Moving Forward ~1

By Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... More

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
DoppelgΓ€nger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Eligible Bachelor's

5.7K 152 140
By Vampirediaries1996

What is your favorite season?

Matt's POV

I've never seen Sofia bolt out of a room so fast. I know my mom walking in on us wasn't ideal but she didn't have to leave. She's known my mom all of her life, but I know it's still something to get used to. My mom always did prefer Elena for some reason over Sofia. I think in a way Sofia is too headstrong for my mom's liking and their personalities clash when they have spoken. Elena always seemed to keep what she really meant to herself which was fine but I love that Sofia isn't afraid to say what she believes and still understands another person's ideals.

"So, it's been a few months. Where you been?" I ask my mom as she keeps looking for her liquor glasses.

"Ah, you know here and there. Never one place too long. You know Pete."

"No, actually I don't, because you never brought him around."

"So, you traded in one sister for the other one. I never pegged you for a guy to date sisters, let alone twins. I'm sorry I scared Sofia off. Elena didn't scare that easy."

"I love Sofia mom. She's been there for me when no one else has."

"So, she isn't just a rebound from Elena?"

"Sofia and Elena are different. You of all people should know that. Sofia is more carefree and less serious about life. She's reasonable and fun and I love spending time with her."

"So, she's the one?"

"I don't know. We're still young. But if I had to say if Sofia would be the one woman for the rest of my life I would be honored."

"Seriously Elena's twin sister and what Carol's son's ex? How could you get yourself roped into that mess?"

"Mom seriously knock it off." I warn her. She can say what she wants about me but I draw the line on her starting to bash Sofia.

"Ice please." Always wanting to distract from the main issue with drugs and alcohol. I take her glass and fill it up.

"So, have you heard from Vic?" I ask setting the glass down in front of her.

"No, but don't worry. She'll come home eventually when she needs something. I played that game."

"Are you playing it now?" I accuse knowing full well why she's here.

"No." She seems hurt I would ask such a question.

"Then what are you doin home?"

"You trying to say I need a reason to come back? Sit down eat with me?" I set down her food. "Tell me everything I've missed, hmm."

"Well, Sofia and I have always been close friends. I've always cared for her but this year was different. I saw her in a different way. She was concerned for me and always went out of her way to check on me. It was nice knowing that someone cared enough to..." I gage my mother's reaction. "It gets lonely here and Sofia would bring over food she cooked and helped me study for tests. She made me laugh and I found myself loving the way the sun showed all of her freckles. I was excited to hear her laugh at my corny jokes. I started to find that I wanted to be more than just a friend to her."

"Why did she and Tyler break up? I'm pretty sure Carole has been showing everyone Tyler and Sofia's wedding album like it's already happened."

"He messed up and cheated on her. She didn't want to keep pursuing something that was doomed. She wanted to start over since her parents passing."

"You seem to really care about her."

"I love her mom. I didn't feel this kind of love even the whole time I was with Elena. It's like I can see an actual future with Sofia and I even want it."

"I have never disliked Sofia but there are some people you connect with and for some reason, it's easier to talk to Elena than it is Sofia. I just..."

"Because you and Sofia are similar. You both say what's on your mind and you don't sugar coat anything. You're two strong independent women who like being in control. Sofia ran out because she was mortified that after all of this time you happened to walk in on us."

"It's not like you two went that far."

"It was actually the farthest we've gone."

"Really?" She seems shocked. "Carole bragged how she was providing Tyler with condoms when he was dating Sofia."

"Sex isn't the defining part of our relationship. We find the passion for each other in other aspects of our lives. She makes me want to be a better person and strive for more. I remind her that she has to live her life and not worry about every little thing. In the end, we balance each other and I find myself loving being with her. We can sit in complete silence doing homework or watching tv."

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't approve of Sofia, but if she makes you happy then that's all that matters."

"Thank you, mom." I smile at her. This is the first time she's been genuine with me in a long time. I want her to approve of my girlfriend as weird as it sounds.

Sofia's POV

Elena's first instinct is to run to Stefan to tell him what happened with Trudie. I wish it didn't have to be in the same place Damon is living. Stefan has told us he's been drowning himself in booze and drinking the blood of sorority girls. He's losing it after finding out that Katherine wasn't where he thought and she was free this whole time. He spent over a century waiting to be reunited with the woman he loves only for his heart to be ripped out. I still don't want to face him because it brings me back to the night Bonnie's grandmother died. I still feel deeply responsible for what happened to her. Bonnie hasn't been the same since and it worries me that she also blames me. Sheila only brought down the walls because I was stuck in the tomb if I wasn't some weird person who was immune to this weird witch magic she wouldn't have died. She would still be here. I blame myself for all the pain Bonnie is going through.

