Arranged | P.JM FF

By KookieMonsterForTae

482K 17.4K 4.3K

"Look, you have to marry me. It won't be that bad. You're someone I used to know and you're honestly not that... More

- Final - 41


13.4K 538 64
By KookieMonsterForTae

After calming down with a warm and quick individual shower in your hotel room, you and Jimin headed downstairs just in time for dinner.

"So, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" Jimin asked, taking a sip of his water.
"Maybe just relaxing." You shrugged, your tone soft and unbothered.
"Relaxing? Do you know where we are?" He scoffed a laugh in attempt to add a little humour to your odd change in mood.
"I's just, I guess, I want to wait for you" you mumbled slowly, looking down while pushing your food around the plate with your spoon.

Jimin smiled sympathetically, "You know I have work. I don't want you to stay in the hotel room all day when you can explore so many places here on your own"
"Yeah." You responded quick as if you weren't even listening to him, and spooned more rice into your mouth, still not looking at Jimin.

Jimin bit the inside of his cheek, knowing how you were feeling right now.
Ever since he was a kid, his dad never had time for him. He was just so busy every hour, every minute, every second of the day with running his business. Even when he came home from 9 hours of work, 6 days a week (8 hours in the 7th day), he'd give him and his brother a simple ruffle of their hair and upturned lip before their mother demanded him to sleep because he needs rest. So, their father sank into bed, exhausted as the two boys played with their toys their he bought for them.
Little Jimin always wondered if his dad even cared about him; he felt neglected and lonely, even though he knew he shouldn't've felt that way.

Though, as he grew up working in the family business, he faced the same tiring work, day after day as his dad did and he began to understand the state his father was in every time he would come home, and how it really felt to make someone feel so isolated with just a sympathetic smile.

There's nothing in the world Jimin wanted to do right now than spend time with you and admire your adorable smile, your laugh, your charisma, but of course, he couldn't.
Jimin sighed, and continued eating, trying not to let his empathy take over his responsibilities.


You were mostly silent, only humming and muttering a small 'no' or 'I don't know' every now and then Jimin tried to bring up a conversation.

If he didn't care, he would've just given up by now, and you knew that. But you weren't in the mood to show any emotion, least to say speak to him.
It really bothered you that you were here in this 5 star hotel, able to do so many things, but they turned out to be so much more precious and fun with Jimin.
And, admittedly, you were still bummed about the kiss that was ceased before it could even begin.

"How about going to the golf course?" Jimin beamed.
"Why not?"
"Don't know"

Taking a breath in, Jimin rolled his eyes, frustrated.

The elevator stopped smoothly and opened its doors, allowing you to pass out and you walked alone to your room, Jimin following behind you.

Stopping with your arms crossed gently across your chest, you waited patiently as Jimin pulled out the hotel keycard from his pocket and opened the door, giving way for you to go first, and he next.
Closing the door he turned back and sighed as you were nowhere to be seen in the living room, but he heard the bathroom door shut and lock, knowing you were already getting changed to go to bed.

After getting changed you dragged yourself into bed, and Jimin was again, working at his desk in his button up shirt with his tie out of the way, placed on on what was supposed to be his pillow.
Turning away from Jimin, you were confused to see a burnt orange tie on the other pillow that was always cold. You pushed off the covers, picked up the tie and went over to Jimins desk, placing it on there and went back to bed without a word.

He sighed, feeling as if he couldn't concentrate.
You were really occupying his mind, and not just because of your solemn look at dinner today, but also the 'incident' at the swimming pool.
God how he missed touching your body, missed being so close to you, missed the rush of his heartbeat no-one has ever done to him before.

In attempt to lighten the mood, Jimin wished  you a goodnight, praying that you would say it back.
Instead, he heard the shuffling of sheets, and you now your back was facing him again.
He pouted, upset, and turned back to his desk before just barely hearing a soft 'night loser'
He grinned.


The next morning, you woke up, alone again.
Guess Jimin slept on the couch again.

