WAR //yautja x human reader\\

By xsaice

128K 4.2K 771

*y/n joined the army, with the dreams of adventure. she sure did get an overwhelming amount of adventure wit... More

‼️ 34 ‼️


5.1K 177 4
By xsaice

I got like half way through editing before I got a headache so im just leaving it as it is... sorry!
//..probs shit correction..\\

OMG, I just watched the new predator movie!!! Shjssnbdvdvd

Tip: If you don't know 12 o clock and 6 o clock it goes like this. 12 o'clock is in front of you while 6 is behind, 3 is to the right and 9 is to the left. Making a clock around you. Hope you understand! Its not that important though... but still!

Night dawned over the group giving the people their roles. Some to sleep and some to watch. As I got up from the group I decided to do some of the notes they had told us about when first starting the mission.

Even though I didn't really see any of those creatures I still thought it could be good to record stuff like this.

I grabbed the notebook out of the large camo bag seated next to my tent. As I open it up I notice it doesn't have any entries, yet. I reach my hand in again and search for a pen. Struggling to find one I give a confused look and dig in further.

"What are you looking for?" Phone asks and makes me jump. I look up at him and then the notebook. He stood up tall and looked down defeated. "I still don't get it.." he huffed and I give a sly sigh.

"I'm going to do an entry in the book but I can't find the pen," I inform him. His smile fades away as he now has a worried covered face.

"So you saw one of those things?" Phone asked looking around him as if one could jump on him at any moment. I gave a small chuckle and answered with 'I'm just going to keep a log, don't worry.'

I jumped a little bit when I felt something cold and metal. I grabbed it and brought my hand out of the bag and in my hand was a black thin pen. I smiled and turned back to minute. "I thought of keeping a dairy might be of more use to those people than just anything weird, right?" I question. Phone gives it a thought trying to think of anything negative with this. He shakes his head up and down, 'There isn't anything I can see wrong with that idea."

I give him a smile as I zip up the bag and walk up to him.

"Where do you want to take the watch? I might go up the tree if that's cool with you." I ask phone as he looks up at the high trees. Even though the fire creates dull lighting, I can see his face go pale just from the thought. He then shakes his head gesturing to no. I nod in response to respecting his decision.

"Oh yeah, don't forget the night vision goggles. They have the feature of night vision!" He warmly informs me.

"Wait where is it?" I ask back looking around honestly have no clue where these things would be.

"Second bag to your left." Phone mentions before turning off into his own direction. I look to my left to see a dark coloured bag close to me. I step over it trying to see if there were any other bags like phone had informed.

Surely there was and I had a sigh of relief, I thought I was never going to find it! I pick up the bag, not expecting it to weigh much at all. However, I was wrong. I almost couldn't pick it up at all!

I sighed giving up on moving the bag and opened it using the zip. Once the bag was open I saw at least six of those night vision things. Although that wasn't the only thing within the zip bag thing. I reached my habd in carefully and skillfully as I maneuvered my hand to grab the night vision goggles. As I brought my hand out I almost cut my self upon the other items in there, knives.

Once I got them out I thought having a knife on me wouldn't be such a bad idea! I mean you never know what is out there... especially when they say aliens are out here.

I prop the knife perfectly in my belt so I can grab it at any time, just I case I need it... I start to take a little look around camp seeing phone on one side. I think it would be best if we both took a side of the camp to make it even.

I pick out a tree that has lots of little stumps to make it easier to climb up. Placing one step up after another I begin to make my way up the rather tall tree.

About three-quarters of the tree was where I sat myself. I can see almost everything from here and the branch I sit myself on is thick, meaning it will be able to hold me.

I give a look around, turning my head in all directions as I scan the area. Even with the night vision, I don't see anything that isn't normal. I gave out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I decided to grab out the notebook thinking that now would be a good time to record what has been going on.

Okay so this is going
To be a small diary
Of what happens even
If it has nothing to
Do with the alien.
Like today and yeste-
-rday. We landed yes-
-terday and nothing
Has happened so far.
Right now I am on
Watch with phone.
Although this forest
Doesn't have a sound,
Like it hasn't got
Anything in it!

I managed to catch a
Rabbit or so but I wo-
-rry that this will be
The only catch I will be
Able to get for a while
As for now, I think that
Will be all for now.


As I finish writing in the small book I look around as I thought I hear a noise, as if on queue. Yet I find nothing? I wouldn't give up this easy in looking around.

I sigh as I continue to look around in utter darkness with the night vision. It worked extremely well for what it was. Even with the night vision, I couldn't see anything of danger to me. Nothing at all!

Maybe it was just my ears. Who am I kidding, I give one last glance around before dismissing it as nothing. Probably some animal. I keep on edge not blaming this on my senses as they work just fine the way they are.


as you stayed awake in the trees you weren't sure if there was something out there or not. You knew you had a mission to see these creatures and report back but you didn't like this one bit.

Soon you after a while or the forest being itself you thought nothing of the small noise.

You continued on with your night as did phone, even though this was his second time in a row he had to do this. Over on his side, everything seemed normal but himself. As he paced around on the ground due to him not wanting to climb the tree like you, he had this feeling like he was chocking. But nothing was in his throat, it was like he was scared. No, he was scared. For the noise you had heard was closer to him, but it was small enough for you to forget it.

However, phone didn't do this, he knew something was out there. Phone had thought about getting you to come over, but he had that feeling if for one second he turned it would strike. Waiting for the perfect time for its prey to be at the weakest point.

Or it could just be phones imagination. the amount of stress he had on himself right now was crazy. Phone didn't know if it was a creature capable of killing him in a matter of seconds or just some wild animal. Could it be that thing?  Phones heart was overworking itself as it prepared phone for a fight, even though it knew it stood no chance against the creature.. the creature they had warned them all about anyway.

As phone walked around he kept his eyes and senses focused on the point the noise had come from. He didn't dare take his eyes off, even though he so badly wanted to. He wanted to call for help, but something was clawing at him. Stopping him from getting the help he wished for. 

The forest was silent again, no sound nor movent as far as the human eye plus ear could see and hear at night. All was good for a few seconds.

Phone snapped his head to his left, about 10 o clock. the sound of a branch snapping echoed its way around. It wasn't only phone who had picked up on this, you had too. You saw phone on edge then you both heard a sound, him more so.

This is when you got down from the tree and went to assist him. Before doing so you placed the book in the bag, not wasting any time at all.

You made your way over to the tense phone as he looked around. You gave him a sly tap on the shoulder to alert him you were there. In the sudden alarm, phone jerked his shoulder back breathing in, as he did not think you were there.

You could help but smile in this situation from scaring phone. You felt a little bit of pride you couldn't lie. But now was not the time for this action. Both you and phone snapped your heads back into the forest as you both remembered the sound.

Phone shook a little in thinking it was the alien. you did too but you were better at hiding it.

In the heat of the moment you remembered about your post, you couldn't leave the camp half defenseless. You didn't know what to do. You had no other choice but to go back to your own post! you knew phone could handle it right? you were stupid to walk over to him in the first place, he had the training to handle this.

So that's what you did, hoping the sound wasn't one of those things. You had a bad feeling about this. Before you went back to your post you told phone in pointing back to your post. He simply nodded and went back in the safety of the camp, yet keeping on guard for the night was not over just yet.

You climbed up the tree back to your own little purtch noticing some movment in the distance. You instantly froze and thought .fuck. you put on your night vision and tried to identify what it was.

You felt chills all throughout your body, stabbing you everywhere. All of this because you knew you weren't safe. You stood no chance against something you barely knew!

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