The choices we make [Complete...

By sp1nach

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When faced with a choice between personal responsibilities and the pursuit of true love - will you choose to... More

The choices we make - character photos and description
Chapter 1 - The first meeting
Chapter 2 - Shifting gears
Chapter 3 - Behind the mask
Chapter 4 - Bachelor for life
Chapter 5 - And so it begins
Chapter 6 - Don't poke the bear
Chapter 7 - The roles people play
Chapter 8 - What you don't know won't hurt you
Chapter 9 - Come closer, said the spider to the fly
Chapter 10 - Caught in a cat fight
Chapter 11 - When the heart knows
Chapter 12 - The choice he made
Chapter 13 - Drip, Drip, like water droplets on a rock
Chapter 14 - Tip of the iceberg
Chapter 15 - Never enough
Chapter 16 - Rainy days and chick flicks
Chapter 17 - The rock starts to crack
Chapter 18 - It's not that easy to forget
Chapter 19 - Trying to fix what's broken
Chapter 20 - If only we met earlier
Chapter 21 - Lessons from the past
Chapter 22 - What we fear the most
Chapter 23 - Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Chapter 24 - Of duties and responsibilities
Chapter 26 - We meet again
Chapter 27 - The tipping point
Chapter 28 - The dam has broken
Chapter 29 - A Split second and your life changes
Chapter 30 - Regrets that blind you
Chapter 31 - Sticks and stones
Chapter 32 - The choice she made
Chapter 33 - Broken pieces
Chapter 34 - Downward Spiral
Chapter 35 - Thin line between love and hate
Chapter 36 - Two sides to a story
Chapter 37 - Like Father Like Son
Chapter 38 - Different but the same
Chapter 39 - Second Chances
Chapter 40 - Unexpected meetings
Chapter 41 - A collision of past and present
Chapter 42 - When she came back
Chapter 43- Ghosts from the past
Chapter 44 - Sorry not sorry
Chapter 45 - A man with a plan
Chapter 46 - It runs in the family
Chapter 47 - It takes a Village
Chapter 48 - Blame it on the genes
Chapter 49 - The choice they made
Chapter 50 - Older and Wiser

Chapter 25 - Losing control

42 2 0
By sp1nach

Chapter 25 - Losing control

Olena felt herself being shaken gently and she drowsily opened her eyes.

"Just sleep in the room, Lena," Robert told her softly. "Levi will ask questions when he wakes up in the morning and sees you sleeping on the couch."

She nodded and slowly got up, watching Robert carefully.

"Don't worry, I won't bug you anymore. I didn't want to argue with you, Lena," Robert said softly.

"I was planning to tell you that I'll be going on a business trip on Thursday and ask if you could leave work early to pick up Levi. But I guess it came out all wrong."

Olena looked at him, surprised at his announcement.

"You have a business trip? When will you be back?"

"Sunday. There's a three day conference I have to attend. My boss was supposed to go but he had an emergency at home so he asked me to take his place."

"But my event is on Friday! I can't not go."

Olena could feel a headache coming. Nothing seemed to be going her way.

"How about Levi then? Can we leave him at your mom's?"

"I'm sure she'd love to take him but her house is too far away from Levi's school. I don't want him to skip school for two days either."

"Okay, I'll take him to my parents then. He can stay with them until the weekend. Just prepare his overnight bag then I'll drop him off on my way to the airport tomorrow. Pick him up there on Saturday," Robert told her.

Olena didn't like the arrangement but she couldn't think of a better option. She felt guilty for not being able to take care of Levi at times like this.

But she knew that Levi liked spending time with his grandparents, so he wouldn't really mind staying with them for a couple of days.

She finally nodded as she stifled a yawn.

"That's settled then," Robert confirmed. "Better go to sleep now, good night."


It was already 5pm and their meeting was still underway. Olena's patience was running out, she had planned to leave early today at least.

Olena wanted to be home before Levi's bedtime so she could explain carefully why he had to stay at his grandparents for a couple of days.

She also had to pack his clothes so she could be sure he would have everything he needed.

Sighing, she closed her laptop and called everyone's attention.

"I don't think there are any more major issues that can't wait until tomorrow," she told her team. "Let's all go home early today, we need to rest and conserve our energy for the next two days anyway. All right?"

Axel started to protest but a sudden yawn stopped him.

Laughing, Olena addressed him directly.

"I know you want everything to be perfect Axel. So do I. But if we run ourselves to the ground before the event even starts, we're more likely to make mistakes."

Axel grudgingly nodded as he stood up and they all left the meeting room together.

Olena hurried to get her bag from her office and immediately left the office. Hopefully the traffic won't be so bad at this hour.

It was almost 7pm when she got home and Levi excitedly greeted her at the door.

"Mommy! You're home early!"

Olena returned his tight hug and kissed him on the cheek. Then she pulled Levi over to the sofa and placed him on her lap.

"Yes baby, because mommy misses you. Did Daddy tell you you're going to Grandpa's tomorrow?"

"Really? Yay! Are you coming too, mommy?"

"Sorry baby, mommy can't go with you. Mommy still has work because it's only Thursday tomorrow. Thursday and Friday are office days, remember?"

Levi's face fell and Olena felt guilt tugging at her heart again.

"But I'll come pick you up on Saturday and then we'll go to the mall, okay?"

After hearing her promise, Levi instantly smiled and wiggled excitedly on her lap.

"How many days until Saturday mommy?"

"That's three days away baby. You stay with grandpa and grandma for two days then mommy will come get you on the third day," Olena answered with a smile.

Levi jumped off her lap and went running to the bedroom.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy is taking me to the mall on Saturday!" Olena heard him shouting as he ran.

She headed to Levi's bedroom and took out his overnight bag. Better get this done before she relaxed, otherwise she just might fall asleep while sitting down somewhere.

As she picked out clothes from Levi's closet, she heard a mesage notification on her phone.

Olena quickly fished her phone from her bag, expecting a message from either Axel or Rachel about their event.

She was not prepared to see Patrick's name pop out on her screen.

"I heard there was a party on Friday. Am I invited?"

"Yes, didn't Haidee tell you? I called and invited your company a month ago," Olena quickly messaged back.

"She probably forgot. Well, I'm going to attend, is that okay?"

"Sure, of course! The party is for all our business partners."

"Okay, see you then."


Patrick put down his phone and sighed.

It was useless to fight with himself over this, he had learned that over these past couple of months.

Despite his good intentions, he can't stay away from Olena. No wonder Haidee kept the party a secret from him.

If he hadn't run into Axel in the gym that night, he probably wouldn't have known at all.

He didn't blame Haidee though. If he were in her place, he would have done the same.

Even his initial reaction was to skip the party, and he made up excuses to Axel for why he couldn't come when they were talking earlier.

But it was like his fingers had a mind of their own. Before he knew what he was doing, he had messaged Olena and invited himself to the party.

The thought of seeing her again had eroded all the defenses he had built around himself.

He missed her so damn much.

Patrick harshly rubbed his hand over his face and let out a tortured breath.

He knew he should stay away but the more he tried, the more he wanted to be with her.

At first he thought it was the thrill of the forbidden that drew him in. But now he was not so sure anymore.

Because the pain that he feels whenever he thinks of Olena and their impossible situation was more real than anything he had ever felt in his life.

And he didn't know how much longer he could hold it in.

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