Quiet Time

By bigred0603

315K 3.7K 727

Emma has hit rock bottom. She's lost her job, and has nowhere else to go. Things are looking down for her whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 6

11.6K 133 22
By bigred0603

     Emma groggily woke to Carmen hastily removing her from her crib.

"shh shh lets stay quiet Emma come with momma," Carmen said quickly. Emma looked over to see Elizabeth tending to Lucy who was crying softly. Emma was too sleepy to fight Carmen who led her out of the room quickly and quietly and settled with her on the couch in the living room. "Liz is going to try and help your sissy get some sleep, but you can see she's fighting it," Carmen said as she loosened the pacifier gag in Emma's mouth letting it fall to her neck.

"Is she going to be ok?" Emma asked concerned.

"She's going to be fine," Carmen said sadly. "Poor thing. Sometimes she just can't get to sleep without help and she's always fussy about it. It's not her fault though." Emma looked back toward the nursery full of concern for Lucy. She could still faintly hear the girl crying from inside as Elizabeth tried her best to soothe her.

"We're still dry hmm?" Carmen asked pressing against the diaper Emma was wearing. Emma was immediately brought out of her concern.

"Hey!" Emma protested.

"Don't snap at me little missy. Momma has to check her baby's diaper."

"Ugh, believe me I'll let you know if I use it," Emma spat back.

"When you use it," Carmen corrected. "And asking for a change will only get you more time in a used diaper. You let us take care of when you get changed."

"Humph," Emma pouted. Her resistance had returned from the previous night, despite her bottom still slightly stinging. Though she could admit that at this point they served a practical purpose as she couldn't use the bathroom herself very well. And the gross factor had already passed as she woke up here in a wet diaper and stayed in it for most of her first day. Still, using it willingly would be difficult, she would have to get past a lot of mental barricades.

"Don't hold it either, it's bad for you," Carmen said knowingly.

"Well it's not so easy letting go you know!" Emma snapped back, "It feels weird."

"Just try your best sweetheart."

"And you know I'd be perfectly capable of going by myself if you let me out of this thing," Emma said wiggling in her straight jacket.

"Even then the bathroom is off limits, I think you know better than that."

"Ugh this is so stupid."

"I can see little miss attitude is back, do you need another adjustment?" Carmen asked threateningly.

"Can we not," Emma answered quietly.

"I'd rather we not either, but I'm not going to hesitate if you keep that attitude up. Now come on Liz taught me your arms exercises let's get your arms out of that and stretch em out for a bit." Carmen led Emma to the play pen in the living room. She shut the gate with the two of them inside. The corner of the playpen met with the corner of the wall, and in that corner was a small hook with a lead that Carmen attached to Emma's collar. Emma sighed willing to put up with the restraint if it meant she could stretch her sore arms out. She complied with Emma the whole time and felt marginally better once her muscles were stretched.

"Thanks," Emma said quietly.

"What good manners," Carmen said happily. "Your welcome sweetie."

"And you immediately ruined it."

"Attitude. You are seriously on thin ice missy," Carmen said as she put Emma's arms back into the straight jacket. Emma glared back in response. "Ok let's go." Carmen said coldly pulling Emma to the couch and over her knee.

"Wait no no!" Emma struggled but again it was no use. Carmen effortlessly pulled Emma's diaper down and delivered several swats to Emma's bare bottom. Emma cried in response, more that it was happening again than the actual pain of it as Carmen didn't go as far as Elizabeth had the night before, stopping before it got to be too painful for Emma.

"Now what do we say?" Carmen said coldly after landing around ten swats to Emma's rear.

"I don't know," Emma answered honestly.

"We say 'sorry for being a little butt momma'," Carmen instructed.

"Sorry," Emma said through sniffles. This response earned her three more swats. Emma sobbed loudly at the hits.

"No! Say the whole thing."

"I'm sorry for being a little butt momma," Emma said through tears and embarrassment.

"Good girl," Carmen said pulling Emma into a hug. Emma was still sniffling as Carmen helped to tape her diaper back up.

     As Emma's diaper was reapplied a tired looking Elizabeth emerged from the nursery baby monitor in hand.

"Well?" Carmen asked concerned.

"I finally got her to take some medicine and she's asleep," Elizabeth responded. "How's our other baby been?"

"She's been fine after a little spanking," Carmen said nudging Emma who was still in shock from the spanking and didn't complain.

"Is she gonna be all right?" Emma asked quietly.

"She will honey," Elizabeth answered assuring. "Sometimes your sissy worries and thinks about things too much and makes it hard for her to sleep." Emma immediately connected the dots in her mind. Lucy only had one thing to worry about.

"She's worried about me," Emma said disheartened. The thought that she might be doing something, even indirectly to hurt Lucy made her feel terrible. The girl was so innocent, she didn't deserve anything else bad to happen to her.

"Hey hey don't frown little one," Carmen said quickly. "Now it's not your fault that your sissy gets this way understand. I'm not going to have you feeling bad about something neither of you can help." The assurance helped Emma feel marginally better, though how much that had to do with where her head was at after the spanking she couldn't tell. "Let's get you a bottle while your sissy naps," Carmen said handing Emma off to Elizabeth to go make the bottle.

"No fussing ok, we don't want to wake Lucy do we?" Elizabeth said sternly to Emma.

"No mommy," Emma answered obediently." Elizabeth beamed a little inside as, for the first time, Emma had addressed her as mommy without being prompted, and did it subconsciously. Her mindset was changing fast and she couldn't be happier. Carmen returned with the bottle and Elizabeth had no difficulty getting Emma to take the bottle, she quickly started suckling. Elizabeth silently beamed at Carmen who returned the smile.

