Painted Wings (A Fallacy x En...

By ChildofBears

78.5K 2.3K 1K

NOTE THE BOOK COVER ARTWORK IS MINE I DREW IT FOR THIS BOOK Most of the characters belong to rouge The only c... More

Before you Begin
Before you begin 2021 Edit
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Erra and other stuff
Chapter 16
Chapter 17(1/2)
Chapter 17(2/2)
um so this happened
Chapter 18
Shitpost 1
Chapter 19
more Shitposts/vines
Chapter 20
Heights and Looks drawings
Delta Rune
Happy Birthday!
This has to be said...
One more thing...
Bad news.....
To the readers
Update + Bnha/Mha book
Sooo... Rewrite

Chapter 21

2.2K 67 45
By ChildofBears

Third Person PoV:

Erra was finally able to convince Fallacy not to use the Ultimas for the sake of the townsfolk and becuase she believed that something was wrong with the king. So, the next morning the vampires headed off. They had only one plan. Attack the castle and rescue Encre and Carlos. Erra had back up plans incase any thing happened. Fallacy said there was no need for them, but she felt like they were going to be needed.
Azure went ahead before them to tell the townsfolk what was happening. Suprisingly most of them wanted to help.
Once the vampires arrive only a few people actaully tried to attack them. [One tried to hurt Erra but Johnathan wasnt gonna have none of that.] Once they were settled and got everything that they needed they headed strait for the castle.

Once at the castle there were guards surrounding it. But Fallacy, Erra, Jasper, and Suave were able to sneek inside undetected. "Alright we're in what do we do?" Erra whispered.
"You and Suave will go find Carlos, me and Jasper will go find Encre," Fallacy responss with. They all nod and head off in different directions.

Jasper's PoV:

Me and Dad ran through the castles halls searching for Encre's room. Making sure that we didn't run into any guards. While we were searching one hallway I had to ask him a question that has been on my mind. "Dad?"
"Hm? Yes Jasper?" He asks.
"Are you and Calmimari my true parents?" He stopped dead in his tracks. It was queit for a long time so I believe I have said the wrong thing.
"Sorry I just-"
"How'd this come up"
"I mean why ask this now,"
"I just wanted to know since Gazelle had said that I looked a lot like you, even though you arn't truley my dad," he stayed quiet again till he turned towards me and knelt down. "Jasper, I have something to tell you but it has to wait until we find Encre, alright?" I nodded.
"Alright" he patted my shoulder and got up and we continued our search.

It seemed like forever until we came across a painted door and right away we knew it was Encre's. Fallacy knocked on it and waited for a reply.
"qui est là?(who's there)" said a very familiar voice.
" 'Juno' " Fallacy says. I looked at him confused.
" 'Juno' who?" Said a female voice.
Me and Fallacy looked at each other.
" 'Juno' know anything other than bad jokes?" He asked. We both heard laughter from beyond the door. Encre's and and someone else's. Fallacy decided to kick open the door for no reason. Inside was Encre and two goat monsters sitting on the floor. The Queen and the Prince. "Oh Hello there Fallacy," the queen says.
"Hello there queen Tori-" he couldn't finish his sentence since Encre jumped onto him and kissed him. They fell to the floor with a clunck. Queen Toriel giggled while the prince just stared at them confused. "Mon amour! Mon amour! Oh how I missed you," Encre yelled. I giggle at them till I heard someone yell:
"Over here, I hear them," and from around the corner were two guards. Right away Fallacy got up and pushed Encre and me behind his back. "Back off," Fallacy growls.
"Im sorry sir but we have to turn you into the king like we did the other two."
"Other two?" I then gasped. "They got Suave and Erra!" I whisper-yelled. Just then the Queen stepped out in front of Dad. "I suggest you two go back to where ever you came and leave these monsters alone, before I light both of your asses on fire," the queen says. The guards nod and run off. " wow, it took only a threat to scare them away? Pfth losers!" I yell.
"There not losers they're just scared of Mom," says the prince.
"Sorry Mom," Says the Prince.
"Well I now let's save your friends, plus the king." Says Toriel. Me and dad stare at her confused.
" wheat she means is that the king is being controlled," Encre says.
"By who?" Dad asks.
"We don't know, but we need to save him." Asriel says determined.
"But how?" I ask. Then the queen hands something to my father. It looked like a cylinder but with a needle on the end of it. It has blue liquid in it.
"Inject this into him, this will get rid of the magic controlling him and return him back to normal."
"Alright, but where will you two be?" My father says tilting his head a bit and giving her a confused glare.
"Me and Asriel will calm down the riot outside." And she smiles. "I trust you with this Fallacy, you haven't wronged me yet," and she kisses his cheekbone. I was a bit confused and disgusted at the same time, I looked over at Encre and saw a bit of jealousy in his eyes.
"Of course Queen Toriel, now you two must be off now and watch out for the guards."
"Indeed we will, come on Asriel let's go." As she walks off she turns towards us one last time. "Good luck, Sir Fallacy, well I guess I should now say King Fallacy."

