Price Of Becoming Deviant

By razzie-iel

83.6K 3.2K 2.2K

"What are you?" "I am RK900. I am better in every way, an complete upgrade from my predecessor RK800." "No... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
-Chapter 19-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26-
-Chapter 27-
-Chapter 28-
It Was A Good Run.
-Chapter 29-
Small PSA/Message Thing

-Chapter 20-

1.7K 79 22
By razzie-iel

Christopher's P.O.V

There was a knock at the door, it interrupted me watching my cartoons. After everything that happened, I don't trust androids. But, I trust Mr. Colton, he's my friend! Right, is he my friend?

I hope he's my friend, and Ms. Y/N, they really are nice!

The knock started growing louder with hushed voices on the other side.

"W-who is it?" I called out, I hope I was loud enough.

"Oh, is Y/N home?" I heard a female like voice from the other side.

"She is! But who are you?" I asked, I wanted to know since my 8 year old curiosity took over.

"I'm her older sister, now can you please get her?"

"O-okay!" I ran to Y/N's room and opened the door after knocking. She and Mr. Colton looked like they were doing something. They were both hugging, and their faces super close. Maybe it's an adult thing?

"Y/N! Someone is at the door."

She pulled away from Mr. Colton and shoved him into the closet. Why would she do that? Is there something wrong with Mr. Colton that he wants to be in the closet? I shrugged and skipped out after Ms. Y/N. She opened the door and there was a woman and a man, the man look slightly old and the woman looked like she was 30. Or maybe older?

"Y/N!" The woman said, and then she looked at me. "Is this the kid?"

I flashed a smile, and waved. "Hi! I'm Christopher!" The other two grown ups look back and forth at each other. Did I do something wrong again? Is that why Mommy said I was a "mistake"? I put my hand down and looked away in embarrassment, I didn't know what to do.

"Y/N,I-." The older man looked at me and keeled down to my level. "Hello Christopher, I'm Benjamin, or Ben." My smile came back and I giggled a bit.

"Hey there Chris, names Christina." Christina beamed my a smile, to which I copied.

"Hello! Do you guys also wanna see Mr. Colton?" As I said that Y/N's eyes widen and she looked around nervously. The other two more like did some low growl.

"Don't worry, Mr. Colton is a good boyfriend to Y/N!" I did catch them about to kiss, or whatever it is adults do.

"B-boyfriend?!" Ben looked mad? Why was he mad, did he not like Mr. Colton?

Christina looked down at me, with a forced smile. "Chris, why don't you go into the back room while we sort this out." She glared at Y/N, who scoffed and looked away. She looked like she was about to cry.

"O-Okay." I walked back to Y/N's room, Mr. Colton was sitting on the bed, head in his hands. I sat down next to him.

"Are you okay Mr. Colton." He seemed to flinch when I asked him that, maybe he was lost in thought?

Sometimes I wish I was older so I can understand things better!

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