The New Enviorment

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After a few moments, Future Trunks and Bulma had explained the situation fully to Goten and Kid Trunks and explained to Gohan who the two were boys were.

"Wait, so Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegeta!?" Gohan asked in surprised. Hearing that Vegeta actually had a son just surprised him, last he remembered of the Saiyan Prince, he was just an arrogant fighter who cared only about his own strength.

Future Trunks nodded, "Yeah, and this kid is the current timeline version of me, so say hello to Trunks, both myself and him."

Gohan looked over to Kid Trunks, who just waved. "Sup?"

"So this is the kid version of you huh?" Gohan asked, looking over Kid Trunks. "Must be weird for you to see yourself as an adult."

"At first yeah, but he's kinda like a big brother now," Kid Trunks said, looking to his future counterpart.

"Speaking of brothers, I had no idea my mom and dad would have another baby," Gohan said and turned to Goten. "So I guess I'm your older brother."

"Yeah, you are, even if you're about the same age as me," Goten said.

Future Trunks groaned, "This is why you two shouldn't have been near the Time Machine, now this Gohan is stuck in this timeline."

"So just take him back," Kid Trunk nonchalantly pointed out.

"I can't take him back Trunks, you and Goten messed up the time machine, plus there's no fuel right now anyway," Future Trunks complained.

"Well you shouldn't have left that out in the open and raised our curiosity," Kid Trunks said.

Future Trunks just stood there mouth agape, "Are...are you seriously trying to blame me for this!?"

"Yeah, next time put your stuff away," Kid Trunks said with a snarky attitude.

Future Trunks looked to be in shock, he was tempted to hit the younger version of himself with his strongest Heat Dome attack just to teach him a lesson. Or better yet, the tricks his father had taught him recently, good chance to practice the Final Flash.

Bulma however stepped in and stood in front of Kid Trunks, "That's enough out of you, that's no way to speak to your older self, apologize right now."

"But mom it's true, he needs to take care of the time machine, I mean didn't it get destroyed twice?" Kid Trunks pointed out.

"That's no reason for you to be messing with it, suppose he could never return home!?" Bulma asked.

"So? That future probably sucks, he's better off just living here," Kid Trunks said. "Besides, I like having him around, he's fun to annoy."

Future Trunks face palmed, "I give myself such a headache."

"Just apologize or you we won't be going on another family vacation anytime soon..." Bulma warned.

Kid Trunks crossed his arms in a pout, but he did have to admit, what he did a moment ago was kinda stupid, he should know better after all. "Sorry mom, and I'm really sorry Big Me. I just envy that you do this cool stuff, so I wanted to try."

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