Falling for my Boss

By bellablue1410

781K 22.3K 2.7K

Addison Jordan 20 has never had a proper family to grow up with. Her mother died while in labour with her and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Ideas :)

Chapter 6

32.5K 941 142
By bellablue1410

Addison's Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing. Squinting my eyes I looked at the caller Id.... Shit.... it was Nate. I so totally forgot to set my alarm for our day together.

"Hello." I answered sleepily.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, you need to get up because we have a day out planned remember. I haven't seen you for ages and we need to catch up on everything." Nate said too enthusiastically.

"Babe it's only been three days since we last saw each other."

"Yeah but in those three days you got a job with one of the hottest guys in the world. Of course I looked him up."

I laughed. "What time are you coming?"

"Ha you laughed which means you know he is absolutely gorgeous. I will be there around 12:00pm."

"Ok, see you soon."

We hung up the phone and I rolled out of bed excited for our day out. Now to decide what to wear? I decided to go for something casual.

I quickly jumped in the shower and got ready. I applied my make to give me a natural look and to hide the red mark that was still on my cheek and kept my hair naturally wavy. After finishing getting ready I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.

10 minutes later there's a knock on my door. I open it to find Nate standing there with a massive grin on his face.

"Hello, you ready to go?" Nate asks.

"Hello to you too Natey. Yes I'm ready." I say hugging him.


We were in Nate's navy blue Peugeot . The music was playing, we were singing having fun on the way to lunch.

We pulled up to a Chinese restaurant that had an all-you-can-eat buffet. We order our drinks first then go up to get our food. Once back at the table we caught up with each other.

"Man.... your boss is gorgeous and may I add young. I would love to smack that!"


"What?!.... if you don't want to go there I certainly will. He is every mans dream." We both laughed.

"Yes he is gorgeous but come on nothing's going to happen. He doesn't like me like that and plus it can't happen because he is my boss Nate." I reminded him.

"Erm honey, yes it can happen. So what you're saying is two people working together can't be together?! That's a load of rubbish. I say grab him with both hands." He smiles.

After we caught up and we had finished stuffing our faces we went to the shopping centre and shopped till we were almost about to drop. Well more like Nate shopped and I browsed as I didn't have the funds although I did buy a few cheap things.

After we finished shopping, Nate dropped me home. He had a family party to go to so he didn't have time to come in.

As I was putting my few new purchases away my phone buzzed. It was Brax.

Are you free? I need to talk to you about something for tomorrow. ~ Brax

I wondered what was so important that he needs to speak to me in person! Did he realise that tomorrow is Sunday?

Yes I'm free. What's up? ~ Addison

Good. I will be with you in about 20 minutes. ~ Brax

I began to get nervous. He was coming to my house again. I looked around to see if my place was tidy. I rushed around putting the rubbish from my shopping trip in the bin and put other bits away. I started wondering about what he was coming to talk to me about.

20 minutes later on the dot there was a knock on my door.

He's here.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. He was wearing casual clothes, black jeans and a navy blue jumper. Still looking as handsome. I swear this man could pull off any look he wanted without even trying.

"Hi" I smiled opening the door wide so he could come in.

"Hi" he smirked such a sexy smirk.

He walked in and for the first time I didn't know what to say to him. Good job he was talkative.

"How was your day today?" He asked.

"Yeah it was good. Yours?"

"Good. What did you do?"

"I went to lunch and shopping with my friend Nate."

"Nate? Is he your boyfriend?"

"No he's not my boyfriend but he would like a boyfriend. He's my best friend, we met in college, he was my roommate for the last two years." I smiled.

"Ah ok, that's good." He smiled.

"So yeah I need to tell you something but do you want to go the beach first and I'll tell you later."

"Yeah sure, lets go then." I say grabbing my bag and phone.

We walk downstairs and outside my place is his black Range Rover. I look at him sideways. "Look at you trying to make me jealous." I laugh pointing at the car.

He laughs too. "No, I just thought you would like to see what it's like. Plus I wanted you to drive it for me." He smiles.

"What? Really? You want me to drive your car? Are you sure? You trust me with it?" I asked all sorts of questions.

He walks towards me cupping my cheeks with both he's hands looking into my eyes. "Yes I want you to drive my car. Yes I'm sure and yes I do trust you."

I still couldn't believe my ears. He wanted me to drive his Range Rover. As much as this was my dream car and I wanted to buy one when I could afford it, I had never driven one before.

I was so excited, bouncing on my toes. "What you waiting for? Here you go." He said handing me the keys.

I got in the drivers side and of course I had to rearrange the seat so I could reach the pedals, Brax was at least a head taller than me.

He put the radio on so there was some background noise while he was giving me directions on where to go. This car was a dream to drive. I was in love with it. It got me more excited for when I was able to afford mine.

