Explaining to a Kai

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Near the atmosphere of the planet, Vegeta is seen using various and strong ki blasts. He was testing his new power increase he got thanks to Babidi. The only other thing that changed was the fact that the Majin Emblem was on his head.

"What excellent power, strength befitting of a Saiyan Prince," Vegeta said, blasting more energy into the air.

"That's fine and dandy Vegeta, but I asked you to go after that boy and take his power!" Babidi shouted.

"Calm yourself, I'll get you your power, but I still wish to battle against Majin Buu afterwards. And once Kakarot recovers, I'll be using this power against him as well," Vegeta said.

"You can battle Buu if you'd like, but if you don't get me that power, he won't be awake for that, now get going!" Babidi ordered.

Vegeta groaned, "What a pain." With that he flew off to find Gohan.

Dabura crossed his arms in concern, "Will this even work Lord Babidi?"

"Of course, he's battle hungry, that will be perfect for getting power for Majin Buu," Babidi said. "That young boy shows a lot of strength and potential, he'll be perfect for that." Babidi checked his Crystal Ball, "Soon it will be time for Majin Buu to revive."

Back at Capsule Corp, The Supreme Kai just finished explaining the Majin Buu situation.

"So this Majin Buu creature is strong enough to wipe out planets like nothing?" Krillin said.

"Not just planets, but whole galaxies," Bulma said.

Piccolo groaned, "He's worse than Frieza then."

"And worse than what Cell would eventually be," Gohan said.

Krillin turned to Gohan, "So was this suppose to happen!?"

"Not for another seven years! I don't even know how Buu got to this planet so early! I knew the timeline would change but not this much!" Gohan shouted, almost in a panic. "I don't think even I could handle Majin Buu right now!"

"What did you mean anyway?" Supreme Kai asked. "You said he wouldn't come for another seven years, you also seem to have already had prior knowledge about him."

"I went thirteen years into the future, so I already knew that Majin Buu had attacked," Gohan said.

"You time traveled!?" Supreme Kai asked. "How!?"

"A time machine someone made," Gohan explained.

"Time machine! Someone has been tampering with time!?" Kibito asked.

"Yeah, someone from seventeen years into the future made a time machine," Gohan said.

"What an outrage! Time travel is strictly prohibited!" Kibito shouted.

"Yes, especially going back in time," Supreme Kai said.

"Wait what!?" Gohan shouted, then remembered what Beerus had once said. "Oh...right, I forgot about the whole 'Bad to Time Travel' thing."

"Nice going kid," Seventeen joked.

Gohan glared, "Be quiet!" He turned back to Supreme Kai, "Look someone did time travel, but it was to save my father and warn us about certain dangers, that's all."

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