Glitchtale: Age of Pain - OLD...

By Tom_Darko

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After Chara and the others finally defeat Betty everythink seems to be end, but that was only the beginning. ... More

Episode 1: The End
Episode 2: The Final Battle PART 1
Episode 2: The Final Battle PART 2
Episode 4: The Betrayal PART 1
Episode 4: The Betrayal PART 2
Episode 4: The Betrayal PART 3
Episode 5: A new ally.....
Episode 6: ....An old problem
Episode 7: The Payback PART 1
Episode 7: The Payback PART 2
Episode 8: Blood, Truth and Tears PART 1
Episode 8: Blood, Truth and Tears PART 2
Episode 8: Blood, Truth and Tears PART 3
Episode 9: The First of the Last PART 1
Episode 9: The First of the Last PART 2
Episode 9: The First of the Last PART 3
Episode 10: Guns and Feelings PART 1
Episode 10: Guns and Feelings PART 2
Episode 10: Guns and Feelings PART 3
Episode 11: Family and Mistakes PART 1
Episode 11: Family and Mistakes PART 2
Episode 11: Family and Mistakes PART 3
Episode 12: The Bad Time Trio PART 1
Episode 12: The Bad Time Trio PART 2

Episode 3: Reset?

1.4K 19 3
By Tom_Darko

Chara:" .........Mom.........Dad.........Asriel"

Chara was crying in her mind still thinking about her defeats.

Chara:" everyone.........I'm so sorry.........I failed all of you "

She now was seeing everything happen: the multiple Genocide Routes, everyone's Hate, her fights with his best friends Asriel, Betty and now.......... this.

Chara though and sigh "(Is this really my end? Was I destined to failed? Did someone survive that explosion?)"

Chara was still thinking but then she realized something: she wasn't in the Menu Room (where Chara ended when she was killed by Asriel in S2 Ep 6 "Game Over Part 1").

Chara: "............Uh?"

She could touch the ground where she was sitting: it was a flowery field.

Chara:" What?! How am I......Where am I?

Chara open her eyes and she looked around, it did not take long to figure out where she was: not in an ordinary flowery field, the flowery field at the entrance of the Underground (the one at the End of the True Pacifist Route).

Chara get up, a little bit confused and dizzy.

Chara: "What the heck it's going on?"

???: "That voice....... Chara......It's you?

Chara turned around and then she saw a guy similar to her.

Chara didn't recognize the guy: "Who are you? You look familiar...."

???: "How could you possible forg.........Oh!"

The guy remembered somethink.

???: "Now I remember why you don't recognize me......after all...."

???: ".... I made you forget me"

Chara started to remember something.

???: "I was your great partner, and the one with the knife in the hand...."

Chara: " can't be......"

The guy noticed that Chara started to remember: "Do you remember me?..........Do you remember......."

???: ".........Frisk?"

Chara started to cry, remembered everything: the same guy who helped her in the Genocide Routes, the same guy who helped Asriel to freed her from the Hate, and the same one who sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends.

Chara still couldn't believe it: he was Frisk


Chara hugged Frisk, crying so loudly that the entire Underground could heard her.

Frisk retrieve the hug, and he started to cry too.

After a while......

Chara: "How are you alive?!"

Frisk answered, a little bit confused: "I don't know! I woke up a few minutes before you"

Chara: "Who cares! You're alive!"

Frisk nodded, being happy too, but after a few seconds he realized something.

Frisk: "Hold a sec!.........If I am here and you too......"

Chara though the same think: Which of them had the soul of Determination?

They both took out their souls, and they were surprised to see this: there were two Determination souls.

Chara&Frisk: "WHAT THE......!?"

They were trying to understand what was going on when Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Asgore and Asriel showed up.

Asriel hugged Chara while Toriel and Asgore were crying, Papyrus hugged Frisk and Sans joined the hug.

After a while even Undyne and Gaster showed up.

Everyone were happy, but after a few seconds they heard a voice, a similar voice.