"I'm in love with this car." I said excitedly to Brax.

"I can tell." He smiled. "Your eyes are lighting up. I believe I have just made your night by bringing my car along." He said giving a little laugh.

"You honestly have made my night by bringing it. Good luck trying to get me out of it." I said jokingly.


We arrived at the beach and got out the car. I handed Brax his keys back just so I know he had them. I didn't want to risk losing them even though I knew I wouldn't.

Even though it was dark out there was an ice cream van parked still selling ice cream.

"Do you want an ice cream?" Brax asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

He grabbed my hand in his and we walked to the ice cream van. My hand fit perfectly in his hand, I felt like my hand belonged there. The tingles going through my hand and up my arm felt good. I didn't want him to ever let go.

We got our ice cream cones, he held my hand in his hand still and we headed on to the beach. We sat down on the sand next to each other eating our ice creams.

There was a slight breeze which is normal at the beach but it wasn't that cold. The view was beautiful especially where the moon was reflecting off the water and the stars were shining bright. The waves were crashing into the shore making it look even more beautiful.

"I find the beach to be soothing and calm. I always come here when I'm stressed out or I need to think."

"It has that peaceful calm about it. It's a great place to release the stress and think. Oh and admire the scenery. I could stay at the beach for hours listening to the waves crashing." I replied.

"You're something else Addison you know that." I looked at him and blushed. Good job it was dark out and he couldn't see the slight change in colour of my cheeks right now.

We were both quiet for a few minutes finishing our ice creams and admiring the view.

"Addison the reason I wanted to speak to you in person is because I wanted to ask you if you would come with me to visit my father in the hospice he is in." He paused looking out towards the sea.

"I haven't seen him since he went in there three weeks ago, he's deteriorating fast. He only has a couple months if not weeks left." He said sadly still looking towards the sea.

"I'm sorry you're going through this with your father. Of course I'll come with you." I said giving him a smile. "What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"He's got stage 4 lung cancer and it just keeps spreading. Because it's so bad none of the chemotherapy they have tried has worked." He said blinking back his tears.

I put my arm round his shoulders and rested my head on his shoulder to try and comfort him as much as I could. "I'm sorry."

"What time are we going for?" I asked.

"Visiting times is normally between 2pm-8pm but because of his condition I can visit earlier and leave later. How about I pick you up at 10:30am and we make a day of it with him." He said giving me a small sad smile.

I sat up straight "Yeah that sounds perfect. I can't wait to meet him."

I was staring at the sea when I felt him hug me pulling my back towards him. I leant back into him. I put my hands over his arms. It felt so good to be in his warm arms. "Thank you." He said kissing the top of my head.

I turned in his arms so I was now looking at him. "What for?" I asked.

"For being you and for saying you'll come tomorrow." He said staring into my eyes.

He moved his head towards mine and met my lips in a gentle kiss. He's lips were so soft. He cupped my cheek with his hand and deepened the kiss. Our tongues playing together. It was magical especially with the fireworks that were going off throughout my body. This was the best kiss I have ever had. The kiss was so gentle and passionate. I didn't want it to end.

We pulled apart breathless and he leaned his forehead against mine.

"To my earlier statement, you really are something else Addison." He said smiling.

"Is that a complement Mr Carter?" I said laughing.

He laughed. "Of course it is." He winked. "We should head home."

"Ok, let's go."

He helped pull me up from the sand and held my hand in his for the short walk to the car. "You want to drive back?" He asked.

"Yeah sure if you want me too." I smiled.

"Go for it." He smiled back.

As we headed home all I could think about was how I was falling for him faster than I thought was possible. I could see myself being with him, having a future with him. Could it possibly work between us?

I had a nagging feeling in the back of my head Addy you can't do this. He is your boss. But the overpowering feeling of me falling for him was more dominant and I had to try.

We arrived at my apartment and we both got out the car. He walked me up to my door. I wanted to mention about us and him being my boss but I didn't want to ruin the moment we just had.

I feel like I'm jumping ahead of myself, we shared a kiss doesn't mean we are in a relationship. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and see what happens between us and if I need to then I will bring it up.

"Thank you for this evening." I smiled.

"You're welcome and also thank you for this evening." He smiled back.

He kissed me gently on the lips and hugged me. "Goodnight Addison, see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Brax, see you tomorrow."

I walked into my place, threw my bag down on the sofa and followed it. I couldn't take the smile off my face. I was falling for this gorgeous, sexy man and I was falling hard and fast.

I composed myself, got up and got ready for bed. Once I was ready I snuggled into bed and drifted of to sleep feeling content.

Chapter 6 done :)

Thank you for being patient for an update, here it is!

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