Falling for my Boss

By bellablue1410

781K 22.3K 2.7K

Addison Jordan 20 has never had a proper family to grow up with. Her mother died while in labour with her and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Ideas :)

Chapter 8

29.1K 895 49
By bellablue1410

Addison's Pov

I put some pasta on while I got changed into my pyjamas. I couldn't stop thinking about what Arthur had said to me at the hospice. Do I really risk a relationship with Brax or do I just try and remain his friend after all he is my boss. Yes I know it's he's company and blah blah blah but I was still so unsure.

Don't get me wrong.... yes I fancied the ass off of him and to tell you the truth I was falling in love with him but with him being my boss I had that nagging feeling telling me it isn't going to end well. He's dad was being so genuine and so real. He put things into perspective but I just didn't know what to do for the best.

Stop overthinking things Addy.

I definitely needed to stop over thinking otherwise I would drive myself crazy. I did like him, I did want to be with him if he'd have me but there was so much to think about.

I added some pasta sauce to my pasta and got comfy with a dvd and ate my food. Half way through the film I received a text message from Brax.

Thank you for today, it meant a lot :) ~ Brax

You're welcome :) ~ Addy

I looked at the time, it was 10:30pm, i got myself into bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm yelling at me telling me it was time to get up. Yes it was yelling at me especially when you really don't want to get out of bed and it's like it's warning you to get up or else. I slowly rolled myself out of bed, sorted myself out and jumped in the shower. I got dressed, done my make up and hair and was ready to leave for work.

I got into work and did my usual routine. I put my coat and bag in my office, turned my laptop on then went to the break room to make Mr Carter's cup of tea. I said good morning to Stef as I was walking to the break room.

Walking into Mr Carter's office I placed his cup of tea on his table. He turned his head in my direction and smiled that beautiful smile of his. "Thank you Miss Jordan." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes smiling. "You're welcome Mr Carter."

"What do you need me to do this morning?" I asked.

"Well for starters you can give me a hug because I haven't had one this morning." He smiled holding his arms open wide. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as he did my shoulders. "That's better."

"These emails need to be added to the right contacts on the laptop. These files need to be filed and could you set me up meetings with this list of people please. Once that's done come back and I will tell you what needs to be done next." He said handing me the files.

"Yes sir." I said as I grabbed the files from his hand and turned to walk out of his office.

I got closer to the door when he stopped me. "Wait a second."

I turned round as he got up and walked towards me.

"I haven't done this yet."


He pushed me up against his office door, cupped my cheek in his hand and kissed me gently on the lips. He started nibbling on my bottom lip wanting entrance so I granted him access. The kiss was deep and full of passion. We pulled away breathless, staring into each other's eyes. He leaned is forehead on mine and said "that."

Smiling I returned to my office. If my work day consists of the odd kisses here and there then so be it. As much as I was scared to get into this with my boss, it felt right between us as two people not as boss and assistant. After that kiss I came to the conclusion that I would love to be in a relationship with him but that's something we needed to talk about. Neither of us has mentioned anything about a relationship.

After that hug and kiss in his office I was also scared that we would be caught. I need to slow this down especially at work. At work we need to act professional, what we did outside of work was still a big risk to take but it was ours to do anything.

All these thoughts kept running through my head. I know I'm getting ahead of myself as technically he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. All we've done is shared a few cuddles and kisses. I'm not even sure if he wants me to be his girlfriend or if he even likes me in that way for that matter.

After finishing the files Mr Carter gave me I walked to his office to put them away in the filing cabinet. He was on the phone as I entered and he didn't seem happy at all.

There wasn't many files to put in the cabinet so once I had done that I left his office and headed out for my lunch break as it was 1:30pm already.

I got settled into a seat in the cafe and ordered myself a jacket potato for lunch. As I was stuffing my face my phone beeped.

Where are you? ~ Brax

I'm on my lunch break in a cafe not far from work. ~ Addy

After exchanging a few more messages Brax walks into the cafe I'm at, he didn't look impressed. He's eyes looked angry. He slumped down in the chair at the table opposite me.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Erm, yeah.... I'm going to be out the office this afternoon, you'll be able to manage, won't you?"

"Yeah I'll be able to manage it."

"Good, there's a list on my desk with what needs to be done. I've got to go. See you later."

And with that he got up and walked out of the cafe.

What's got up his arse?

I begin to think about his dad. I hope his dad hasn't got worse just yet. But surely if it was anything to do with his dad he would tell me. Right?!

Hopefully he gets what has got him annoyed sorted and he'll come back in a better mood.


