The Wrath of a Saiyan hybrid

By BigDaddy_Delta

16K 296 21

(Ssj 5 teen gohan appears) BigDaddy_Delta is the creator of this story. The following fanfiction is a fan-bas... More

Teen Gohan's powers And Techniques
Arrival from the Past
Arrival from the Past part 2
The New Enviorment
The New Enviorment part 2
New yet Familiar
New yet Familiar part 2
Past meets Future
A Little Spar
A Little Spar part 2
A God Appears
A God Appears part 2
Convincing a God
Convincing a God part 2
Training to New Limits
Training to New Limits part 2
The Gravity Room
The Gravity Room part 2
Self Rivalry
Self Rivalry part 2
Time to Get Stronger
Time to Get Stronger part 2
Intense Challenge
Intense Challenge part 2
Stronger Universe
New Hope
Back To The Past arc 2 (28-?)
Return to the Past
The Androids Appear
Going Back Home
A Newer Problem
A Strong Battle
Stubborn Saiyan and A Change in the Past
Explaining to a Kai
Battle at Capsule Corp
An Even Stronger Challenge
Training to be Stronger
Reaching New Power
Intense Battle and Power
Saiyan Strength
Author announcement

Past meets Future part 2

434 7 1
By BigDaddy_Delta

"Right, got it," Kid Gohan said.

"Mom, I'm going back home now!" Gohan called.

"Already? I had dinner made, sure you don't want any?" Chi Chi asked.

"Videl's cooking, besides you know Saiyan Appetites, better to have more for them," Gohan said with a chuckle.

"Right, see you soon Gohan," Chi Chi said.

Gohan waved good-bye one more time and flew back home with Kid Gohan waving good-bye.

"Wow, I might grow up to look a little nerdy, but he seems pretty nice. He doesn't seem as strong but I bet it's still there, waiting to come out. Maybe I can help him use that power again, especially if he's gonna be an awesome superhero. Protecting the world and excelling at school, that sounds pretty ideal to me," Kid Gohan said and went inside. As he went in, he had one more though, "But I need to make a note not to look that nerdy, though maybe that's just to fool his opponents, hehe so sneaky."

The next day, Adult Gohan kept his promise and flew Kid Gohan to his home. Kid Gohan was amazed at how big it was, being a scholar had it's advantages, great work and big pay.

The two Gohans entered the home, the younger one looking amazed at what he had seen.

"Wow, it's so big!" Kid Gohan said.

"Yeah, pretty cool huh?" Gohan said.

Kid Gohan looked around and noticed a room with a lot of books. "Wow, is that where you do your work?"

"Sure is, wanna go see the books?" Gohan asked.

"Boy would I!" Kid Gohan said and rushed inside, looking around at all the books.

The adult Gohan chuckled a bit at his younger self's excitement when he felt the ki of his wife approaching. He turned and saw her with their daughter Pan in her arms.

"So, did you really bring over a younger version of yourself?" Videl asked.

"Yeah, he's in that room where I do my studies," Gohan said.

Videl looked in the room and noticed a young boy no older than ten years old looking excitingly through a book that's years above his age.

"Wow, you look so adorable as a kid," Videl said.

"I got that a lot, I'm still surprised there's a younger me here, I know that Trunks has his future self around too but still, pretty amazing," Gohan said.

"Yeah, it is, to think that little boy actually would go on to save the world, only to have my father take the credit," Videl said, feeling slightly annoyed.

"It's no big deal, I really didn't want that type of attention anyway," Gohan said.

"Yeah but still, it just annoys me sometimes, even to the point where I let the fame of being his daughter get to my head," Videl said, regretting those early days of her arrogance.

"Hey it worked out for the best at least," Gohan said, wrapping an arm around Videl, getting a smile from his wife.

"You're right, now mind introducing me to yourself?" Videl asked.

Gohan nodded and called out, "Little me, come on out here, there's someone I want you to meet."

Kid Gohan left the room, "Who is it?"

"Little me, meet my wife Videl and our daughter Pan," Gohan said, gesturing to the two.

"It's nice to meet you, Gohan," Videl said.

Kid Gohan just needed that one look, that one glance at Videl to instantly fall in love. Just as stated, she was beautiful, such pretty eyes, nice hair, soft looking skin, not to mention he could feel her ki, she's stronger than an average human.

He also took a look at the baby in her arms, she looked so adorable, to think he's the father of that baby, well not her actual father but he would eventually become her father. He glanced back to Videl, taking in her beauty and her excellence. She was a sight to behold.

"Hello Videl...nice to meet you," Gohan said, his gaze not broken, cheeks getting red.

Videl giggled a bit, she can tell that she really caught his attention. She gave Pan for Gohan to hold while she approached Kid Gohan. She knelt before him and rubbed his hair. "I like your hair, it looks nice a bit longer."

