A thousand years [Book 3 of H...

By TheOddOneOut_04

588 2 3

Hazel is now in her senior year of high school. Anti and Dark are proud of their little girl but start to sus... More

1: A Tragic Start
2: Smiles in the Dark
3: Work
4: Crush
5: Supressed Feelings
6: Monster
7: Family
8: Chase
9: Finding Out
10: Not Normal
12: Heartbreak
13: Suspicion
14: Memories
15: Let them go
16: Wet Dreams
17: Comfort
18: Friend or Foe
19: The first clue
20: Back to the Fu-Past
21: Nevermind then
22: Finally Free?

11: On purpose

22 0 0
By TheOddOneOut_04

Bings POV {dun dun dun!!!}

I sat at my computer typing away. After googs had repaired Chases phone he gave it too me so I could try to find out what happened. I pulled the screen up in front of me and watched as the projection came up. Chase has been walking to the store when he bumped into someone.

 "Oh I'm sorry.". "Ah, Chase Brody!" . "How do you know my name?" "You work for the septiceyes. How could I not?" "That's a private organization, the names of the members are not public. So I will ask again, how do you know my name?" "I know all names. I know who you are, what you can do." I watched intently as Chases hand went to his hip, probably to pull out his gun.

"I know how you DO have powers." "H-how do you-" "ah, I thought only Marvin could make you stutter.""How do you know about Marvin. How do you know about that!" The handle of the gun was now in chases hand all he had to do was pull it out.

"Because Chase." I gasped covering my mouth as the knife went through Chases chest. "W-why?" He winced when the man twisted the knife. "You're a liability, I need my queen. And you're in my way." 

"You May be wondering how you're in the way of this." "Well to get to my queen i need anyone in the way out of it. There are four, you're one of them. Then there's one last one but I've already put that person in the process of slowly destroying themselves." "Y-you're the one hurting -nti?" I felt tears form in my eyes. So this person is targeting us to get to their queen. But who would that be?

The man nodded. "As for the other three, I need to keep the Ipliers busy with two of them, cause my queen to be sad so I can swoop in and comfort her, as for the fifth one it'll be an experience I help her through." The knife was ripped out again. "You're sick." I jumped as  Chase screamed this time when the knife plunged into his side.  "Yeah, I'm lovesick.

The projection stopped. I sat there with wide eyes as I realized who tried to kill Chase. I jumped as something wrapped around my mouth, a cold metal was pressed to my neck. "Scream And I'll slit it." I felt tears start to slide down my face. "Now, grab this..." he held a phone in front of me that looked like Jackieboys. I shakily held up my hand hesitating. Please let someone walk in right now... "GRAB IT!" I flinched and grabbbed the phone as a shock went through me. It wasn't a small static shock. It was a full in electrocute you shock, and it was painful. I dropped the phone and collapsed to the ground seeing a message on the phone before everything went black.

"Look both ways before you cross."

*earlier that day*

3rd person

Jackieboy-man and Bim were out getting groceries. "Oooo cereal!" Jackieboy squealed grabbing a box of Lucky Charms. Bim shook his head laughing. "You sure do love Lucky Charms." Jackieboy nodded tossing them in the trolly. "What else to we need?" He asked looking at their list, his glasses slightly falling down his nose. Bin laughed and pushed them back up causing Jackieboy to blush.

Jackieboy only wore his glasses around Bim, he was scared the others would make fun of him for it. "Those glasses make you look adorable." Jackieboy lightly punched Bim. "Stop it!" Bim laughed before grabbing Jackieboy and starting to tickle him. "N-no! Bim stop it!" Jackieboy laughed struggling to get out of Bims grasp. Bim eventually stopped those and gave the smaller man a hug. 

Bim pulled away as they continued to shop. "How's Marvin? He holding up okay?" Jackieboy sighed. "No, he hasn't slept in days. Every night he comes home from the hospital and cries all night. He stays with Chase all day. It's sad." Bim gave Jackieboy a side hug rubbing his arm. "Hey, Chase will be okay. He's a tough dude." Jackieboy slightly smiled. "Yeah you're right. Come on, let's finish up shopping so we can go home." 

After an hour of shopping they eventually checked out and went outside headed to the car. As they were gonna cross the street Jackieboy looked at Bim who was too his right. "What if something happens to the others?" Bim shook his head as they began to cross. "Everything's going to be okay Jackie. I promise." Jackieboy smiled before his phone buzzed.

He looked down and saw a text message from Bim. "Look both ways before you cross." He was about to look at Bim when he heard a loud honk to his right. His eyes widened before everything went black.

*a few minutes before*

Bims POV

We checked out of the store goofing around as we walked out. I glanced over and saw Jackie look at me. "What if something happens to the others?" I frowned knowing he was scared something would happen to either him or me. "Everything's going to be okay Jackie, I promise." I assured him as we began to cross the street. I smiled at him as my phone rang. I picked it up and saw a messages from jackieboy. "Look both ways before you cross..." instantly I looked over to him and saw a car speeding right at him.

"Jackiebo-!" I was too late. He looked up right as the car collided with him. I covered my mouth as I watched his body almost rag doll and hit a nearby poll. I screamed and ran over to him. "Jackie! Jackieboy wake up!" I grabbed his face feeling how cold it was. The temperature had dropped drastically in a few seconds. "Jackie please..." I started to cry as I picked up my phone and called Dr. Iplier and Schneeplstein. 

Within a few minutes they arrived along with Wilford, JJ, and Google. "What happened?" Dr. Iplier said crouching down. "Isn't zit obvious!" Schneep yelled. "He was hit by a car..." I muttered. I saw JJ gag out the corner of my eyes and Wilford pat his back. Google muttered something before running away, but I heard it. 

Someone is targeting us.

Googles POV 

I ran into the septiceye mansion as quickly as possible. I got a few stares from Robbie who was the only one home other than Bing. "Robbie, where's bing?" I said slightly out of breath. The small man pointing to a flight of stairs. I nodded before running up. Each room had someone's name on it. I ran past them all until I found one where the dark wood had been spray painting yellow with the black words BING. 

I threw open the door and gasped. "No...no no no." I heard footsteps and turned around to see Robbie come up behind me. "What happened?" He asked. I shook my head walking in to the room and dropping to my knees. I heard Robbie gasp but ignored it. I slowly reached toward Bing but when I touched his arm it sent sparks up my own arm. I silently started to cry as I picked up his body and stood up. 

I turned around and Robbie was crying. "Googs, I'm scared..." My heart hurt. I shook my head walking past him slowly to make sure he could follow. "We're going to stop this Robbie. It obvious now...someone's doing this on purpose."

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