Chapter One: Kept in the Dark

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Staring at her parents, Eliza Copas Trejo couldn't believe what she was hearing from them; even her younger brother Evan didn't look happy about what they were being told.

Her father, Brendan, flashed them a smile as he took his wife’s hand, he didn't seem to care that his two children weren’t happy with his announcement.

“Why do I have to come with you to this medical convention…? I’m twenty-four,” Eliza asked as she brushed her blonde hair from her brown eyes; she didn't understand why they were insisting that she could with them.

Her mother, Tanya, looked at her daughter before she glanced at her seventeen year old son.

“We need someone to watch Evan while we are at the conference,” Tanya said making Evan frown as he glared at his mother.

Eliza sighed as she crossed her arms; it wasn’t as if she had anything better to do but she didn't want to spend her summer holiday minding her little brother while her parents enjoyed themselves.

“I’m old enough to look after myself,” Evan said making his mother frown at him while his father sighed and shook his head; the last time that they had left Evan to his open devices had nearly resulted in their home being destroyed after he had thrown a party.

“Like the last time we left you home alone?” Tanya said making Evan frown at his mother before he got off the couch and stormed upstairs, leaving Eliza with their parents; who looked at her waiting to hear her agree to what they wanted.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Eliza asked concerned as she looked between her parents, she could sense that something had been off since her father had last returned from Spain.

Tanya glanced at her husband, who took her hand in comfort as he stared at their daughter; he knew that she would be upset when they revealed what had happened but they had been told not to until the time was right.

“It’s nothing to worry about now Eliza…” Brendan said making his daughter stare at him concerned, she could hear the fear in his voice and it scared her.

“Mare… Pare… what is going on?” Eliza asked slightly frightened, her parents had never kept anything from her before; nothing that would have both of them frightened like this.

Brendan looked at his daughter, he felt horrible for putting her in this position; he wished that he could go back in time and correct it but he couldn't.

“When the time comes… all you have to remember is that we love you,” Tanya said making Eliza stare at her mother, she had a horrible feeling about what they were keeping from her.


Nicole Belair stared at her best friend as she watched her pack for the trip that her parents were forcing her to join them on.

“Why don’t you just refuse to go?” the brunette asked making Eliza sigh as she folded the top in her hands and looked at her friend, she was meant to be helping Nicole plan her wedding this weekend but instead she was going with her parents to Sevilla.

“I don’t know what it is… Nicole, I don’t think that there is a medical conference,” Eliza murmured as she bit her lip; she didn't know what her parents were up to but she knew it couldn't be good.

Nicole stared at her best friend worried; they had known each other since they were little girls and Nicole saw Eliza as her sister.

“I think my parents are in trouble…” the blonde said as she sat down on her bed, the two were currently in Eliza’s apartment which was a short distance from the hospital where she volunteered. Nicole moved to sit next to her, she didn't know what to say to Eliza’s admission.

“What sort of trouble? If it was bad wouldn’t they have gone and spoke with Lord Calvin,” Nicole asked making Eliza shrug.

Lord Calvin Santos was the werewolf ruler of Andorra, he had taken over the country a few years back and since then everything had sort of been peaceful for the people; he dealt with any problems that appeared and kept the peace.

“I have no idea… they keep saying that they love me and that everything will be okay,” Eliza murmured as she moved to continue packing; her parents had been clear, she needed to pack everything, they wouldn’t say why but it was like they knew she wouldn’t be coming back with them.

“Weird…” Nicole muttered making Eliza nod in agreement, her parents had never acted like this and it was clear that they were hiding something from their daughter; something that set the blonde on edge.


Eliza smoothed out red sequin panel bodycon dress that her mother had asked her to wear that morning before they had left Andorra to travel to Sevilla; she had paired the dress with black high heels.

Tanya paused as Brendan and Evan collected the family’s bags, she ran a hand through her daughter’s hair as tears filled her brown eyes; the blonde stared at her wondering what was wrong.

“There isn’t a medical conference is there?” Eliza asked making Tanya lick her lips as she wiped away some of her tears, which was all the clue that the blonde needed to know that they had lied about why they were here in Spain.

“Mare, what is going on?” Eliza asked softly, she knew that there must be a reason why her mother had insisted that she wore an expensive, fancy dress; Tanya bit her lip as she looked at her husband who was coming back with Evan.

“We’ll explain soon…” Tanya promised as Brendan stopped by her side, he flashed a weak smile at his daughter before telling them that someone was coming to collect them.

Evan looked at Eliza, who shrugged as they followed their parents out of baggage claim and into the waiting area.

It didn't take them long to find a man wearing all black and sunglasses holding a white board with their name; he pursed his lips as his eyes lingered on Brendan and Tanya, who looked nervous to see him.

“Mr. and Mrs. Copas, I trust you had a good flight and remembered the agreement,” the man said making the couple nod nervously before Tanya stepped towards Eliza causing the man to look at her.

The blonde swallowed nervously as she watched him, she didn't know what agreement that he had spoken of but she had a feeling that whatever it was it was behind her parents’ strange behaviour.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss. Copas… I am Jorge Muñoz,” the man said introducing himself politely only to Eliza, who shook his hand; she wasn’t sure what it was but she felt like she would be seeing a lot of him.

Evan raised an eyebrow at the scared looks of his mother and father’s faces before Jorge collected Eliza’s suitcase from Brendan, who looked ill.

“This way to the cars madam,” Jorge said to the blonde, before he started to lead the way out of San Pablo Airport.

Tanya glanced at her husband, she knew the moment that Eliza learnt what they had done, that she wasn’t going to forgive them; they were destroying the life she lived in Andorra for their own needs.

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