Gohan blushed some more, this pretty girl is rubbing his hair and complimenting him, so close to him too, getting a better look at her lovely eyes.

"'re so beautiful," Kid Gohan said, then covered his mouth immediately. "Whoops, that just came out."

Videl giggled, "That's fine, technically you do grow up to marry me, it's normal that you feel that way." She then pulled him in for a hug, "Still, you're just so cute, it's rare to see a little boy as cute as you are."

Kid Gohan's face was completely red, this beautiful girl was hugging him and calling him cute, she's got quite a hug, makes sense considering her above average power level.

Adult Gohan is simply laughing at the display, he can tell how flustered his younger self is over his wife, he would know because when he first started high school he felt the same way when other girls would give him attention.

Videl pulled away from the hug, still maintaining her smile, "So how long are you here for?"

"Um...I'm not sure, probably a few days," Kid Gohan said.

"That's nice, it'd be great to spend time with you, I always wondered what you were like as a kid, I heard you were quite adventurous," Videl said.

"Yeah, sorta. When I'm not on adventures with my friends, I'm at home studying, it's my favorite activity after all," Kid Gohan said.

Videl giggled a bit, "So you were always like that, explains why when you attended school, you acted a bit shy and nerdy."

Both Gohans blushed at the statement, Adult Gohan remembering those awkward years, Kid Gohan somewhat dreading those awkward years. During this, Pan suddenly started crying, worrying her father.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry?" Gohan asked.

Videl grabbed the baby, "I was actually about to feed her, mind helping me with that?"

Gohan shook his head, "Of course not." He turned to his younger self, "Wanna help us feed Pan?"

Kid Gohan nodded, "That sounds fun."

The group went into the kitchen where Videl grabbed some baby food, mostly carrots as those were her favorite. Videl set the food down and grabbed a spoon to feed Pan.

"Open up for mommy," Videl cooed. Pan just giggled a bit as she was fed, most of the food all over her face. "Silly Pan, the food goes in your mouth, not around it."

The Gohans laughed a little, the display being too cute for them. Kid Gohan just watched as Videl continued to feed Pan, all the while admiring her beauty. She had such soft looking skin, and she was in great shape from what he could notice. Plus her tender nature was also endearing to him.

A moment later, Videl looked to Kid Gohan, "Wanna try feeding her?"

Kid Gohan looked unsure, "Is it ok? I don't think I'll know how to."

"It's not too hard," Adult Gohan said. "Just grab a spoon and feed it into her mouth, just remember to go slow and try to make sure she eats it."

Kid Gohan nodded and grabbed the spoon. "Here you go Pan." He slowly approached her mouth with the spoon, and luckily for him she opened to eat the food, most of it at least.

"Hey not bad," Adult Gohan said.

"Even as a kid you're a good father," Videl said.

"Good practice for when Goten is born a year after your timeline," Adult Gohan said.

Kid Gohan smiled a bit and continued feeding Pan. It became easier as this went on and soon she was full. Soon after Pan showed her exhaustion with a yawn.

"Looks like she needs to sleep, I'll take care of that," Videl said, picking Pan up, patting her back in the process. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Videl made her way out the room as Kid Gohan continued to stare at her, she just looked so amazing, he couldn't bare it. Is it weird for him to be this in love? He barely knows her, even though she's the wife of his adult counterpart. It's very complicated, but perhaps it is instinct that he's attracted to her, they are meant for each other as evidence by their marriage.

"She's really nice isn't she?" Adult Gohan said, almost as if sensing his younger self's thoughts.

"Yeah, your wife is really pretty," Kid Gohan said.

"You know what's funny is that she actually didn't like me much at one point," Gohan said.

Kid Gohan looked confused, "Huh? Why not?"

"She wasn't always this tender, sweet girl, she used to be tough, almost like a teen girl version of Vegeta," Adult Gohan said.

Kid Gohan did a double take, "She was like Vegeta? No way, she's too nice and cute to be like Vegeta."

"She's always been cute, but she used to be this really tough girl. She never liked The Great Saiyaman at one point since she herself also fought for justice, always saving people and keeping the city safe, and she couldn't even fly," Adult Gohan said.

Kid Gohan crossed his arms in wonder, "It doesn't surprise me that she couldn't fly, I mean dad couldn't always fly, and he still saved the world a lot, but I can't picture her as not being nice and sweet."

"Well she was, but over time she calmed down, though she still has her moments, but in a way we both changed. We both started as fighters who gave that up for a nice and normal family," Adult Gohan said.

That reminded Kid Gohan, "So you never really trained again? Like never?"

Adult Gohan shook his head, "No, you think I would since on occasion I've had to help save the world. Luckily dad was there, along with Vegeta, and thanks to their new God forms they've saved this world many times again."

"God powers?" Kid Gohan asked. "What are those?"

Adult Gohan remembered, "Oh right, there's a lot you don't know, let's just say that Dad and Vegeta achieved something called 'Super Saiyan God' and now they can channel that ability whenever they want."

