I changed youđź’•

By SandraCox543

369K 7.7K 4.1K

Zoniques mother and father passed away when she was just 15 she was left with her little sister Zion, she nev... More

The characters‼️
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

9.8K 205 112
By SandraCox543

(Armon) POV

I had just woke up and hype as fuck, Taylor had been calling my phone all this morning so this was her like 30th time.

"Fuck You want?" I asked.

"Why weren't you at your house last night?" She asked she probably asking cuz there little hit didn't go as planned.

"Cuz I don't have to be." I said.

"We're you staying tonight?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked

"Cuz I just want to know just in case." She said lying her ass off.

"Get off my phone." I said and hung up. I grabbed my car keys and headed down stairs.

"Boy what you doin up at 4:00." My moms said.

"Me and pops needs meet up." I said not wanting to tell her everything.

"Why?" She asked.

"Ion got time for this ill explain later, ok?" I said. She nodded her head and I headed out.

(20 mins later)

Me, my pops, Monti, mason, and the troops were all at the jet garage. We used 4 jets because we knew that August got a whole army of niggas so we had to bring our army. Me and my pops jet flu in and we hopped in. I sat down on the nice leather couch watching to game while waiting for all our luggage to be packed in. When everything was packed in the plane started up. I said back in my seat thinking about what could go wrong.

"Boy why are you making that got damn face we about to go save your little girlfriend." My pops said.

"What if.........she's dead? And we came for no reason?" I asked looking up at the ceiling.

"If you think about the things, it stops you from the good things." My dad said making lots of sense.

"You right." I said. I sat back and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

(Zonique) POV

I looked over at Zion who was laying on the matterss. I kissed her check. Then out of nowhere I heard Taylor start yelling.

"He's not at his house and he won't tell me were he is!" I heard her mopping.

"Fuck you mean then we're is he?" I heard Brandon's dad yelled.

"I don't know we're Armon is!" She yelled.

"Get the the fuck out my face!" He said. I heard the door turn. I looked over and saw Brandon's dad I think his name is August.

"You know your little boyfriend ain't coming for you....right?" He said.

"......oh" is all I said, he was probably trying to pull a trick on me.

"And that means you and your little sister is dying today." He said and my heart stopped I'd understand if me but not my sister, she didn't do anything she's still a baby.

"Please don't hurt my sister just me." I said starting to cry.

"I make that decision!" He yelled at me. He slammed the door and left out the room, i looked at Zion then started to plan our escape.

(Armon) POV (3 hours later)

The jet had touched down and we were unpacking our things my troops were still on there jet headed here so I went ahead and went to my pops little penthouse that he had in Chicago, it was nice. I walked into the master bedroom the penthouse had and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and changed into a bullet proof vest, a regular black shirt, and some black sweat pants. I headed out the bathroom and waited for my dad to call me and tell me to go to the meeting office. Then my phone started ringing, it was Taylor.

"What you want?" I asked.

"You must not want your child, cut your location on so I can come see you." She said sounding dumb as fuck.

"Soooo why do I have to do that when I can tell you?" I said.

"........just do it damn." She said.

"I'm good." I said, I knew her little trick and I wasn't going to do it anyways cuz niggas be tryna kill me ion got time for that so my shit stay off.

"You a dead beat." She mumbled and hung up. I wasn't bothered with her cause the baby probably not mine anyways. My pops was now calling me.

"C'mom down to the office and bring your weapons cuz right after this we going to the warehouse." He said.

"Bet." I said and grabbed my bag loaded with shit. And picked up my keys off the counter and headed to my all black Jeep.

I was in my car driving down to the office, I look out the window and see some bad ass Hispanic girls, one of them turned there head at me and started blushing. We stopped at a red light and she yelled something my way.

"Hey, I like your lips." She said. That was a weird compliment to me but.....

"Thanks." I said smiling back at her. She had a huge grin on her face now.

"Can I get your number?" She asked.

"Yeah pull over to the gas station." I said she made a left turn and I followed behind, when we got to the gas station we exchange numbers and talked little, then I realized that I needed to be going.

"Well I'll talk to you later mya." I said with a grin then walked to my Jeep.

"bye papí." She said waving her hands. Hands down she was fine as fuck, she was shaped just right, long hair, toned body, and a cute accent. Enough about that I got to go to the office. I pulled into the parking lot then grabbed all the things I needed then headed in.

"Your ass is finally here." My dad ranted.

"Mane...." I said with a huff.

"Well let's get to business, so we will need 10 troops for the break in so we'll have one guard the front door for August's workers at 3 in the back, Monti you'll go through the front door with 1 troop in front of you if anything goes down. And mason you'll be on the building roof watching out." He said handing mason a head set and night goggles.

"Man you always got me watching out for shit I wanna kill a mutha fucka too." He mumbled.

"Because you play to god damn much boy, what happend last time I let you "kill a mutha fucka"? The mutha fucka almost killed yo dumb ass." My dad said. Mason just smacked his teeth.

