Unbreakable➳ Lahey [book 2]

By akalei

240K 6.9K 2.2K

Kate Argent's dead. Derek's an alpha with a new pack. Gerard Argent head of the hunters is in town, declare... More

It's Not Stupid At All
Sit Still and Shut up
Daire channels Sokka, the face palming king
Sword in the Moonlight
Palpable Emotions
The Grandfucker
Daire ships Outlaw Queen
Your Butt is Crushing Me!
It wasn't Celestial Gate Keys
Who's under the Ice?
An Unfair Battle
All Bark and No Bite
Je te Protegerai
Elfman or the Abomination?
Great the Lizard Can't Swim!
Crystals aren't always a girl's best friend
Isaac the Asshat
Margaritas and Sweaty Shirtless Men
Son of a Bitch
The Jackass has more than two brain cells?
Confusing Boys and Well-Deserved PB&J
Sucky Plans and Magic Dust
Daire's Tired of Saving Jackass' Ass
Everything That Can Go Wrong... Will (Goddamnit!)
What is it to be a Monster?
Bandaids and Hallucinatory Drugs
The Gibbs Gut
Choosing Sides
Life Moves On and So Does Daire
Let The Game Begin
Everything Will Be Okay
Battle Scars

Gone for 10 minutes and everything goes to hell

6.4K 185 52
By akalei

Daire glared up at the big white security camera again, while she and Allison waited for Scott and Stiles in the library. Allison wasn't kidding when she said that their family had installed them everywhere. Daire wasn't kidding. They. Were. Everywhere. 

Daire turned back and was face to face to a pair of eyes. Stiles had removed a book from the other side of the bookshelf. Allison nodded and slid a black tablet through the space. Scott grabbed it and turned it on. The text of the bestiary was on one side, while a giant computerized post-it note was on the other, with the translation. 

"That's everything Lydia could translate," Daire said as Scott and Stiles looked it over. "Trust me, she was very confused."

"What did you tell her?" Scott asked.

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Allison laughed.

Daire raised an eyebrow. "You laugh, but one of us actually is part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Daire said with a smirk and jerked her thumb over at Stiles.

Scott didn't look fazed, giving Stiles the usual eye roll, while Allison looked slightly shocked.

Stiles groaned, "You're never going to stop making fun of me for that are you?"

"Until I get some new material...no," Daire teased.

"Okay," Scott cut in. "Does it sat anything about how to find who's controlling him?"

"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murders," Allison started causing Stiles to do a small fist pump.

"Yes!" he whispered shouted. Daire rolled her eyes.

"They call the kanima a weapon of vengeance. THere's this story in there about a South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murders in his village."

"That doesn't sound-" Scott started but was cut off.

"Until the bond got so strong that it killed whoever he wanted it to," Allison finished, grabbing a book of the shelf.

"All bad, all very very bad," Stiles commented.

"Here's the thing though," Allison continued. "The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf but it can't begin to-"

One of the librarians had walked over, putting a few books away. Daire had to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from complaining at her for interrupting. 

"Until," Scott started, reading off the tablet. "It resolves that in its past that manifests it."

"Well that's helpful," Daire commented. "Any idea what that means? That Jackass needs a couple thousand hours of therapy? Should I go drag his ass to Ms. Morrell's office?"

Allison sighed. "What if this has something to do with his parents? His real parents."

"Yeah, does anyone actually even know what happened to them?"

Daire shook her head, "No idea, Lydia might though."

"What if she doesn't know anything?" Scott asked.

Allison shrugged, putting her book back. "Well he doesn't have a restraining order on me, so I'll talk to him myself."

"What do I do?" Scott asked.

"You have a make-up exam, remember?" she said with a small smile.

Scott looked over at Stiles for confirmation and he nodded. "You're taking that test Scotty."

"Promise me," Allison said, slipping her hand through the book stacks to entwine with his.

"Is he does anything, you run the other way," Scott sighed.

"I can take care of myself," Allison whispered.

Scott groaned. "Allison if you get hurt while I'm busy with some test, someone is going to need to take care of me. If it does anything..."

"Like?" Allison and Daire asked together. Daire finally getting fed up with Scott's over protectiveness. 

"Anything bizarre, anything-"

"Anything evil!" Stiles let out, shoving his face in the space between the books.

Daire sighed and pushed his head back, making him fall backwards. Glaring at Daire after he regained his footing.

"Okay, Scott you go take Harris King of Hell's test, Allison go find Doc. Connors," she sighed and they nodded. "Stiles you find Lydia and I'm gonna go pee since waiting for you two took forever." 