"Stefan?" Elena calls out. After our weird encounter with Trudie, we still had to make it to the fundraiser tonight at the Grill and Stefan wanted to go with us to keep us safe. I've only been in the boarding house a handful of times and each one it feels like a museum. Elena wonders into a bedroom. "Stefan?" She calls out again.

"Better." I try not to stare but damn it's hard. Damon is very attractive when he's clothed but I just got instantly horny seeing him shirtless and wearing those jeans sitting low on his waist. God if only I had gotten my sexual release with Matt earlier I wouldn't be so horny. "Me." He winks at me and I avoid his gaze. The last thing I need is to make his ego bigger by him knowing I find him hot.

"You look, um..." Elena is finding it hard to formulate a sentence.

"Dashing? Gorgeous? Irresistible?" He moves closer to Elena and me and I can smell his amazing cologne from how close he is.

"Wrecked." Elena steps back and I find myself staying put. Hey, I don't mind him getting close to me. "You loo wrecked."

"No reason why. Do you know that I am one of Mystic Falls' most eligible bachelors?" He asks us even lingering on me for a second more.

"Huh." Elena jabs me in the side as she catches me shamelessly checking out Damon's ass. I can't help it. His ass looks amazing in those tight jeans.

"So, are you doing?"

"Never better." Sadly, he starts to put on a shirt. "Yep. What can I do for you two?" He asks looking back at us from the mirror. "I'm a barrel of favors today. It's my newfound can I help people?" He's slurring his words and I didn't know vampires could even get this drunk. He must be drowning his sorrows in every bottle he can get his hand on.

"We're just meeting Stefan. We're going to the fundraiser." Elena leaves the room to take a call and I'm left alone to watch a drunk Damon attempt to button his shirt. He's failing miserably.

"Help a guy out. Can't get this." He motions to his misbuttoned shirt. I walk up and help him. I want to touch his abs but I stop myself and keep to the task at hand. "Why are you really here?' He asks.

"Uh... Elena and I found out who our birth mom is." I state.

"Who cares?" I raise my brow at him. "She left you. She sucks."

"I will continue this conversation when you're sober." I pat his chest and try to move away but he catches my hands.

"Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I can't smell the lust coming off you." I whisper into my ear. I'm red with embarrassment and I can't even scold him as Stefan and Elena walk back in. I separate myself from Damon.

"Ready to go?" I ask and they nod.

The Grill was packed more than I've ever seen it. I guess a most eligible bachelor fundraiser brings out all the woman in our small town. Everyone is dressed to impress and nerves fill the air. "Sofia!" I see Matt coming over putting his bus box down. "Hey, how are you?"

"Embarrassed from earlier." I state truthfully.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea she was coming home and..."

"Does she hate me?"

"No, my mom and I talked and she loves you Sof. She really does."

"Really? She's always liked Elena more."

"We had a heart to heart and I explained how much I love you and she couldn't say no to that."

"You told your mom that you love me?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No. I'm just surprised. And I'm sorry for running out. I've never experienced that before and I was mortified. Normally I'm a better girlfriend than that and I should have stayed and talked but..." Matt silences me with a kiss.

"You talk too much."

"Is that so?"

"But I love it. Because I love you and everything you do."

"I love you, Matt." I kiss him again but we're separated by a bubbly Caroline.

"Sofia! Did you know Matt has been hit on like 35 times?"

"What? Really?" Matt seems so proud of this fact.

"He's total cougar bait." Caroline jokes.

"Impressive." Elena joins us.

"More like embarrassing." Matt snakes his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I see Kelly walking over and I feel my nerves building back up.

"Hi, Mrs. Donovan." I fear Kelly is going to be rude to me in front of everyone but she surprises me by bringing me into a warm hug. Matt gives me a thumbs up and a huge smile.

"Please, Sofia call me Kelly."

"Okay, then Kelly. Hi." I smile nervously at her.

"Matt tells me you're still thinking about applying to Julliard."

"Yes, I've been practicing old audition pieces every chance I can get."

"From what I remember Julliard would be a fool not to take you." Literally the nicest thing she's ever said to me.

"Here." She hands over money to Caroline. "I just hope I don't get Bachelor 3. I dated him in high school. Not impressive. In any way." I chuckle and I Matt is mortified. "Very exciting." Kelly goes away to make her rounds at the bar.

"You know if you were being auctioned off I would pay everything I had and more for you." I state. Caroline and Elena are gaging at our flirting.

"And what would you do if you got me?" Mat teases back.

"God!" Both girls leave not wanting to hear more. I lean in and lightly kiss Matt's cheek and move closer to his ear.

"Come over when you get off work and I'll show you." I bite my lip and sway my hips as I walk away letting him think about my offer.

The auction turned out to be Carole judging the men on the stage and their profession. Some weren't worthy enough for her to use her super fake voice. "And what do you do bachelor number 3?" Kelly's favorite.

"Yeah, I'm a plumber." He says proudly.