???: "Where am I?"

After he heard that voice, Undyne almost fainted.

Undyne run towards the voices, while everyone followed her.

When they saw who was speaking, no one couldn't believe it: it was Alphys.

Undyne hugged Alphys, followed by everyone.

After tears, hugs and kisses everyone started to talk about everything happen.

Sans, Asriel and Chara told what happen after her fight against Betty, but.............

Alphys: "Guys, somethink isn't right!"

Undyne: "What's up Alphys?"

Alphys: "I remember everything!"

Sans, Chara and Frisk were shocked: Weren't they the only ones who could remember the past timelines?

Undyne: "Wait a sec...... I remember too!"

Asriel: "So do I"

Toriel: "Even me and Asgore"

After they checked, they were completely sure: everyone remembered the previous timelines.

Frisk: "How is this possible?!"

Sans interrupted: "One thing at time Frisk....... Now, how we are all alive and what happen to the timeline?"

Gaster had an idea and before everyone could ask him something he teleport away, but after a few seconds he returned, completely shocked.

Gaster: "You have to see this!"

Gaster and Sans teleport everyone to the city: it was a normal day but.......

There were monsters walking in the street with the humans and there were even the monster's fast foods like Muffet's restaurant.

Papyrus scream: "WHAT THE......?!"

Gaster: "As you can see ......."

Undyne: "The monsters have already been freed!"

Asgore: "Wait, what's day is today?"

Frisk looked the date of a newspaper and he was really surprised: they were three days before Frisk meeting with Jessica!

Frisk: "I have a half idea of what happen."

Chara nodded: "Me too"

Frisk: "We are repeating the same think"

Asriel: "You mean...... someone had Reset?"

Sans: "No......Frisk have broken the Reset button...It's somethink similar!"

Chara remembered the sentence the mysterious guy told her: "Let's see if this time you'll make a better game"; and the explosion he created.

Chara: "No it can't be....... unless......"

Gaster: "What's up? Chara?"

Chara: "That guy......"

Chara understand what happen, even if she doesn't know how.


Alphys: "No......It's impossible! Only Determination souls have the power of Resets"

Gaster: "No Alphys......There's another way!"

Sans: "What way?"

Gaster talking as if was impossible, but like there was no other way: "The Glitches"

Sans was confused: "What?"

Gaster: "The timeline is glitched, right......Then if someone is smart enough to know how to take advantage from the glitches and had enough power......then someone can control the timeline and the ones connected by it......but......"

Alphys: "But?"

Gaster: "I don't think it would be enough the entire souls of this city......and there are no other places where to get so many souls"

Sans: "But do you think that with the whole souls of this city, including ours, it would be enough to know...... some kind of semi-reset or something?

Gaster: "I don't know......Maybe???"

No one knows what to do, they were in the complete dark.

Frisk: "We don't have any other way"

Frisk know there was only a thing to do.

Frisk: "We have to do the same things we have done"

Toriel: "But why?"

Chara explain: "The only clue we have about that guy is Betty, then we have to find her"

Undyne: "But she could be everywhere!"

Asriel: "That why we have to meet her in the same way we did"

Asgore: "Well I guess we don't have any other choice"

Sans: "Welp...... in this case...... I know what to do...... nothing"

Sans teleported away: "See ya guys!"

Gaster teleported too: "Well then I have my thinks to do too, have a good day!"

Asgore went too: "Well I guess water the flower again will be an experience"

Papyrus nodded, went he too: "Same for me, it would be a great experience for the Great Papyrus cooking the same spaghetti again, have a good day!"

After a few seconds everyone went to do their things, again, everyone except Frisk, which remain there looking the sky.

Frisk started to ask himself a lot of questions: (Who was that guy in dark purple? What does he had to do with Betty? Was Betty the one...... in control? Is Betty really evil?)

Frisk's heart started to beating when he thought about Betty.

After a while Frisk went to home, preparing himself for the day after this three: the day of the truth.

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