The Moon Prayer

By Aquamira

21.6K 925 65

• Zelenia Maha • People always told me I was nothing, a waste of space. For as long as I can remember, people... More

• Character List •
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
• Astennu Council •
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


1.9K 74 7
By Aquamira

• Lux •

"You can't do this!" my fathers former Beta, Thomas, screamed. Titus, my third guard and Vincent my second guard, both of them also Zeta's,  are holding him down his knees with ease. I was lucky with such a strong line up, my guards and Beta overpowered even the older Beta's. 

Not like I would expect anything less from my pack.

"Yes, I can. Did you forget? I'm the Alpa now. And besides, there is enough evidence for me to kill you. I can kill you without having the council breathing down my neck. They accepted the verdict." I smile at him cruelly. "You killed my father, you betrayed him. Betrayed your pack. And for what? That's what I don't understand. So tell us, enlighten me." I order him, purposely deepening my voice with the strength of my wolf, Adrien.

"You're not my Alpha, I will never tell you anything. Fuck you!" Thomas screams pathetically. I can see the fear in his eyes, sweat is forming on his forehead and his hair is a complete mess from all the struggling. For him, this had come unexpected. My father died decades ago and Thomas had been able to live in my pack for all this time, peacefully, undisturbed. 

"Kill him." I order Titus. A murderous grin forms on his brutal face before he let's go of Thomas' shoulder. Harley immediately takes his place and with one swift move, Titus breaks Thomas neck. The satisfying noise of the breaking bone fills the big courtroom, echoing against the black marble walls and floors. I lean back in my Alpha chair and impassively look down at the body on the floor.

"Well. That was... Uneventful." Harley, my first guard and Delta, complains. Vincent chuckles darkly and walks over to his mate, hugging her from behind. " Älskling, uneventful is good" he whispers in her ear. Harley gives him a grin over her shoulder before kissing him softly on the lips. "Please, you know I need my fair share of excitement every once in a while."

Vincent give her a lustful grin. "I can give you more than just a fair share and you know it" he says, his heavy Swedish accent now thick with lust. Harley, uncharacteristically blushes a dark crimson red and bows her head down, trying to hide it with her long hair. 

"You make me sick" Titus growls, making the couple look up and at him. "Shut up, dumhuvud, you're just jealous" Vincent responds, growling just as loudly. 

"Man, no one is jealous of you just having one flavor when there are so many different ones in this world. If you know what I mean" Dimitri says from a corner. He wiggles his eyebrows and has a crocket grin on his face while looking at Vincent. He is leaning against the cold wall with his shoulder, his arms folded on his chest and his ankles crossed over one another.

Quinten, my Beta, scoffs softly but keeps quiet. Clay, my fifth guard and Epsilon is on my other side and watches the other guards with amusement in his eyes. "Gross Dimitri, seriously?" Harley asks fourth guard and Epsilon with disgust on her face. 

I place my elbow on the leaning of my chair and rest my head on my hand, tilting it to the side as I watch my trusted friends bickering back and forth at each other. 

"Clean up the body" I tell Ursu through the mind-link me and all the 3489 other members of my pack share.

Not even a minute goes by before Ursu appears, his 7 feet body fills the doorway and behind him two other members of my pack appear. They walk up to the body, not looking me, our my guards, in the eye and take care of the body, lifting it up and walking out. 

"Lux! Say something!" Harley pouts. I want to roll my eyes but keep my facial expression straight. "What do you want me to say? You all have your own opinion, you can't change them" I tell her. Harley groans and dramatically throws her hands up in the air. 

Vincent just grins and once again pulls her into a close hug. I feel a tug of envy when I look at them but push it away. I'm happy for them but as an Alpha, I should've found my mate years ago. For a werewolf, I'm still considered young but I should've found her 50 years ago. 

I'm the only Alpha in the Astennu Council that has yet to find his mate. In this world, an unmated Alpha looks weak, rejected by the Moon Goddess. Being in the Astennu Council makes it even worse. 

As a member of the council, I rule over all the other Alpha's that are located in North America. The council is a group that contains of the seven most powerful Alpha's. We make sure no one breaks any rules and that we can live safely.

 I growl at the thought of being looked at as weak and my guards immediately fall quiet, giving me worried glances before looking down.

I run my hand over my face and sigh. "I'm going to do some work, let me know when something is needed from me, don't interrupt me otherwise."

I don't wait for confirmation and stalk out the courtroom, going straight to my office and locking myself in, determent to drown myself into work.

Fuck the dynamics of our world, I can do just fucking fine without a mate. 


Thank you for taking the time to read my book! I'm working on another book at the moment but I need the diversity. Don't worry, my max is 1 chapter every 3 days, depending on my mood and school. I have days where I can write up to three or four chapters a day so please don't expect some sort of schedule from me.


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