By the time Daire had managed to find a non-crowded bathroom and made her way out. She found her self in the middle of another shit pot brewed especially by her two dumbass friends. 

Erica had Jackson restrained against the wall. Scott was beginning to scramble onto his feet. He started towards Jackson but Stiles held him back.

Allison came out of the locker room just as a crowd was beginning to head their way. The King of Hell was unfortunately their leader.

"What is the meaning of this?" he yelled. "Stop, right now."

Daire just raised an eyebrow, she didn't know what her friends got into either but at least she could tell that they were in fact. Trying to stop right now.

"Mr. McCall, do you want to explain yourself?" he asked, narrowing his already beady eyes at the dripping wet Scott. "Stilinski and the other Argent perhaps?" 

"I legit just came out of the bathroom," Daire muttered.

He glared at her and she held her hands up in surrender. Not wanting to get another detention.

From behind them, Matt Daehler held out Allison's tablet. "You dropped this," he said to them.

Harris grabbed it before Daire could think to move. He used it to point and Scott and Jackson. "You and you. Actually, all of you. Detention, three o'clock."

Matt looked overly annoyed, since he arrived after Harris. Daire ignored the strange boy who caused her hair to stand on end and turned to her friends.

"I leave to pee for 10 minutes and you get me into DETENTION!!"

"I'm seriously considering making a petition to get him fired, or maybe I'll just murder him," Daire grumbled to Scott and Stiles as they headed to the library for detention.

"Already tried that, the petition I mean," Stiles muttered. "Both are apparently unethical."

"So is Harris' entire existence but you don't hear anyone else complaining about that," Daire groaned, running her hands through her already messy hair. 

The three of them sat at one table, while Allison, Jackson and Matt opted for the one behind them. Erica smirked at Daire, pulling out the chair from across her. Daire just stared blankly ahead before dropping her head on the table.

"Uh, we can't be in detention together," Jackson quipped. "I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All these tools?" Harris asked with a sigh.

Not bringing her head up from the table Daire waved her hand, "No just those two tools."

"Fine, you three over at that table," Harris ordered.

Daire grumbled again, before moving. Why the hell did she have to move, she wasn't one of the two tools. 

"I'm gonna kill him," Scott growled lowly the second they sat down. 

"No, you're not," Stiles told him, pointing a finger at him. "You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're going to help save him."

"No, Stiles you were right," Scott grimaced. "Let's kill him." 

Daire let out a warning growl from the back of her throat before lifting her head up from the table. 

 Both boys looked fairly shocked, "Shut it you two, we need to find out who's controlling Jackson. Right now, everything he does isn't his fault, he's a puppet. Controlled by strings he doesn't even know he has."

Neither of the boys answered. Scott was looking down, while Stiles was glaring off into the distance. "Hey, what if it's Matt? The whole thing comes back to the video right?"

"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing," Scott relented.

"Exactly!" Stiles whisper shouted. "He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of the Argent's hunters and the mechanic working on your Jeep?" Scott asked, clearly not seeing where the puzzle pieces fit for Matt to be the master.



"Because he's....evil." Stiles hissed. 

Scott raised an eyebrow, "You just don't like him."

"The guy bugs me, I don't know what it is. Just look at his face," Stiles demanded.

Daire looked over at their table to see him looking at her. When he made eye contact he shot her a smile which automatically spread ice in her stomach.

"He make's me feel weird." 

Scott and Stiles looked concerned as she turned around. Very few things freaked Daire out but Matt Daehler was definetly one of them. 

Before they could ask what she meant, Jackson stood up, clutching his head.

"Hey, you don't look so good," Harris said in a concerned tone, standing at his desk.

"I just need some water," Jackson groaned, before bolting out of the library.

Harris glared at the remainder of them, "No one leaves their seats."

Yet the second the door closed behind them, Scott and Stiles were already springing up. They slid into their previous seats at Erica's table. Daire groaned and followed them, sitting across from the blonde. 

"You said you know about Jackson's parents. So talk." 

"A little demanding don't you think?" she smirked.

Daire let out another quieter growl, "We do not have time for this right now."

She glared and Daire glared back. This went on for another minute with Scott and Stiles watching in confusion. Something flashed across Erica's face, before she opened her mouth to talk. 

"It was a car accident," she began. "My dad was the insurance investigator and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."

"Wait, so not only is Jackson rich now but he's going to get even richer at eighteen?"


"There is something so deeply wrong with that," Stiles remarked.

Erica looked off for a second before opening her laptop. "You know what? I could probably try to find the insurance repost on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

She began typing but they all froze then the overhead came on.

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office," a female voice requested. Daire's eyes narrowed as she recognized the voice.

Victoria Argent.

"Son of a bitch!"

