Loving the lunatic

By WWE1Dprincess

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Emily Marianne Levesque McMahon is 22 years old and the daughter of The Billion Dollar Princess Stephanie McM... More

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By WWE1Dprincess

No one POV

Paul and Stephanie ran after Emily but she was faster than them and they couldn't catch up with her.Emily went down the stairs but she skipped two steps and fell down the stair and ended hitting her head

"Emily"Stephanie yelled and went down near her

"Oh my"Paul said and started dialing the ambulance.

"Paul she is not breathing" Stephanie yelled

"What ha....Oh my Emily"Nicole yelled

"Baby please stay with me please,wake up"Stephanie said and by now she have blood on her clothes and hand

"Stephanie"Paul yelled and came running to them"The ambulance arrived"

The ECA went down with with a stretcher and an oxygen mask.In the mean time other people came and as they saw Emily like that they had questioning looks

"Emily"Joe yelled pushing the people in front of him

"Sorry sir we have take her now before it will be too late"ECA told Joe

"Joe can you go with her please" Stephanie said

"Sure OK"Joe said and Stephanie continue crying


"I am sorry Mr and Mrs Levesque but your daughter hit her head pretty bad and that caused her to loose her memory" The doctor told told Stephanie and Paul

"What"Stephanie said and she cried on Paul

"You have to be patience with her she may remember you but their is the possibility she won't remember anything until she comes clear"The doctor said

"How long is she going to be like this"Joe asked and the doctor shook his head

"It's all up to her.We don't have any control on this cases, she can wake up and remember everything in a second or it could take weeks, months and sometimes even years"The doctor said

"My baby"Stephanie said still crying

"May we see her please"Paul said and the doctor nodded

They followed him to her room and they saw her there sleeping peaceful

"She seems she is calm"Joe said

"Joe we need to tell you something really important"Paul said

"What"He asked

"We aren't Emily's parents."Stephanie said

"What"Joe yelled"So you have been lying to her all these years"He was angry

"We didn't have a choice."Paul said

"Then who are her parents"Joe asked

"Brock Lesner and his former fiance Nicole McClain"Stephanie said

"What"Joe yelled again

They explained everything to him and he was shocked

"So how long did you think you could keep this big secret"Joe asked

"Longer than this"Paul said

"I know you are my bosses and I can't talk to you how I want but right know if I could kill you, I would."Joe yelled

"I never meant to hurt her honestly.I loved her from day one.I couldn't let Nicole do an abortion.So I promised her that as she give birth I will take care of her"Stephanie told Joe and he sight

"You know that we love her Joe"Paul said and Joe glared at Paul

"You know that she hates you right now and you are going to take advantage of it if she don't remember you"Joe said

"Joe... "Paul said

"Unbelievable"Joe said then Emily started moving

"Emily"Stephanie said

"Who are you?"Emily said"Where am I?"

"Emily I know you are not going to believe me what I am going to say but we are your parents and that is your best friend Joseph "Stephanie said and Joe shook his head

"If you are my parents how come I don't remember yoy?"Emily said

"Because you fell and hit your head caused you to loose all your memory"Paul said

"So how can I believe you"Emily said and Stephanie took her phone and showed her all the pictures she have in her phone"Mum,Dad"

"Yes baby"Stephanie said and she hugged her even Paul joined

"I am going to stay like this"Emily said

"The doctor told us that it's all up to you to remember or not"Joe said then Emily started to panic

"Nurse"Joe yelled while Paul and Stephanie tired to calm her down

"Emily calm down"the nurse came in and said

"I can't remember anything how can I calm down"Emily yelled

"I know but why panicking you are not going to remember you are going to male it worse"The nurse said and Emily ended up crying

"Shh calm down"Joe told her and hugged her"I know you don't remember but we are going to help you get through this"And Emily nodded

4 weeks later
Monday night raw

I woke up from bed and got dressed in some causal clothes and went to the arena

As I arrived I went to the ring and wanted to do some dancing moves that I have in mind for  my hit song and I took the opportunity since I was alone. First I did some warm up and played the music

"Now this is worth to watch"Someone said 

"Jonathan right?"I said and he nodded "What are you doing here this early."

"Well I figured that as always you would have came early here so I came early too"He said

"And why?"I asked curiously

"I wanted to talk to you"He said

"If you are going to talk to me to see if I don't remember, sorry but you are going to be waisting your time because my parents already tried that so sorry to disappoint you"I told him

"Damm you forgot your memory but your mouth is still the same"Jon said

"You know 4 week ago when we met I didn't click with you and now I am confirmed"I said

"That what you said when we first met than we became sort of friends" Jon said

"Tell me what you want"I told him rolling my eyes

"I want to help you if you give me something in return"He said and I was confused

"I didn't understand"I said

"I want you to teach me how to dance like you"Jon said

"Why?"I said

"Because I heard your mum telling you that in 2 weeks you have a dancing competition and you don't have a partner so if you teach me I will help you"He said

"First it's Dancing with the stars and let's say I accept what do you want from me?I asked

"I want us to be friends"Jon said

"So we weren't friends before"I asked

"I already told you sorta"He said"So what do you say.You accept"and he putted his hand out

I hesitated a little bit before shaking his hands

"Ok. But I must tell you that working with me is difficult in dancing because I want everything perfect understand?"I told him

"Not only in dancing Emii trust me on this"He said

"Anyway tomorrow at 4 am sharp meet me in the hotel gym ok?"I said

"Why that early"He whined a bit

"From what my parents told me I everyday wake up at that time to be alone and nobody will bother me because I consente more"I said

"OK Princess Emii"He said and that clicked

"What did you say"I said

"I told you OK"He said

"But you called me something"I said

"Princess Emii"He said

"I remember that name"I said and he looked shocked

"You do?"He said

"That's my ring name or was"I said and hr nodded

Than he came running to me and hugged me with him

"OK calm down"I said as I hugged him back

"I got to tell your parents"He said while grabbing my hand and pushing me as he started running to my parents

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