Upon arriving back at work I walk into Mr Carter's office to find a brunette lady there. She turns towards me as I enter the office. I recognise her, she's the one who completely ignored me at the business event while she was talking to Brax.

"I'm looking for Brax, is he around?" She asks.

"No, sorry he's not. He's not going to be here for the rest of the afternoon. Would you like me to pass on a message?" I asked her.

"Yeah just tell him that Olivia was here and I need to speak to him. Tell him it's important." She says angrily, sighing she walks out the door slamming it shut.

I grab the files and the list that Brax left me and take them to my office. I sit at my desk and get my phone out and message Brax.

Olivia was here looking for you. She said she needs to talk to you. Said it was something important. ~ Addy

I started working on some files when my phone beeped.

Did she say what it was about? What did you tell her? ~ Brax

No she didn't. I just told her you were out for the rest of the afternoon. ~ Addy

Ok. If she comes back, don't tell her where I am. ~

Well that would be hard to tell her where you are considering I don't know where you are. ~ Addy

Something about this situation didn't quite add up. Why would he not want her to know if she's his friend. Was he's phone call earlier that got him in this mood something to do with her? I had all these questions running through my head but I had no answers to these questions. I needed to stop thinking about it and actually get on with some work.

The work day was almost over and I hadn't finished what I needed to do. I had 8 more files left and 10 minutes to go. I need to get this done. 45 minutes later and I had finished. I tidied up my office, got my bag and headed home.

As I was walking to my apartment from the bus stop I spotted Brax's car. For some weird reason I was nervous, I had butterflies in my stomach and my hands clammed up. I checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls or messages but there was nothing.

I approached his car but it was empty. He had most probably gone inside. As I was walking up the stairs I could see Brax waiting by my door.

"Hey." He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey." I smiled back.

We got settled on the sofa in my place. I could see that Brax wasn't he's usual self, he was quieter than normal. Brax usually always had something to say.

"You ok?" I asked him hesitantly. I didn't know if I was making the right choice by asking.

"Yeah I'm good." He was either very good at lying or he just didn't want to tell me either way I'm not going to force him to tell me, he would tell me when ready, if at all.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little bit." He replied.

"What do you fancy to eat?"

"Shall we order a takeaway? My treat." He smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Pizza?? Kebab?? Chinese??" I asked.

"Let's order Chinese."

Chinese was ordered, we just needed to wait for it to be delivered to eat it. I got the plates and cutlery out ready and poured us both a cold drink. After placing the drinks on the table, two hands wrap around my waist. Brax pulls me onto his lap and places a sweet gentle kiss on my lips.

"The office was too quiet without you today." I smiled.

"Was it now?!" He smirked.

Ha now watch me take that smirk off his handsome face. "Yeah, I didn't have you huffing and puffing about something or another, there was no annoying presence." I let out a little laugh as I watched the way his mouth changed from a smirk to wide open in shock placing his hand on his heart.

"What?!?! You didn't miss me?" He asked in 'pretend' shock.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

Brax placed his hands on the sides of my body and began tickling me. I started squealing and wriggling on his lap as he repeatedly said "you didn't miss me, no?"

I was laughing so much I couldn't speak so I just shook my head. I was sure that if he didn't stop tickling me I would wet myself. I was saved from more tickles when there was a knock on the door.

Great timing!

We dished up the dinner, sharing it out between us as we had a mixture of food set out in front of us. It looked and smelt delicious, I couldn't wait to eat it.

While we ate I asked how his dad was.

"He's not doing too well. He's in a bit of pain from the chemo but still has that same smile on his face." Brax said, eyes full of sadness.

That look on his face made my heart hurt, he looked so sad. I just wanted to take away all his sadness. I placed my hand on his cheek and gently stroked it with my thumb. Brax placed his hand on top of mine and leaned into my hand, I smiled warmly at him.

"Did you find out what Olivia wanted?" I asked Brax.

"No, I haven't spoken to her yet." He replied.

We had finished eating, I took the plates and cutlery to the kitchen and placed them in the sink. On my way out the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of lime vodka and a bottle of lemonade and took them to the living room.

"Would you like an alcoholic beverage Mr Carter?" I asked Brax holding out the red wine.

"Of course Miss Jordan." He replied smiling, patting the sofa for me to sit next to him.

I poured us both a drink and handed Brax his, he took it saying thank you. We spent the rest of the evening drinking, talking and laughing and I couldn't be anymore happier if I tried. This moment right here, right now was my happiness, I just hope me being happy would last.

Chapter 8 done :)

Chapter 8 done! What did Olivia want?? Who was that phone call from that Brax was so annoyed about??

Thank you guys so much for reading, voting and commenting :) it is much appreciated.

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