After she leaves I turn to my dad with a confused look on my face. "What. Just. Happened?" I said.
"I'll tell you later, but for now let's go save Erra, Suave, Carlos, and the king."
"Yeah!" I yelled. Encre just glared and Fallacy. And said something in French that I didn't understand but Dad's look on his face tells me it wasn't good. "Donc tu ne m'as jamais parlé d'elle non plus? hein?" Is what he said. As we leave the hallway in search of the others I just can't help but hope that Suave, Erra, and even Carlos are okay.

Suave's PoV:

So in short, we got caught. And the king decided change the execution day to today. And now Carlos and Erra are supposed to be executed today as well. I looked on the stage to see Erra and Carlos right next to her. They were going by ages first . So that would mean Erra would be executed first even though Carlos is the bastard here. And I wouldn't dare have my lady be executed by some crazy scoundrels. So I left to find Fallacy and the others. Luckily there be some time before the execution starts but not a lot though so I have to hurry.
I ran into the throne room and was stricken with grief. There is no way I'll find them in this huge castle. I sigh and slumped down onto the chair closing my eye sockets. "I'm sorry Fallacy I have seemed to have failed to keep my promise to keep Erra (and Jasper as well) safe"
"You seriously can't be giving up now Suave." Says a voice I know all too well.
"Jasper!?" I open my eyes(sockets) to see Jasper above me. Plus Encre and Fallacy too. I jump up and bow to Fallacy. "I'm sorry sir."
"There is no need Suave, now where is Erra and Carlos?"
"They're going to be executed today by the king's orders Erra first before Carlos." I saw fear, hatred, anger, and guilt in M'lords eyes as I told him that.
"Jasper, take the needle and enject the juice into the king, Suave and Encre you two go with him." We all nod.
"What about you sir?"
"I'll go save Erra and Carlos." That was the plan. And we split up. I now hope that Fallacy will save them before the execution starts.

Fallacy's PoV:

I flew through the castle and out into the outside and flying as high as I could.Up in the air I could see where it was taking place and flew straight down into it. It was just beginning.

Third Person PoV:

Surrounding the Execution stand was Fallacy's army and some townsfolk that fought with them. Plus including the Queen and Prince. Erra's eyes scanned the crowd searching for someone at least. Then she spot someone and their eyes made contact with her's. It was Johnathan. The one person she did not want to make eye contact with of course. She could see sadness in his eyes. She looked away. She couldn't bare to look at him. Not in this situation at least. And the. The king came up onto the stage and started to speak. "Welcome, welcome to the first ever execution of this kingdom" the king's voice sounded demonic way different from his happy go lucky dad voice. "Now we only have two sadly, Carlos the vampire who returned my wonderful artist, and Erra, daughter of the vampire king himself. She will be first." He said with a grin. Guards pushed her up to the guillotine and she closed her eyes when suddenly....


And she was gone, disappeared, or so they thought. Then there was another


And that time Carlos was gone. "What the?" Questioned the king. Then he saw who performed this magic trick. Up in the air above all the rest. Was Fallacy holding both Erra and Carlos to his chest. "Well, well, well guess who finally showed up, " boomed the king. Unaware of the figure lurking in the shadows behind him. "How DARE you try to hurt my child" Fallacy's voiced echoed among the crowd. The king just chuckled. Fallacy's eyes started to turn to a purpilish red color. "Ooooo, Im so scared the Vampire king turned on his death eyes," the king says sarcastically. Then came a loud screech and right behind him was Jasper sticking the needle right into his neck. The blue juice quickly flowed into the king. Luckily only a drop was actually needed to cure him since the king then flew Jasper right off his back. Suave was there to catch him though.

The whole crowd gasped and Fallacy lowers to the ground. The king knelt to the ground seemingly in pain as the liquid flows through him. Then everything was quiet. Guards aproach the king with much care. Then he wakes up. "Ugh my head what the? Where am I?" Says the king his voice back to normal. He looks around confused. Fallacy walks up to them. "Good to see you back Mr. Dreemurr"
"Sir Fallacy?"
"Its King Fallacy now your highness."
"Oh my what happened? Why is everyone looking at me."
"Dont worry your highness everything will be explained."

