Spider Boy

By a0random0girl

2.4K 65 24

"I had it under control spider boy." "Spider boy? I'm Spider-Man." "You sound like a boy to me." "Wait. Who a... More



114 3 0
By a0random0girl

Zaylee woke up to a person shaking her awake. "5 more I'm minuets." She groaned as she slapped the hands away. "Zay we let you sleep in but we are leaving in 15 minuets." She heard a voice that belonged to Liz. That was weird. Since she was rooming with MJ.

Lazily Zaylee sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. When they finally opened she was suppressed to find all the girls on the team in her hotel room. "What is going on here?" Zaylee asked in a groggy morning voice.

"Well liz came to see if you were up and then everything just exploded from there." MJ explained. She seemed annoyed by the fact that all the girls, even though there were few, were in our room. Zay rolled her eyes making sure her cousin didn't see. "Well I better start getting ready." She said practically falling out of the comfy bed.

Zaylee stumbled over to the suitcase her aunt had let her borrow and grabbed her clothes before heading to the bathroom. She slipped on her midtown high hoodie that the school had given her when she enrolled. She slipped on her distressed black jeans. Before she left the bathroom then tied her hair up into a messy bun with a few curly strands framing her face.

When she walked out of the bathroom all the girls were gone. She assumed they left and were waiting for her outside. She walked out of the hotle room seeing the whole group outside of a door. Liz was knocking on it.  "Ned! Peter! Hurry up we don't wanna be late!" She yelled through the door. Zaylee heard a faint "just a second." Come from the other side of the door.

The team started on there walk to the stairs when Ned finally came out of his room. He looked stressed, more then everyone else if that's possible. He closed the door and started his walk towards the stairs.

Zaylee caught up to Ned so she was walking right next to him. "Hey are you ok? You look really stressed." She questioned. "Uhm, ya uh, I'm just worried about the competition." He replied. Zaylee nodded not totally believing him.

They kept walking out to the bus when Zay realized something. "Hey Ned, where's Peter?" She asked looking back at his hotel room door. "He, Uhm, told me that, Uh, he would love meet everyone at the bus, ya." Zaylee slowly nodded. She didn't believe that either.

Once the team was at the bus Zaylee still didn't see Peter. "Hey have you seen Peter?" Liz asked when she ran up to Zay. Liz was really worried about this competition. She really cared about it, it was her future. And peter knew that. Zaylee was going to be mad if he didn't show up. "No I haven't seen him. Ned said he was meeting us here." Zay shrugged. Liz groaned and walked away probably to go find him.

The team ended up not finding peter. So they got on the bus and headed off to the competition. Zaylee hoped somehow he would make it there, for Liz.


Midtown had won the academic decathlon and now they were heading to the Washington monument to celebrate. MJ had made the team win by getting the last question.

"Congrats MJ." Zay said as she walked up to her friend that was reading. "Thanks." She said with a small smile. "Hey you girls taking it all in?" The teacher who brought them there asked. "Oh well I don't really want to celebrate something that was built by slaves." She said.

"Oh I'm sure the Washington monument wasn't built by-" he cut himself off when he saw Zaylee shrugging and nodding. He looked over to the guard and he did the same thing. "Ok enjoy your book. Zaylee are you coming up?" He asked. She nodded and followed him.

Zay made inside where they had to put their bags on a belt so they could be checked. Zaylee
saw Ned on his phone so she caught up to him. Liz was there too. "Is that Peter?" She asked. Before Ned could do anything she took his phone. Zay put my stuff on the belt as she listened to her speak.

Liz was really mad at Peter but she was trying to hide it. She was also worried, she asked what was goin on with him but he didn't seem to answer. Zaylee and peter had just become friends and she was already mad at him. He missed the competition when he knew liz really cared about it.

Everyone got on the elevator and as the doors were closing Flash asked "can I be the one to tell Peter he's expelled?" Zaylee rolled her eyes.

The elevator started to move up and the lady told the group facts about the monument. Zaylee leaned against the wall bored. The just wanted to make it to the top.

The woman was talking about the stone when a huge explosion was heard. Everyone in he elevator screamed as it shook. Then everything was silent. They all stood there breathing heavy trying not to move. "Look at the ceiling." Flash pointed out. They looks up and there was a glowing red line around the top.

On the outside of the monument peter was there in his spider man suit. He had just gotten to the monument when the explosion occurred. "My friends are up there!" He turned to see Michelle standing pointing to the top. "Uhm don't worry ma'am everything will be alright." He said making his voice deeper so she
wouldn't recognize him. Then he ran and jumped onto the monument crumbling up.

"We're fricken screwed." A kid on the team said as he started at the ceiling. "Ok guys I know that was scary but our safety systems are working." The worker said but Zaylee couldn't help but not believe her. She held onto the wall as she hoped for rescue.

The team opened the hatch of the elevator to see the top floor of the monument just a little ways away. They would just have to climb out to get to it. Security Guards at the top opened the door causing more glass to fall.

One by one people slowly started to climb out. On the outside peter tried desperately to get into the window.

It was now flash's turn to climb out and he was trying to take the trophy with him. "Flash leave the dumb trophy!" Zaylee yelled. Their lives were more important than a piece of metal.

Right as Flash was being pulled out the elevator started to shake. Zaylee held onto the wall and grabbed Lizs hand. Both the girls had tears building up in there eyes thinking this would be their last moments together. Zaylee knew her powers wouldn't be able to save them from this.

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