You were wondering where Jimin was, if he would come into the room like he did the day before, but you didn't even hear someone's else's breathing.
You shifted over to the side and looked at your phone, the time reading 10:12.
That meant Jimin was at work right now, which made you regret your lazy ass sleeping in.

Today, you had missed breakfast and had to go to one of the restaurants downtown.
You weren't that annoyed about it really, it wasn't a big deal.

Settling on a simple breakfast café, you ordered a smoothie fruit bowl and coffee to go.

Stabbing another piece of raspberry with the fork, you placed it in your mouth as you scrolled through your phone.
Until someone was calling you.

Jimin? He never calls during work hours.

You answered immediately before clearing your throat harshly, putting the phone up to your ear.

"Y/n, how are you?" His smooth voice melted your heart even through the phone.
"I'm good, yeah. Why are you calling me?"
"Well, I didn't get to talk to you this morning, cause your lazy ass wouldn't wake up"
"Hey mister, you could've at least tried to wake me up or give me a good morning kiss on the forehead or something"
"Ok, 1, I did try and wake you up, but if I recall correctly, you mumbled 'I will end you' before pushing me away"
Your cheeks turned red with embarrassment.
"And 2, do you really want me to kiss your forehead?" you could hear his prominent grin through the phone.
"It would be nice" you shrugged, playing along.
"Uh huh, and it would be nice for me to live another day of my life without a sleepy Y/n ending me"
"Hmph" you rolled your eyes playfully, a smile growing on your face.
He chuckled, "Heh, so, have you had breakfast yet?"

He really does sound so husband material right now.

"Well, cause I didn't wake up on time when I got down they were closing up"
"Wait so you haven't eaten?" worry laced his still calm voice.
"Actually I'm eating right now. I just went to one of the restaurants downtown"
"Ok, good."
"Yeah. So..what time-" you started.

"I don't know, sweetie. Once again, I hope it won't be late so we can do something later on"
Your face scrunched up jokingly at his endearment.

"Ok, babyboy"
"Wah" He gasped, "babyboy ey? I like it" you could hear the large smirk in his voice.
"Don't get too comfortable" you warned.
"Aw, but I've been waiting for so long to hear you call me that"
"Uh huh?" You grinned, "well if you want to hear it again, come back early"
He groaned, acknowledging that there was no promise in that happening.

"Smart girl"
"Thanks loser."
He laughed, "I prefer babyboy. Anyways, I have to get going now. See you later tonight"
You simpered, "bye"


The day passed by slowly in your eyes.
All you did today was head to the library and check out some books, despite the fact that you weren't really the little bookworm.
It's always good to try something new.

After the library, you had gone to the gallery and attempted to become a photographer for those 30 minutes, and took some pretty decent pictures in your opinion.
And after that, you just gave up and hung out by the buffet, watching the little tv that was hung on a corner of the wall, sitting on a bar style stool, getting a few snacks now and then.

You sighed.
I should probably get back to the room.
Slowly getting up from your seat, you then headed to the stairs. I mean, who were you rushing to anyways?

After scanning your key card, the door beeped momentarily, indicating that it was open and you stepped inside to find Jimin standing in the middle of the living room, his phone up to his ear, pacing back and forth in small distances, running a hand through his hair.
When he heard the door open he turned to face you, surprised yet relieved, and put his phone down.

"Where were you?" he immediately questioned.
"I was just sitting in the dining area" you walked past him to flop down onto the couch.
"I was calling you, why didn't you pick up?" He sat down next to you.
"Hm?" You pulled out your phone and saw 3 missed calls from Jimin. "Oh, Sorry. My phone was on silent"
"Next time, don't leave your phone on silent. I need to be sure that you're okay" he looked at you, his voice was stern but had a hue of concern and paranoia.
"Yeah, sorry" you apologised, secretly feeling a tinge of desire for his protective side.