A couple hours later after explaining they all sat down at the dinning table to eat. Jasper and Erra were chowing down on food. As theothers ate quite respectfully. Fallacy just glared at them. "Im so sorr-"
"No no its fine let them I guess they're really hungry then," the king says chuckiling. Fallacy chuckles a bit too. "Anywho, its been a while hasnt it Fallacy"
"Indeed it has,"
"Last time I saw you, you were stealing hearts from all the ladies" the king bursts into laughter, Fallacy joins him. Everyone around them, ecept the queen, was confused. "So who's the lad's mother I'm pretty sure its not Encre,"
"What do you mean Asgore?"
"Clearly the lad is related to you eventhough you said you found him, I'm just surprised that they all believed you for this long." Fallacy sighs. "I guess it is time for the truth to come out." Jasper was already ready in fact he kinda already knew. " Jasper's mother was a maid of mine, Calamimi, I uh....accidentally got her.... yeah. And-"
"M'lady please calm do-" Suave tries to say but Erra cuts him off.
" NO, FUCK YOU" Erra yells pointing her knife at Fallacy. "JUST FUCK YOU, and now you can continue."
"Well then, continue Fallacy,"
"Anyway....she died from sickness when Jasper was three though."
"And you became a dick after that,"
"Yes, thank you for your unnecessary comments Erra"
"Your welcome."
"Then as you know I then met Encre and well then everything leads up to this."
"Wow, you've had quite the adventure haven't you," the King says. And they chatted for the rest of the night until they decided it was time to head back. When they got outside everyone in Fallacy's army was crowed around the castle and right in front was Johnathan. Erra's eyes instantly latched onto him. Their eyes meeting eachother again just like they did during the execution event that almost happened. But instead of sorrow in his eyes it was glee. They all waved good bye and promised to visit again. Hopefully not under these circumstances though and the group headed off. When they reached the gate they said goodbye one last time as they start to head out the gate into the forest. Well except for one.....

"Arn't you coming?" Asked Erra.
"As much as I would love to I have a shop to run, but hey you guys are now welcomed here as you please. Well unless you guys try to attack us." Johnathan says rubbing his neck and chuckiling.
"Heh, yeah well, see ya I guess,"
"Same to you too," Johnathan starts to walk off until Erra stops him.
"Huh? Ompft!" Erra grabbed his shirt and slammed her lips onto his for a short and quick kiss. "See ya," she says and runs off to the others leaving a blushing Johnathan standing in the gate way like a love sick fool. "S-see ya," he stutters out smiling then finally heads back to his shop.

Jasper's PoV:
"So Dad, I have a qustion," I asks Dad as we continue on to the castle.
"Yes Jasper?"
"Why did the queen kiss you?"
"Yeah why did she kiss you?" Encre asks with a hint of jealously in his voice.
"The queen kisses everyone who is, or was a part of the king's court and alliance."
"Why?" I asks.
"Thats just how she shows shes greatful of having these people or monsters on her husband's side."
"Oh....." Encre says feeling guilty.
"Were you jealous my love?" Fallacy teasingly asks.
"N-no," Fallacy mischievously grins. "Dont you dare mon amour," the grin grows wider. Fallacy then lunges at Encre picking him up and flying into the air. I could hear both laughter and bickering coming from the two. I just smiles and slowed down to talk to Erra and Suave.
"So you finally kissed him aye?" Suave says I looked at him confused till I saw Erra's face. It was red and she had a big goofy grin on it too. "Who Johnathan?" I ask a small smile on my face. Erra just nods. She talked on and on about how that short kiss felt like but as she was talking it seemed like she kept drifting away from us as she twirled around the group. Soon it was just me and Suave.

I kinda drifted into my thoughts for a while not realizing that I was now holding Suave's hand and we still walked to the castle. I think all of us were too wrapped up in our thoughts we decided to take the long route. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone kiss my head. I looked over to Suave who had a huge smile on his face. I quickily realized it was him and my face flushed with a tint of purplish pink. He smiled and I smiled back knowing that most of the bad days were over and everyone is now happy. Dad and Encre are happy, me and Suave are happy, and Erra is happy. Though there is probably more to come in the future. Some good and some bad. But right now in this moment the people who I love are happy, and I'm happy. And thats all that matters right now.
When we got back to the castle we were welcomed back. And everyone was smiling. Everyone was happy. And we all went to bed like that. Either cuddling in our lovers arms or thinking about who we love. Everything is alright.

But nothing last forever does it......not even happiness. Many questions are left unanswered. Many hardships are yet to come. My question for you is.

Are you prepared.

Because if I'm honest. I'm not. I'm scared. But I'm also excited for it.

So, reader, are you ready? Becuase this story is just beginning.

(2756 words. I hope you enjoyed this book I certainly did enjoy writing it. Book two will come out i promise im just going to take i break i also wrote this while sick so yeah. So like Jasper said. Are you ready?)

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