Sex Ain't Better Than Love ?

By NooFakeIshh

333K 5.3K 583


Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Character Info
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? One
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Two
Sεx Ain't Better Than Love ? 3
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? 4
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Six ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Seven ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Eight ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Nine ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 1O ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 11 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 12 ✘
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Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 22 ✘

Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 20 ✘

7.7K 169 12
By NooFakeIshh

"You seriously going to fuck around and get me in trouble one day ."

I leaned her body against the counter and began to kiss upon the nape of her neck, she was trying to resist but she knew damn well that deep inside she didn't want to pass this by anymore . Asia tried pushing me off but her strength was no match against my bare chest leaning upon hers .

"Forrest please don't do this, just stop ." she said softly

"Stop what ?" I played dumb as I continued to kiss on her body

"You know what I'm talking about ."

"You mean stop toughing you like this ?" I said gently roaming my hands on her side and around her waist "You mean stop kissing you like that ?" I said as I placed the tips of my fingers on her chin and slowly leaned in to kiss her as my tongue and hers wrestled for dominance "You're already soakin in your panties Asia, I bet Trey never made you feel like this am I right ?" I asked picking her up by her waist continuing to kiss her

She moaned and she bit her lip "Mmmm, nooo ."

"You want it don't you ."

"Yesss ." she moaned

"I don't think you're ready for this ." I said laying her down on the bed

"Don't fucking tease me, I will leave ."

"Relax ." I said laying on top of her

I slid my hand down slowly down her pants reaching my destination, my fingers were wetter than ever as she reached her climax as a reaction to my hands working their magic . I pulled out a condom slid inside her . Her body heaved up and down with each thrust, not only was I getting what I wanted but she couldn't deny anymore that she didn't want this for herself too .

It was like heaven on earth .


"Forrest I need - ." Asia said coming in my room

I was hard as fuck once I opened my eyes to see me clutching on to Camilla as we laid together in my bed, she was fast asleep still . I had to take a double take and noticed all my clothes were still intact to my body .

"Nevermind ." she said walking out probably from seeing Camilla and I laid up together

I kept my word and I didn't have sex with her, as bad as I wanted to I couldn't allow myself to do that and trust me it was hard as hell not to .

I couldn't go downstairs and walk around with my Johnson poking through my boxers, if she didn't see it before I damn sure didn't want to walk pass Asia with it so I had to take time out to take myself a cold shower .

"I see you and Camilla have been getting cozy with each other ." Asia said as I entered the kitchen

"Guess you can say that ."

"You like her ?"

I laughed in a low tone to myself "And if I do, is that a problem ?"

"No not a problem at all if you don't mind dipping in a pool you'll drown in ."

I smiled "Damn that sounds like it's a good thing ."

"It's whatever you want it to be ." she said walking away


Never in my life would I ever thought I would say I felt safe in the arms of a man, I don't trust men I cringe when I'm around some due to what I experienced before . But last night was the first time I ever felt something towards a man, Forrest may be on the young side but that's a real man right there .

Being here has filled me with something, I feel like I've been born again . Really I don't want to leave but my time here is getting cut short by the day . When I leave, I'll be leaving behind a major life lesson .

After I woke up in Forrest's bed I went around the community for a long run, once I got back to the house and hopped in the shower the tension slapped me in the face . Forrest and Asia can not be in the same room with each other, I just wish if I don't do it then she just need to fuck him so they can get over this damn tension between each other .

"Are you and Asia doing something tonight ?" Forrest asked

"No, I think her and Tremaine are doing something together . . . I need to start packing my things anyway ."

"When are you leaving ?"

"Thursday, you should come visit me ." I smiled

"I would love to, I was thinking about going back to VA to see my family again ."

"I think that you should wait on that, I think that you should finish what you started here first before you think about going back home ."

"Finish what ?"

"What you feel for Asia ."

"Trust me that boat has sailed ."

"Man you can't fool me, I see the way you look at her . You guys don't even talk anymore, I'm sure before everything happen between the two of you both of you were like Mickey and Minnie Mouse now like at you, you've turn into Madea and Joe Simmons . You guys don't see eye to eye with each other ."

He laughed "I'm good ."

"No you're not, I know he's your brother but boo boo he ain't put a ring on her finger yet so it's still open season . If you do something at least don't be so open with it, let her fall into your arms ."

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