This amazed Kid Gohan, to know there's so much more they can do to get stronger. Can he achieve Super Saiyan God as well? Should he try to convince his adult counterpart to do so? Would it be right to do so though? Gohan never really wanted to be a warrior in the first place, but he also feels he can't just walk away from something like that. Perhaps he can learn to find the balance between being strong and still being a Great Scholar.

"Do you miss fighting? Or at least training?" Kid Gohan asked.

Adult Gohan thought that question over, it's not something he normally thinks about and he's surprised that question stunned him. "Sometimes, I mean as tough as some of those old fights were I did like the bond me and dad shared when training."

"Yeah, training with dad and Mr. Piccolo was great, even though mom didn't like it," Kid Gohan said.

"Mom's just worried, after seeing how bad Piccolo used to be she was afraid of us getting hurt like that, plus between the Saiyan Invasions, the stuff on Namek and even the whole thing with the Androids, I guess the worry gets to her at times," Adult Gohan said.

"I like training for fun really, even if I don't care that much about fighting. Even though I wanna be a Great Scholar, I also wanna be strong enough to protect everyone I love, I'm sure you wanna be strong enough to protect Videl and Pan," Kid Gohan said.

Adult Gohan nodded, "Yeah, I realized that a while ago when fending off another alien invasion, I was so weak that I could barely stay in my Super Saiyan form. I asked Piccolo to train me again, which he did for a while." Gohan chuckled a bit, "Funny, I actually had a chance to test my skills again in a tournament between the two Universes, but I passed that up to go to an Academic Conference, sometimes I wonder if that was even a good idea."

Kid Gohan scratched his head, "There was another invasion? And a tournament between Universes?"

Adult Gohan remembered who he was talking to, a younger self whose only adventure had been the Saiyans and going to Namek. "I have a lot to tell you about."

"Also, why was Trunks here in this timeline again? By that I mean the adult Trunks," Kid Gohan said.

Adult Gohan chuckled, "Like I said, I have a lot to tell you, why don't you come with me and we'll talk for a bit, who knows, when you get back to your timeline you'll be able to know this stuff and prepare better."

Gohan nodded and followed his adult counterpart to the living room. Moments later Videl had arrived, "Pan's asleep."

"Good, I was about to tell the younger me about some adventures I had after the Android stuff," Adult Gohan said.

"Oh, are you gonna mention when we did the Great Saiyaman thing?" Videl asked a bit eagerly.

Kid Gohan looked confused, "What do you mean 'we'? Big me said you didn't like Saiyaman."

Videl blushed a bit, remembering her brash teen days, "Yeah, I was a bit spoiled at the time."

"A bit? You kinda followed me around because you thought I was suspicious and you constantly tried to take off my helmet to see my face," Adult Gohan teased.

Videl huffed a bit, "Well you did look strange, you can't blame me too much." She looked to younger Gohan, "But truth be told, after a while I got my own Saiyaman attire and helped Gohan save the world."

Kid Gohan's eyes grew wide, "Wow, a superhero couple, that sounds amazing!"

"Yeah, it was," Videl said, sitting down next to Kid Gohan, getting a blush from the young boy. "Bit tough too, but at the time, I liked the idea of fighting, a lot. That's probably one reason Gohan's dad was so happy when he found out I was gonna be his daughter-in-law."

"Did you know my dad before you married the older me?" Kid Gohan asked.

"I heard of him, he was the martial arts champion before my dad was, he was doing martial arts since he was a kid, entering the World Martial Arts Tournament, or the Budokai Tenkaichi at the age of twelve, I thought that was pretty cool. In a way he's a reason I wanted to train at an early age, so it's an honor to have eventually met him and see that he has such a great son," Videl said.

"My parents got married after one of the tournaments I heard, that's the one where they met Mr. Piccolo," Kid Gohan said.

"Yeah, though from what I heard, he wasn't very nice. Amazing how much has changed, now he's an occasional babysitter for Pan," Videl said.

Kid Gohan snickered, "Mr. Piccolo a babysitter? He used to complain about watching over me, now he's watching over my, er, your and big me's daughter?"

Adult Gohan took this time to speak, "You'd be surprised, Pan looks at Mr. Piccolo as another grandparent in a way."

Kid Gohan snickered, "Grandpa Piccolo, I can't wait to say that to him just to get his reaction. Wait how is he doing lately? Is he really strong too?"

Gohan shrugged, "Not sure, he doesn't train as much, but he did pretty well in that Universal Tournament from what i heard."

"That's nice, I'm glad he's doing well," Kid Gohan said.

"Yeah, later we'll take you to see him, after we tell you some stuff," Adult Gohan said.

Kid Gohan nodded as he listened to the stories his older self had to tell. Hearing these stories made Gohan wonder even more if he should train harder, especially to keep his friends and family safe.

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