A Dish That's yet to be Serve...

By PremiumxTrash

86K 2K 166

Together Yukihira Saika and her brother, Yukihira Soma, embark on a journey to the vast unknown lands of cook... More

.: Author Note :.
.:OC Profile:.
.:Chapter 1:.
.: Chapter 2 :.
.: Chapter 3 :.
.: Chapter 4 :.
.: Chapter 5 :.
.: Chapter 6 :.
.: Chapter 7 :.
.: Chapter 8 :.
.: Chapter 9 :.
.: Chapter 10 :.
.: Chapter 11 :.
.: Chapter 12 :.
.: Chapter 13 :.
.: Chapter 14 :.
.: Chapter 15 :.
.: Chapter 17:.
.: Chapter 18 :.
New Cover
.: Chapter 19 :.
.: Chapter 20 :.

.: Chapter 16 :.

2.1K 58 5
By PremiumxTrash

Copyright and Disclaimer:

I do not own Shokugeki no Soma, or any of its characters, sadly. It all belongs to, Yūto Tsukuda and Yoshitomo Yonetani. Only the character Yukihira Saika belongs to me.


"What is the Elite Ten?" I asked placing my cup down. Everyone's jaw dropped except my brother who looked equally as confused as me.

"You're seriously asking this now?"

"Wow, you guys came to this school without knowing anything."

'Well, we didn't really get to choose to come here.' I thought to myself.

"It is a council made of the top ten students in the institute. Most of the decisions are brought to the council to decide at their meetings. They are the highest decision-making body. They can directly report to the principal and even teachers have to listen to them."

Yuki-san and Ryoko-san told us that decades ago the Polaris dormitory actually had a lot of members from the elite ten. "Sometimes the whole council would be from this dorm. If you get Fumio-san started, she will go on forever."

Both Aoki-kun and Sato-kun then return with a create saying it's golden tea. There was more shouting but I wasn't concentrating on that. I was more focused on the fact of how wild and lawless this place was. Everyone was eccentric in their own way. I turned to Megumi.

"This is normal, right?" I ask her.

She nods with a smile. "I'm pretty sure you and your brother will fit in perfectly."

"Okay," I said. All of a sudden I heard some shouts that were louder than before from behind me. I turn around and see Isshiki-Senpai, in a pink bear apron, completely butt naked. To be absolutely honest, I don't know what to feel about that. But I will cheer him on for confidence. I joined everyone else.

Ibusaki-kun bought out some cheese and jerky that he had smoked himself. I grabbed one and ate it. The smokey and salty flavours had worked really well together. Next, Aoki-kun bought out a mixed veggie tempura. But Sato-kun then stated that his was better and the fighting started all over again. Then Yuki-san just had to join and started threatening them that she would beat their cooking with her fresh animals, I never thought that such an innocent looking girl like Yuki could be so... violent. Then Megumi and Ryoko's cries for Yuki to stop.

"Yuki please don't strangle an animal this late at night."

"Y-Yeah Please calm down."

"Hey, I also made something earlier today." Soma said, holding a white container. I tried to contain my laughter as I knew what was inside.

"Yes Yukihira! Let me try it!" Sato-kun said very loudly.

"I have a little something as well." I voiced out, "Don't start without me."

I quickly ran to my room and grabbed my container containing my mackerel and marshmallow concoction. I ran back to Zenji-kun's room. There Soma was getting ready to open his container. "You ready, Sai-chan?"

"Yeah." I answered and stood next to him in the same position. "I want to try Saika's one." said Aoki-kun holding up a pair of chopsticks. Both Soma and I open the container and Sato-kun and Aoki-kun dive right in without looking at it. After five seconds, their faces completely changed from excitement to one of absolute disgust.

"GROSS!" both of them shouted while spitting it out. Their faces turned white and their eyes looked hollow.

"Whoops. Those were our failure ones." I said with a smirk on my face for a few moments before I started to laugh. The whole room then burst into laughter at the whole scene that unfolded. Our two newest victims were laying on the ground and their hands were wrapped around their throats as if it would get rid of the aftertaste.

About two hours later, everyone had fallen asleep. All of them were sprawled on the floor of the room. The only people that were still awake were Soma, Isshiki-senpai and myself.

"Tonight's party was great."

"Yeah, thanks for inviting us." I added, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"All good. Once again, welcome to Polaris. Good to have you both on board." Isshiki-senpai said with a smile.

"We're happy to be here," Soma replied with a smile of his own.

"Oh, we are out of food. I'll quickly whip up something for us." Isshiki-senpai said, walking away, presumably to the kitchen.

"Is it really safe to cook wearing that?" I question.

He just nods and walks out the door.

"I wonder what he will make us." I said to Soma lying on the ground being careful.

"Don' know. Just saying

A few minutes later he walks back through the door with two plates. From my position from the ground, I couldn't see what was on it. But the aroma that filled the room made me sit up straight away. It was enchanting.

"There we go. Enjoy!"

"Thanks." Soma and I say at the same time.

We instantly dig in and BOOM! A flavour explosion. A perfect texture. A rush of the first spring breeze. It was amazing. It was on a completely different level to others' cooking. He is only one year older than my brother and I. The quality of this dish was insane. And this was created in only a few minutes.

"By the way Soma, I heard your speech at the end of the entrance ceremony. Quite interesting." Isshiki-senpai said. He was now sitting on the floor with his arm propped on one leg looking down at the ground. I was sitting on the sidelines watching this all unfold while still eating what's on my plate.

"You said you will aim to take the top. But taking the top is not as easy as you think."

Soma looked at Isshiki-senpai, confused. He then looks over at me. I just shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say.

"Let me reintroduce myself," he said with a smile. A smile different the one before, I'm Isshiki Satoshi. Seventh seat in the Elite Ten Council."

I then dropped my chopsticks. He was in the Elite Ten Council? Then a brief image flashed in my mind. The sign on the outside of Isshiki-senpai's kitchen.

'Elite Ten Council- 7th seat

(Isshiki Satoshi)'

So that is what it meant. The Elite Ten Council. The seventh seat. Everything now made sense.

"Now your turn Soma. I would love to taste your cooking. What will you make for me?" he challenged with a smirk.

Soma stood up and untied the cloth from his wrist. "Wait right here!" he said and walked right out the door.

I turned to Isshiki-senpai. "So, you are apart of the council, huh?" I said looking at him.

"Uh huh. I wonder what he will make for us." He replied looking at me. His usual smile appeared again.

I know Soma's skills I just don't know if it can surpass this.


Author's Note:

Wow... the last time I updated was in June...

Please don't hate me... つ'Д')つ

Does anybody even wait for this to update?

But I continue with writing this trash. 

Please comment, vote and share any suggestions you may have.

(Word Count: 1123)     (1st September 2018)

- Vina

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