"This is it?" Daire asked.

Stiles, Daire and Erica were crowded around her laptop as Jackson and Mr. Harris reentered the room. Scott had left for the principal's office moments ago.

"It says accident report doesn't it?" Erica sassed.

Daire made a scoffing sound as she scanned the document, her eyes widening. "Look at the dates."

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA, the estimated time of death nine twenty-six p.m., June fourteenth, nineteen ninety-five."

"Isn't June fifteenth Jackass's birthday?" Daire asked.

From behind, Daire could hear a zipper closing obnoxiously. She turned to see the king of hell with his coat on and bag in hand. Everyone began to stand, assuming they could leave. Daire just stayed in her seat, knowing that she didn't call him king of hell for nothing as she waited.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Uh yes, I'm leaving but none of you are," he said. "You may go when you're done re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

He shot them a shit eating grin before patting three carts overflowing with books. He nodded in an anime villain like way before waltzing off. 

"Are we sure that I can't murder him without getting caught?"

"It means he was born after his mom died, by C-section," Daire told Allison and Scott. Stiles nodded. "They had to pull him out of her dead body."

"So was it an accident or not?" Allison asked.

"The word all over the report is inconclusive," Stiles sighed.

"But his parents could have been murdered," Scott said as he leaned on the car. They were technically supposed to be putting the books back but that was the least of their current concerns.

"If they were, that would fall in line with the kanima myth. Seeks out and kills murderers and has something manifested in its past or whatever," Stiles noted.

"Yeah, but for Jackson or the person controlling him?" Daire whispered.

"Well, whatever is going on, we're gonna have to talk to him," Scott said. "Restraining order or not."

"He's not going to listen," Allison said.

"We have to tell him," Scott said, he rushed out of the aisle without another word.

Daire sighed, looking at Stiles and Allison with a shrug. Daire grabbed a book from the cart, ready to get this cruel and unusual punishment over with. Even though she loved books, re-shelving over a hundred books was not what she'd call enjoyment. 

A loud crash came from a few aisles over. Daire tightened her grip on the cart, looking up to see the fluorescent lights rain down glass and sparks. Books and ceiling panels were coming down as something raced across the tops of the shelves.

"Erica!" Scott screamed followed by the sound of a feral growl. 

Above them, Jackson leapt over the shelf causing books and more panels to fall. The light shattered and went our as Daire pulled both Allison and Stiles to the ground.

Scott fell into the aisle with them, and watched a now semi-lizard man Jackson near the chalkboard. 

He stuck out a hand and began to drag his claws against the green board as he head lolled to the side. When he was done, Daire loosened her grip on her friends and read the message the kanima had left.

Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.

In the wise words of Bobby Singer, "oh balls."

Jackson managed to propel himself forward, crashing through the window and out into the world. It sucked ass that he was still their problem to deal with.

They all stood up and moved forward. The four of them stared in confusion before the sounds of choking caught Daire's attention. Daire looked behind her, only to see Erica seizing on the ground. 

Daire rushed over to the girl, worry about the bite and Erica's current seizing state in her mind. She shifted Erica to lay on her side, "Hey, I think she's having a seizure!" 

Stiles and Scott ran over to Daire, while Allison ducked into the next aisle to check on Matt. He had apparently been caught by Jackass's venom claws. 

"He's alive," she called out. 

"We have to get Erica to a hospital, like now," Stiles said.

She was shaking violently beneath them but gripped onto Daire's shoulders. 'D-Derek, take me to Derek. Only Derek."

Scott looked over at Allison. "Okay when we get her to the hospital-"

"Derek," Erica cut in.

"Go," Allison told him.

Scott looked at her like she was nuts before rushing around the shelf.

"Hey, Scott!" Stiles yelled.

Daire kept her attention on Erica, "Why Derek?"

"H-He can help," she wheezed, still convulsing, "M-More than a d-doctor. Trust me."

Daire looked down at her with a concerned expression before nodding. "Mr. I don't like 5 seconds of sauce it is."

"You're going to listen to her?" Stiles let out.

"She trusts Derek a hell of a lot more than she trusts us," Daire said. "And I'd prefer to keep her alive and honestly Derek is probably our best chance."

Daire looked over to the shelf, seeing Scott kissing Allison's forehead. "Scott, we have to go now!"

He nodded, before running over and scooping Erica into his arms. The three of them running out of the library.

Daire forgot about the big ass security camera which no doubt recorded everything.

New update!!!! I hope all of you are well and enjoyed this chapter, things are heating up!! What do you think is gonna happen next?? Let me know in the comments! As always please vote and comment, I always love to read your replies! Talk to you soon! 

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