the door made Eliza clear her throat and wipe away a couple of stray tears as Lord Calvin stepped into the room.

He nodded at Tanya, who bowed gracefully to him before he turned his attention to Eliza; his brown eyes focused on her for a moment as he ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"I thought I would come and see the bride... it's an honour to meet you, Eliza. Gracias for keeping the peace between our people," Lord Calvin said making the blonde nod; she couldn't believe that this was happening to her, that it was really happening.

The necklace that Lord Ramos had gifted to her the day before lay around her neck while her blonde hair was styled in an elegant up do.

"I will be the one to give you away as a gift of peace between our two countries and territories," Lord Calvin revealed making Tanya frown, she had hoped that Brendan would be allowed to give their only daughter away.


The ceremony was being held in one of the manor's many gardens, which had been transformed for the private ceremony; Monk Gilbert was the person, who would be performing the bonding ceremony.

Eliza swallowed as she took a deep breath, she felt sick and wanted nothing more than to curl up and hide away from the world; but she knew that she couldn't.

Lord Calvin was stood next to her, while her parents were seated inside of the marquee with the other guests that included other notable werewolves of the area and their mates and Lord Ramos' family.

The sound of the wedding march played making Eliza stiffen as she looked at Lord Calvin, who held out his arm for her to take; she knew that there was no going back from here.

Taking Lord Calvin's arm, the blonde resided herself to her fate as she allowed him to lead her down the aisle and passed her off to Lord Ramos.

"We are gathered here today in the face of this gathering, to join together Lord Ramos Garcia and Eliza Copas Trejo in matrimony; which is an honourable and solemn estate. Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined," Monk Gilbert said.

Taking another deep breath, Eliza attempted to avoid looking at Lord Ramos but she knew that it was pointless as soon as this was over, she would be stuck with him forever.

"Lord Ramos, do you take Eliza Bethany for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?" Monk Gilbert asked as he looked between the couple, the gathering listened intently as they watched.

"I do," Lord Ramos said making Monk Gilbert nodded before he looked at Eliza, it was clear that the blonde was nervous and he was surprised that she hadn't attempted to do a runner like others had in the past, who had been in her place.

"Eliza Bethany, do you take Lord Ramos for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?" Monk Gilbert asked as Eliza swallowed hard before she nodded her head as she closed her eyes as tears stung them.

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