Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️)

By __BlueRoses

46.1K 2.8K 317

'It's a survival of the fittest, you've got to survive today to fight another day. Everyone wants to live thr... More

Disclaimer and Copyright.
Azure's Escape.
Azure's Billionaire.
Azure's Home.
Azure's Date.
Azure's Date 2.
Azure's Office Day.
Azure's Fears.
Azure's Sleepover.
Azure's 'best friend'.
Azure's love.
Azure's family.
Azure's event.
Azure's Fight.
Azure's intimacy.
Azure's wants.
Azure's everything.
Azure's Traitor.
Azure life.
Azure's Imprints.
Azure's Calm before the Storm.
Azure's Words.
Azure's Deceit.
Azure's sacrifice.
Azure's Storm.
Azure's Rescue.
Azure's Courage.
Azure's Tragedy
Azure's Distance.
Azure's Grey.
Azure's Appearance.
Azure's Calm after the Storm.
Azure's Bundle of Joy.
Cast List😊😊
Song List😊😊
Sequel (My Strange Series)

Azure's Takeover.

892 67 2
By __BlueRoses

Days went by and Grey became more withdrawn. Azure tried to see past his wall but it was to no avail. Each time she asked him what was wrong, he dismissed her questions with a distant kiss or changed the topic.
Azure was fed up, she was beginning to feel alone and the fact that she couldn't go to see any of her friends was making her feel like she was losing it. She sat in the attic which had become her new comfort zone and cried. She didn't like it one bit, they were supposed to love and tell each other everything. Yet it seemed like every second there was a pass of wind, her connection with Grey moved with it.
He took showers alone saying that he needed space. He held and kissed her at night but it was obvious to her that he wasn't into it, that he'd rather be busy doing something else.

He didn't even make her meals anymore or ask how she was or if she needed something. He just acted like she really wasn't present anymore. Azure cried and cried so hard she failed to hear the door open.
Grey came behind her and hugged her tight. He felt bad for the way he was treating her. None of what was going on was her fault and he was wrong to toss her and her feelings aside.

"I'm sorry. I've been horrible to you these past few days and I know that me saying sorry doesn't change the fact that I hurt you, It's just, a lot has been going on and I have no idea what is actually happening and so I don't even know how to tell you."

"You should tell me and not keep me in the dark." She pulled away from his embrace and turned to face him still with tears in her eyes. "I've been so worried about you and with everything that's going on, I know that it's taking a toll on you and that it's getting you really stressed but please listen to me, we are in this together and so don't shut me out. Please I'm begging you."

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, it's just that I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell you that someone else died. And I saw her die right in front of me. She had a family and yes, I know that she was crazy about me and would go extreme miles to be with me but she was a good person and didn't deserve to die."

"What are you saying? Someone else died? How is it not on the news? Tell me what happened. How did you see it? Why were you even with a person who you're aware is crazy nuts about you?"

"Cut it with your jealousy Azure, now's not the time!"

Azure was shocked when he raised his voice at her. She would scream back at him but that would get him more pissed and he wouldn't tell her what she needed to hear. Swallowing up her anger, she asked him once more what happened.

"A day after we met my biological parents, I got a link and it sent me directly to a dating website. You were logged on and you had already texted a bunch of guys and asked to meet up in some places or the other. I was angry and I wanted to place my hands around your shoulders, shake you and ask you why. I would've broken up with you immediately but I thought about it. We hadn't been to more than half of the places you suggested to meet and so you wouldn't know them. Again, I had my PI track the sender and found it was an untraceable phone.
I checked your phone and all and I saw that it really wasn't you. Two days after that, I got a message saying to meet at a place if I wanted to know who sent it. I already started feeling that the killer had something to do with it and so I didn't care when it said come alone. I went alone to the said rooftop and I found Caroline, my ex. I found her by the edge and she was tied to a little already cutting tiny string. That string was all that was holding her up and before I could go and save her,  it cut and she fell down a 25 story building and died. Once I turned my back, the door was closing and I knew someone was there, most likely the killer. I know because the message.... Her nerve wrecking message was there saying it was for the better good.
She fucking died. The killer took advantage of the fact that Caroline had feelings for me. She manipulated her to her own downfall, this is only the beginning and it's not going to end. It seems like the FBI and even my private investigators can't handle her and so, I'm going to handle this on my own, in my own way."

Once Grey was finished, he turned his back and walked out on her. By the time Azure could reach downstairs in the living room, she didn't meet only Grey there. The FBI was present and Grey was in handcuffs.