"By time Monti is in we need 6 troops to go in and get August, and any other people that are left. And Armon you go in and get that girl. The rest of you stay in the trucks and keep on a look out, and if you have to shoot....shoot." My pops said making everything clear. I nodded my head then stood up and watched  as everyone got locked and loaded to go kill some people.

(2 hours later)

We were sitting outside of the warehouse house watching people go in and out the building, I watch as loco (one of the troops) sneak over to the entrance door, he nodded his head giving a signal to Monti that he can come in with joe (troop) the creeped in with there guns healed up.

(Nobody's) POV

Monti creeped into the building immediately seeing people going back and forth making drugs. Him and joe ran up behind the people covering there mouths and snapping there necks without sympathy.

"There down in the drug room." Monti said into his head piece signaling that it's safe to enter the drug room. After that everyone Armon and some troops were in the drug room with monti and joe (troop).

"I'm going to go look for zonique." Armon whispered.

"No your not!" Someone said Armon looked up and saw August with a couple of men behind him, the immediately starter shooting at Armon, Monti, and the troops. They started shooting back Monti shoot two in the head, Armon caught 3 three of them in the head, chest, and jaw. Armon moved ou and let the troops finish, 3 troops were down.

"Yo we need some mo people." Armon said through his head piece. 5 more troops headed into the warehouse, glass, drugs, and more things were shattered everywhere. Armon ran to the back looking in every room, there were lots of girls, that ranged from 6-17 Armon face twisted in discuss he knew August ran a little prostitution house but not with underaged girls. I closed the doors and went to the very last door, it was sealed closed it was melt door with 3 different locks on it, i grabbed my gun and shoot all three locks and opened the door.

(Zonique) POV

"Zonique, wake up." I heard someone say, my eyes fluttered open revealing Armon, I jump up and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing on his face. I've never been more happy to see him. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I held him tight not wanting to let go.

"It's ok I got you." He whispered in my ears.

"I love you." I said kissing him back and forth. Crying my heart out.

"Who did this to your face?" Armon asked holding my face in his hand while examining my face.

"I don't know there name, but it was a lot of men." I said and put my head in him chest.

"Did they?" He asked looking down at my vagina.

"No." I said and I heard him let out a huge sigh.

"That's good, now come show me we're the people who did this to you at." He said.

"Can't we just go home.....please?" I asked.

"No we got to kill them so they can't ever do thing again. ok? He asked me I nodded my head and looked at Zion. Who was waking up.

"Armon?" Zion crawling over to us.

(Armon) POV

I looked at Zion and zonique, Zion has a little scar by her eye but zonique has lots of bruises all over her body, but she was still beautiful in my opinion, I'd still fuck her.

"C'mon." I said picking up both Zion and zonique.

(Nobody's) POV

August was running out the back door, he knew it was over his army that was there was down, and troops we doubling up, he ran out the door and "POP POP" he was down, he was regretting this whole war think as his life flashed before his eyes. At least brandon would be set he though to himself as he drifted away. As for Taylor she was now somewhere far away, August had alerted her that Armon was here. And for Brandon he was at him not knowing a thing about this. Armon had let all the little girls leave and go find there families.

(Armon) POV
(3 hours later)

Me, zonique, and Zion had made it back to the pent house Zion was in the living room watching tv while me and zonique were in the bedroom cleaning her little gash she had on her pretty face.

"You look pretty with this gash." I said trying to make her feel better about herself.

"No I don't." She said looking down with a pout on her face.

"Yes you do." I said while biting my lip feeling a Bonner form.

"You dont Have to lie." She said.

"I'd still fuck you." I said making her laugh.

"Mhm." She hummed.

"No like for real, I'm horny now." I said touching her round ass. She didn't say anything just continued letting my touch her.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you." I said sliding my tongue in her mouth. She just nodded her head. I pulled down her pants and watched her jump. I put my hand on her clit and started rubbing it making he moan.

"Wait!" She said.

"What you mean wait?" I said with a frown.

"I-I'm scared." She said.

"I got you." I said and she nodded her head slowly. Laid her down then raised up her legs and got on my knees and started licking her sensitive bud. Trying to get her wet so it will be easier to slide in without hurting her to much. I swirled my touching inside her making her moan loudly while I stick my fingers in. I come up and kiss her so she can taste herself then I begin to position myself to enter her 🐱 I trust myself into her making her jump around trying to take it out. So I grabbed her hands and put them above her head while I took my time with her shit. I slammed in and out of her opening filling her wetness around my head.

"Aww......I can't take that." She said pushing me away but I pulled back in without mercy. I pounced til we both came. I laid in top of her with the covers on top of us she was still breathing hard while I was bout to go to sleep.

"Pleas don't go to sleep on me." She said. I opened my eyes and looked over at her then sighed.

"Ok." I said Touching her naked waist. Imma treat her right this this time.

This is the longest chapter I've wrote. Tell me why I had this done 3 days ago😂

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