"You're so precious baby," Carmen cooed. At the coo Emma couldn't help but shoot a glare at Carmen, but she still quietly suckled the bottle. "A feisty little girl, but a good one none the less." Emma just rolled her eyes as she finished the bottle.

"Good girl," Elizabeth praised. "And that diapee is still dry hmm, you're not holding it on us are you?"

"Not on purpose," Emma quickly said. "It's just hard."

"Oh well you're a good girl for trying. Do you want some help, I can give you some medicine to make it easier."

"No please."

"Well if you're not wet in twenty minutes that's what's going to happen," Elizabeth said threateningly.

"Yes mommy," Emma replied meekly. In the back of her head she knew she was giving in, but she reasoned that she had been fighting for so long, that she needed some respite from it, plus she didn't want to wake the sleeping Lucy as sleeping was apparently a hard thing for her to do. Emma was distracted by Carmen putting a pacifier into her mouth. Emma didn't so much protest as act surprised. In fact, Emma had grown to appreciate the soother in the few hours she had been there, and found it even better right after her bottle where she could just continue her suckling motions.

"You are being so good Emma," Carmen cheered. Emma chose not to respond to that.

     For the next few minutes or so Emma quietly let Emma and Carmen play with her, mainly wiggling her feet around and tickling her while she suckled her paci doing her best to get through the humiliation, all the while attempting to wet her diaper as she was not overly eager to take whatever "medicine" Elizabeth had that would make her. Eventually, while Elizabeth and Carmen were briefly distracted with each other and not playing with Emma, Emma worked her way up to letting go. Since she had been holding it, she flooded her diaper almost to the point of leaking but not quite. The amount of time it took, plus her involuntary sigh of disgust and humiliation meant that Carmen and Elizabeth noticed.

"Oh you're such a good good girl," Elizabeth cheered as Emma finally finished going in her diaper. Several small sobs escaped her as she finished.

"Very good girl, she deserves a treat for using her diaper like a good girl," Carmen echoed Elizabeth's cheer.

"Stop it," Emma said crying.

"Oh poor thing, now you have to wait at least 30 minutes for a change," Carmen said sternly. Emma pouted and went back to suckling on her pacifier to make the time go faster.

"Well you've been such a good girl wetting your diaper. Tell you what," Elizabeth said quietly. "When you make a messy too, we'll see about getting out of this mean old jacket. Does that sound good?" Emma was genuinely enthused at this proposition. This was a big step forward in trust between her and her captors, trust she could use to help in her escape. Not to mention how uncomfortable the thing was. "Until then I don't see the harm in letting you walk around a little," Elizabeth said cheekily. For a moment Emma was shocked, did she really already gain their trust enough that they would let her wander unsupervised. Of course her hopes were dashed when Carmen attached a lead to the collar around her neck.

"We can't have you walking by yourself, you might get hurt," Carmen said giggling.

"That was mean setting me up like that," Emma complained.

"Well in time you'll be able to walk on your own but you're not there yet."

"You two have fun on your little inside walk while I go check on Lucy," Elizabeth said leaving Carmen and Emma alone.

"Ok little one just explore wherever you want to momma is right here," Carmen said sweetly.

"That's the problem," Emma said under her breath.

"What was that?" Carmen said quickly. She had heard Emma clear enough, and wanted her to be aware.

"Nothing mamma," Emma said quickly dropping her attitude.

"Good girl," Carmen beamed happy that she had so quickly reigned the girl in without incident.

     Emma walked around the living room and kitchen and got a better understanding of the area than she did before. Mainly the doors. There was one in the front of the living room, a back door in the kitchen, and another side door that lead out to a garage. From looking out of the windows Emma could also see other houses nearby. Hopefully she wouldn't have to get too far in her escape. Only to one of the neighboring houses where the person there would hopefully help her. She was already making plans. The front door would be too obvious, and the side door left her having to deal with the garage. The back door was her best shot at getting out unnoticed, maybe the side door if she could find a time where the garage door was open.

     Unfortunately Carmen wouldn't let Emma wander into the two caretaker's bed room, or let her hang around one area for too long. Emma wondered if their bedroom contained another exit, from the design of the house it wouldn't be that strange if the room contained an exit to the back yard. If that was the case that would definitely be the stealthiest option for escape, especially if Carmen and Elizabeth were busy with Lucy. They wouldn't think to look in a place that had deemed hardly off limits.

"Got all your explorin' done sweetie?" Carmen asked, casually holding the other end of the lead in her hand.

"I guess, thank you for letting me look around," Emma said politely.

"You're welcome sweetie," Carmen said with a smile. While looking around Emma had conjured a plan to gain some more trust quickly, the result was more humiliation on her part, but at this point humiliation had become the name of the game.

"Momma," Emma began. "I really want out of this jacket, do you think mommy can give me some medicine to make me mess?" Judging by the happy expression on Carmen's face her plan worked.

"Aren't we on a good girl roll today? I am so proud of my good little girl. I'm sure your mommy has just the thing let's go see." Carmen began leading Emma to the nursery where Elizabeth was. Emma snickered under her breathe. Once she got over the humiliation, being the "good girl" was a pretty quick way to wrap the two around her finger. Emma found new resolve. She could swallow her pride completely if it meant expediting the trust building between the two, and get them to let their guard down. Knowing that she only had to make it to the next house over for help also helped her confidence.

     Escape was possible and she was closer than she originally thought. Now she had to finalize the details in her head, and she would have plenty of time to do so.

AUTHORS NOTE: So not much happening in this chapter, it's basically just setting up more of the dynamic between everyone, and set up the expectations for Emma and also show her starting to give in a little, whether or not she's faking it or it's genuine is up to interpretation for now. Either way some things are definitely falling into place and we'll see how it all plays out. As always hope you guys enjoy. 

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