"What the hell is going on here, What are you doing. Take those off him now!" Azure briskly walked over to where they were and threw a punch on the man holding Grey. She was willing to throw even more but Grey quickly asked her to stop, if he was getting arrested, then she needed to be there to save them from the killer, he didn't want her to be arrested for obstruction of Justice.

"Babe, listen to me. I swear I didn't kill her as well as the others, someone is framing me as the killer and I know that if that's the case, all of the evidence would be planned so carefully however, there is always a loophole. I need you to figure out what it is. I trust you. I trust you Azure, you've always been so smart and I know that you can save the both of us. I trust you to catch the bastard who has made our lives hell and I want you to make her confess, make her suffer and kill her. Don't hand her over to these bastards who can't do their job." At his statement, Grey got a punch on his face and was dragged out of the house.

Azure's screams were all that filled the house and her tears like a fountain. Why would he leave her to do such an important thing alone, she had no clue what was going on so far, she paid no attention when they spoke, she didn't read the letter and she was just so tired already.

She sluggishly got on her feet and went to their room. There was someone she needed, she didn't care if the person had been a subject to the killers torture,  she needed someone Grey trusted by her side and even though he betrayed Grey once, she didn't stop herself from pressing dial to call the PI asking him to come over and request for the old lawyers presence as well.

Right now, she needed everyone that Grey trusted by her side. She also called the other four right after as well as their parents. She didn't want anyone hearing the news from the television.

The PI and the four arrived in less than no time. She asked the PI for everything he had on the case. She relied on Grey to solve the situation and now it was Grey who relied on her to save him.

"Why are all of you looking so sad? You should only be sad if there is no hope and I know that there is. I can't do this without you guys so please stop being so sad and help me catch the bitch."

"You're so strong. If I heard Luke was in jail, I'd cry and cry until I passed out. How are you so strong?"

"I want to do the same, but you can't do that. Not when he looks into your eyes and tells you he trusts you to handle the situation. It's the first time that he's trusted me with something so big, as big as his freedom and our future. I can't let him down because I'm in pain."

While she spoke the door rang. The lawyer, James Sawyer came in and gave the excuse of his wife wanting him to have nothing to do with them directly as his reason for being late.

"To start then, I still have a feeling that woman is involved and so I went ahead and looked into her details. Turns out she attended the same high school and college as your mother. She never really a smart student and was always at the bottom of the class. I thought it was weird that someone with such humiliating grades would work in such a big company and not to mention, she studied theatre arts in college but now she is a brain doctor? I spoke to some people who work at the hospital and they say that they've never seen her perform a surgery but every year, her pay increases, she is listed amongst the best Neurosurgeons and she keeps increasing in fame."

"Frankly, she may be our guy's accomplice but she could never pass off as our guy. She is too dumb for that." It was the first time Talia chipped in. She still had blood shot eyes from her cries and her voice still cracked.

"We may not be able to keep her as an accomplice but the police will have the chance to hold on to her for a longer time using baggage of fraudulent acts. That way, we buy time and actually have a reason to keep her behind bars. The law enforcement agencies maybe working with the killer, we never know. All we can do is pin her down so hard no one can save her."

"What's even more weird is that she attended your mum's high school and college. How is no one paying attention to that?"

"You're right Trev. You should have the yearbook right?" she addressed the Andrew, the PI. After flipping the pages to where the entire class was seated she studied everyone of them closely. They all seemed to be happy about graduating, well apart from a certain girl standing at the back looking murderously vexed.

"There's a total number of thirty students here, you guys handle six each, I'll take six as well, no offence ladies but I don't want you getting into deep trouble because of me and I'm pretty sure that myself and......"

"Don't even dare say it Ruth. My brother is in custody for a crime he couldn't possibly commit even if he died and came back. There is no telling me not to help him."

Azure saw the rising anger in Natalia and immediately felt bad for wanting to keep her off the investigations.
"Okay, we'll split it into fours, I'll take six all the same. I'm the reason he is in this mess in the first place. Look into everything concerning them, background, attitude in class, working positions, locations,  family problems..... Look into every fucking thing. We can't miss any detail because his life could depend on that tiny detail. Let's meet here daily and see what we've found out. Thank you all for being here and being strong. Hopefully, we'll be victorious in the end, and by the way." She turned to James "If your wife really hates you joining us to do this then it'll be okay if you quit. You're not compelled to do it."

"I kind of am. Nicholas is my friend and it's my duty to help him. I won't abandon him ever. I am not his lawyer and so I can't represent him while he speaks to the detectives but the both of us can go see him tomorrow. It's already so late."

"Thanks again. I'll text everyone the names that they'd be working with. That's all today."
She waited for everyone to leave before she fell on her face and cried over and over again.

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