"Well, isn't that wonderful? We could always use more plumbers. Moving on." She stands in front of Alaric. "Number 4, Alaric Saltzman. Wow, that's quite a mouthful." Elena and I bump hips with Jenna who is blushing at the mention of her possible boyfriend. "What do you do Alaric?"

"I'm a teacher at Mystic Falls high."

"Oh, beauty and brains, ladies. This one's a keeper. What do you teach?"


"History, oh well, give us a fun fact about Mystic falls, something crazy." Alaric looks skeptical to say anything and Damon seems to be egging him on. "He is probably saving his best stories for his date." Jenna hangs her head low as Carole is once again a bitch. "And last but not least, Damon Salvatore. We don't have much on you."

"Well, I'm tough to fit on a card." God the number of women wanting to rip Damon's clothes off is high. Not saying I wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless again.

"Do you have any hobbies? Like to travel?"

"Oh, yeah. L.A. New York. Couple of years ago, I was in North Carolina, near the Duke campus, actually." My ears perk up when he says this. "I think..." Damon turns to Rick. "I think Alaric went to school there. Didn't you Rick?" Alaric wants to kill Damon. "Yeah, cause I know your wife did." My heart sank. Jenna told us that she showed a picture of our birth mom to Alaric and she was, in fact, his wife. "I had a drink with her once. She was a great girl. I ever tell you that? She was...delicious." Elena and I aren't saying anything. I've wanted to kill Damon before but now hearing him brag about killing our birth mom was too much for me to handle.

"Are you two okay?" Jenna asks us concerned.

"We just need some air." I take Elena's hand and I lead us out of The Grill.

We didn't even have a second to ourselves before Stefan came to join us. "Elena? Sofia?"

"He killed her? Damon was the vampire that killed her?"

"You knew a vampire killed Isobel?" I ask in disbelief. Why did she not tell me this?

"I just found out before we left for the fundraiser." Elena explains.

"I don't know what happened. Alaric said that they never found the body."

"You waited this long to tell us!" I yell at him.

"I know I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you two, but I wanted to know more."

"More of a reason to realize your brother is not just an ass no he's the freaking devil. He's a monster!" I can't control it.


"No, I'm fine with the fact that he did something in his past that affected me now but what I can't understand is why he had to rub in Rick's face that he killed his wife our birth mom. Why does he have to be so cruel? How can you defend him after he does stuff like that?"

"He doesn't know about the connection to you and Elena."

"And a connection to us matters, why? It doesn't change what he did in there."

"I thought about confronting him, but he's already so on edge."

"Why are you protecting him?" Elena finally yells at her boyfriend.

"Because you two aren't the only ones hoping for him to change."

"You can't someone as evil as him. Just because Katherine lied to him, he doesn't get the right to ruin other people's lives." Elena stare's past Stefan's shoulder. I follow her gaze to see her eyeing the man who we saw outside of Trudie's.

"That man." Stefan turns around to see what we're staring at.

"We saw him outside of Trudie's." I state reaching for my sister's hand.

"Get back inside." Stefan pushes us back in not wanting to confront the man right now.

Somehow, I get separated from Stefan and Elena when we reenter The Grill. I, of course, have to bump into someone. "Hold on, buy a ticket like everyone else." I roll my eyes at Damon. I want to hit him and let out all of my anger and frustration on him.

"Did you enjoy that? Rubbing that into Alaric Saltzman?"


"I said I wanted you to be happy and live your life Damon, but stop screwing with mine!"

"Sofia!" Stefan and Elena approach us.

"Am I missing something here?" Damon is confused which makes this even better.

"When I told you about Elena and I finding our birth mother that gave us up..."

"" Damon is smirking at this.

"Well, you dick her name was Isobel." His face hardens when I say her name. "Keep bragging about how you killed her. Go to hell dick!" I shove past Damon and head back outside. Elena follows and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, let's get you two home." Stefan pulls us back as we're standing across from the guy outside Trudie's.

"I have a message for you two." He says in a monotone voice.

"What?" Elena asks.

"Who are you?" Stefan demands.

"Stop looking."

"Stop looking for what?"

"She doesn't want to know you two. She doesn't want to talk to you two."

"Isobel?" I ask.

"You two need to stop looking. Do you understand?"

"She's alive? Does that mean she's a..."

"Elena, he's under compulsion." Stefan informs us.

"Do you two understand?" He asks with more force.

"Yes." Elena and I answer.

"Good." He looks to his left. "I'm done now." He takes a step back and is run down by a van. I'm in utter shock. Elena and I are clinging to each other for protection and comfort. We just saw a man die in front of us. We rush over to the van and before a crowd comes Elena quickly picks up a phone that fell from the man's pocket. Why would someone compel another person to kill themselves just to keep us from getting to know them? Does this mean our birth mother is alive and is possibly a vampire or involved with darker things that we can ever know?

Who do you predict as endgame for Sofia?

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