"So, you wanna go to the pool again today?" He suggested.
"Mh, no" your upper lip quirked.
"Why not, I wanna see you in that bathing suit again" he growled.
Your eyes widened and you nervously cleared your throat, recalling the events that took place at the swimming pool yesterday.

"W-why don't we go to the golf course today?" You unintentionally stuttered.
"Sure, it's no bathing suit but it'll do" he joked, smirking at you.
You playfully hit his arm, holding back an embarrassed smile.
"Golf course it is."


"Ok, ready?" Jimin turned back and asked you.
"These are some pro skills so-"
"Just hit the damn ball already!"

He obeyed and swung the golf putter back before bringing it back down to hit the ball, making it fly and land right next to the hole.
When the ball landed, he looked back at you, grinning as if he had won already, and you sticking your tongue out at him. He chuckled and went up to take his final shot, getting it in straight away.

As you wrote down his first try on the card, he paced back and plopped down on a chair, peeping at what you had written down.
You looked at him, one eyebrow raised, "What? Do you think I'm going to change your score?"
"You never know." He shrugged, "you'll probably get the ball in with 5 hits" he smiled smugly, taking a sip of his lemonade.
You scoffed, and once again, it was game on.
"I'll show you" You muttered.

Getting up you retrieved a golf putter and a ball.
Bending down with your legs you placed it onto the little stand and attempted positioning yourself correctly - Jimin checking you out not so secretly all the while.

Though you sounded confident just a few seconds ago, you really weren't. You have only played golf like twice in your life, and that was when you were small.
But I mean, cmon it can't be that hard. All you do is hit a ball.

Regaining some trust in yourself, swinging the putter back, you brought it back down, expecting to hit the ball. But, if anything, you did hit something...

Jimin burst out laughing from behind you, squeaking a little.

You managed to hit the stand - however not to much distance - and there the fallen ball was, rolling away as if it were afraid of you.

You looked back, eyes boring into a massively humoured Jimin.

"Ahem" his laughter finally calmed down after he caught your threatening stare, "I mean..." a small smile appeared on his face, along with a coughing sort of chuckle, "at least you know what golf is?" his wobbly smile widened as he once again laughed and you frowned, rolling your eyes.

You exhaled, went to retrieve the ball, and fix the stand.

"You want some help?" he asked as you got into position, shifting your hands on the putter.
"No. I don't need help from you" you replied, pretending to be seriously angry with him.

  "Well too bad because I'm already here" His warm breath whispered against your neck.
You turned your head to the side a little to be just an inch away from Jimin's face and you immediately shot your head back to face forward again, completely shy.

"Here, hold it like this" his hands took yours, placing them in the correct position on the putter.
You blushed uncontrollably, and you'd like to say that you were glad Jimin wasn't behind you so he couldn't see your face right now, but that's not really the case here.

"And stand like this" He made you stand side on, not leaving from behind you.
"And now, the hardest part" He closed the nonexistent gap between your bodies, taking that one step closer to you so he was now right up against your back, and you gasped lightly.
He chuckled deep in his throat before continuing, "swing back and hit the ball lightly" he instructed, emphasizing the word 'lightly'. His hands still on yours, he swung the putter, hitting the ball just about a foot's length away from the hole.

"Wah! You're a good teacher" You exclaimed, amazed.
Jimin grinned, his head tilted, staring down at you.
"Alright, you're good to go" he simply said, letting go of your hands, and your back now felt bare after the loss of body contact.

"Wait! You're just gonna leave me now?" you asked as he heaved himself down on the chair again.
"Why? Do you want me to help you still?"
"Yeah" you said with a 'duh' tone.
"Mh..nope." He teased.
"You haven't kept your promise" he smirked.
"What pro- oh" you recalled your phone conversation earlier on.
You sighed, defeat.
"Fine, babyboy," you cringed, "can you stay?"
He chuckled, satisfied, "of course, you should've just asked"

You grinned, shaking your head lightly.

𝟚𝟜𝟜𝟟 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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